

中国比较文学学会 中国比较文学杂志 2022-04-24



第六讲 · 预告 


Philippe Desan 教授(芝加哥大学) 主持人

高冀 博士(北京大学)  主题 

Dysfunctions of the Self in Montaigne

( 讲座语言为英文 )


2021年9月17日(周五)10:00(北京时间)  方式 



菲利普·德桑(Philippe Desan)

      美国芝加哥大学Howard L. Willett讲席教授,主攻法国文艺复兴时期文学和文化史。德桑教授著述宏富,在蒙田研究方面贡献卓著,曾撰写包括《蒙田政治传记》(Montaigne. Une biographie politique,英译本为Montaigne. A Life)、《蒙田——对社会的思考》(Montaigne : penser le social)和《文艺复兴时期的经济想象》(L’imaginaire économique de la Renaissance)在内的专著17部,论文260余篇,并主持编写《蒙田词典》(Dictionnaire Montaigne)、《牛津蒙田手册》(The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne)等重要参考书。他于1989年创办《蒙田研究》年刊(Montaigne Studies),至今已有30余期,该杂志是国际蒙田研究界的重要平台。德桑教授曾被授予法兰西艺术与文学骑士勋章、法兰西学术棕榈叶骑士勋章、法兰西国家功绩骑士勋章,作品曾荣获法兰西学士院法语语言文学传播大奖。


  Professor Desan will address the connection between the emergence of the self in the Renaissance, on the one hand, and its problematic representation via a process of distantness vis-à-vis others through the fashioning of what he will call dysfunctions of the self on the other hand. Montaigne will serve as a case study. The writing of the Self inevitably passes through the discovery of the other, or rather others in an endless plurality, but others that are only meaningful in their difference to Montaigne himself. Others allow Montaigne to underline his singularity, but they also enable him to redefine morality. Indeed, the diversity of rules produced by the various norms across the different cultures encountered multiplies the possibilities of what he calls a form of exhibitionism, both corporal and moral. This exhibitionism, in his view, is at the core of the form of the Essays. Montaigne’s corporal and moral exhibitionism allows him to create a distance with others, a distance that shapes his own specific Self. Transgression then becomes a mode of expression that defines the essay as a form, a form not only invented by Montaigne but also a form specific to the moral crisis of the late European Renaissance.

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