

CD君 中国日报双语新闻 2024-01-17





Jerry Kowal, or Guo Jierui, a US vlogger on Chinese social media known for his videos about life in China and the United States, said he has stopped uploading content following allegations by some US government-funded entities that he has been peddling "Chinese propaganda".

“There are now three US government-funded entities all saying the same thing about me, about my COVID-related content,” said Kowal in an interview with China Daily.

The content that Kowal produces is mainly related to topics like food, travel and cultural exchanges between China and the United States. His videos have amassed over 20 million subscribers across Chinese social media platforms since 2017. 

But as pandemic travel restrictions stopped him from focusing on such topics, Kowal shifted his focus to people’s views on COVID and the medical conditions in the two countries. He believes that this shift in topic is what has drawn increased scrutiny from the US.



Kowal said the accusations that he is spreading "Chinese propaganda" have come mainly from three organizations: Radio Free Asia (RFA), Voice of America (VOA), and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

RFA is a US government news outlet which wrote two critical stories about Kowal in 2020 and 2023. Kowal said RFA has never reached out for comment.



VOA is like a sister network of RFA that is funded by a US government agency called USAGM. 

Kowal said VOA had reached out before with a proposal for him to provide content for a new social media channel named “Plus One”.

“Why would they want to cooperate with me if they really think I'm producing Chinese propaganda? It doesn't really make any sense,” said Kowal.


Kowal said ASPI had written a research report in which he was cited 39 times and described as “Chinese propaganda”. However, the institute provided no evidence to back up this claim.



Kowal noted that when ASPI initially released this report, the institute had stated that “funding for the report was provided by the US State Department”. The institute later removed this sentence, claiming it was a mistake. 

“For an organization that receives millions of dollars in government funding, it's hard to believe that they would make such a careless mistake. But let's say they did make that careless mistake - what other careless mistakes did they make with the research?” said Kowal.



Kowal, who was formerly a congressional intern, noted that ASPI's report was published just five days before an analyst testified about similar issues at a Congressional hearing. 


“It’s really insulting to our work. It’s really insulting to me. I filmed the truth, and I showed people what I was seeing, and nothing more,” said Kowal about the accusations.

In an open letter to the US State Department on Dec 6, Kowal called for a stop to using American money to fund an organization that attacks American citizens like him.


Kowal said that he may consider resuming making video content about China, the United States and other countries in English, but only positive content.  “I really really want to promote positive dialogue in this world,” he said.

“If the US and China could work together, we can solve so many issues. I mean that really starts with us getting along, and that’s something that I really wanna devote to in the next few years, or my life too,” Kowal added.


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