
莱镇人文之五:Anna Monaco Lexettes Team Manager

CAAL 莱镇华协 2021-01-29

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莱镇的海登(Hayden)同步队列花滑队享有“美国同步花滑领域之翘楚”的美誉,它旗下的Haydenettes 队曾28次摘取美国冠军和五次世界季军,并连续11年代表美国参加世锦赛。 

莱镇人文第五期人物Anna Monaco与Hayden同步花滑队的成长发展息息相关,是一位不折不扣的领军人物和辉煌的Hayden文化的最佳诠释者。

Anna从四岁开始在Hayden滑冰,曾作为Haydenettes 队员为Hayden同步队列花滑取得第一个全国冠军;她是一名冰妈妈,四个孩子都在Hayden同步花滑;Anna是Hayden的团队领袖,既担任Hayden俱乐部和同步队列花滑队的董事,也是国家青年队Lexettes的团队经理。她深深理解Hayden所代表的团队文化以及坚持不懈永远向前的运动精神。

Hayden 同步队列花滑像一块磁铁,让Anna自身的成长,家庭生活和职业生涯都紧密地与它联系在一起。

“成就伟大事业的唯一途径就是爱上你所从事的工作。The only way to do great work is to love what you do。” 这是苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的名言。在Anna身上,我们看到了这种力量,来源于她内心的热情和兴趣,成就于几十年如一日投入的专注与努力。


Hayden 同步花滑队的背景资料

Haydenettes同步花滑队成立于1978年,是美国最早成立的队伍之一,创办者是美国花样滑冰名人堂成员之一林恩·本森(Lynn Benson)。Hayden 同步花滑团队共有八支队伍,其中Haydenettes是最高级别的团队,曾28次赢得美国冠军并多次在世界锦标赛上获得奖牌。


1994年,国际滑冰联盟(ISU)承认同步花滑属于花样滑冰的一个分支项目。2004年,ISU认可的世界同步滑冰锦标赛在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯首次露面。Hayden 同步队列花滑队一直是同步花滑领域中的翘楚,排名前列。

Photo of Anna behind the camera in Zagreb, Croatia where the Lexettes won a silver Medal   


Anna Monaco

Anna Monaco在莱镇出生长大,一路从黑斯廷(Hastings)小学、戴尔蒙(Diamond)中学读到1991年从莱镇高中毕业(LHS)。她的丈夫杰夫(Jeff)也是1991年莱镇高中的毕业生,不过Anna强调他们是1995年大学毕业后才开始约会的。已经结婚20年的夫妻拥有四个女儿,她们都在莱镇公立学校读书:艾莉(Elly)17岁,艾娃(Ava)15岁,还有12岁的双胞胎莉拉(Lyla)和格雷斯(Grace)。

Anna先后在科比(Colby)大学和西蒙斯(Simmons)学院取得心理学学士学位和特殊教育硕士学位。毕业后在公立学校担任特殊教育教师八年,取得行政执照后在莱镇克拉克(Clarke)中学任助理校长。2012 -2019年担任校长, 2019年为了有更多的时间与家人一起而选择离职。目前担任Hayden 同步花滑董事,和国家青年队Lexettes的团队经理。


 I believe in Hayden Synchronized Skating's values and mission, which is "We are committed to the pursuit of excellence."


Anna四岁就开始在海登(Hayden)滑冰。这很自然,毕竟她的两个姐姐都是滑冰的。Anna很快也爱上了这项运动,慢慢掌握技巧,一级级提高水平并参加比赛,Anna喜欢这种一步步考级晋升的挑战。多年来海登就好像是她的第二个家。Anna说 “记忆中我成长的那些年我都在滑冰,我不记得有哪些时候我不在冰场练习的。上学前,放学后,每天见缝插针地挤时间上冰场。”  Anna开始学习同步花滑(Synchronized Skating)(那时候叫做精准滑冰)。刚过六岁就进入Icemates队,成为1979-80 Icemates 队的第一批队员,经考核进入Haydenettes队,就一直滑到高中毕业。


Anna at Hayden in 1990   

Cover of skating Magazine after winning our first US Nationals in 1988 in Reno 


婚后的Anna搬回莱镇。她的女儿们和她一样,四岁就爱上了这项运动并开始在Hayden滑冰。当她们接触同步滑冰时,立刻就爱上了这项运动,并再也不愿意放弃。2020-21的赛季对于Anna来说是特别的一年,女儿艾丽(Elly) 和艾娃(Ava) 进入Lexettes青年队,成为美国国家队的一员。双胞胎中的格雷斯进入Mini Mates少年队。莱拉今年选择了冰球,但最初是一名花滑运动员的她拥有很强的滑冰技巧,对冰球比赛助益匪浅。


Anna 任同步花滑团队经理多年,先后担任Mini Shooting Stars,Shooting Stars和Mini Mate的团队经理,现成为Lexettes的团队经理。作为一位团队经理,她是整支队伍的主导核心。不仅仅要紧密地和教练沟通配合,协助教练和姑娘们冰上冰下的训练,安排训练的时间和场地,还需要和全队的家长们保持联系安排整个赛季的工作。特别到了赛季,整个团队的路程安排吃喝住行,姑娘们的赛前赛后活动,调节情绪鼓舞士气,每一件事情都是团队经理的日常事项。尽管事务繁琐劳累,但Anna喜欢这项不可思议的运动,而且能与自己的女儿们一起度过滑冰场上的时光,成为整个团队的其中一份子,对她来说是一个难得的机会。Anna享受在Hayden做志愿工作的每分每秒,并深信这项运动所必备的团队合作和专注投入传授了人生中最重要的一些东西,那也是海顿的宗旨:在海顿同步滑冰,我们追求卓越。我们传授给运动员领导能力,责任心,毅力和建立在自尊、自豪以及谦卑之上的团队合作精神,这些能力的培养将帮助他们走向成功。”

但作为一名冰妈妈,看着女儿滑冰和比赛时,则有着完全不同的心理。Anna声称看女儿们在冰上比赛,比自己上场表演时更紧张。Anna 在上个赛季第一次担任Lexettes青年队的团队经理, 她的大女儿Elly是队员之一。这意味如果Lexettes如往年一样代表美国队参加国际比赛,Anna也将作为美国队的一员随队出门旅行。2020年Lexettes参加的第一场国际比赛是在克罗地亚的萨格勒布(Zagreb,Croatia),随后是二月份在意大利米兰举行的另一场国际比赛。亲眼看着女儿做为美国队的一员代表美国参赛,并看着她在冰上表演,是Anna永远不会忘记的经历。在未来的很长一段时间,Anna都会记得当自己带领的队伍包括女儿刚踏上冰场的那一瞬间,满场响起了“U-S-A”的欢呼声 - 伴随着姑娘们冰上翩翩飘动的身影和动人的冰姿舞动。Anna为所有的姑娘感到骄傲。她们坚韧不拔,毅勇兼备,能够在这种高压力下发挥自己应有的水平和进行高质量的表演对她们的未来生活必有收益。

The Lexettes won a silver Medal in Zagreb, Croatia

印象 Anna

Anna给人的第一印象是干练,雷厉风行效率高,众多的头衔让人对她的时间安排,管理能力和执行力佩服万分。让我们听听和Anna从四岁就一起滑冰的伙伴Sif Ferrant,还有同为冰妈妈的作家Sally Suen描述她们眼中的Anna,和讲述她们和Anna的故事。

Sif Ferrant - Anna的花滑伙伴


我不记得什么时候认识Anna的,因为那时我们都年少,只记得去海顿冰场(Hayden Ice Facility)是我们生活的一部分。从四岁起,我们一起分享有趣的圈内笑话;一起逛商店、喝咖啡、吃饭,一起经历成长期的高潮与低谷。Anna身上有着人们对一名冠军滑冰运动员的所有的期待:刻苦与坚韧。她所掌握的技巧难度极高,但是她总是能表现得轻而易举、举重若轻。


Anna and Sif in 1990

Sally Suen - A Synchro mom

很多人都知道我们镇上住着一位超能妈妈。她出入得体,穿著总是显出她的高雅和大方。她是四个小孩的妈妈,管理家庭有条有理,小孩们都成长得独立自主,但又充满爱心。她婚姻幸福,夫妻互爱互重。她担任莱镇Clark Middle School 的校长八年,带领这个拨尖的中学成为全美蓝带学校之一。同时安排时间管理一支年年赢得全美国家级奖牌的同步花滑队伍。她典型的一天从每天早上5点跑步开始,为她的身体和精神提供能量,准备接受充满挑战性的一天。这个走在21世纪前端的女人就是Anna Monaco.

Anna at Clarke MS graduation 2019

我和Anna 认识八年多了。我们曾经每年一起带领同步花滑队参加全国比赛,Anna 作为团队经理,我和另一位妈妈帮忙管理20个队员。我以为一位能人所不能的女性通常会很严肃并让人惧怕三分的。其实Anna 十分和谒可亲。她随时以朗朗的笑声出现,特别幽默。她从不对运动员们发怒,却能有效地调动出小孩们的自律性。几天紧张的比赛时段,在她的带领下总在充满娱乐和轻松下渡过。


面面俱到之外,Anna还有一双审美的慧眼。我的书Crystal Cove 在进行封面设计的时期,我就某个画面征询她的意见,这个意见最后被出版商采纳了,使封面设计非常成功和完美。去年在All Authors 举办的封面设计大赛中,Crystal Cove 在483 个参赛者中,荣得第十二名佳奖。谢谢你,Anna!


Synchro moms at Rockford, Illinois in 2017 U.S. Synchronized Skating Championship




2018-2019年赛季,Anna的女儿Elly和Ava所在的Ice Mates 获得美国冠军


2019-2020年赛季,Anna的女儿Ava所在的Ice Mates 获得美国冠军


住在莱镇这样一个具备同步花滑运动和文化的小镇上是很幸运的。Anna说:”我热爱Hayden,它影响了我,我的孩子们以及莱镇许多孩子的成长。” 从提供滑冰课程到训练营,再加入团队比赛,Hayden同步花滑是个专门为莱镇青少年创建机会和发展运动才华的地方。 


  • Haydenettes

  • Lexettes

  • Ice Mates

  • Star Mates

  • Mini Mates

  • Shooting Stars Pre-juvenile

  • Shooting Stars Preliminary

  • Mini Shooting Stars


扫二维码|HSST website

Contact Hayden: 


Strength and beauty in motion

Anna Monaco's Story- English 


Lexington's Hayden Synchronized Skating Teams (HSST) are one of the leading synchronized skating teams in the United States.  The Haydenettes are 28-time U.S. National Champions, have won five world third-place awards, and have represented the United States in the World Championships eleven times since 2000.

With a relationship of more than four decades with Hayden Synchronized Skating, Anna Monaco is one of the foremost interpreters of the brilliant HSST culture.

Anna started skating at Hayden at the age of four.  She is a former Haydenettes team member and was on the first Haydenettes national championship team.  She is also a "synchro mom", with four children on various Hayden Synchronized Skating Teams.  Anna is not only a Hayden Synchronized Skating board member but is also team manager of the Lexettes, Hayden's junior team.  She has a deep understanding of the team culture and spirit of perseverance the sport requires, and of how her own growth, family life, and career are closely tied to it.

Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple, famously said, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."  In Anna, we see this kind of power, which comes from her passion, enthusiasm, and interest through decades of dedication and hard work.


Hayden Synchronized Skating Background Information 

The teams from Hayden dated back to 1978 when the Haydenettes was first formed. This team is recognized as one of the earliest teams formed in the U.S. under the direction of Lynn Benson, now a member of the US Figure Skating Hall of Fame. The Haydenettes compete in the senior division in the organization and is 28-time U.S. National Champions. They have also won medals at the World Championships.

Synchronized Skating is the fastest-growing figure skating discipline in the United States and around the world.  In synchronized skating, teams of 8 to 20 athletes skate together in unison.  As with other figure skating disciplines (singles, pairs, and ice dance), teams perform one or two programs with required elements.  The required elements include blocks, circles, wheels, lines, intersections, move elements, creative elements, no-holds elements, spins, and pairs moves.  The difficulty and variety of elements require synchro athletes to be students of all disciplines of figure skating.

In 1994 the International Skating Union ((ISU) recognized Synchronized Skating as a discipline of figure skating, and in 2004 the first-ever ISU-sanctioned World Synchronized Skating Championship was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  The Hayden Synchronized Teams have been at the forefront of the sport. 

Photo of Anna behind the camera in Zagreb, Croatia where the Lexettes won a silver Medal


Introduction to Anna Monaco

Anna Monaco is a proud long-time resident of Lexington.  She was born and raised in town, attending Hastings Elementary and Diamond Middle School before graduating from Lexington High School in 1991.  Her husband Jeff graduated from Lexington High School the same year, but Anna emphasized that they only started dating after college in 1995.  The couple, who have been married for 20 years, have four daughters, all of whom attend the Lexington public schools.  Elly is 17, Ava is 15, and twins Lyla and Grace are 12.

Anna received an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Colby College and a master's degree in Special Education from Simmons College.  After graduation she worked as a special education teacher in Winchester and North Reading public schools prior to coming to teach at the Lexington public schools in the fall of 2001.  She moved into the role of Assistant Principal after becoming a licensed Massachusetts School Administrator.  After eight years teaching special education at Lexington's Clarke Middle School, Anna served as Principal at Clarke until 2019 when she left to spend more time with her family.  Anna currently serves as a Hayden Synchro board member and team manager for the Lexettes junior team.


I believe in Hayden Synchronized Skating's values and mission, which is “We are committed to the pursuit of excellence.” 

Serendipity with Hayden 


Anna started skating at Hayden at the age of four.  Both of her older sisters skated so it was natural that she wanted to do it as well.  Anna quickly learned to love it and pretty soon, she was skating, testing, moving up in levels, and competing - and she loved it.  "Hayden was my second home for many years", Anna said.  "In my memory of the years I was growing up, I was skating.  I didn’t remember when I didn't practice on the ice rink.  Before and after school I squeezed in time to be on the ice every day."  Anna began skating synchro as well, although back then it was called "precision" skating.  She joined the Ice Mates team at the age of six and became the first member of the 1979-9180 Ice Mates team.  After being assessed, she joined Haydenettes and skated all the way through high school.

Anna's most memorable experience as a Hayden skater was the 1988 U.S. Championship in Reno, Nevada.  She was a Lexington High School student and was on the Haydenettes at the time.  The competition score was announced immediately after they completed their program, while all the skaters were still standing on the ice.  They received a perfect score of 6.0, the first time a perfect score was ever awarded to a "precision skating team".  This marked the beginning of a glorious era for the Haydenettes, who have continued to win medals in many subsequent events.  Anna said, "Because this was the Haydenettes' National gold medal, and the first of many to come, I will never forget that special moment."

Anna at Hayden in 1990   

Cover of skating Magazine after winning our first US Nationals in 1988 in Reno   

Anna temporarily left Hayden to attend college.  Although she missed skating terribly and missed being part of the team, she enjoyed her experience away from home.  After graduating and returning to Lexington, Anna began to teach beginner skating skills to children at Hayden, but then ended up going to graduate school in Boston and getting a full-time teaching position; as a result, her career as a skating coach was short-lived.

Anna moved back to Lexington after getting married.  Her daughters began skating at Hayden at the age of four, just like she did, and fell in love with the sport.  When they were introduced to synchronized skating (no longer called precision skating), they loved it and haven't looked back.  The 2020-21 season is a special year for Anna.  Elly and Ava skate on the Lexettes junior team and as a result have become members of Team USA.  One of her twins (Grace) skates on the juvenile team, the Mini Mates.  Lyla has chosen to play hockey this year but she started out as a figure skater, which has given her very strong skating skills to help her game. 

Hayden Synchronized Skating

Team manager

Anna has been team manager for several of the girls' teams through the years, including the Shooting Stars Developmental teams, the Mini Mates, and now the Lexettes.  As a team manager, she is the dominant core.  Not only does she work closely with the coach to help train the girls on and off the ice and arrange the time and place of training, but she also keeps in touch with the parents of the team to arrange work throughout the season.  It gets especially intense during competition season, when Anna manages all aspects of the team's journey: arranging food, accommodation, and activities before and after competition, as well as helping with emotional adjustments and morale.  Despite all the rigors, Anna loves this incredible sport that allows her to spend time at the ice rink with her own girls while managing the team.  She enjoys every minute of her volunteer work for Hayden, and she believes that the team work and commitment necessary to succeed in this sport teach some of life's most important lessons as emphasized by Hayden's mission statement, "At Hayden Synchronized Skating, we are committed to the pursuit of excellence. We teach our athletes leadership, accountability, perseverance, and the commitment to teamwork with dignity, pride, and humility. These characteristics will help them succeed throughout their lives."

As a synchro mom, Anna has a completely different perspective watching her daughters skate and compete.  She claims that watching her daughters skate in a competition makes her far more nervous than competing herself!  Last season was Anna's first time as Lexettes Junior team manager, and her eldest daughter Elly was one of the team members.  The junior level team was sent to international competitions as members of Team USA, first in Zagreb, Croatia, and then in Milan, Italy in February.  Watching her daughter and her teammates skate and represent the US was an experience Anna will never forget.  Hearing the "USA!" chants as they stepped on the ice to warn up and watching them skate was very special.  She is extremely proud of all the girls.  They have mental toughness and grit, and to be able to perform under that kind of pressure will serve them well in life.

The Lexettes won a silver Medal in Zagreb, Croatia

Impression of Anna

The first impression of Anna is that she is capable and efficient.  Her numerous titles make people admire her timing, management, and execution.  Here's how Sif Ferrant, who has skated with Anna since she was four, and Sally Suen, a writer who is also a synchro mom, describe Anna.

Sif Ferrant - Anna’s skate mate

Skating is a beautiful sport.  All of it - singles, pairs, dance, and synchronized skating - each has its own elements of beauty, grace, and artistry in performing skills, strength, and athleticism to all genres of music.  This all takes a tremendous amount of practice to master, and it takes many years of training.  Figure skaters don't just lace up skates and practice for hours without also developing strong, lifelong bonds with other skaters.  I skated for years with Anna Monaco - at the Hayden Ice Facility.

I've known Anna since I was very young.  I don't really know when we met, because we were so young!  We've just always been at the rink.  Both of us had older siblings who skated, so the rink has been a part of our lives since we were born.  As we turned four years old we were ready to start taking lessons and skate on our own at Hayden. I could write many paragraphs on all the fun inside jokes we have had over the years, going to the mall, getting coffee, going out to eat, and experiencing the ups and downs of growing up.  Anna was exactly what one would expect to find in a champion skater - dedicated to her practice sessions and a really tough competitor.  I remember Anna always made her skating programs look so easy, but the skills she was mastering were very difficult.

I look back on our training days together and I think how lucky I am to have developed special friendships at the skating rink.  Skating at Hayden, and my friendship with Anna, have been such a wonderful part of my life!

Anna and Sif in 1990

Sally Suen - A Synchro mom

Many people know that a super mom lives in our town.  She always carries herself with elegance and grace.  Her choice of fashion complements her refined taste.  She is happily married with four children who are raised to become strong, independent, loving, and caring.  For many years, she successfully led Clarke Middle School, one of the two academically competitive and prestigious middle schools in Lexington.  In addition to being a busy mother of four, with a happy marriage and a successful career, she still finds time to manage a synchronized skating team that wins national medals every year.  Her typical day starts at 5am every morning with running, fueling her body and mind as she prepares to fulfill a challenging day.  This woman at the cutting edge of the 21st century is Anna Monaco.

Anna at Clarke MS graduation 2019

I've known Anna for over eight years.  We used to take the skating team together for the national competitions every year.  She led the team, and another mom and I helped manage 20 skating athletes.  She now manages a USA team competing internationally.  I always assumed that a woman with Anna's capabilities would be dull, serious, and even intimidating at times. It turns out Anna is very amiable.  She often appears with infectious laughter and she indulges in humor.  I've never seen her getting angry with young athletes.  She seems to magically and effectively bring out the self-discipline quality in them.  She is always able to bring an entertaining and relaxing spirit to the period of intense competition.

What impressed me most is that communication with Anna is often easy, direct, accurate, and efficient.  She responds to emails right away, she doesn't procrastinate.  I once asked her, "How is it that you always make me feel that you have set aside time out of your hectic schedule just for me?"  She told me, "I'm very focused on everything I do because I don't have time to make mistakes or do it later."

Anna is not only versatile and well loved, but also has a pair of aesthetic eyes.  When I showed Anna the cover design of my book Crystal Cove before it was finalized, she gave a suggestion that the publisher finally adopted.  It turned out to be perfect and won 12th out of 483 entries of the All Author's book cover design competition.  Thank you, Anna!

I am so lucky to have this brilliant friend in my life, who is always walking ahead with an uplifting spirit and inspiring me to do my best! 

Synchro moms at Rockford, Illinois in 2017 U.S. Synchronized Skating Championship

The result of dedication and


It's not just Anna and her children who are passionate about Hayden Synchro - her sister, niece, and sister-in-law have all been Haydenettes as well.  Anna has led the synchro skating teams to various regional and national competitions since 2014.  Every time they go out to compete, the whole family including Anna's parents and relatives will wear Hayden-logo clothes and scarves, showing up at the rink to cheer for Hayden's teams.  Anna has devoted herself to Hayden Synchro for decades and under her leadership, the teams have achieved remarkable results in competitions. 

Watching Haydenettes' competition just off the plane at Logan  

The Ice Mates won 2019 U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships, Anna's daughter Elly and Ava with her teammates.

Anna and her daughter Elly in Zagreb, Croatia at the awards ceremony, the Lexettes won a silver Medal

The Ice Mates won 2020 U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships

Join the Hayden Synchro

Skating Teams

We are so lucky to live in a town with a dedicated recreational facility for the children of Lexington.  From classes to camps to being able to join teams and compete, this is a special foundation created solely for the youths of Lexington.  While the Hayden Synchro organization has its roots in Lexington, it has grown from just two teams in the late 1970s to eight teams that train at Hayden and other rinks across the state.  This is a true testament to not only the growth of this exciting sport in the U.S. and the world, but also to a well-run organization that grows and develops athletes at all levels.  Skaters learn the value of hard work and teamwork and many get to compete at a national level.

Hayden Synchronized Skating Teams:

  • Haydenettes

  • Lexettes

  • Ice Mates

  • Star Mates

  • Mini Mates

  • Shooting Stars Pre-juvenile

  • Shooting Stars Preliminary

  • Mini Shooting Stars

Synchronized skating is an excellent team sport worth participating in.  Hayden welcomes skaters of all ages and all levels simultaneously.  The trial training and tryouts will start in March, and we hope of have a complete season next year.

For more information, visit Hayden Synchro wetsite:


Scan QR Code|HSST website

Contact Hayden: 


Strength and beauty in motion

Scroll down to read in English



Discover Lexington

作家 Ashley Rooney

1st Issue Oct 2020


Discover Lexington 

作家 Anne Lee

2nd Issue Nov 2020


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Art Director Francesca Anderson

3rd Issue Dec 2020


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Catherine Rielly Political Economist

4th Issue Dec 2020



中文编辑组:Elizabeth Xu  

鱼儿 S&S

翻译:Elizabeth Xu

英文编辑组:Anne Lee  张艳玲

Katie Chen S&S

封面设计:袁力  策划/编辑:鱼儿

点击Read More" :月刊 I 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2020年12月

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