

华协社区委员会 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

砥砺前行 扬我风采



此篇是2020年CAAL华协社区委员会旗下八个项目的年度总结,很好地回顾了过 去一年青少年义工在不能出门,不能上学的日子里,看到社区需要帮助的人,需要帮助的事,不袖手旁观,积极行动,想方设法为那些身陷困难的人提供力所能及的帮助,让他们感受到社会的关爱与温暖,与阳光和希望同行。同时,青少年义工也在帮助他人的同时,不断地调整技能,努力贡献自己的一技之长,客服遇到的困难,解决面 临的问题,实现了自我成长。




计算机科学志愿者小组由九名有技术、有爱心、有能力的高中生组成。从2020年九月 份开始,小组每周开项目周会,六个月以来,从不间断,包括节假日。小组成员刻苦 学习新的计算机语言,他们用自己的技术来为莱克星顿镇社区提供高科技的义工服务。在过去的短短六个月中,计算机小组学习了网页设计和Python数据分析,服务的用 户已经涵盖了莱镇的很多用户层面。从Harrington小学,到莱镇基金会, 到目前正在 服务的莱镇政府爱国者日活动的在线注册与居民投票系统。

年轻的学生们因为同样的目标——无私地帮助社区,走在一起, 成为好的合作伙伴。他们互相紧密合作,为小学家长们,为非盈利组织们,以及为莱镇政府爱国者日组委会服务。他们的倾情奉献,帮助了小学使用上了新功能PTA网站,帮助镇基金调整了资金申请模式, 而今年的基金会有了历史新高的申请记录。目前小组成员们成功地开发了爱国者日微笑活动地网上注册与投票系统。华协义工王卫东博士为孩子们提供了强有力地华协网站平台技术支持,华协义工丁薇教授和孩子们每周开项目会议。华一代传帮带,华二代年轻孩子们努力学习新技术,不但提高了自己的计算机实战技术,服务了社区最需要服务的人们。

他们也用稚嫩的肩膀,学以致用担当起了服务社区的重任, 进一步提高了华裔在莱镇的整体社会形象。小组成员包括,谢路新/Trevor Xing-Xie,  杨竹峰/ Everest Yang, 赵恩伟/David Zhao, 刘宝仁/Baoren Liu,卢凯思/Kenneth Lu, 隋展涵/Gabriel Sui, 夏子添/Frank Xia, 林啟哲/ Albert Lin, 王爱萱/ Ellen Wang。前组长陈义琳/Linda Chen 今年秋季会入学MIT攻读计算机学位。 

下图为华协计算机义工小组和莱镇爱国者组委会June Baer 主席,Glen Bassett 海军上校(退伍),Geetha Padaki (印协),Sandy Podgorski 开项目研讨会。

English Version(上下滑动阅读)

The Computer Science Volunteer team is a group of high school and middle school volunteers mentored by Dr. Ding who have worked collaboratively on myriad projects to serve Lexington. The team has served a large group of users in different domains, including parents from Harrington Elementary School, Community Endowment of Lexington, and Town of Lexington. The current team members are: Trevor Xing-Xie (10th grade), Everest Yang (10th), David Zhao (10th), Baoren Liu (9th), Kenneth Lu (8th), Gabriel Sui (11th), Frank Xia (11th), Albert Lin (11th), and Ellen Wang (10th). Former Team Captain Linda Chen will graduate from Lexington Highschool and join MIT in the fall.  


Their very first project was focused on creating a revamped, modern website for the Harrington PTA. The project was a great success, and the team felt proud knowing that their work had a real-life impact. Their efforts were also acknowledged by the PTA co-presidents and broadcasted to the Harrington community.  


In another project, the team used Python to carry out statistical data analysis on grant data information of Community Endowment of Lexington (CEL). The mission of CEL is to enhance the quality of life for Lexington citizens. Using the reports from the team, CEL was able to reform their grant application procedure and received a record high application in 2021.  


The team has designed and completed the largest project to date for the Patriots’ Points Walk: Smiles and Miles project. Using computer science, the team is working on creating registration and voting services for the event.  Dr. Weidong Wang of CAAL has provided strong system supports on Web hosting for the Patriots' Day project. The team's advisor Professor Wei Ding has met weekly with the team to provide technical guidance and mentorship. 


In the future, the computer science volunteer team plan to continue working on such public projects, and they look forward to applying their skills to serve the Lexington community.















2020年,是全球疫情都严重的一年。这一年,发生了很多,失去了很多,也得到了很多。无论是国内还是国外的捐助人们都很担心疫情中孩子们的防疫情况,发来暖心的问候,提前转给孩子一年的生活费。虽然爱心捐助者不能来临泉看望孩子了,很无奈,但还是能看到义工老师每个月拍的孩子们的视频,也就安心了。目前所有被捐助的孩子情况稳定,义工老师们坚持每个月都过去看望他们,实时了解 动向,积极多方反馈,有问题也及时发现,对出现消极心理的孩子进行心理干预和辅导。同时保证孩子们的生活费及时发放,用于日常防护、吃穿、学习等有效使用。2020年,坚持、等待的一年,义工们惟愿一切安好!

 四,个别孩子特别情况通报 被捐助的杨盈盈,2020年考上高一。她残疾的爸爸2019年突然去世了,接着今年唯一 的监护人奶奶也去世了,家里只有她和还在上学的姐姐。这孩子坚强、自信、乐观,盈盈说:“爱心人土的教育和帮助,已成为我学习的动力。我一定要好好学习,将来做一个有用的人,感恩大家回报大家。”


English Version(上下滑动阅读)

Lin Quan Seven-Color Light Love Association 2020 Annual Donation Report -- 

Total income: 325,028 RMB 

Total donation: 338,500 RMB 

Donors: 53 

Orphans Donated To: 82 (including 18 donated by overseas) 

Graduation Situation -- 

In 2020, among the children that were donated to, 6 children were admitted to high school and one child went to a specialized secondary school. 

Among them: 

Yingying Yang was admitted to the No.1 High School;

Paopao Shang was admitted to the No.2 High School;

Shuo Yang and Pengcheng Wang were admitted to the Demonstration High School;

Qinqin Hu and Jianfei Yang were admitted to 农机校高中;

Xiaoyan Zhao was admitted to Hefei Health Technology School. 

Donation Description-- 

2020 is the year of the global pandemic. A lot happened this year. 

We’ve lost a lot but gained a lot too. Both domestic and foreign donors are very worried about all the kids’ health during the pandemic. They greeted them warmly and transferred annual living expenses to them. However, the donors could not come to visit all the children. They could only watch the videos taken by the volunteer teachers every month. 

Currently, all the children’s situations are stable. Our volunteer teachers insist on visiting the children every month in order to understand their condition and get feedback. They ensure that the children’s living expenses are given on time to support their COVID safety, food, clothing, learning, etc. 2020 is a year of persistence and hope. We sincerely hope everything goes well! 

Testimonial from An Orphan— 

Yingying Yang, who is one of the children supported, went to high school this year. Her disabled father suddenly passed away last year and her only guardian, her grandmother, passed this year. She is living with her only sister who is still in school. 

Yingying is strong, confident, and optimistic. She said, “The support and generosity from the donors has motivated me to study. In the future, I would like to contribute to society to repay everyone.”


免费学习平台HELM 总结

HELM平台在2020年4月创立的,旨在让学生在远程免费可以继续学习的方式。现在 ,这个平台大概运行一年后,HELM已经成为了一个世界化的学生免费学习的平台。平台有超过3000注册以及40项课程。随着主办方继续更新并优化站点(平台),学生 能更方便的注册学习。我们希望在提供学习课程的同时,HELM能继续成长并帮助更 多人学习更多知识。

浏览Helm Learning的网站:https://helmlearni

English Version(上下滑动阅读)

When HELM Learning started in April 2020, it was a way for students to continue to learn for free while schools had closed down. Now, almost a year later, HELM has become a worldwide platform for students to learn. The platform has grown to have over 3000 signups, and 40 classes. As we continue to keep updating the site to make it easier for students to sign up for classes they want, we hope that HELM will keep growing as we keep helping everyone learn more. 



老年人英语教学项目创立于2011年,迄今已经有九年的历史。2020年由于疫情出 现,我们教学团队把这一传统的英语教学项目从线下转到线上,继续为更多老人服务,帮助他们解除寂寞,充实生活,方便出行和自信沟通。我们建立了专门的微信公众号, 制作英文的教学视频发在公众号上。目前我们已经发 布了四个 单元共计66个视频。我们制作的教学视频都是与日常生活相关的实用内容,包括新冠病毒、公共场所与服务、物和天气等等,还有简单的一些语法。为了增加 学习的趣味性,方便老人理解,每个单元都会做一个情景剧,同时在后期剪辑时,不仅保留每个视频最重要的知 识点,还做到内容丰富又简洁,而且在视频里加不同的特 效,呈现更好的视觉效果。目前我们的公众号已有216个关注者,所有视频的总播放 量达到2122次。我们团队成员,制作视频及学习者反馈请下图。在新的一年里,我们会继续制作更好更实用的视频来帮助大家学习英语。同时我们也 会努力开设一些Zoom在线课程,可以和老年人有更直接互动,达到更好的教学效果 。最后感谢CAAL搭建的青少年义工服务平台,不仅有机会帮助到老年人,也能同时更好地提升自我。


English Version(上下滑动阅读)

The Senior English Academy Program established nine years ago starting in Countryside Village. It then expanded to all three Lexington Housing villages. Before the pandemic, We went to the village and worked closely with the Chinese Seniors teaching them English that they would find useful in their everyday lives. 

This included teaching units about the hospital, purchasing items, and places around town. We taught them lessons and provided our own learning resources for them to use. Because of the pandemic, 

We were unable to continue the in-person classes, but we wanted the seniors to continue learning and practicing English. Thus, we decided to create online videos to post to a public WeChat account. 

Through our short online videos, we have covered multiple units, including COVID-19, daily life, and simple grammar. Our account has reached 2,122 total views, with our most popular videos being our skits. We aim to keep the videos short by editing them so that the content will be the most concise and clear. Additionally, to make the videos visually pleasing, we add a variety of special effects that relate to each unit. In the future, we hope to take these online classes to the next level, by holding online Zoom lessons. This would allow us to better facilitate learning and more quickly help the students with any questions. Lastly, 

We would like to thank CAAL for all the support and guidance. We appreciate this opportunity to share our program and help more hopeful English learners.



CAAL 华协青少年乐队是由一群热爱音乐、享受音乐的莱镇高中生和初中生所组成。无论你演奏何种乐器,钟爱何种曲风,都欢迎加入我们。每年青少年乐队都会积极参 与节日音乐会、游行庆典以及其他公益活动。遗憾的是,由于疫情的影响,在过去的 一年中,成员们无法以乐队的形式组织训练和参加演出。即便如此,青少年乐队仍有 一些成员受邀参加了华协组织的2021年云端春晚演出,为社区贡献了自己了一份爱心 。我们热切期盼新的一年里节日演出活动可以如期举行。如果你有兴趣加入CAAL华 协青少年乐队,与我们一起服务社区,请与我们联系。谢谢大家!


English Version(上下滑动阅读)

The CAAL Youth Instrument Ensemble is a group of local high school and middle school musicians that perform together. We’re accepting of all instruments and we play many genres of music at holiday concerts, parades, and other events every year. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we have been unable to get together as a group throughout the year. However several of our members performed in the 2021 Chinese New Years Festival and we are hopeful for the rest of 2021. We are looking forward to possible parades in the coming months and holiday performances at the end of the year. Stay safe and feel free to contact us at the emails below! kzhang6767@gmail.com; 21sun16@lexingtonma.org



在2020年,我们(Kyrie Ma 和 Daniel Xiang)一起组织了与莱镇食物救济处相关的活动,在这一 个特殊的年份,很多家庭都因为疫情而在生活上遭受了影响,我们通过与莱克星顿食 物救济处的合作募集资金3000多美金,帮助了两百多户有困难的家庭,虽然杯水车薪,但也能解燃眉之急。虽然只是高中生,但我们决心通过自己的力量和影响力来为社区做出自己的贡献,通过这一系列的义工活动,大家认识到为社会贡献并不一定需要做出多么伟大的贡献,看见了需要帮助的人和事,就尽力去做。在我们身边的 社区中确实存在着许多需要帮助的人,能为他们尽自己的一份力也是莫大的荣幸。

联系人:22ma30@lexingtonma.org; lexsponserabasket@gmail.com

English Version(上下滑动阅读)

Cooperated with Lexington Food 

Pantry to help many families in difficulties through this special period. Although we are only high school students, we are determined to make our contribution to the community by our strength and influence. Through this series of volunteer activities, We realize that contributing to our society can start with small steps. There are many people in need of help in our community, and it is a great honor to help them in different aspects. 

Contact: 22ma30@lexingtonma.org; lexsponserabasket@gmail.com



援助之手是Ellen Wang 和 Justin Wang 在 2020年八月受 CAAL其它一些青少 年义工项目的激励,起草、提交了项目意向书,并得到CAAL的立项批准。在 CAAL青少年义工项目核心团队的帮助和鼓励下,团队很快就从两三人发展到 十几人。每个月援助之手都向在波士顿和Lowell 的无家可归收容中心交送成 员们缝制的棉布口罩。特别是在十二月团队向希望之家送交335个口罩,帮助 了58个居住在收容中心的家庭和39个生活在租赁房屋中的家庭,极大缓解了他 们对口罩的需要,收到希望之家执行董事特别致信感谢。援助之手的青少年义 工们团结合作,Ellen和Justin 为没有缝纫经验的成员编辑口罩制作的视频,制作缝纫入门套件。从援助之手成立截止到一月为两个无家可归者收容中心 送交口罩总计近700个。

疫情虽然给整个社会带来极大的困难,但同时也给青年人为社会有所贡献和影响创 造了机会。援助之手的每个团队成员都以能够为社区尽己所能而感到骄傲,为 有需要的人提供帮助而快乐.



English Version(上下滑动阅读)

Inspired by other CAAL youth community service programs, Ellen Wang and Justin Wang submitted the project proposal for Helpful Hands in August 2020 and the project was approved by CAAL. With the great support and guidance from CAAL Youth Community Service Core Team, Helpful Hands quickly expanded its size from two to 10+ team members and made monthly deliveries of homemade cloth masks to homeless shelters in Boston and Lowell。At the beginning of January 2021, Helpful Hands delivered 335 masks to the House of Hope in Lowell. This helped the shelter assist 58 families in its facility and 39 families in the rental housing that it owns and operates. The January delivery greatly supplied their need for masks. The executive director, Deb Chausse wrote to Helpful Hands to express her appreciation. The members of Helpful Hands collaborated to make these results possible. Ellen and Justin created YouTube videos to demo making cloth masks and prepared to start kits for new members that lacked prior sewing experience. From Helpful Hand's establishment to January 2021, Helpful Hands has delivered 700 homemade fabric masks to the two homeless shelters.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenges, but it also provided the opportunity for young people to make an impact in their communities. Helpful Hands is proud of its contributions to society. Each member has felt the joy of helping others in need. 


铁人三项俱乐部 TriLex Club

TriLex Club是一个以学生为主导的青少年铁人三项俱乐部,Katie Chen是TriLex Club 负责人和创始人之一。围绕一年一度在MIT举办的新英格兰小铁人三项赛, TriLex 弘扬强身健体,勇于挑战自我的拼搏精神, 同时积极组队参赛并开展一系列的活动:组织赛前训练、举办与励志演讲家和铁三精英赛前演说会、募捐筹款活动、赛事志愿服务以及赛后活动, 同时通过组队参赛为莱镇教育基金会(LEF)筹款。2020年邀请著名励志演讲家Almon Gunter 和铁三精英吴蝶为TriLex 举办赛前speakers event:“Chanllenge Yourself to a Triathlon”,但因为疫情被迫取消, 期待2021年的赛事能如期进行。TriLex 希望更多的高中生参与。


Katie Chen: 617-955-7343


English Version(上下滑动阅读)

TriLex is a student-led organization based in Lexington, MA, Striving to promote active lifestyles and to raise funds for education in the local community.  Centered around the annual New England Kids Triathlon in mid-July, the club works to support local teams by sponsoring local events related to the race: free triathlon training, a seminar with motivational speakers and professional athletes, and a post-race event. 

Contact us:

Katie Chen: 617-955-7343



感谢青少年义工2020年的无私奉献正是因为有你们的参与,华裔形象越来 越正面,社区建设得越来越美好,社区价值日益彰显,吸引了更多海内外人士 的关注,他们认为莱镇社区团结、有爱,奋进,都愿意到莱镇居住。期待2021,华协社区委员会和你们携手同行,共同建设更美的Lexington和自己的未来。

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