
莱镇人文第九期:Christina Gamota I A Lifetime of Giving Back

莱镇人文 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

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每当人们提起克里斯蒂娜·加莫塔(Christina Gamota)的名字,都会与优雅精致完美和极高的艺术品味联系在一起。谁也想不到她曾经是一个难民。而她,身处绮罗,却从未忘却初心。她集收藏家、艺术家、园艺家于一身,但她更愿意称自己为 “专业志愿者”(Professional Volunteer)。


Christina Gamota

克里斯蒂娜·加莫塔 (Christina Gamota)出生于乌克兰西部的里斯科(Lisko – Western Ukraine) . 17岁时随父母移民美国,1986年从密西根州安娜堡(Ann Arbor MI)迁居莱镇,是莱镇的老居民。克里斯蒂娜热衷参与社区活动,长年帮助莱镇各社团组织出力筹款,是一名长期的志愿者。克里斯蒂娜在家居设计、艺术设计以及艺术品收藏界享有盛名,更因以艺术带动慈善活动在慈善界独树一帜,被她人格折服的人们视她为一名终身奉献者。


我认为自己是一名专业的志愿者。我在这个国家生活的时间基本上都投入了志愿服务事业中, 一生都喜欢为别人做些事情,希望能有所作为。我想我只是一个普通人。


Christina Gamota的故事


克里斯蒂娜· 加莫塔(Christina Gamota)于1941年5月16日出生于乌克兰西部的里斯科(如今是波兰的一部分)。三岁时,克里斯蒂娜随父母移民到奥地利的Obdach,以逃避苏联的入侵。  


营房里没有浴室,几乎没有隐私, 更没有安全的场所游玩。小时候的克里斯蒂娜(Christina)只能在附近的公墓里玩耍,使用自然界俯拾即是的天然物品木棍,细绳和鹅卵石等制作房屋,玩偶和其他玩具。以至多年后,克里斯蒂娜仍保持着这种童真时潇洒的创造习惯,随手拈来的普通物件在她手里会变成一件件独特的艺术品,化腐朽为神奇。


克里斯蒂娜一家从奥地利辗转法国、瑞士、再回到法国,最后移民南美的阿根廷。当克里斯蒂娜七岁的时候, 他们一家终于到达布宜诺斯艾利斯安家, 那里的人们是如此热情好客, 一家人在这个新国家非常的高兴, 学会了西班牙语 ,并真诚相信他们找到了家。克里斯蒂娜喜欢新家的一切!

克里斯蒂娜和父母在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 -1957年

不幸的是,十年后阿根廷陷入了政治动荡,一家人越来越担心安全,最终他们决定尝试移民到美国。在杜克大学和中西部兽医协会的帮助下,克里斯蒂娜一家在一个寒冷的十二月抵达美国明尼苏达州。那一年, 克里斯蒂娜十七岁。


在这里克里斯蒂娜遇到了她的丈夫 - 同样出生于乌克兰的乔治(George Gamota),共同养育三个孩子,克里斯蒂娜也得以开始她的家居设计与艺术品收藏生涯。


当克里斯蒂娜将新泽西的家居重新设计装修并第一次登上Glamour 杂志的时候,她非凡的艺术天赋和高雅的艺术品味展露无遗。也是这时候,克里斯蒂娜开始登陆家居设计杂志,并开启了她长达近半世纪的经典现代风格家具和艺术品收藏之路。她的藏品不仅涵盖现代主义家具名家包括密斯·凡·德罗( Mies van der Rohe)、哈里·贝托亚(Harry Bertoia)以及查尔斯和雷·伊姆斯(Ray Eames)的经典之作,也包括了匈牙利设计师马歇尔·布劳耶 Marcel Breuer设计并以恩师瓦西里·康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)命名的瓦西里座椅。



不仅仅利用藏品进行家居设计,克里斯蒂娜更是一名不折不扣的务实艺术再设计者。她曾经慧眼独具从废品堆里抢救出一副康定斯基风格的桌腿,并与莱镇艺术家Emily  Passman合作,给这幅桌腿打造了一面美丽的康定斯基风格桌面,使经典重现人间,并亲自动手为这张小桌设计制作了一串康定斯基风格的花型项链。




Christina的花园 - 多年为莱镇各大团体组织筹款的地方 

Christina 在家里为莱镇交响乐团举办“音乐和艺术” 慈善筹款活动 - 2008



1986年,乔治成为美国热电技术公司(Thermo Electron Technologies Corporation)总裁后,克里斯蒂娜一家迁居到莱镇。

她笑说 “当我们搬到莱镇时, 我是如此的孤独, 没有一个认识的人,所以我积极地加入了镇里所有的组织。第一个是莱镇园艺俱乐部!”

克里斯蒂娜是莱镇园艺俱乐部的长期会员。她先后担任了三次Hancock-Clarke Herb Garden 的主席,一直为汉考克克拉克药草园和民兵雕像工作。2003年她创办Emery Park Maintenance Group,并担任公园维护委员会的创会主席。近20年如一日,每年春来冬去时,人们都能看到她身穿园艺俱乐部的围裙,和其他俱乐部成员在公园中除草、清理、剪枝以及灌溉。 

Christina with a helper from MSG at Hancock-Clarke Herb Garden – April 2021

"Morning Study Group"是克里斯蒂娜从1988年起一直参加的团体活动。在这个群体里,她一如既往地投入自己的时间和精力,充分发挥自己的兴趣和艺术天赋,不定期地举办美化家居、讲习班、和帮助有需要的人筹款。在疫情期间,举办Dry Potpourri & More representing Fall and Winter Season 讲座。传授她利用从花园收获来的花朵、草木和干树枝制作成为精美的客厅、餐桌上的装饰物和圣诞树上的挂物。这些艺术品将在今年九月由莱镇历史协会和园艺俱乐部举办的第一届花草节展出和义卖。

Dry Potpourri & More workshop

在莱镇马萨诸塞州大道上的陶尔公园(Tower Park) 里有一座属于莱镇姐妹城的法国安东尼市独特的纪念碑。设计师将它设计成为充满活力的户外活动空间,人们可以在这里举办音乐会和其他社区活动。克里斯蒂娜一直积极参与这一工程的美学设计与筹款工作,如今该工程已然成形。

在莱镇举办二战75周年纪念活动中, 克里斯蒂娜的丈夫乔治担任领军人物,负责组织了一战纪念委员会的演讲,展览和游行,而她则着眼于人,亲手制作了373朵罂粟花以纪念莱镇的一战老兵,并组织了木制彩绘花圈拍卖。这些彩绘花圈是为殒落的八位战士制作的。拍卖所得款项捐赠给莱镇的马修.艾伦老兵3007哨所(Matthew Allen VFW Post 3007)。

克里斯蒂娜眼中的世界永远是一个充满无限可能与潜力的世界,而她随时愿为这个世界伸出援助之手。她不仅仅付出个人的时间精力与金钱,更喜欢张开双手让所有人都参与进来。她多年来为莱镇历史协会、Emery Park、莱镇交响乐团、莱镇社区农场、国家遗产博物馆、Munroe Arts Center、Antony Working Group等组织都主办过很多独特的筹款活动。每次组织慈善筹款活动,克里斯蒂娜不仅仅只是参加会议,她是真正提出设想并成功实现的核心成员之一。 别具匠心的主题、情趣高雅的格调和务实的筹款形式总让嘉宾们流连忘返,成功地实现筹款目标。这些筹款慈善活动,单单从主题名字就足可体现克里斯蒂娜的用心和艺术品位。如:2014 Mid century Memories & Tastes;Art in the Garden; Downtown Abbey; Cultivating Music and Art; Getting to Know You – it’s More than the Music;Celebrating Wearable Art & Functional Art etc.

2014年,克里斯蒂娜荣获莱镇历史协会颁发的帕克船长奖(Captain Parker Award),以此表彰她多年来对协会做出的卓越贡献和支持。


克里斯蒂娜的艺术天赋也展现在为深受社区喜爱的特殊需要艺术计划(Special Needs Arts Program)的筹款活动上。  SNAP最初只是一个大家一起来唱歌活动,现已扩展涵盖了视觉艺术节目。如同与克里斯蒂娜曾经合作的许多组织一样,SNAP在个人层面上也引发了她的共鸣。通过与SNAP的合作,她纪念与缅怀了四肢瘫痪的姐夫,虽然他在生活中面临诸多挑战,但他睿智而有趣。她喜欢SNAP允许参与者通过艺术与音乐表达自己的方式。2018年克里斯蒂娜被选为 “Ambassador” for SNAP, 并授予First SNAP Circle Honoree的奖项。


去年武汉疫情的消息传到莱镇,当她知道华协在社区里组织大家捐赠口罩,克里斯蒂娜第一时间慷慨解囊。她说,请购买更多的口罩帮助为疫情所困的人们。他们比我更需要口罩。今年听闻亚特兰大的凶杀案,克里斯蒂娜涑然泪下,和乔治一起参加在莱镇Hasting Park 举行的烛光纪念会,并当晚在院子里插上Stop Asian Hate的牌子。

克里斯蒂娜为CAAL组织的COVID-19 捐助项目慷慨解囊

在克里斯蒂娜的客厅里,挂着一整幅墙壁的动物木刻版画,那是乌克兰出生的美国艺术家雅克·尼兹多夫斯基(Jacques Hnizdovsky)的作品。克里斯蒂娜· 加莫塔始终记着她是来自乌克兰的难民,这个国家给了她一个新的家,她也要将这一恩惠回馈给后来人。




1981- 1986 【University of Michigan Art 

Museum】 Board member ,Ann Arbor MI

1988 - present 【Lexington Field & Garden 

Club】 Chair & Co-chair &  Board Member

1988 - present  【Morning Study Group】

3 times Co-chair & Honorary member

1988 – present 【 Hancock-Clarke Herb 

Garden】3 times Chair 

1988 – present  【Statue of Minuteman】 


1988 – present  【Munroe Tavern】

Wild Flower Garden

2003-present【Emery Park @ Depot 

Square】Founding chair 

1988-present 【Lexington Historical Society】

Board member & Events Committee

【Museum of National Heritage】

 Community Board Member

2006-present【Lexington Symphony】

Sustaining Member &  Committee

2010-present【Antony Working Group】



Ambassador & First SNAP Circle Honoree

【Munroe Center for the Art 】


2017【Refugee Stories】

Yearning to Breathe Free

2018【WWI Veterans 100th Anniversary】


2019【Ballets Russes Arts Initiative】

Exhibit of J. Hnizdovsky Collection

Christina Gamota's Story- English 


When people think of Christina Gamota, they think of  someone who is elegant, classy, with  a great taste in arts and a passion for perfection. To many people’s surprise, she also had a humble beginning as a refugee. Despite all her accomplishments, she has never forgotten her roots. Although she has achieved great success as an art collector, an artist, and a designer, she prefers to be known as a “Professional Volunteer.”


Christina Gamota

Christina Gamota was born in Lisko, Western Ukraine. When she was 7 years old,  she immigrated to Argentina and then at 17 to the United States with  her parents. In 1986, she moved to Lexington, Massachusetts, and has lived here since then.  An enthusiastic and long-time volunteer, Christina is well-known in the fields of home design, art design, and art collection, and she is  unique in the not-for-profit world because she brings her  art and has helped various town organizations raise funds for many years.   


I consider myself a professional volunteer. All my life in this country I have enjoyed doing something for others in hopes I make some difference. I guess I am a people person.


Christina Gamota's Story


Christina Gamota was born on May 16, 1941 in Lisko – Western Ukraine, which is now part of Poland.  When she was 3 years old,  her parents emigrated to Obdach, Austria, to escape the Soviet invasion. 

As citizens of Austria,  the family was able to settle in housing, and her father was able to work in his profession as a veterinarian. When the Soviets invaded Austria, however, they lost everything…became homeless…became refugees. They were sent to live in barracks in Innsbruck in a single room with no bathroom and little privacy. Because there was no safe playground, Christina played in a nearby cemetery and made up games using natural objects like sticks, strings, and pebbles. Years later, she is still creating with style and panache, turning the ordinary into something beautiful.  

In 1948, the family realized the heartbreaking truth: they could never return home. Because her parents were "Intelligentsia," who also had a long line of priests and nuns in their families, they were not acceptable to the Bolsheviks.  Her father was  accused of being a Nazi supporter because he provided horses for the German soldiers. It was not his choice but, to the Bolsheviks, it was a good enough excuse to send him and the family to Siberia or put him to death. 

From Austria, they moved to France, Switzerland ,and back to France. The family lived out of their luggage. By the end of 1948, they decided  to immigrate to South America – Argentina. They found the  people there to be  hospitable and kind. They all learned to speak Spanish. Finally, they had found a home!  Christina loved everything about Buenos Aires.

Christina with parents, Dr. and Mrs. Dawydowycz Buenos Aires, Argentina – 1957 

But, after 10 years, Argentina was in political turmoil, and the family decided to immigrate to the United States  where they had family. With the  sponsorship of  Duke University and the Midwest Veterinary Association, the family made it to Minneapolis. Christina was 17  when they arrived that cold December.

The family began  life in Minneapolis. They lived with relatives  and eventually were able to save enough money to buy themselves a house. Christina’s  parents did not participate in the American community life. Their social life was connected to the Ukrainian community and not to America! But they felt strongly that the kids should learn the language of this new country, American history, its culture, and its traditions. 

There, Christina met her husband George, who was also born in Ukraine. They raised three children together, and  she started  her home design and art collection career.

Christina The Artist

When Christina redesigned and renovated her New Jersey home,  and her work was first featured in Glamour magazine, her extraordinary artistic talent and elegant taste were fully revealed.  An avid art collector,  Christina’s collection includes not only  Mies van der Rohe, Harry Bertoia, and Charles and Ray Eames, but also includes the Vasily chair designed by Hungarian designer Marcel Breuer and named after his teacher Wassily Kandinsky. 

Collection of black and white woodcuts by Jacques Hnizdovsky in Christina's drawing room

Walking into Christina’s home in Lexington, people feel that they have entered a museum.  The artworks that Christina has collected for half a decade are displayed beautifully throughout  her home with often dramatic results.  For instance, her display of African modern chairs  with a faded Chinese wooden antique box and the family photos fills the living space with great warmth.

Christina is not just  an art collector, but also a pragmatic art redesigner and creator.  She once rescued a pair of Kandinsky-style table legs from the trash; collaborated with Emily Passman, a Lexington artist, to create a beautiful Kandinsky-style table top; and designed and made a flower necklace to go with this table.

Christina recreates Kandinsky-style table and necklacks 

Christina’s beloved garden, where she has hosted many fundraising events for various organizations , can be seen from her living room. The colorful flowers contrast with the layers of new green, white stone laid Dry River winding. The garden ornaments stand  quietly in this beautiful setting.  Christina shares this environment with the many organizations she supports through her sophisticated and beautiful fundraisers.

Christina's garden where hosts fundraising events for various organizations of Lexington 

Symphony Fundraiser “Music & Art” - 2008 at home with artists and members of the Symphony Board

A Lifetime of Giving Back

Asked if she wanted people to see her as a collector, an artist, or a gardener, Christina said: “ I would rather be called a professional volunteer.”  People see her as a lifelong devotee of giving to others.

In 1986, when George became the president of Thermo Electron Technologies Corporation, they moved to busy, bustling Lexington. “When we moved to Lexington - I was so lonely. No children, no one that I knew, so I signed up for everything! First, it was the garden club!” Christina said.

Christina has been a long-time member of the Lexington Field & Garden Club since 1988. Christina is also the founding chair of the Emery Park Maintenance committee for the club. She and other club members can be seen there throughout the year, weeding, cleaning, pruning, and watering. She has worked on the Hancock-Clarke Herb Garden and the Minuteman Statue since 1988.

Christina with a helper from MSG at Hancock-Clarke Herb Garden – April 2021

A member of the  Garden Club’s Morning Study Group  since 1988, she organizes  occasional home improvements, workshops, and fundraising for those in need. During the pandemic, Christina held a Dry Potpourri & More representing Fall and Winter Season webinar and taught people to use flowers, plants and dried branches from the garden to make beautiful table decorations and Christmas tree ornaments. Her crafts along with others will be displayed and sold at the first Herb Festival organized by the Lexington Historical Society and the Garden Club.

Dry Potpourri & More workshop

Located at Tower Park on Massachusetts Avenue is a unique park dedicated to Antony, a sister city to Lexington. Christina has been actively involved in the aesthetics and fundraising for this project, which is  designed as an outdoor event space with full electricity. There  concerts and other community gatherings can take place.

When George led the remembrance for the 100th anniversary of WW I, he organized the World War I committee with its many events. Christina focused on the veterans, creating  373 poppies in honor of the Lexington WWI veterans and organizing the auction of the wooden painted wreaths for the Fallen 8. The proceeds were donated to the Matthew Allen VFW Post 3007 in Lexington.

Christina sees a world filled with possibility and potential and is always willing to lend a helping hand.   Christina not only puts in her time and effort but  also likes to reach out and bring everyone in. Over the years, she has helped many different organizations in town to organize fundraisers such as Lexington Historical Society, Emery Park, Lexington Symphony, Lexington Community Farm, National Heritage Museum, Monroe Arts Center, Antony Working Group. 

Christina is very proud and honored to have been the recipient of the Lexington Historical Society’s coveted Captain Parker Award in 2014 for her many contributions and support of the Society.  

When Christina hosts fundraisers, she doesn’t just attend meetings; she is one of those hard-working members who make things happen.  All her fundraising projects are uniquely sophisticated and beautiful. You can even tell the beauty from the names of the events:  2014 Mid century Memories & Tastes;Art in the Garden; Downtown Abbey; Cultivating Music and Art; Getting to Know You – it’s More than the Music;Celebrating Wearable Art & Functional Art etc. Her show-stopping events are elegant, and she  always successfully achieves the fundraising goals.

Artworks made by Christina 

She has also extended her talents to fundraising for SNAP (Special Needs Arts Programs), which is beloved in the community. SNAP started with a sing-a-long chorus and has branched out to encompass a visual art program. As with many of the organizations that Christina aligns with, SNAP resonates with her on  a personal level. Through her work with SNAP, she is honoring the memory of her brother-in-law. a quadriplegic who faced many challenges with intelligence and a sense of humor. She loves the way SNAP allows participants to express themselves through art and through music. In 2018, Christina was selected as the Ambassador for SNAP and awarded the First SNAP Circle Honoree.

Christina says, “As we mature and go through challenges in our personal lives, we understand how lucky we are and how grateful we should be for what we have.  Those of us who are refugees have many opportunities here. For us to give back is a thank you for letting us live in this wonderful country.” Refugee life has made Christina grow stronger  and be more compassionate to people and the world. 

When Christina learned that the Chinese American Association of Lexington was organizing the donation of masks for the pandemic, she  generously donated immediately.   She said, “Please purchase more masks for people who suffer from the pandemic, and people need masks more than me. ” On learning about the Asian Hate event in Atlanta this year, Christina broke down in tears and joined George at the candlelight memorial in Hasting Park, Lexington. She placed a “Stop Asian Hate” sign in her  yard that night.

Donation to CAAL for COVID-19 Relief

Christina's drawing room wall displays many artworks  by the Ukrainian-born American artist Jacques Hnizdovsky. Christina Gamota always remembers that she was once a refugee from Ukraine. Although Ukraine was her birthplace,  she is very grateful for this country that gave her a new home. She wanted to return the favor and to help pave the way for those who came after her.

Those who are willing to bring help and joy to communities and the people around them are among the happiest people, because happiness always takes special liking to those who are kind hearted, love life, and enjoy helping others. A true artist and humanitarian, Christina is full of love and compassion, always smiling as she has lived through the past 80 wonderful years.


1981- 1986 【University of Michigan Art 

Museum】 Board member ,Ann Arbor MI

1988 - present 【Lexington Field & Garden 

Club】 Chair & Co-chair &  Board Member

1988 - present  【Morning Study Group】

3 times Co-chair & Honorary member

1988 – present 【 Hancock-Clarke Herb 

Garden】3 times Chair 

1988 – present  【Statue of Minuteman】 


1988 – present  【Munroe Tavern】

Wild Flower Garden

2003-present【Emery Park @ Depot 

Square】Founding chair 

1988-present 【Lexington Historical Society】

Board member & Events Committee

【Museum of National Heritage】

 Community Board Member

2006-present【Lexington Symphony】

Sustaining Member &  Committee

2010-present【Antony Working Group】



Ambassador & First SNAP Circle Honoree

【Munroe Center for the Art 】


2017【Refugee Stories】

Yearning to Breathe Free

2018【WWI Veterans 100th Anniversary】


2019【Ballets Russes Arts Initiative】

Exhibit of J. Hnizdovsky Collection

Scroll down to read in English












英文:Ashley Rooney

中文:Elizabeth Xu  &  鱼儿


封面设计: 袁力  封面摄影: 鱼儿


Website: caal-ma.org

Facebook: caal1983

Twitter: CAALsince1983

Youtube: CAAL




