

社媒菌 外贸社媒课堂 2024-04-07



Skype, a popular net mobile all over the world, is not a strange thing to many foreign traders. The extremely high-quality phone call and character, video communication enable people to hold meeting through multiple terminals such as laptops, mobile phones and normal landline. Today, I would like to share the skills in Skype using with you.

1Skype初步尝试 Give it a try

After you installed Skype, follow the steps of menu-tool-searching for users and try the following actions.

A. 了解你的目标客户缩写(非常重要),不懂就用搜索找到它。
It is very important to know about the abbreviation of your customer and if you don’t know, just searched for it. 

B. 搜索的时候,你可以选择国家;搜索结果出来后,你可以点用户名,让它排序,列出可能的联系方式。
When searching, you may choose nationality. You can click the  username to make a list and select the potential customers.

2Skype搜索客户 Use Skype to search customers

Search with the key words need some analysis of the psychology in name giving.

A.想想你自己是如何为Skype取用户名的?Think about how you make your Skype name?

Unless the company compulsively requires the product included in the user name, many of us will not use the purchased product in the name.

B.挖掘Skype me用户 Mining Skype me users

Skype上有个“搜索Skype用户”的功能,你可以按照国家、城市等地区、性别、对方的语言、年龄来搜索,当然最后一点就是别忘了在“查找Skype me状态下的用户”前面打上勾。只有标了“Skype me”的用户是欢迎别人去加他的。
There is a function named Skype me that you can search the customers by country, city, origin gender, language and age. And don’t forget to tick in front of search for users in Skype me because only user marked Skype me would like others to follow.

C.踊跃主动发言,触发买家的兴趣 Be active to trigger the interest

最后,加别人Skype的话要经常骚扰,和发邮件一样,加的多了也就熟了,不过很有可能被对方拉到黑名单里去,第一次加的口号可以是:Fashion and imitation jewelry supplier,第二次广告:Hello, my friend,第三次:This is xx, we have contacted by email;轰炸三次没效果的话基本上可以放弃开发这个买家。
Finally, we need to frequently contact the users after we add them on Skype. It is like sending mails, the more you send, the more familiar you feel. However, you can be put into block list. The first greeting can be Fashion and imitation jewelry supplier,and the next is advertisement: Hello, my friend. In the third time, send this is xx, we have contacted by email. If there is still no response, we can basically give him up.

Some of them are not target customers, how to do?

We can find some Skype user who are all salespeople and make friends with them. Although they are not your target customers, they are more familiar to the local market than you.

In addition, combine Google to search Skype user which is specific. The most important point is key words choosing.

A.用目标国家的google版本进行搜索:比如要搜索英国的用户,应该用 www.google.co.uk ,并采用英文进行搜索;
Search on Google in the version of target country. For example, use www.google.co.uk for customers from UK and type English.

B.关键词的组合形式:针对客户的关键词(如产品、行业、公司名称)+ Skype;
The combining form of key words can be specific key words like product, industry and company name plus Skype;

Take advantage of Google advanced search bar to lock potential customers more precise.

3Skype添加客户注意事项 Notes in adding Skype customers

It is not polite to add people compulsively and call them. Therefore, I don’t recommend this. The people added on your contact should be those who are willing to accept your invitation.

4Skype客户添加与交流 Add and Communicate

如何顺利让你成为他Skype里的好友呢?不妨在提交好友申请的时候,试用“Supplier”作提交语, 也可以用“hello”、“businese”。通过后先交朋友,了解了对方的行业,不能急于求成。如果你的客户变成你的朋友,一旦他有需求一定会想起你的。

How to become a friend in his list on Skype? We may try Supplier, Hello and Business to submit friend application. Make friends with him when added and know about his business line. Don’t be in a hurry because if the customer becomes your friend, he will think of you at once when he is in demand.








外贸干货 | LinkedIn(领英)应该怎样开发客户?这里教你


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