
12月晨读-Day 2 “你自己心里还没点数吗?”

快乐的月亮邮递员 枫林悦读 2021-02-10

Lesson 3

Let's get right to the point / cut to the chase
拓展:在上一期的晨读中我们还学到过两个类似的表达, Don‘t beat around the bush / dance around the issue.

洗耳恭听I am all ears(单数).

You must be pulling my leg.(单数)

I'm booked solid this weekend.
拓展:fully booked 、be booked solid 可以用在表示酒店房间、餐馆订座、机票座位已经订满。临近考研,如果不早点预定房间的话,考点附近的房间很快就被订满了, the hotel is going to be all booked solid for the week.

Lesson 4

Time is of the essence.
拓展:老友记 S5E03 Pheobe 有一句台词 I'm kind of on a clock here, 也有异曲同工之妙。

I knew you'd come around.拓展:这个表达有种“真香”之感,在上一期的晨读中我们还学过另外一个类似的表达,change one's tune.

老友记中Monica 经典的一句台词就是 I know.

Fill me in. / Tell me about it.
提示:这里和昨天学到的 [out with it] 都有“告诉我”的意思,但要注意区分使用场景和语气。

这不明摆着么?你自己心里没点数?Do I have  to spell it out for you ?

Lesson 5

失约 be back on sb

最后一秒(事到临头)at the eleventh hour

临时有事 something came up

无法脱身 I can't get out of it.

事后补偿你 I‘ll make it up to you.


I'll take you up on your offer.


Honey, I'm sorry to back out on you at the eleventh hour, but something came up. I can't get out of it.

What??? !!!

I'll make it up for you. How about  I treat you to dinner at that new French restaurant tomorrow night ?

Fine, I'll take you up on your offer. If you dare stand me up again, just wait and see.


在今天的晨读中遇到这么一句话,stop futzing around.在这句话中的 futz 就是意第绪语 " to fart around " 衍生过来的单词,同样的类似的还有 schmooze(chit-chat)、kvetch(complain)。在日常口语中如果偶尔用一用意第绪语会让整个表达显得更加的活泼有趣。

 截图来自 Eric 公众号


futz around 在这里的意思是 to waste time, often through unnecessary activity, 形容一种无所事事浪费时间的状态。比商场没什么人的时候,售货员在那无所事事玩手机,The sales clerk is futzing around with her cellphone while the restaurant is slow.

 此外,这个词还我想起我们之前学过的一系列关于“瞎逛、瞎混、玩玩而已”这类的表达:horse around、screw around、fool around、mess around、moon around、fuck around.在上周看过的电影 Knives Out 中还出现过 goof around, 老友记S5E3中也出现过同款表达。

说到瞎混日子,Bojack Horseman 中的 Todd 就是个十足的混子,之前学过的“啃老族“的表达都还记得吗?在这里也一起复习一下:

freeloader、mooch都可以用来形容那些厚颜无耻蹭吃蹭喝的人,mooch 常用的一个短语搭配是 mooch off. 比如在形容 Todd 这个人的时候就可以这么介绍他 Todd is a shiftless freeloader that mooched off Bojack for years. / Todd is a shiftless mooch.

