
12月晨读-Day 5 “一切来得都刚刚好”

快乐的月亮邮递员 枫林悦读 2021-02-10

Lesson 11

Let's get sth uderway with 开始做某事get underway = to begin 表演晚上七点钟开始The performance gets underway on 7:00 pm.近义拓展:Let's preface sth with sth/by doing sth 在开始讲话前, 我必须先表达歉意I must preface my remarks with an apolopgy.

wannabe n. 模仿者, 梦想出名的人想成为音乐家的人a wannabe musician=a would-be musican, 拙劣的乔帮主模仿者 a feebie Steve Jobs wannabe. 另外,孕妇可以用mother-to-be来表达,马上要结婚的女孩(准新娘)可以说是bride-to-be.

近义拓展:copycat 也是指的模仿者, 好跟人学的人,但这个词有一番邯郸学步、东施效颦的贬义意味,比如市场上有很多名牌价格很高,一些买家会选择买价格相对合理的高仿货In the market you can buy a affordable copycat versions of expensive perfumes.

xx is the greatest thing since sliced bread极好(极有意思的)事物一直被人安利各种学习软件,自从上个月入手ipad pro亲身体验了一番Goodnotes的笔记功能后,不由得惊呼 The Goodnotes app is the best thing since sliced bread.

just the ticket 正是我想要的东西,一切正好从学校毕业后一直在凭借兴趣学习英语, 但总感觉少点什么, 直到遇见了现象级英语, the phenomenal English team is just the ticket.

拓展: 除了just the ticket还有一些词语的抽象意用法也很实用, 比如 a passport to 获取xx的手段,单凭美貌也能成功beauty alone can be a passport to success;a key to 实现xx的关键,完成xx的要诀,the cornerstone/building block(s) of 最重要的部分, xx的基石/基础。

go-to guy, go-to place这是个很实用的词, 当在英语学习上遇到问题的时候, Eric is the go-to guy when it comes to learning English. 当你想找个安静地方学习的时候, library 或许是你的 go-to place, 在你想一个人静静喝一杯闷酒的时候,常去的那家酒吧就是你的 go-to bar. 我很中意肯德基的甜筒所以KFC is my go-to burger-joint.

keep sb in the loop=keep sb informed"有消息了就告诉我"可以直接说成 keep me in the loop.

Lesson 12

make headway(单数) 取得进展你最近在谈一笔生意, 但是至今都没有啥进展 Little headway has been made so far in the negotiation.

同义拓展:没啥进展还有两个表达「I‘m not making any progress」「I am going no where」,比如你最近向喜欢的女孩表白了, 你哥们问 how's your declaration/profession coming along, 要是进展不太顺的话你就可以参照这三个表达 I am not making any headway.

turn over a new leaf 翻篇, 重新做人,洗心革面The rehab programme helps drug addicts to turn over a new leaf when they get back to society.

拓展:在前一课中我们学习了关于效仿的两个表达 wannabe 和 copycat, 这里还有一个和 leaf 有关的短语「take a leaf out of sb's book」,也可以表示效仿某人, 更多是褒义,表示以某人为榜样。比如应该向 Eric 学习, 坚持早起晨读I should take a leaf out of Eric's book and get up at six to read every morning.

office romance 办公室恋情a whirlwind romance 闪电式的恋爱, 爱情来得太快就像龙卷风···have  romance 有风流韵事, 可以这么造句,他们在80年代有过一段风流韵事They had a brief romance in the 80s.

patch things up with sb 重归于好,和解这个词和之前学过的 get back together 可以近义替换使用, 比如你的两个朋友吵架分手了, 你或许会关心的问一句Did you manage to patch things up/get back together with your girlfriend after your row?

补充拓展:上个例句中的 row 算是熟词生意, 作动词可以表示吵架的意思, She had rowed with her parents about her byfriend, 作名词可以表示严重的分歧/纠纷/争吵,  political row(政治摩擦), this is likely to provoke a further row over education(这可能会加剧在教育问题上的分歧), my parents are always rowing over money(父母总是因为钱的事情争吵不休)。

snitch on sb 打小报告/告密比如上小学的时候班里总是有喜欢向老师告状的人,she's always stiching on someone.「snitches get stiches」这句可以用来警告那些爱打小报告的人, 大意是你要敢把这事给捅出去你就完了。注意, whistle-blower也有举报人,检举人的意思, 但这个词更多的用在政府部门或者公司里检举揭发舞弊内情的人(A whistle-blower is someone who finds out that the organization they are working for is doing something immoral or illegal and tells the authorities or the public about it),用的时候要稍微注意使用的对象和场景。

