
【顶级期刊创业研究速递】JBV 2019年1月文献中英文摘要(下)

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

Orchestrating boundaries: The effect of R&D boundary permeability on new venture growth



Robert S. Nason,1, Johan Wiklund,2, Alexander McKelvieb, Michael Hitt,3,4, Wei Yu,5

1 John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, 1445 De Maisonneuve Boulevard, West, Montréal, Québec H3G 1M8, Canada

2 Department of Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, 721 University Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244, USA

3 Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4221, USA

4 Texas Christian University, College Station, TX 77843-4221, USA

5 Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, NUS Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1,117575, Singapore


虽然成熟的公司可以有效地管理其资源组合,但新创企业必须通过整合资源来构建资源边界。 这样做的过程中,通常会推动新创企业利用其他参与者拥有的资源。这些组织间关系策略不会扩展组织边界,而是创建可渗透的边界。我们将边界可渗透性理论化成可以提供更多的资源,但限制了对资源的控制。因此,新创企业面临着一个风险的选择:利用较少但完全受控的资源或在有限的控制下获得更广泛的资源。本文使用了年轻的知识密集型新创企业样本,研究其R&D的边界可渗透性对营业收入、盈利能力和员工数量等增长维度的影响。在此过程中,本文探索了早期阶段的边界管理决策,揭示了开放企业边界的机会和威胁。

While established firms can efficiently manage their resource portfolio, new ventures must construct resource boundaries by assembling resources. In doing so, new ventures are often pushed to utilize resources that are owned by other actors. These inter-organizational relationship strategies do not expand organizational boundaries, but rather create permeable boundaries. We theorize that boundary permeability confers greater access to resources, but limits control over them. Therefore, new ventures face a risky option: utilize fewer but fully controlled resources or access a broader range of resources under limited control. We examine the effects of R&D boundary permeability across growth dimensions of sales, profitability, and employees using a sample of young knowledge intensive ventures. In doing so, we explore early stage boundary management decisions and reveal opportunities and threats to opening venture boundaries.

Early employment expansion and long-run survival examining employee turnover as a context factor



Pernille Gjerløv-Juel,1, Christina Guenther,2

1 Department of Business and Management, Fibigerstræde 11, 9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark

2 WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Burgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar, Germany



We investigate under which circumstances early employment growth translates into greater long run survival. Drawing on Penrose's growth theory, we suggest that the relationship between early employment growth and long-run survival is conditional on employee turnover. We argue that higher employee turnover reduces joint experience in the firm and disrupts the development and eventual exploitation of the firm's productive opportunity set, thereby reducing long-term utilization of early employment expansion. These arguments suggest that the firm's ability to realize long-term benefits of early employment growth is contingent upon low employee turnover following this initial expansion. Using the Danish Integrated Database for Labor Market Research,we show that only when employee turnover is low, will early employment growth lead to higher survival in the long run.

The guppy and the whale: Relational pluralism and start-ups' expropriation dilemma in partnership formation



Joris Knoben,1, Rene M. Bakker,2,

1 Institute for Management Research, Radboud University, P.O. Box 9108, 6500 HK Nijmegen, The Netherlands

2 Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, 1309 E. Tenth St., Bloomington, IN 47405, United States



Start-ups have a high need for resources yet face significant risks when forming partnerships with incumbents to access those resources. We propose that a partnership strategy based on relational pluralism, forming multiplex and multifaceted ties with partners, can mitigate these risks. Such ties offer the start-up increased legitimacy and a relational safeguard against resource misappropriation by more powerful partners. However, we propose that there is a limit to the effectiveness of relational pluralism. Its effect is weakened when the start-up becomes entirely dependent on a small set of partners, or when an additional tie yields resources that are redundant. We argue that the start-up only benefits when the gains from relational safeguarding and legitimacy outweigh the costs of dependence and redundancy. We empirically observe the co-evolution of start-ups’ interlocking directorate and strategic alliance networks in the Australian mining industry over a 10-year period. Our results show that start-ups that engage in relational pluralism perform better than both start-ups that form no alliances and start-ups that form stand-alone alliances. Having a very small portfolio of partners or one that skews heavily toward local partners, however, indeed limits the effectiveness of relational pluralism. Intriguingly, we also find that the temporal sequencing of relational pluralism matters. One of our central findings is that the best performing start-ups first form board interlocks with promising partners and add a strategic alliance later. This offers a rare glance at the temporal sequencing in which peripheral start-ups can gain exceptional performance through partnership formation.

The role of top management teams in transforming technology-based new ventures' product introductions into growth



Daniela Nuscheler,1, Andreas Engelen,1, Shaker A. Zahra,2

1TU Dortmund, Germany

2 Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A



The literature highlights the importance of top management teams (TMTs) for technology-based new ventures' success in achieving growth, which is often achieved through product introductions.The human capital theory suggests that TMT members' skills, which are typically derived from their education and experience, can facilitate the transformation of new product introductions into growth. We also propose that multiple products that must be managed and brought to the marketplace smoothly and flexibly benefit from the lower coordination needs and conflicts that are typical of functionally homogeneous teams. Using a unique, multi-source dataset on 374 US technology-based new ventures during the period from 2005 to 2014, we find that new product introductions help technology-based new ventures grow only when the TMT has startup experience and is not functionally diverse. Our findings lead us to echo calls in the TMT literature to move away from simple direct-effect models to more situation-dependent analyses of TMT diversity.

Signaling in science-based IPOs The combined effect of affiliation with prestigious universities, underwriters, and venture capitalists



Massimo G. Colombo,1, Michele Meoli,2, Silvio Vismara,2,

1Politecnico di Milano, Italy

2 University of Bergamo, Italy



This paper studies the combined effect of affiliation with prestigious universities, underwriters, and venture capitalists on the valuation of biotech ventures at IPO and their post-IPO performance. We argue that affiliation to a prestigious university provides the affiliated firm with a quality signal in the scientific domain. The pure quality signaling effect of the affiliation is isolated from the substantive benefits it provides by performing a difference-in-difference approach based on the scientific reputation of scientists in firms' upper echelons. The signal is stronger the weaker is the scientific reputation of scientists of the focal IPO-firm and is additive to those provided by prestigious venture capitalists and underwriters. Results for a sample of 254 European biotech ventures that went through an IPO between 1990 and 2009 confirm our predictions.

Socio-cognitive traits and entrepreneurship The moderating role of economic institutions



Christopher J. Boudreaux,1, Boris N. Nikolaev,2, Peter Klein,2

1 Florida Atlantic University, College of Business, 777 Glades Road, KH 145, Boca Raton, FL 33431, United States of America

2 Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, One Bear Place #98011, Waco, TX 76798, United States of America



We examine how country-level institutional context moderates the relationship between three socio-cognitive traits—entrepreneurial self-efficacy, alertness to new business opportunities, and fear of failure—and opportunity entrepreneurship. To do this, we blend social cognitive theory (SCT) with institutional theory to develop a multi-level model of entrepreneurial entry. We merge data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) surveys and the Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) index for 45 countries from 2002 to 2012. Our results, which are based on a multilevel fixed-effects model, suggest that entrepreneurs' self-efficacy and alertness to new opportunities promote opportunity entrepreneurship while fear of failure discourages it. However, the strength of these relationships depends on the institutional context, with entrepreneurial self-efficacy and alertness substantially more likely to lead to new opportunity-driven ventures in countries with higher levels of economic freedom. These results provide suggestive evidence that economic freedom not only channels individual effort to productive entrepreneurial activities, but also affects the extent to which individuals' socio-cognitive resources are likely to mobilized and lead to high-growth entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship as a solution to extreme poverty A review and future research directions



Christopher Sutter,1, Garry D. Bruton,2,4, Juanyi Chen,3

1 Farmer School of Business, Miami University, United States

2 Professor of Management, Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University, United States

3 School of Management, Jilin University, China

4 Honorary Professor School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, China



Entrepreneurship is widely argued to be critical for alleviating extreme poverty. However, research on this topic is characterized by diverging perspectives regarding poverty alleviation and remains fragmented across various research domains. This review examines 77 leading academic journals over the period 1990 to 2017 and identifies over 200 articles on entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation. The analysis of these articles highlights three different underlying perspectives: poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship as remediation (actions that address immediate resource concerns), reform (actions leading to substantive institutional changes), and revolution (actions that change the underlying capitalist-based assumptions of business). The analysis of these articles leads to the development of extensive new insights and opportunities for future research.



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【顶级期刊创业研究速递】JBV 2019年1月文献中英文摘要(上)

- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



