
【顶级期刊创业研究速递】ETP 2019年3月文献中英文摘要

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

Social Structures, Social Relationships, and Family Firms



Thomas M. Zellweger1, James J. Chrisman2,4 ,Jess H. Chua3, and Lloyd P. Steier4

1University of St. Gallen, Dufourstrasse, St. Gallen, Switzerland

2Mississippi State University, College of Business and Industry, Mississippi State, MS, USA

3University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive, NW, Scurfield Hall, Calgary, AB, Canada

4University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada



In this introduction, we observe that the study of social structures and social relationships constitutes a common theme among the articles and commentaries contained within this special issue on Theories of Family Enterprise. Individuals and organizations are embedded in complex networks of social organization and exchange. Within business enterprises, familial relationships engender unique goals, governance structures, resources, and outcomes. We discuss these relationships, potential research directions, and the contributions made by the articles and commentaries. In so doing, we expand the literature on how social structures and social relationships affect the behavior and performance of family firms.

Bounded Rationality and Bounded Reliability: A Study of Nonfamily Managers’

Entrepreneurial Behavior n Family Firms



Josip Kotlar1,2 and Philipp Sieger3

1Politecnico di Milano, School of Management, Milan, Italy

2Lancaster University Management School, Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Lancaster, UK

3University of Bern, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bern, Switzerland




We use transaction cost economics to explain the individual-level entrepreneurial behavior of family and nonfamily managers in family firms. We argue that nonfamily managers exhibit lower entrepreneurial behavior than family managers, particularly after the founder’s departure from the business. Moreover, we identify an expanded set of factors through which family firms can facilitate nonfamily managers’ entrepreneurial behavior, including monitoring, incentives, distributive justice, access to the top management, and job control perceptions. We test these hypotheses in a sample of 296 family firm managers, contributing new insights on nonfamily managers and corporate entrepreneurship in family firms.

Micro-Foundations of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Family Firms: An Institution-Based Perspective



Sohrab Soleimanof1 , Kulraj Singh1, and Daniel T. Holt1

1College of Business, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, USA




Family firm institutional context is composed of institutions that originate from the family and the business. Hence, a confluence of family and business institutions, with varying degrees of salience, interact and influence entrepreneurial behaviors within family firms. We suggest an institution based perspective for examining entrepreneurial behaviors and explain why an institutional perspective can deepen our understanding of the micro-foundations of corporate entrepreneurship within family firms. Furthermore, we elaborate on family institutions’ influence on entrepreneurial behaviors by highlighting these institutions’ impact on family members’ cognitions and abilities, as well as, family and nonfamily members’ interactions and relationships.

When Do Women Make a Better Table Examining the Influence of Women Directors on Family Firm’s Corporate Social Performance



Cristina Cruz1, Rachida Justo1, Martı´n Larraza-Kintana2 , and Lucı´a Garce´s-Galdeano2

1IE Business School, Madrid, Spain

2Departamento Gestio´n de empresas, Universidad Pu´blica de Navarra, INARBE—Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics, Pamplona, Spain




Our paper seeks to further understand the influence of gender board diversity on firms’ corporate social performance (CSP) in the context of publicly held family firms. Grounded on corporate governance and family firm literature, we argue that the influence of women directors on CSP will be contingent on their relative power and legitimacy within the board, and that such dynamics are particularly important in family firm boardrooms. Our empirical results show that increases in CSP associated with the presence of women in the boards of family firms are due mainly to the presence of outsider nonfamily and insider family women directors. Implications for the theory of family firms are discussed.



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【研究速递】ETP 2019年1月文献中英文摘要




- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



