

山东外语教学 山东外语教学 2022-12-22

高端访谈马 婷→Lawrence Jun Zhang
——Lawrence Jun Zhang(张军)教授访谈录
马婷  Lawrence Jun Zhang
(奥克兰大学 教育与社会工作学院, 新西兰奥克兰 1023)
【摘要】Lawrence Jun Zhang(张军)博士现任新西兰奥克兰大学教育与社会工作学院副院长、应用语言学教授,在元认知、二语读写教学、学术英语写作、语言教师教育等领域著述颇丰并于2016年世界英语教师协会(TESOL International Association)成立50周年之际,荣获英语教学领域“全球50名领军学者”称号。受《山东外语教学》编辑部委托,笔者对张军教授进行了专访。此次访谈围绕当下外语教师教育研究的热点以及重点展开。张军教授结合在中国、美国、新加坡、英国和新西兰多年的教学与科研经历,从跨文化的视角,探讨了外语教师教育课程设置、语言政策、理论的引进与输出等话题。
An International Perspective on the Turn and Development of Foreign Language Teacher Education:
An Interview with Professor Lawrence Jun Zhang
MA Ting, Lawrence Jun ZHANG
(Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand)
Abstract: Lawrence Jun Zhang, PhD, is Professor of Linguistics-in-Education and Associate Dean of International Partnerships, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. His publications span metacognition, second language biliteracy education, academic English writing, and language teacher education. In 2016, he was honoured by the TESOL International Association (USA) at its 50th anniversary, with the award of "TESOL's 50@50", as one of the "50 Outstanding Leaders" around the globe in the profession of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). Commissioned by the editorial office of Shandong Foreign Language Teaching, Ma conducted an interview with Professor Zhang, focusing on the current advances and key issues in the field of foreign language teacher education. In the interview, Professor Zhang, through his many years of teaching and research experience in China, the US, Singapore, the UK, and New Zealand, provided a multicultural perspective on issues such as the curriculum of foreign language teacher education, language policy, and the importing and exporting of theories.
Keywords: EFL teacher education; pedagogical content knowledge; technological pedagogical content knowledge






刘晓林1 王文斌2

(1. 重庆三峡学院 外国语学院, 重庆 404100
2. 北京外国语大学 中国外语教育与研究中心, 北京 100081)
Word-class and Syntactic-structure Foundations 
of the Spatiality Typology of Chinese

LIU Xiaolin1, WANG Wenbin2

(1. College of Foreign Languages, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404100, China
2. China Foreign Languages and Education Research Center, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract: On the basis of the studies by Wang Wenbin, this paper attempts to elaborate the typology of the spatiality in Chinese from the perspectives of thinking pattern, word class, topic-comment structure, run-on sentence and complex sentence. It reveals that the non-distinction of noun and verb paves the way for the under-grammaticalization in Chinese; topic-comment structure is free from the constraints of temporality and modal verbs; and its running-on in space gives rise to run-on sentences. It also finds that there are no temporal-adverbial clause markers in Chinese that are similar to those in English and the components that comprise a complex sentence in Chinese are in a coordinating relation. All these are the manifestations of the strong spatiality in Chinese, which, in its turn, inhibits its advancement to temporality.
Keywords: spatiality; non-distinction of noun and verb; topic-comment structure; run-on sentence; complex sentence


(广东外语外贸大学 外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心/ 词典学中心, 广东广州 510420)
Syntactic Distributions of Two Types of Psych Predicates:
A Relevant Interlanguage Study
MA Zhigang
(Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics / Center for Lexicographical Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)
Abstract: Syntactic categories show few morphological markings in Chinese; therefore, adjectives and verbs are hard to distinguish when used as predicates. In consequence, aspectual marking and degree adverbial tests in current studies are of limited validity for foreign students' L2 acquisition of the two types of categories. Meanwhile, cross-linguistic studies show that L2 acquisition of Chinese psych predicates by English and Russian speakers must take into account morphological features in their L1s and the syntactic distribution in the target language. Due to the fact that the only formal cue that L2-ers can reliably resort to is syntactic distribution, the present study, by means of a two-way ANOVA with the mixed design, yielded the following generalization in interlanguage: the extent of morphological richness in learners' L1s varies systematically with different syntactic structures in the target language, and in the process of L2 acquisition of psych predicates in Chinese, morphological features and syntactic distribution interact in experimental cells, thereby accounting for relevant findings in current studies. The present article attributes the differing criteria in classifying categories in various languages to be one of the causes of syntactic and thematic errors in interlanguage.
Keywords: Second Language Acquisition (SLA); Chinese as a Second Language (CSL); interlanguage; psych adjectives; psych verbs



冯国丽1 于秀金2

(1. 山东大学 外国语学院, 山东济南 250100
2. 山东财经大学 外国语学院, 山东济南 250014)

The Cross-language Research Status and Problems of Case

FENG Guoli1, YU Xiujin2
(1. School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
2. School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract: Case is a cross-language grammatical category. Cross-language studies on case have achieved fruitful results, but there are still some problems in previous studies on case: 1) Most studies on case are from a narrow perspective of grammatical morphology, ignoring the means of case representation in different languages; 2) Terms are not unified, causing some confusions in research; 3) The relationship between form and meaning is not close, ignoring the research on semantics; 4) Most of studies are the description and induction of language phenomenon, but lack the interpretation of cross-language university. In view of this, it is necessary to propose the future development trends of case from the study perspectives and paradigms, providing new ideas and methods for case research.
Keywords: case category; ergativity; semantics; cross-language university



在全面提升高校人才培养质量的背景下,研究和改进课堂外语教学具有十分重要的意义。外语教学的主要目是培养学生的语言运用能力以及与之密切相关的跨文化意识、思维能力、创新能力等。广大外语教师能认识到培养这些能力的重要性,但是在实际课堂教学中,以单纯讲解语言知识为主的现象仍然十分突出,教学重点仍仅限于语法、词汇等语言知识的讲解和练习,机械重复、模仿、记忆等学习方式仍然十分普遍。在教学过程中, 学生被动地接受知识,或者在教师的控制下进行机械的操练,而不是积极主动地参与课堂互动和语言实践活动。这些教学方式不利于培养学生的独立思考能力、创新能力和自主学习能力,也不利于激发学生的学习兴趣。外语教学理论所提倡的启发式、互动式、探究 式等教学方法还没有得到有效运用。


程晓堂 谭思坦
(北京师范大学 外国语言文学学院, 北京 100875)
【摘要】语言教学原理是语言教育的客观规律,是对语言教学本质的深刻思考。大学英语教学的设计须遵循语言教学原理。本文首先阐述交际语言教学、基于语篇的语言教学、内容与语言相融合的语言教学、任务型语言教学以及互动式语言教学等语言教学基本原理,然后结合《大学英语教学指南》 (2020版)的具体要求说明如何基于语言教学原理设计大学英语教学。
Research on College English Teaching Design Based on
Language Teaching Principles
CHENG Xiaotang, TAN Sitan
(School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: Language teaching principles are the general laws of language education, reflecting its nature and determining its design. This paper first expounds on these basic principles, namely communicative language teaching, discourse-based language teaching, content and language integrated teaching, task-based language teaching and interactive language teaching. Then with specific examples of classroom instruction, the paper discusses how to design college English teaching based on these principles in order to meet the requirements stipulated in College English Curriculum Requirements (2020). 
Keywords: language teaching principles; college English teaching; College English Curriculum Requirements (2020)


(济南大学 外国语学院, 山东济南 250022)
The Formulation and Verification of the Scale of Multidimensional Evaluation for Student Engagement in College English Classroom
REN Qingmei
(School of Foreign Languages, Jinan University, Jinan 250022, China )
Abstract: Student engagement, as the key variable to represent how actively involved students are in learning process, is viewed as the core indicator for assessing teaching quality. By reviewing typical student engagement scales and relevant theories, aligned with features of college English classroom instruction, the article reports an empirical study to develop the scale of multidimensional evaluation for student engagement in college English classroom. Data were collected from a sample of 1263 students from seven universities in China and statistically analyzed using Cronbach's Alpha, Correlation Test and Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicate that the scale has satisfactory internalreliability and structural validity. Results of the survey and the theoretical model basically agree with each other. The findings tend to empirically verify the scale of multidimensional evaluation system for student engagement in college English classroom and provide evidence to enhance effective classroom instruction. 
Keywords: student engagement; college English; classroom instruction; the scale of multidimensional evaluation


混合式外语教学中的教学互动研究——以英语摘要写作教学为例雷茜(西安外国语大学 英文学院, 陕西西安 710128)【摘要】混合式外语教学在教学设计、学习设计和教学互动方面有鲜明特色。本文以设计学习理论为指导,探讨混合式外语教学中的教学互动模式,并以英语专业学术写作中的摘要教学为例,考察混合式英语写作教学中教学设计与学习设计之间的互动及其在外语本科生多元读写能力培养中的作用。研究结果表明,混合式英语摘要写作教学的主要教学互动方式是线上观看视频、平台讨论、课堂小组活动、作文自评和互评等;教学互动的特点是学生积极配合教师指导为主,基于网络和教材的自主设计学习为辅。访谈结果显示:混合式英语写作教学中的教学互动不仅对学生语言读写能力、批评反思能力、媒体应用能力和协作学习能力的培养有积极作用,还对学生的学习专注力有提升作用。【关键词】混合式外语教学;教学设计;学习设计;教学互动A Study on the Interactions Between Teaching and Learning Designs in Blended Foreign Language Teaching: A Case of Teaching English Summary WritingLEI Qian(School of English Studies, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China)Abstract: Blended foreign language teaching is distinctive in teaching design, learning design and the interactions between teaching and learning designs. Based on the theory of learning by design, this paper discusses the interactions between teaching and learning designs in blended foreign language teaching and takes the blended teaching of summary writing as an example to investigate the interactions between teaching and learning designs in blended foreign language teaching and the roles they play in the development of students' multi-literacies. The results show that the interactions mainly include video-watching and discussions on the platform, in-class group work, and self-review and peer-review of students compositions. Most of the interactions are characterized by students active cooperation under teachers guidance and supplemented by students self-designed learning via the network and students autonomous reading. Finally, the results of the interview indicate that the interactions can not only cultivate students English reading and writing ability, critical thinking ability, media application ability and cooperative learning ability but also increase their concentration on learning. Keywords: blended foreign language teaching; teaching design; learning design; interactions between teaching and learning


“共同体”问题是重要的时代议题之一,其价值意蕴、现实基础和构建路径备受国内外学界关注。文学经典在引领价值走向、塑造共同体意识等方面发挥着不可替代 的作用。这意味着经由文学作品,我们将有望更深入理解与共同体问题相关的复杂、多元的思想传统与现实问题。本期的两篇文章均围绕这一重要问题展开,分别在美国现代化进程中的社会转型焦虑和战后英国社会伦理失序两种不同的历史文化背景下,探讨了小说家们对“共同体”意识的反思与倡导。两篇文章均着眼紧迫的社会道德伦理问题,包括狭隘的地域主义、消费文化的冲击,以及公共意识消逝。同时两篇文章细致分析了小说作品如何以文学特有的呈现方式构想新型共同体,并指出其最典型的特征,例如植根于地方的多元文化认同,重建公共意识、重建以道德维度为特质的共同体生活。如果说共同体概念最重要的属性是文化实践,意在改造世界,那么本期两篇文章的研究不仅从理论层面成功诠释了文学作品,更以强烈的现实观照推进了与“共同体”相关的社会文化实践。


(苏州大学 外国语学院, 江苏苏州 215006)
Community Building in The Optimist’s Daughter by Eudora Welty
JING Xingmei
(School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)
Abstract: It is unreasonable that Eudora Welty's literary regionalism is overestimated and her concern about community and cosmopolitanism is ignored in the academia. In The Optimist's Daughter, Welty focuses on American South during modernization to explore possibilities of building a community in the transitional period. The imagined community is closely associated not only with American Southerness, but also with European culture to promote cosmopolitanism rooted in the specific region. The fiction looks back on the southern agrarian community and imagines a new type of community in the context of industrialization to deal with transitional anxiety. Thus, the so-called regional literature can be interpreted from multiculturalism rather than cultural fundamentalism.
Keywords: Eudora Welty; The Optimist's Daughter; community; modernization


(鲁东大学 外国语学院, 山东烟台 264000)
【摘要】作为战后英国学院派小说的奠基人,C. P. 斯诺在他的代表作《院长》中展示了战后个体化社会影响下学院共同体公共生活失序的状态。公共权力私人化导致学院共同体公共伦理遭到颠覆。院长职位竞选引起的派系斗争异化了人与共同体之间的关系,引起了伦理行为失范。私人自我与公共自我之间界限模糊、知识分子身份陷落使学者的伦理身份产生错位。小说《院长》通过对学院共同体伦理危机的叙述,呼吁重建具有伦理意义的学院共同体公共生活。
【关键词】C. P. 斯诺;《院长》;学院共同体;伦理危机
On the Ethical Crises in Academic Community in The Masters
(School of Foreign Languages, Ludong University, Yantai 264000, China)
Abstract: As the founder of post-war academic novel, C. P. Snow infiltrates his concern with the disorder of public life under the influence of individualized society in his most representative work The Masters. The personalization of public power destroys the public ethics in the academic community. The alienation between individuals and community as a result of the rival for power leads to the anomie of ethical behaviors. The lack of clear distinction between personal self and public self as well as the decline of the intellectuals' identity results in the displacement of the academians' ethical identity. With the ethical crises represented in The Masters, Snow underlines the significance of reconstructing the ethical and meaningful public life in the academic community. 
Keywords: C. P. Snow; The Masters; academic community; ethical crises



2017年我们在《解放军外国语学院学报》第一期上组织发表了“翻译符号学”专栏,正式提出了翻译符号学的思想,并就翻译符号学的学科内涵、批评建构、译域范畴、符号动机 等问题展开了讨论,引起了国内同行学者的极大关注。已有研究表明,翻译符号学是一个 诱人的领域,值得进行全面深入的思考。


曹进 童国艳
(西北师范大学 外国语学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
Semiotic Meanings and Translation Studies
CAO Jin, TONG Guoyan
(School of Foreign Languages, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
Abstract: Researches on translation from the tripartite perspective of Semiotic Meaning Theory will bring light to studies on meanings of symbol: referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning. They can also help translators handle three semiotic meanings in translation and then improve the quality of translation effectively. This article discusses the conversion and transmission of semiotic meanings in translation practice and the complement of "meaning loss"by multi-symbols and multimodal translation. It is found that in the digital information age featured with the increasingly rich and diversified communication media, it is difficult for linguistic symbols to complete conversion and transmission of symbolic meaning by themselves, and more completed meanings need to be further translated by means of multi-symbols and multimodal translation.
Keywords: semiotic meanings; translation studies; complement to meaning; multimodality



赵星植1 陆京京2

(1. 四川大学 外国语学院, 四川成都 610065
2. 巢湖学院 外国语学院, 安徽合肥 238024
Semiotic Iconicity as Mechanism of Equivalence in Translation

ZHAO Xingzhi1, LU Jingjing2

(1. College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;
2. School of Foreign Languages, Chaohu University, Hefei 238024, China)
Abstract: From the perspective of Peircean semiotics, this paper explores three levels of iconicity between Source Text (ST) and Target Text (TT) as the mechanism of dynamic equivalence in translation practice. Imagic iconicity, which is embodied in formal equivalence, refers to the correspondence between ST and TT in message and form. Diagrammatic iconicity, which is embodied in relational equivalence, indicates that TT resembles ST in logical relation. Metaphorical iconicity, which is the most abstract one, corresponds to significance equivalence and mainly refers to the relationship between ST and TT at the level of the significance. From formal equivalence to significance equivalence, it is the iconicity that weakens in form and enhances in significance. The transition from “equivalence” to “iconicity” is not a simple replacement of terms, but a further reflection on the multiplicity, complexity and dynamics of translation equivalence. 
Keywords: dynamic equivalence; semiotic iconicity; semiotics of translation; C. S. Peirce


(首都师范大学 外国语学院, 北京 100089



The Signifying Order of Sign-Interpretation in the Process of Translation from the Perspective of Translation Semiotics
PAN Linlin
(College of Foreign Languages, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089, China)

Abstract: Based on Charles S. Peirce's trichotomy of signs, this paper detects the historical evolution and theoretical connotation of translation semiotics, describes and interprets the signifying order of sign-interpretation in the process of translation in terms of the internal mechanism and the external context of sign-interpretation, and points out that the interpretation of signs and their signifying meanings in translation is jointly influenced by factors inside and outside the texts, showing the interactivity and polysemy of sign-interpretation. This signifying order builds up a complete, independent and logical framework for explaining the interactions among signifying practices in translation phenomenon, in the hope of contributing to the development of translation semiotics. 

Keywords: translation semiotics; sign-interpretation; signifying order




(1. 常熟理工学院 外国语学院, 江苏常熟 215500
2. 天津外国语大学 语言符号应用传播研究中心, 天津 300204



A Translation-Semiotic Perspective of Jakobson's Six-Function Model

WANG Xinpeng1, WANG Mingyu2

(1. School of Foreign Languages, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, China
2. Research Centre for Linguistic Semiotics, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin 300204, China)

Abstract: Signs from the perspective of translation semiotics are generalized ones, including linguistic signs, non-linguistic signs, a synthetic text composed of linguistic and non-linguistic signs, a synthetic repetitive multi-modal and multi-medium text, and intangible signs. Jacobson proposed the six-function theory of language signs for the process of verbal communication. Under the principle of functional equivalence, “translating means communicating”, in which multi-functional semiosis and sign transformation also conform to the six-function model. Such a view brings to the perspective of translation semiotics in this paper. From this perspective, the six functions demonstrate different semiotic connotations. Based on the in-depth analysis of these connotations, the dominance and interaction of the six functions are further explored to make a theoretical definition of the semiotic functions of translation.

Keywords: translation semiotics; Jakobson's six-function model; semiotic connotation; dominance and interaction

终审:王  卓

