
大宝法王噶玛巴 | 修行所面对的最大挑战

正法互联 2021-04-24

The Karmapa then talked about the importance of putting Dharma into practice. “Practice should be a part of yourselves, and not just spending some time on a cushion. This is not enough. Practice means that when difficult times are happening, you apply experience of meditation to your daily life,” he advised. “At such times, we need a spiritual strength that we can use to face our own emotional situation.” 

This means, he said, “You should bring your practice into your life everywhere, not just the shrine room. You are ready for anything. Actually, the biggest challenge you face is yourself. Sometimes you can deal easily with other situations, but you have a problem once you need to deal with yourself. Knowing how to work with your mind and how to keep your confidence and faith continuous are key.”



“Practice is not just reciting some kind of ritual or prayer, we do not understand,” he continued. “It relates to an inner strength and to making your life meaningful and guided by wisdom. This means that you have a measure of mindfulness, some space in your mind so that you are no longer overwhelmed by negative emotions. This space allows you to think and watch yourself, becoming aware of what is going right or wrong. This is very important. Otherwise, you might practice well normally, but when a problem comes up, you do not know how to handle it. This means that your practice is not strong enough.



“Some people think that meditation is to make you comfortable, calm, and relaxed, but sometimes it is not like that. Rather, it can resemble intensive exercise. Some things might be painful, and dealing with certain emotional reactions might make you feel uneasy. You need to engage in gradual change, so your confidence and faith will develop. It is not just faith in the teachers; the most important thing is to have faith and confidence in yourselves. Once you have this, you can easily have faith and devotion for the teachers. Otherwise, if you do not have confidence and faith in yourself, it is difficult to have it in your teachers and the Three Jewels.”






噶玛扎西炯林 哈特福德 美国康涅狄格州



