
理论与方法专栏 | 对照与句法表征

理论与方法专栏 理论语言学五道口站 2022-06-09


《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第68期,总第132期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐加拿大安大略省金斯敦皇后大学语言学助理教授Bronwyn M. Bjorkman、圣玛丽大学语言学副教授Daniel Currie Hall主编的文集: Contrast and Representations in Syntax(《对照与句法表征》)。该书于2020年在Oxford University Press出版。


Contrast and Representations in Syntax






The book, Contrast and Representations in Syntax, Edited by Bronwyn M. Bjorkman and Daniel Currie Hall, provides a detailed account of the treatment of features in syntax, demonstrates how current developments in theoretical linguistics relate to specific languages by drawing on data from a range of languages, including several indigenous languages of North America.

This book explores how grammatical oppositions - for instance, the contrast between present and past tense - are represented in the syntax of natural languages. The nature of syntactic contrast is tied to a fundamental question in generative syntactic theory: what is universal in syntax, and what is variable? The chapters in this volume examine the dual role of features, which both define a set of paradigmatic contrasts and act as the building blocks of syntactic structures and the drivers of syntactic operations. In both of these roles, features are increasingly considered the locus of parametric variation. This identification of parameters with features has opened up new possibilities for investigating connections between the morphological system of a language and its syntax, and suggests a new role for featural contrast in syntactic theory. The contributors to this volume address these two major questions from a range of perspectives, drawing on data from a variety of typologically diverse languages, including Blackfoot, Greek, Onondaga, and Scottish Gaelic.


-布朗温·比约克曼-(Bronwyn M. Bjorkman)

布朗温·比约克曼(Bronwyn M. Bjorkman),安大略省金斯敦皇后大学语言学助理教授。她于2011年在麻省理工学院获得语言学博士学位,曾是多伦多大学的班廷博士后研究员,后到皇后大学任教。其研究领域主要为有关“时”和“体”的形态句法,特别是助动词结构,以及句法特征的操作和表征。其研究成果主要刊登在Linguistic Inquiry, Glossa, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory等期刊上。

Bronwyn M. Bjorkman is Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. She completed her PhD in Linguistics at MIT in 2011, and prior to arriving at Queen's was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on the morphosyntax of tense and aspect, in particular auxiliary verb constructions, as well as on the representation and manipulation of features in syntax. Her work has appeared in journals including Linguistic Inquiry, Glossa, and Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.


(Daniel Currie Hall)

丹尼尔·库里·霍尔Daniel Currie Hall, 新斯科舍省哈利法克斯圣玛丽大学语言学副教授及教学主任,同时,担任加拿大语言学杂志的副主编。他于2007年在多伦多大学获得博士学位,后在阿姆斯特丹的梅尔滕斯研究所做博士后研究员。其研究领域是音韵学和形态句法学的特征及对照。其研究成果主要刊登在Linguistic Variation, Glossa, Nordlyd, Lingue e linguaggio, Phonology等期刊上。

Daniel Currie Hall is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Program in Linguistics at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is an associate editor of the Canadian Journal of Linguistics. Before taking up his current position, he completed a PhD. at the University of Toronto in 2007 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Meertens Instituut in Amsterdam. His research deals with features and contrasts in both phonology and morphosyntax, and has appeared in journals such as Linguistic Variation, Glossa, Nordlyd, Lingue e linguaggio, and Phonology.

往期推荐“句法制图丝路之约”之Caterina Bonan篇“当代认知科学之父”乔姆斯基教授五道口站特辑
Linguistics Flash-Mobs | Linearisation 
“句法制图丝路之约”之Masatoshi Honda篇
Alec Marantz: What do linguists do?


编辑:王秋梅 王平

排版:王秋梅 王平

审校:陈旭 王丽媛 李芳芳

