
理论与方法专栏 | 并列与句法-语篇接口


《理论语言学五道口站》(2022年第29期,总第232期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐英国牛津大学语义学副教授Daniel Altshuler与英国爱丁堡大学语言学和英语高级讲师Robert Truswell的合著:Coordination and the Syntax-Discourse Interface(《并列与句法-语篇接口》)。该书将于2022年9月在Oxford University Press出版。


Coordination and the Syntax-Discourse Interface



This book explores interactions between syntax and discourse, through a case study of patterns of extraction from coordinate structures. The theoretical breadth of the volume makes it the most complete account of extraction from coordinate structures to date: at first glance, it appears to be a syntactic matter, but the survey raises theoretical and empirical questions not just for syntax, but also across semantics, pragmatics, and discourse structure. Rather than promoting a single analysis, Daniel Altshuler and Robert Truswell outline reasonable hypotheses that allow theoretical conclusions to be deducted from empirical facts. The theoretical conclusions show that coordinate structures have the potential to discriminate between current syntactic theories, and to inform work on the interfaces between syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse. In many cases, however, the necessary empirical work has not yet been carried out, and too much of the literature revolves around the same handful of primarily English examples. The volume offers a starting point for further research on extraction from coordinate structures, particularly in understudied languages, and provides a guide to how to tease out the theoretical implications of empirical findings.


基于对并列结构中成分提取模式的研究,该书探讨了句法和语篇之间的相互作用。该书的理论较为完备,对并列结构中成分的提取进行了完整的说明。表面上来看,该研究似乎仅仅涉及句法,但实际上,该书提出的问题除句法外,还涉及语义学、语用学和语篇结构等多方面知识。 Daniel Altshuler 和 Robert Truswell 并没有仅从单一的角度进行分析,而是从经验事实中推断理论假设。理论结论表明,并列结构可以区分当前的句法理论,并为句法、语义、语用和语篇之间的接口问题提供启发。目前来看,已有的研究实证调查不足,且只对英语中的少数语料进行了研究。该书为进一步针对英语及其他语言的并列结构中成分的提取进行研究提供了一个起点,并为如何从经验事实研究中获得理论参考提供了方法。


- Daniel Altshuler-

Daniel Altshuler ,英国牛津大学语义学副教授。他致力于形式语义学和语用学研究。尤其关注语境依赖性,以期更好地理解语义与语篇结构和语篇连贯性之间的相互作用。

Daniel Altshuler is Associate Professor of Semantics at the University of Oxford. He specializes in formal semantics and pragmatics. The theme of his research is context dependence with the aim of better understanding how compositional semantics interacts with discourse structure and discourse coherence.

- Robert Truswell -

Robert Truswell,英国爱丁堡大学语言学和英语高级讲师。他致力于句法和句法-语义接口研究,旨在通过发展句法和语义之间的分工理论以及在共时语法类型学中反复出现的语法变化模式来简化句法理论。

Robert Truswell is Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and English Language at the University of Edinburgh. He specializes in syntax and the syntax-semantics interface, and aims to simplify syntactic theory by developing theories of the division of labor between syntax and semantics, and theories of the effect of recurring patterns of grammatical change on synchronic grammatical typology.


人物专栏 | Noam Chomsky教授访谈

会议预告 | Adriana Belletti:从结构残缺到结构丰富——语言习得视角下的观察

转载分享|Noam Chomsky 教授讲座预告

学术访谈| Noam Chomsky 答学生问

理论与方法专栏 | 省略的派生时间


编辑:王平 丁子意

排版:王平 丁子意

审校:李芳芳 田英慧


