

OIL油 OIL油 2023-06-14

Underground Union 是广东本土一直致力于推动派对文化发展并专注于推广Techno和House等4/4拍音乐的活动组织。由几位不同背景、不同职业却有着相同理念和爱好的人组建。他们本着不妥协的地下音乐精神和对音乐独到的触觉和品位,将电子之声的深邃、柔美、缥缈、空灵、狂野等特质通过持续变化的律动并以“叙述故事”的形式糅合成一个整体呈现给舞池的听众。通过他们的努力迅速将其月度派对活动打造成广东高质量派对的代名词。同时也致力邀请众多优秀的国外DJ/制作人来华进行文化交流,促进Techno和House等音乐在广东的普及和发展, 而Underground Union存在的目的也正是为喜爱这种音乐的人带来更多高品质的派对,从而传播音乐、散播快乐!

邀请过的嘉宾有:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、 Scøpe(KR)、Michal Jablonski(PL)、Joachim Spieth(DE)、Insolate(HR)、Svarog(UA)、SNTS(DE)、Zanias(AU)、Norbak(PT) 、Marcus L(KR)、Cliche Morph(BY)等。

Underground Union (UN) is being built as a label to organise and promote electronic music cultural events in Guangzhou, it is especially focused on promoting Techno and House music. Founded by a group of people with the same interest but different backgrounds and careers in Guangdong Province, they insist to spread underground music spirit with their unique sense and taste towards electronic music. The music mixed by the skillful resident DJs always let the audience enjoyably have the deep, mellow, misty, intangible or wild feeling through constant changing beats. Their monthly party now become one of the best underground parties in Guangdong, At the same time, they also bring many excellent artists to GuangDong, like: Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL) 、Joachim Spieth(DE) 、Insolate(HR)、Svarog(UA) 、SNTS(DE) 、Zanias(AU) 、Norbak(PT)、Marcus L(KR) 、Cliche Morph(BY) etc.They still keep working hard to build up good atmosphere dancing cultures and parties. The vision of UN is to organize high quality parties for all electronic music fans, at the same time to spread underground electronic music and happiness!

韩国Techno制作人/DJ,风格:deep techno、hypnotic techno、minimal techno、ambient,2018年发布第一张EP,现在是首尔知名地下俱乐部Vurt. 的驻场,Einox擅长营造暗黑氛围,用极简的声音去调动舞池气氛,其作品收录被多家欧洲多家知名厂牌收录,同时也在这些厂牌发行专辑,这些厂牌有:法国Circular Limited、德国Affin、意大利Subosc Records、法国Circular Limited、西班牙Semantica、英国Crescent London。 

Einox is an electronic musician based in Seoul. He has been releasing music since 2018, and his works habe been featured on labels such as Affin, Semantica, and Crescent London. Einox's music is characterized by its dark, atmospheric soundscapes and its use of experimental rhythms and textures. He is also known for their live performances, which often incorporate elements of performance art and installation.



A: 当我还是个青少年时,我决定开始学习音乐,并开始学习爵士乐。这为我的音乐之路打下了良好的基础。此后,我在首尔当了一段时间的业余爵士吉他手。当然,我现在依然是一个爵士音乐狂热者,也一直在收集爵士黑胶唱片。同时,我对艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,于是我继续学习美学。在学习艺术的过程中,我渴望寻找新的表现和新的形式。于是我最终接触到了电子音乐。

2017年,我认识了首尔的实验电子音乐家们,被他们新鲜的音乐和直觉的表达方式所吸引。于是我买了我的第一台合成器,我爱上了这种新的感觉。有了这些乐器,我能够表达出在爵士乐中无法表达的东西。于是我尝试了不同种类的电子音乐,比如Synthpop, Vaporwave, Lo-Fi House, Detroit Techno等等。然后我认识了Vurt. ,这是一家位于首尔的地下俱乐部,我探索了一个全新的音乐世界。我清楚地知道我要做什么。我尝试将自己想要表达的东西转化为音乐,而不是受到形式的约束,就像我刚开始学习音乐时那样。




Q:从你最近的EP来看,似乎你很快能把自己的想法转化成音乐(特别是在Circular Limited和Subosc发行的EPs)。你主要使用什么设备进行音乐制作?

A: 我想你似乎很了解我的工作。正如我刚才所说,我在工作中重视直观的声音表达。所以我开始制作曲目,并尝试在同一天完成声音设计。当然,混音和其他编辑需要很长时间。我已经在 Circular Limited 和 Subosc 唱片中发行了两张 EP。如果你仔细听,你会发现这两张 EP 的风格略有不同。这是"正如我在采访中反复告诉你的那样"揭示我的直觉,而不是被一种风格所支配。

我主要使用软件合成器和一些半模块化合成器来制作声音和方便。我最喜欢的硬件合成器是 KORG MS-20 mini 和 Behringer Neutron。我已经使用了很长时间,很容易得到我想要的声音,因为它对我来说很熟悉。同样作为软件合成器,我喜欢 Arturia 的V系列。我不喜欢这个合集中的一些 VST,但是 Arturia 重新制作的 Moog和Buchla的声音绝对是一流的。基于这些合成器,我使用 Ableton Live 作为我的主要工具。我还使用 Ableton 的优秀工具,例如 Analog、Collision、Operator。以及来自 Waves 的基本音频效果器和插件。





YSK,2008年开始DJ生涯,在远离东京位于日本西北部的福冈市建立了自己的地下俱乐部 “Sound Space α” 并以此作为基地邀请世界各地优秀艺术家前往交流和传播Techno,与此同时他创建了自己的厂牌 “Undulate”和同名podcast,在这个平台邀请国内外优秀艺术家展示自己的音乐理念。

Sound Space α

YSK在日本北九州市出生和成长,在2000年代他在传奇老俱乐部“Decadent Deluxe”工作时接触到了福冈地下俱乐部现场,那里曾经有许多世界顶级DJ过去访问和演出。YSK从此开始了他的DJ 生涯,他决定接手他家乡的一个俱乐部并开设了“Rock arrows”。在经营Rock arrows期间,他邀请和与许多顶级DJ合作演出。

除了去过日本的许多其他城市外,YSK同样拥有丰富的海外活动经验,演出足迹遍布澳大利亚、柏林、首尔、香港等地。而在互联网,他通过在Deep Techno平台MNMT和Oslated等发布播客来展示自己的技艺。他在2013年至2014年期间在柏林逗留了一年,与该城市的才华横溢的艺术家进行了会话。在Rock arrows关闭后,他在北九州重新开设了名为“sound space α”的俱乐部,将连接国内外的人才,并向日本和全世界展示南日本跳舞音乐的场景和能量。




YSK is a DJ from Kitakyushu,Japan. He is active in the scene with his experiences in quality parties and music production while releasing podcast techno mixes broadcasting overseas.

He also plays in different countries such as Australia, Germany, Hong Kong ,Mexico and South Korea.After opening a club " sound space α" in KitaKyushu, he is playing a role of introducing South Japanese music and connecting domestic and international artists.

He organizes parties with artists from all over the world at Undulate, which he hosts himself, and also manages a podcast.He has released mixes from MNMT and other labels around the world, released music as a unit "EYS" with Enitokwa, and is working on a wide variety of new labels starting this year.In 2021, he will start SECT with OCCA based in Sapporo, and is making a new move in the scene.

Viyee来自广州,Underground Union 成员之一,她对4/4拍音乐的热爱使她在这几年活跃于国内各大电子音乐场景,从俱乐部到户外,丛林,再到海平面。她对音乐的敏锐度却源于更早,用她的话说:Techno就像是我与生俱来的能量。

作为一名DJ,Viyee深信人与人之间能量的牵引,并热衷于这其中微妙的共振效应,为听众塑造节奏律动与空间氛围,她擅长捕捉和触发听众的情绪,将听众带入她编织的音乐网,身体与灵魂持续共振。风格由Minimal/Dark disco/Techno及Trance相结合,带给听众更多想象空间和可能性,让听众在某个特定的时刻逃离现实,每一个节拍都能成为你脑海里的致幻循环,让听众在黑暗情绪中自由飘浮,不可预知却又自有规律。

   与此同时,她作为暖场嘉宾和众多知名制作人/DJ同台演出,如:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbss(UK)、Ness(IT)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、Scøpe(KR)、Michal Jablonski(PL)、Joachim Spieth(DE)、Insolate(HR)、Svarog(UA)、SNTS(DE)、Zanias(AU)、Rebekah(UK) 、Marcus L(KR) 、Cliche Morph(BY)等。



  Viyee comes from Guangzhou and is one of the resident of Underground Union. Her passion for 4/4 beat music has led her to be active in various electronic music scenes across China in recent years, from clubs to outdoor events, jungles to sea level. Her sensitivity to music stems from an early age, as she puts it: "Techno is like an innate energy for me."

  She firmly believes in the attraction of energy between people and is enthusiastic about the subtle resonance effect among them. She shapes rhythm and space atmosphere for the audience, capturing and triggering their emotions. Viyee weaves a musical web that resonates with the audience's body and soul. Her style is a combination of Minimal/Dark disco/Techno and Trance, bringing more imagination and possibilities to the audience, allowing them to escape reality at a particular moment. Each beat can become a hallucinatory loop in the mind, allowing the audience to float freely in dark emotions with unpredictability yet its own rules.

   As a warm up dj, she has performed with many well-known producers/DJs, such as:BlazejMalinowski(PL), Marco Bailey(BE), Deepbass(UK), Ness(IT), Kyle Geiger(US), Arnaud Le Texier(FR), Scøpe(KR), Michal Jablonski(PL), Joachim Spieth(DE), Insolate(HR), Svarog(UA), SNTS(DE), Zanias(AU), Rebekah(UK), Marcus L(KR), Cliche Morph(BY), and more.

Funkie来自深圳,广东派对组织Underground Union成员,从2015年开始接触Techno,凭借对Techno的热爱与执着使他站在了DJ台前。日渐逐渐塑造出极具个人特色的风格,并在累积了相当的人气,随着演出经验丰富,同时他也和团队一起到国内不同城市的音乐场景如:重庆EchoBay,上海44KW、Potent、3ntry,南京61,杭州Loopy、Lighting,成都AXIS等俱乐部做交流演出。 

他擅长以深邃舒缓的旋律作为诱饵,混合极具攻击性和刚劲猛烈的节奏冲撞听众的感官意识,用迷幻和肥厚而沉重的低音将舞池化为熔炉并让其升华。同时他作为嘉宾与众多国际知名制作人/DJ同台演出,如: Ambivalent(US)、Black Asteroid(US)、Fantastic Plastic Machine(JP) 、Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Frank Muller(DE)、Melania.(PL)、Wrong Assessment(IT)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、Scøpe(KR)、Michal Jablonski(PL)、Joachim Spieth(DE)、Lena Willikens(DE)、Insolate(HR)、Svarog(UA)、Nørbak(PT)、SNTS(DE)、Marcus L(KR)、Cliche Morph(BY)等。 


Funkie is from Shenzhen,china and a resident of the well-known 4/4 beat music party organization-"Underground Union" in Guangdong. He started to get involved with techno in 2015 and, driven by his love and dedication to the genre, he found himself standing behind the DJ booth. Gradually, he developed a unique style of his own and gained considerable popularity. With his wealth of experience in performing, he and his team have traveled to different cities across China to perform at various music venues, such as EchoBay in Chongqing, 44KW, Potent and 3ntry in Shanghai, 61 in Nanjing, Loopy and Lighting in Hangzhou, and AXIS in Chengdu. 

He is adept at using deep and soothing melodies as bait and combining them with aggressive and powerful rhythms to assault the audience's sensory consciousness. He uses psychedelic and thick and heavy bass to turn the dance floor into a melting pot and elevate the atmosphere. In addition, he has shared the stage as a guest performer with many internationally renowned producers/DJs, such as Ambivalent (US), Black Asteroid (US), Fantastic Plastic Machine (JP), Blazej Malinowski (PL), Marco Bailey (BE), Deepbass (UK), Ness (IT), AWB (FR), Frank Muller (DE), Melania. (PL), Wrong Assessment (IT), Arnaud Le Texier (FR), Scøpe (KR), Michal Jablonski (PL), Joachim Spieth (DE), Lena Willikens (DE), Insolate (HR), Svarog (UA), Nørbak (PT), SNTS (DE), Marcus L (KR), and Cliche Morph (BY), among others. 

Resident Advisor:https://ra.co/dj/funkie

2023年5月12日 FRI.


22:00 - Late

Underground Union Pres. “黯”

// Einox & YSK China Debut //


Einox (Live)

[Affin / Crescent London]





- Ticket -

预售票 Advance ¥100

普通票 On Door

  (Before 00:00 前)  ¥120


Scan QRCode For Tickets

OIL 2023年5月活动预告

OIL 2023 May Events Calendar

xīn miàn kǒng Vol.28


地下慾室: Vladimir Ivkovic

5/13 SAT | MAINROOM + Room2

老油1号: 186 1715 0566

小油2号: 181 3843 5193

