
Read the World | 世界读书日 · 让书籍带你看世界

校会联络部 清华大学学生会 2020-08-29
















Today is World Book Day

Books are the bridge to other cultures 

Follow us, 

the international students along this journey to

Bring about the tranquillity stepping on a path you’ve never been 

Feel the nostalgic feeling when listening to something you’ve never heard

Let the books expand your mind and broaden your life



(due to the limited space, we mainly invite Tsinghua international students from Japan, Malaysia, Europe, Africa, Canada, Mexico, Mongolia and other countries and regions to recommend books with regional cultural characteristics. 

You are also welcome to share your favourite books in the comment area ~)



Recommended by Japan Student Association


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Miracles of the Namiya General Store

Author: Keigo Higashino

Published: 2019

Publisher: Yen On

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation




Unlike other reasoning novels by Keigo Higashino, this piece of work is more like a healing fairy tale.

The book tells the story of a strange series of events that happened in a grocery store on a quiet street.  When you simply wrote down your troubles and put them in the shutter at the front door of the store, you will be answered in the milk carton at the back of the store in the next day. 

In the story, the time and space crisscross, linking randomly between the past, the present and the future by a letter, each character is full of contradictions and fetters but eventually are healed and redeemed. After reading the book, we will be moved and healed by its stories.






Snow Country

Author: Yasunari Kawabata

Translator: Edward G. Seidensticker

Publisher: 1st Vintage International ed edition

Publication Date: 2013

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



Known as Yasunari Kawabata’s masterpiece, this work depicts the beauty of nothingness, cleanness and sorrow to the extreme, as well as giving audience the feeling of melancholy and interest. 

The story begins with the train to the snow country. Out of the window constantly passed by the twilight scene, reflected on the glass out of the girl's eyes. Shimamura,a dance researcher, has made three trips to the snowy mountain village of northland, where he has a love affair between a  provincial geisha named Komako and a young girl named Yoko.In addition to the story, the novel also describes the customs of the northern Japan and the subsequent scenery, as well as the traditional Japanese craft culture. Although the novel runs through the "tragic beauty", but yet delicate, true beauty.



出版社: 湖南美术出版社

译者: 周龙梅

出版年: 2018

Night on the Galactic Railroad

Author: Kenji Miyazawa

Translator: Julianne Neville

Publisher: One Peace Books

Publication Date: 2016

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


This is a fairy tale created by Japanese writer Kenji Miyazawa. It tells the story of a poor and lonely boy who dreams of traveling with his friends on a train to the Milky Way. A shimmering galactic railway train flew over the blazing heavenly fire, over the riverbed of the Milky Way illuminated by the brilliant light of diamonds, dew, and all others that is beautiful, to the radiant and mysterious Milky Way which is a sad and lonely emotional world hidden beneath the beautiful scene. The author's imagination and the religious beliefs mentioned in the content are also worth reading, and the feelings of reading varies with reader’s maturation. It is a sad yet beautiful story, not just a fairy tale.







Author: Natsume Soseki

Translator: Matt Treyvaud

Publisher: Ray Ontko & Co.

Publication Date: 2009

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



This novel is witty and refined. It tells the story of the protagonist "young master" from Tokyo, who is honest, simple and has a rich sense of justice. After graduating from school, went to teach in a foreign country. However, he was reckless in nature and has set off unprecedented waves of storm in the quiet simple town.

 In the sullen adult world, in fact, each of us was once an unsophisticated, stern young man, but gradually became a sophisticated person and no longer impulsively express our true thoughts. The young master who left Tokyo and went to the countryside found that there are people in the world who do not admit to doing bad things, people who are full of lies, people who are cunning and flattery, and even people who could not resist humiliation. And there's something about each of us in the young master and the people he hates.



Recommended by Malaysia Student Association


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Scattered Bones

Dato’ Usman Awang

Publisher: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

Publication Date: 1992

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



This is classic Malay literature, the set of the story is the emergency period in the Malay Peninsula, between the transitional period of Japanese Occupation and the British. 

Part of this book is autobiographical while the other part relates the author’s experience as a policeman. Set in Malaya during the Emergency after World War II, it portrays the hardships of people resulting from the devastating war and the conflict between the British colonists and the Malayan communists.


The Garden of Evening Mists

Author: Tan Twan Eng

Publisher: Myrmidon Books

Publication date: January 2012

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation

此书叙述了马来西亚一段横跨数十年,从二战战时、战后弭平伤痕、再到80年代挖掘真相的故事。其以倒叙手法回顾主人公云林(Teoh Yun Ling)的一生,其中包含爱情、战争乃至推理元素,是马来西亚文坛近期杰出的文学作品之一

This is a novel which takes place in three different periods: the late 1980s, when the main character writes down her story; the early 1950s, when the main action takes place; and World War II, which is the backdrop of the story. The book follows protagonist Teoh Yun Ling, who was a prisoner of the Japanese during the World War II, and later served as an apprentice to a Japanese gardener in Cameron Highlands. 





推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



A Cold Wind Blows,The Bride’s Veil,Hopscotchare, books with backstory of the time when Malaysia were under the Japanese occupation, the author uses a Malaysian Chinese’s writing style, demonstrating the vicissitudes of life to the readers.






推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


This is the first ever Chinese film rearranged into a novel in Malaysia. “The New Village” is a story happened in Malaysia in a concentration camp when under the Japanese occupation, a unique historical mark of the local area. The book describes the love story between a Malayan Communist party guerrilla and a young woman. It depicts the life in the village and the struggle of the Malaysian Chinese survival during that period of time.


推荐人:Paula Yu【建筑学院】

Recommended by Paula Yu [School of Architecture]


The Unknown Soldier

Author: Väinö Linna

Publisher: WSOY

Publish Date: 2007

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



The Unknown Soldier is a story about the Continuation War between Finland and Soviet Union, told from the viewpoint of ordinary Finnish soldiers. 

Gritty and realistic, it was partly intended to shatter the myth of the noble, obedient Finnish soldier, and in that it succeeded admirably

The Unknown Soldier quickly became one of the best-selling books in Finland and is considered both a classic in Finnish literature and a part of the national legacy。


推荐人:Daniel Walsh【社科学院】

Recommended by Daniel Walsh [School of Social Sciences]


More Than This

Author: Patrick Ness

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Publish Date: 2013

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


It explores a possible future with development of AI whilst also exposing human culture and the struggles of youth. It highlights culture norms in a witty way that exposes them for the fault that they have but in a rather acceptable way. It’s funny yet offers a serious message at the same time.

非洲 Africa


Recommended by Africa Student Association


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作者:  [尼日利亚]钦努阿·阿契贝

译者: 陈笑黎 / 洪萃晖

出版年: 2011-8-1

出版社: 重庆出版集团

Arrow of God

Author: Chinua Achebe [Nigeria]

Publisher: Heinemann

Publication date: 1964

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


The book describes the conflict between old and new in its most poignant aspect: the personal struggle between father and son. Ezeulu, is worshipped by the six villages of Umuaro. But he is beginning to find his authority increasingly under threat - from his rivals in the tribe, from those in the white government and even from his own family. Yet he still feels he must be untouchable - surely, he is an arrow in the bow of his God? Armed with this belief, he is prepared to lead his people, even if it means destruction and annihilation. Yet the people will not be so easily dominated.


作者: [尼日利亚]奇玛曼达·恩戈兹·阿迪契

出版社: 人民文学出版社

译者: 石平萍

出版年: 2017-10

Half of a Yellow Sun

Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie [Nigeria]

Published: January 15, 2007

Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


This highly anticipated novel from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is set in Nigeria during the 1960s, at the time of a vicious civil war in which a million people died and thousands were massacred in cold blood. The three main characters in the novel are swept up in the violence during these turbulent years. As these people's lives intersect, they have to question their own responses to the unfolding political events. This extraordinary novel is about Africa in a wider sense: about moral responsibility, about the end of colonialism, about ethnic allegiances, about class and race; and about the ways in which love can complicate all of these things.


作者: [南非]纳尔逊·曼德拉

出版社: 广西师范大学出版社

出版年: 2014-9

译者: 谭振学

Long Walk to Freedom

Author: Nelson Mandela [South Africa]

Publisher: Macdonald Purnell

Publication date: 1994

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


This is autobiography of South African revolutionary and former president and world icon Nelson Mandela. Mandela started off as a herd boy in the rural village and went on to become one of the people who were part of the anti-apartheid movement. Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years and he came out of prison in 1990 and became president in 1994. This book is an entertaining book to read about how a normal and common herd boy turned into a world icon.


Nervous Conditions

Author: Tsitsi Dangarembga [Zimbabwe]

Publisher: The Women's Press

Publication date: 1988

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


The book talks about a girl who after her brother dies struggles against the poverty and lack of opportunity that mark her world at the homestead. She talks about her life in Rhodesia. The book talks about the gender roles in the colonial society, it also goes on to talk about colonialization and how it brainwashed the people of the society during the colonial period. It also talks about race, identity and the importance of education and how gender should not determine who goes to school and who does not.


Things Fall Apart

Author: Chinua Achebe [Nigeria]

Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd.

Publication date: 1958 

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



The book talks about the life of Okonkwo in Umuofia. He was exiled at once for 7 years and was released to go home. It’s a story that talks about culture that is on the verge of change

After returning from exile Okonkwo realizes that there has been great change in his village ever since he was put into exile. This book is an Analysis of Pre- and Post-Colonial Igbo Society. The author wrote the novel in an attempt to make a statement and to make sure that the Britain which had colonized Nigeria at that time would understand the culture of Nigeria and vice versa. In the plot of the book Okonkwo and the villagers try to cast out the missionaries form their village and uphold tradition.

加拿大 Canada


Recommended by Canada Student Association


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作者:  露西·莫德·蒙哥玛利

出版社: 浙江文艺出版社

出版年: 2003-01

译者:  马爱农

Anne of Green Gables

Author: Lucy Maud Montgomery

Published: June 1908

Publisher: L.C. Page & Co.

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation

毫无疑问,加拿大最受欢迎的书是露西·莫德·蒙哥马利(Lucy Maud Montgomery)1908年的经典小说,这本书讲述了一个11岁的孤儿女孩安妮·雪莉(Anne Shirly)的虚构故事。安妮·史莉(Anne Shirly)意外地被送给了两个中年兄弟姐妹,但他们原本打算收养一个男孩,让他在爱德华王子岛农场上打工。经过100多年来,这本书已被翻译成至少36种不同的语言,售出了5,000万册,并在其他很多不同领域上也有很大的影响,从学校戏剧到电影再到日本动漫。对于任何年轻读者或新手读者来说都堪称为一本完美的书。

Without a doubt Canada’s most popular book, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 classic follows the fictional story of Anne Shirly, an 11-year old orphan girl, who accidentally sent to two middle-age siblings who intended to adopt a boy to work on their farm on Prince Edward Island. Over 100 years later, it has been translated into at least 36 different languages, sold 50 million copies, and has had a plethora of other media produced from it, ranging from school plays to movies to Japanese anime. A perfect book for any young or novice reader.


The Wars

Author: Timothy Findley

Publisher: Clarke, Irwin

Publication date: 1977

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation

《战争》是蒂莫西·芬德利(Timothy Findley)于1977年创作的小说,紧随其后的是一位十九岁的加拿大人——罗伯特·罗斯(Robert Ross)。在他心爱的姐姐去世后毅然决定参加第一次世界大战,他试图使用这种办法来摆脱悲痛和压迫性的维多利亚时代的规范社会。


The Wars is a 1977 novel by Timothy Findley that follows Robert Ross, a nineteen-year-old Canadian who enlists in World War I after the death of his beloved older sister in an attempt to escape both his grief and the social norms of oppressive Victorian society

Drawn into the madness of war, Ross commits "a last desperate act to declare his commitment to life in the midst of death." Years later, a historian tries to piece together how he came to commit this act, interviewing the various people Ross interacted with. Simply put, this slim book defies superlatives and is widely considered Canada’s best novel of the First World War.


作者: Margaret Atwood

出版社: 台北市天培文化有限公司

出版年: 2002

译者: 陈小慰

The Handmaid’s Tale

Author: Margaret Atwood

Publisher: McClelland and Stewart

Publication date: 1985

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


The Handmaid’s Tale is probably from an academic standpoint Canada’s most famous book by perhaps the most famous Canadian author. Dealing with issues such as sexism, racism, and discussing topics from politics to religion, the Handmaid’s tale uses a dystopian world set in North America to allow the reader think critically about all the issues listed above. Since its publishing, it has been made into a movie and currently has a TV series airing in the United States.


Indian Horse

Author: Richard Wagamese

Publisher: Douglas & McIntyre

Publication date: 2012

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation

幼儿长大后最常做的加拿大事情是什么?大多数加拿大人的答案是曲棍球。但是对于加拿大的土著来说,童年通常意味着被迫上寄宿学校因为这是一种教育制度,旨在“重新教育”土著居民,使他们更加加拿大化。尽管这项政策实际上对完成这项政策的每一个可怜的灵魂都造成了巨大的伤害。 理查德·瓦加梅塞(Richard Wagamese)通过讲述了一个虚构的故事,来展开一个年轻的土著男孩在住校期间幸存下来,后来成为一名明星冰球运动员的故事。对于加拿大人或整个世界,印第安马为非原住民提供了了解殖民主义和强迫教育的机会。这本书可谓是任何想要全面了解加拿大的必读书籍

What is the most Canadian thing a young child does when he grows up? Most Canadians, the answer is hockey. But for Canada’s indigenous population, childhood usually means being forced to attend Residential Schools – a schooling system meant to “re-educate” the indigenous population to make them more Canadian, though in reality resulted in immense damage to every poor soul who entered into them. Richard Wagamese tells the fictional story of a young indigenous boy who survives the Residential School and goes on to become a star ice hockey player. For Canadians, or the world in general, Indian Horse offers the opportunity for non-aboriginal peoples to understand the horrors of colonialism and forced re-education. A must read for anyone wanting to understand Canada in its entirety


作者:  扬·马特尔

译者: 姚媛

出版年: 2012-11-28

出版社: 译林出版社

Life of Pi

Author: Yann Martel

Publisher: Knopf Canada

Publication date: 11 September 2001

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation

也许你以前听说过,也许你曾看过这部电影。马特尔(Martel)屡获殊荣的海上生存故事极富想象力,并为他赢得了《 Man Booker》奖,并确立了他在国际上的地位。

故事讲述了一个年轻的印度泰米尔男孩,他在沉船事故中在救生筏上和一只孟加拉虎存活了200天以上的故事。 Pi的生活提出了有关现实的本质以及如何感知和告诉现实的问题。有趣的事是加拿大人Yann Martel将该书带到了英国伦敦进行出版,因为在此之前,他决定在加拿大出版但被拒绝了五次之多。可以肯定地说,他们错过了这么一本好书。

Maybe you have heard of it before. Maybe you have seen the movie. Wildly imaginative, Martel’s award-winning tale of survival at sea won him the Man Booker and established him as an international presence.

The story follows a young Indian Tamil boy who, after a shipwreck, survives for over 200 days on a life raft – with a Bengali tiger in it with him. Life of Pi raises questions about the nature of reality and how it is perceived and told. Fun fact: Canadian Yann Martel brought the book to London England to have it publish, but was rejected five times before deciding to publish it in Canada. Safe to say, they missed out here.


推荐人:Daniela Chavez【公共管理学院】


Recommended by 

Daniela Chavez [School of Public Policy and Management]

Martín Echavarría Galindo [School of Life Sciences]


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出版社: 浙江文艺出版社



Pedro Páramo

Author: Juan Rulfo

Publisher: Fondo de Cultura Económica

Publication date: 1955

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation


Pedro Páramo started a new movement in Latin America which would be known later as "magical realism". In this book there is a clear juxtaposition between the mundane and the surreal, between the hopes of every character and the despair of their reality.


Memories of the future

Author: Garro, Elena

Publisher: Planeta Publishing

Publish Date: 2007

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation




Memories of the Future tells the story of a young Midwestern woman’s first year in New York City in the late 1970s and her obsession with her mysterious neighbor, Lucy Brite. 

As she listens to Lucy through the thin walls of her dilapidated building, S.H., aka “Minnesota,” transcribes her neighbor’s bizarre and increasingly ominous monologues in a notebook, along with sundry other adventures, until one frightening night when Lucy bursts into her apartment on a rescue mission.



Recommended by Nicole [School of Social Sciences]





The Secret History of Mongols

Author: Paul Kahn

Publisher: Cheng & Tsui

Publication Date: May 10, 2018

推荐理由Reasons for recommendation



The 13th century Secret History of the Mongols, covering the great Činggis Qan’s (1162-1227) ancestry and life, stands out as a literary monument of first magnitude. 

Written partly in prose and partly in epic poetry, it’s the main history book for Mongolians, mainly about great Mongolian Empire. Indispensable for the historian, the Sino-Mongolist, the Altaic philologist, and anyone interested in comparative literature and Central Asian folklore. 






Due to time constraints 

There are a limited number of the introduction of books 

But please believe us that 

Reading would open up the door to a whole new world

Wondrous words you will find in there


Welcome to share your favourite books about cultures around the world in the comment area!









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