
NJCLC Call for Papers

风雅南溟 风雅南溟 2023-05-09


Nanyang Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture

Call for Papers
The Nanyang Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (NJCLC) 南洋中华文学与文化学报, based at the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture of Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, is a bilingual journal in Chinese and English that publishes in-depth, original scholarship in Chinese humanities including literature, culture, history, and thought.
The journal is published biannually, with 6–8 articles in each issue, as well as book reviews and academic reports. Articles in English are primarily in the field of premodern Chinese studies.  Manuscripts submitted to NJCLC should not have been published elsewhere (in any language or any format) and should not be under review for publication elsewhere.
Article manuscript submissions in English should normally range between 10,000 and 12,000 words inclusive of footnotes. Footnotes should give complete citation information, as we do not include a separate list of “Works Cited” or Bibliography. A manuscript submission in English must include article title in English and Chinese, an abstract in English and Chinese of no more than 200 words, keywords (up to 5), and (in a separate file) the author’s name, institutional affiliation, and title. Authors’ names and self-identifying references must be left off of the manuscript. NJCLC engages in double-blind peer reviews. 
Book reviews and academic reports should not exceed 5,000 words. For English-language manuscripts, we adopt the HJAS style guidelines (https://hjas.org/submissions/style-sheet). Please refer to the Style Sheet for details. Journal issues will appear both in print and online, made available for reading and downloading through open access. Once a manuscript submission is accepted for publication, we will ask the author to sign an online copyright agreement unless the author declines. An author will receive one copy of the journal issue, a PDF file of the article, and a small honorarium.
Manuscripts in English should be submitted, in both Word file and PDF file, to NJCLC@ntu.edu.sg and stian@fas.harvard.edu.



