

云大语言研究中心 YNU外国语言学及应用语言学中心 2022-04-24

Workshop: How to get published: challenges in academic publishing, and how to overcome them






Academic publishing can be a daunting challenge for PhD candidates and early career researchers. In this workshop, we tackle this challenge heads on with the aim to demystify academic publishing. We will be addressing practical questions such as how to transform a research thesis into a journal article, how to select a target journal, how to respond to reviews, how to deal with rejection, and how to maximize impact once you’ve been published. In addition to input from experienced academic authors, reviewers, and editors, you will have the opportunity to receive personalized feedback on a publication project you are currently working on.



To join the workshop, please register using the following link: https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/meeting/register/u50qceytpjosG9XSc69Fp_OvUGZF_IZIiI-t



Ingrid Piller is Distinguished Professor of Applied Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney, where she previously served as Executive Director of the Adult Migrant English Program Research Center (AMEPRC). Over the course of her international career, she has also held appointments at universties in Germany, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and USA. She is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and recipient of a 2018 Anneliese Maier Researcg Award. 

Ingrid Piller is an applied sociolinguist with research expertise in intercultural communication, language learning, multilingualism and bilingual education. She has published, lectured and consulted widely in these areas. Ingrid Piller is the author of Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice (Oxford University Press, 2016), which won the 2017 Prose Award in the Language and Linguistics category and the 2017 BAAL Book Prize. She is also the author of the bestselling Intercultural Communication (Edinburgh University Press, 2nd ed., 2017) and numerous other publications.

Ingrid Piller serves as editor-in-chief of the international sociolinguistics journal Mutilingua (De Gruyter Mouton) and edits the sociolinguistics portal Language on the Move, through which many of her publications and those of her team, including their research blog, can be assessed. She tweets about linguistic diversity @lg_on_the_move. Email: ingrid.piller@mq.edu.au

Ingrid Gogolin, Dr. phil., Dr. phil. h.c. mult. is Professor for international comparative and intercultural education research at Universität Hamburg in Germany. Her research is focused on migration and linguistic diversity in education. She was coordinator of the EU-funded project “European Educational Research Quality Indicators (EERQI)”. Research projects deal with topics as Linguistic diversity management in urban areas (Research Cluster of Excellence at the Universität Hamburg); Support of migrant children in schools; Multilingualism and Education (www.kombi.uni-hamburg.de). A current project (“Multilingual Development – A Longitudinal Perspective”) follows two parallel student cohorts (n =  ̴2000) with German-Turkish, German-Russian, and monolingual German language backgrounds in their development of German, the heritage languages Turkish and Russian and English & French as foreign languages (www.mez.uni-hamburg.de). 

Ingrid Gogolin was awarded honorary doctor’s degrees by the University of Dortmund/ Germany in 2013 and the National Kapodistrian University of Athens/ Greece in 2017. She was President of the European Educational Research Association (www.eera-ecer.de) from 1998 to 2002 and acted as a founding member of the World Education Research Association (WERA, https://www.weraonline.org/) in this role. From 2018 to July 2020, she was President of WERA and will continue as Immediate Past President until 2022. Email: ingrid.gogolin@uni-hamburg.de  


Yongyan Zheng is now Professor in the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, China. Her research interests include bilingual/multilingual development, academic literacies, and language planning in higher education. Her publications have appeared on Current Issues in Language Planning, International Journal of Multilingualism, Language Policy, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Multilingua, System, and The Modern Language Journal. She is now the editor-in-chief of Language, Culture and Curriculum and Associate Editor of  System. She also serves on the editorial board of Current Issues in Language Planning, The Language Learning Journal. Her email: yongyanzheng@fudan.edu.cn 



排版:葛庭江 张宇


