

云大语言研究中心 YNU外国语言学及应用语言学中心 2021-11-22


     语言和文化是社会融入的重要话题。作为多元文化移民大国,澳大利亚的外籍移民占所有人口的一半以上,目前澳洲的华人跃居第二大移民群体。然而这个外来移民数量庞大的国家对待多元文化的态度确是矛盾的,这种矛盾立场体现在掩盖其多元性而展现其单一性方面。社会语言学界经过长期调查,发现澳洲官方媒体往往以“白人+英语”打造单一的国家形象,而占大多数澳洲人群的多元特征,如多种语言和肤色却被定性为“他者”,并视为“问题”,选择性的展现不同种族和社会角色会形成对某类人群和语言的固化特征,导致即便拿到澳洲公民证的多元群体继续成为perpetual outsider (永远的外国人), 从而失去参与社会公平竞争的机会。

      社会语言学家通过分析官方媒体所呈现的“我者”和“他者”的身份形象,探讨两类人群差异特征以及这些差异所带来的社会后果。对媒体宣传感兴趣的小伙伴们可以关注近期在国际SSCI检索期刊Ethnicities上发表的一篇高质量科研论文,该研究向我们展示具体的研究方法和分析路径,通过分析澳大利亚第七频道高收视率的电视纪录片“Border Security”(边境安全),收集了自开播以来2004年至2018年拍摄的纪录片,探讨语言如何影响大众对有色种族和非英语群体的看法,纪录片里构建了两类对立群体:既讲英语的白人边检工作人员和有色人种的多语人群,“白人+英语”成为维护国家安全、守卫国土安全的英雄,而“有色群体+非英语”成为威胁国家安全的潜在对象,受到质疑和排查。对语言与身份研究感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考本篇论文,展开对象国媒体宣传研究,研究对象可以包括教材、小说、报刊杂志、游戏等传播媒体。


Piller, I., Torsh, H., & Smith-Khan, L. (2021). Securing the borders of English and Whiteness. Ethnicities. https://doi.org/10.1177/14687968211052610


Ingrid Piller

Ingrid Piller is Distinguished Professor of Applied Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney, where she previously served as Executive Director of the Adult Migrant English Program Research Center (AMEPRC). Over the course of her international career, she has also held appointments at universties in Germany, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and USA. She is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and recipient of a 2018 Anneliese Maier Researcg Award.

Ingrid Piller is an applied sociolinguist with research expertise in intercultural communication, language learning, multilingualism and bilingual education. She has published, lectured and consulted widely in these areas. Ingrid Piller is the author of Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice (Oxford University Press, 2016), which won the 2017 Prose Award in the Language and Linguistics category and the 2017 BAAL Book Prize. She is also the author of the bestselling Intercultural Communication (Edinburgh University Press, 2nd ed., 2017) and numerous other publications.

Ingrid Piller serves as editor-in-chief of the international sociolinguistics journal Mutilingua (De Gruyter Mouton) and edits the sociolinguistics portal Language on the Move, through which many of her publications and those of her team, including their research blog, can be assessed. She tweets about linguistic diversity @lg_on_the_move. Email: ingrid.piller@mq.edu.au

Dr Hanna Irving Torsh

Dr Hanna Irving Torsh is Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Linguistics in the Faculty of Human Sciences at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. She was awarded a Macquarie Research Excellence Scholarship in 2012 and contributes to the peer-reviewed sociolinguistic research site, Language on the Move

 Dr Laura Smith-Khan

Dr Laura Smith-Khan is a Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney. Her research is interested in the work, regulation, and education of Australian migration advisors, with a particular interest in their language practices and communicative resources. She is co-founder of the Law and Linguistics Interdisciplinary Researchers' Network (LLIRN). Laura's doctoral research (conducted at Macquarie University and supervised by Professor Ingrid Piller (Linguistics) and Dr Daniel Ghezelbash (Law)) explored credibility, language and communication in Australia's refugee policy, procedures and public discourse. She has published and presented her research across a number of media, both in Australia and overseas. She has also conducted multi-site fieldwork across six countries, researching disability in refugee camps and urban refugee settings. With Chief Investigators, Professors Mary Crock, Ron McCallum and Ben Saul, from the Sydney Centre for International Law, Sydney Law School, she has presented the project findings at the United Nations, at conferences in Australia, Europe and North America, and in published reports, peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. In 2017, Laura and the team published a book that brings together the project's major findings. Laura prioritizes the accessibility and reach of her research to facilitate its impact. She was commissioned to prepare a background paper for the 2019 UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report. She has contributed her applied sociolinguistic expertise to a new set of guidelines for migration advisors working with young asylum seekers, and has presented on interview communication skills to future migration advisors. She is also a regular contributor to the popular online research portal, Language on the Move. Laura holds a Bachelor of Arts (Languages) (Distinction) and a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (University of Sydney), a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Australian National University) and a Master in Applied Linguistics (Monash University). She has been admitted as a lawyer in the NSW Supreme Court and has worked with refugees in a para-legal and pro-bono capacity. She has taught courses in Ethics Law and Justice, Public International Law, Human Rights and Global Governance, Refugee Law and Policy, and Common Law and Legal Reasoning across three universities, and provided research assistance in both law and linguistics.

文字: YNU外国语言学及应用语言学中心

排版:张宇 葛庭江


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