

云大语言研究中心 YNU外国语言学及应用语言学中心 2022-05-29

How to challenge Anglocentricity in academic publishing and have fun, too 


短文作者:Ingrid Piller





(从左到右:李佳、张洁、Ingrid Piller, Kimie Takahashi,  郭建、Jackie Chang)

Piller, Reflections on linguistic and epistemic justice, Keynote SIETAR 2022

US- and UK-based scholars dominate linguistics

Global academic knowledge production is dominated by the Anglosphere. In Linguistics, for example, scholars based in the USA and UK produce more academic publications than scholars from the next eight top-10 countries combined. Not only do American and British scholars produce a lot more linguistics research than everybody else, their work is also much more influential as the comparatively high h-indexes of linguists from these countries indicate.


55% of the 100 most cited scholars under each of the keywords “Applied Linguistics” and “Sociolinguistics” with a Google Scholar profile are affiliated with a US or UK institution. To put this figure in perspective: the population of the USA and UK together accounts for 5.12% of the global total. In other words, linguists from these two countries are massively overrepresented among the thought leaders in our field.


By contrast, not a single applied linguist or sociolinguist based at a university in Mainland China is among the 100 most highly cited scholars in “Applied Linguistics” and “Sociolinguistics.” To put this figure in perspective: China accounts for 18.47% of the global population.


Challenging the Anglophone publication monopoly

For multilingual scholars, i.e. those with English as an additional language in their repertoire, particularly if they are based outside the Anglosphere, the stats above can be pretty demoralizing. Publication in “top-tier” journals and impact metrics have become central to hiring, promotion, and funding decisions in the neoliberal academy worldwide. Yet, despite the meritocratic rhetoric, the playfield is obviously far from level and multilingual scholars based in global peripheries labor “under a heavy mountain.” 


The burden is intensified by the fact that academic publishing can very much look like a black box. While advice on how to get published abounds, what is missing are positive case-studies that showcase experiences of multilingual peripheral scholars challenging their linguistic and epistemic exclusion.


A look into the black box of academic publishing

In a new article titled “Peripheral multilingual scholars confronting epistemic exclusion in global academic knowledge production,” which has just been published in Multilingua, my colleagues Jenny Zhang and Jia Li provide precisely such a positive case study.

近期,我和张洁、李佳在Multilingua 期刊上发表了一篇题为“边缘地区多语学者应对全球学术知识生产中的认知排斥”的文章。在文章中,我们提供了这样一个正面的案例研究。

As regular readers of Language on the Move will remember, in 2020, we co-edited a special issue of the highly-ranked international sociolinguistics journal Multilingua devoted to “Linguistic Diversity in a Time of Crisis.” To the best of our knowledge, this was the first concentrated effort in the field to address the language and communication challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic in English. The special issue centered on research from the Chinese world and by Chinese and South Korean scholars.

经常阅读Language on the Move 的读者会记得,2020年我们为著名的国际社会语言学期刊Multilingua 合编了一本专刊,专门讨论《危机时期的语言多样性》。据我们所知,这是国际语言学领域英文界第一次汇集各方力量尝试回应和解决新冠疫情给语言和交流带来的挑战。该专刊聚焦中国视角和中国学者的研究。

The special issue has been widely read, is already well cited. In addition to its topical exploration, it also constitutes a contribution to intercultural dialogue in applied and sociolinguistics.


Reflecting on the process that led to the publication of the special issue, we felt that it contained several lessons for linguistic and epistemic justice in our field. In “Peripheral multilingual scholars confronting epistemic exclusion in global academic knowledge production” we make those lessons explicit in the form of a collaborative autoethnography that illuminates the process behind the product.

In the article, we reflect on enabling personal and academic networks, textual scaffolding, and linguistic and epistemic brokerage. And we have three take-home messages.

Against the center vision of “global” academic knowledge

The dominant vision of linguistic research is solely focused on the central circuit of academic knowledge production. Efforts at global knowledge transfer almost always move outward from this central circuit. In this vision, sharing center knowledge with the periphery is considered transformational. By contrast, Linguistic Diversity in a Time of Crisis demonstrated that some of the most exciting developments in contemporary applied sociolinguistics, such as the development of emergency language services  in China, are located outside the center. 


Knowledge flows in many directions and many circuits. Engaging with multi-directionality and multi-scalarity requires the kind of networks and teamwork we were able to bring to bear.


For community building and an ethics of care

Within circuits of knowledge production, peripheral multilingual knowledge producers are assigned seemingly perpetual status as international students, academic novices, visiting scholars, junior partners, and interlopers in center institutions. These positionings ultimately preclude deep engagement.

The foundation of our joint work goes beyond academic collaboration and is based on longstanding personal friendship. We consider recognition of the affective dimensions of knowledge production and the importance of ethical relationships of care vital to the decolonization of knowledge.


Confronting privilege

Jenny, Li Jia, and I each write from different points in our career and from different points of inclusion and exclusion in various centers and peripheries. The same is true for all academics and each of us has a responsibility to center questions of linguistic and epistemic justice in whichever position we may find ourselves.

For us, this has involved building and engaging with various networks, collaborating across borders and generations, creating publication opportunities, and volunteering our time and expertise to act as linguistic and epistemic brokers.


To read our collaborative autoethnography about linguistic and epistemic justice in global academic publishing in full head over to Multilingua:

Piller, Ingrid, Zhang, Jie, & Li, Jia. 2022. Peripheral multilingual scholars confronting epistemic exclusion in global academic knowledge production: a positive case study. Multilingua. [free access]
Piller, Ingrid, Zhang, Jie, & Li, Jia. 2022. Peripheral multilingual scholars confronting epistemic exclusion in global academic knowledge production: a positive case study 【边缘地区多语学者应对全球学术知识生产中的认知排斥:积极的案例研究】,Multilingua. 【免费获取】 

以下是Ingrid Piller 参加欧洲学术会议的主旨发言视频,发言内容记录Piller, Zhang & Li (2022)这篇文章的相关内容,视频网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ScMbjsCjSk

i As of April 17, 2021. This includes some duplicates as scholars who appear both under “Applied Linguistics” and “Sociolinguistics” were counted in each category.

ii 截至2021年4月17日。这一数据包括了重复出现的学者,这些学者同时出现在“应用语言学”和“社会语言学”类目下,在两个类目中各被统计了一次。



排版:薛美春 宋函笑 杨鸿梅


