

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05








【1】 de Finetti-type theorems on quasi-local algebras and infinite Fermi tensor products
标题:关于拟局部代数和无限费米张量积的de Finetti型定理

作者:Vitonofrio Crismale,Stefano Rossi,Paola Zurlo
备注:31 pages
摘要:Local actions of $\mathbb{P}_\mathbb{N}$, the group of finite permutations on $\mathbb{N}$, on quasi-local algebras are defined and proved to be $\mathbb{P}_\mathbb{N}$-abelian. It turns out that invariant states under local actions are automatically even, and extreme invariant states are strongly clustering. Tail algebras of invariant states are shown to obey a form of the Hewitt and Savage theorem, in that they coincide with the fixed-point von Neumann algebra. Infinite graded tensor products of $C^*$-algebras, which include the CAR algebra, are then addressed as particular examples of quasi-local algebras acted upon $\mathbb{P}_\mathbb{N}$ in a natural way. Extreme invariant states are characterized as infinite products of a single even state, and a de Finetti theorem is established. Finally, infinite products of factorial even states are shown to be factorial by applying a twisted version of the tensor product commutation theorem, which is also derived here.


【1】 Neighborly partitions and the numerators of Rogers-Ramanujan identities

作者:Zahraa Mohsen,Hussein Mourtada
摘要:We prove two partition identities which are dual to the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. These identities are inspired by (and proved using) a correspondence between three kinds of objects: a new type of partitions (neighborly partitions), monomial ideals and some infinite graphs.

【2】 On the theory of generalized Ulrich modules

作者:Cleto B. Miranda-Neto,Douglas S. Queiroz,Thyago S. Souza
备注:17 pages
摘要:In this paper we further develop the theory of generalized Ulrich modules over Cohen-Macaulay local rings introduced in 2014 by Goto, Ozeki, Takahashi, Watanabe and Yoshida. The term {\it generalized} refers to the fact that Ulrich modules are taken with respect to a zero-dimensional ideal which is not necessarily the maximal ideal, the latter situation corresponding to the classical theory from the 80's; despite the apparent naivety of the idea, this passage adds considerable depth to the theory and enlarges its horizon of applications. First, we address the problem of when the Hom functor preserves the Ulrich property, and in particular we study relations with semidualizing modules. Second, we explore horizontal linkage of Ulrich modules, which we use to provide a characterization of Gorensteiness. Finally, we investigate connections between Ulrich modules and modules with minimal multiplicity, including characterizations in terms of relative reduction numbers as well as the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of certain blowup modules.

【3】 On M-O.Ore determinants

作者:Jean Fresnel,Michel Matignon
摘要:The existence of certain Fq-spaces of differential forms of the projective line over a field K containing Fq leads us to prove an identity linking the determinant of the Moore matrix of n indeterminates with the determinant of the Moore matrix of the cofactors of its first row. These same spaces give an interpretation of Elkies pairing in terms of residues of differential forms. This pairing puts in duality the Fq-vector space of the roots of a Fq-linear polynomial and that of the roots of its reversed polynomial.

【4】 Stream/block ciphers, difference equations and algebraic attacks

作者:Roberto La Scala,Sharwan K. Tiwari
备注:26 pages, to appear in Journal of Symbolic Computation
摘要:In this paper we model a class of stream and block ciphers as systems of (ordinary) explicit difference equations over a finite field. We call this class "difference ciphers" and we show that ciphers of application interest, as for example systems of LFSRs with a combiner, Trivium and Keeloq, belong to the class. By using Difference Algebra, that is, the formal theory of difference equations, we can properly define and study important properties of these ciphers, such as their invertibility and periodicity. We describe then general cryptanalytic methods for difference ciphers that follow from these properties and are useful to assess the security. We illustrate such algebraic attacks in practice by means of the ciphers Bivium and Keeloq.


【1】 Graded irreducible representations of Leavitt path algebras: a new type and complete classification

作者:Lia Vas
摘要:We present a new class of graded irreducible representations of a Leavitt path algebra. This class is new in the sense that its representation space is not isomorphic to any of the existing simple Chen modules. The corresponding graded simple modules complete the list of Chen modules which are graded, creating an exhaustive class: the annihilator of any graded simple module is equal to the annihilator of either a graded Chen module or a module of this new type. Our characterization of graded primitive ideals of a Leavitt path algebra in terms of the properties of the underlying graph is the main tool for proving the completeness of such classification. We also point out a problem with the characterization of primitive ideals of a Leavitt path algebra in [K. M. Rangaswamy, Theory of prime ideals of Leavitt path algebras over arbitrary graphs, J. Algebra 375 (2013), 73 -- 90].

【2】 Not all nilpotent monoids are finitely related

作者:Markus Steindl
摘要:A finite semigroup is finitely related (has finite degree) if its term functions are determined by a finite set of finitary relations. For example, it is known that all nilpotent semigroups are finitely related. A nilpotent monoid is a nilpotent semigroup with adjoined identity. We show that every $4$-nilpotent monoid is finitely related. We also give an example of a $5$-nilpotent monoid that is not finitely related. This is the first known example where adjoining an identity to a finitely related semigroup yields a semigroup which is not finitely related. We also provide examples of finitely related semigroups which have subsemigroups, homomorphic images, and in particular Rees quotients, that are not finitely related.

【3】 Automorphisms of left Ideal relation graph over full matrix ring

作者:Jitender Kumar,Barkha Baloda,Sanjeet Malhotra
摘要:The left-ideal relation graph on a ring $R$, denoted by $\overrightarrow{\Gamma_{l-i}}(R)$, is a directed graph whose vertex set is all the elements of $R$ and there is a directed edge from $x$ to a distinct $y$ if and only if the left ideal generated by $x$, written as $[x]$, is properly contained in the left ideal generated by $y$. In this paper, the automorphisms of $\overrightarrow{\Gamma_{l-i}}(R)$ are characterized, where $R$ is the ring of all $n \times n$ matrices over a finite field $F_q$. The undirected left relation graph, denoted by $\Gamma_{l-i}(M_n(F_q))$, is the simple graph whose vertices are all the elements of $R$ and two distinct vertices $x, y$ are adjacent if and only if either $[x] \subset [y]$ or $[y] \subset [x]$ is considered. Various graph theoretic properties of $\Gamma_{l-i}(M_n(F_q))$ including connectedness, girth, clique number, etc. are studied.

【4】 Torsion and torsion-free classes from objects of finite type in Grothendieck categories

作者:Daniel Bravo,Sinem Odabaşı,Carlos E. Parra,Marco A. Pérez
备注:27 pages
摘要:In an arbitrary Grothendieck category, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the class of $\text{FP}_n$-injective objects to be a torsion class. By doing so, we propose a notion of $n$-hereditary categories. We also define and study the class of $\text{FP}_n$-flat objects in Grothendieck categories with a generating set of small projective objects, and provide several equivalent conditions for this class to be torsion-free. In the end, we present several applications and examples of $n$-hereditary categories in the contexts modules over a ring, chain complexes of modules and categories of additive functors from an additive category to the category of abelian groups. Concerning the latter setting, we find a characterization of when these functor categories are $n$-hereditary in terms of the domain additive category.

【5】 Stream/block ciphers, difference equations and algebraic attacks

作者:Roberto La Scala,Sharwan K. Tiwari
备注:26 pages, to appear in Journal of Symbolic Computation
摘要:In this paper we model a class of stream and block ciphers as systems of (ordinary) explicit difference equations over a finite field. We call this class "difference ciphers" and we show that ciphers of application interest, as for example systems of LFSRs with a combiner, Trivium and Keeloq, belong to the class. By using Difference Algebra, that is, the formal theory of difference equations, we can properly define and study important properties of these ciphers, such as their invertibility and periodicity. We describe then general cryptanalytic methods for difference ciphers that follow from these properties and are useful to assess the security. We illustrate such algebraic attacks in practice by means of the ciphers Bivium and Keeloq.



