

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05






【1】 Completeness of derived interleaving distances and sheaf quantization of non-smooth objects

作者:Tomohiro Asano,Yuichi Ike
备注:33 pages, 1 figure, comments are welcome
摘要:We investigate sheaf-theoretic methods to deal with non-smooth objects in symplectic geometry. We show the completeness of a derived category of sheaves with respect to the interleaving-like distance and construct a sheaf quantization of a hameomorphism. We also develop Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory in the microlocal theory of sheaves. With these new tools, we prove an Arnold-type theorem for the image of the zero-section under a hameomorphism by a purely sheaf-theoretic method.

【2】 The Persistence Landscapes of Affine Fractals

作者:Michael J. Catanzaro,Lee Przybylski,Eric S. Weber
备注:32 pages, 5 figures. Comments welcome
摘要:We develop a method for calculating the persistence landscapes of affine fractals using the parameters of the corresponding transformations. Given an iterated function system of affine transformations that satisfies a certain compatibility condition, we prove that there exists an affine transformation acting on the space of persistence landscapes which intertwines the action of the iterated function system. This latter affine transformation is a strict contraction and its unique fixed point is the persistence landscape of the affine fractal. We present several examples of the theory as well as confirm the main results through simulations.

【3】 The automorphism groups of Artin groups of edge-separated CLTTF graphs

作者:Byung Hee An,Youngjin Cho
备注:30 pages, 6 figures
摘要:We provide an explicit presentation of the automorphism group of an edge-separated CLTTF Artin group.

【4】 Diffeomorphisms of discs

作者:Oscar Randal-Williams
备注:Contributed to the Proceedings of the 2022 ICM
摘要:I describe what is currently known, for $d \geq 5$, about the rational homotopy type of the group of diffeomorphisms of the $d$-disc relative to its boundary, and the closely related group of homeomorphisms of $d$-dimensional Euclidean space.

【5】 Persistent Homology for Breast Tumor Classification using Mammogram Scans

作者:Aras Asaad,Dashti Ali,Taban Majeed,Rasber Rashid
备注:10 pages
摘要:An Important tool in the field topological data analysis is known as persistent Homology (PH) which is used to encode abstract representation of the homology of data at different resolutions in the form of persistence diagram (PD). In this work we build more than one PD representation of a single image based on a landmark selection method, known as local binary patterns, that encode different types of local textures from images. We employed different PD vectorizations using persistence landscapes, persistence images, persistence binning (Betti Curve) and statistics. We tested the effectiveness of proposed landmark based PH on two publicly available breast abnormality detection datasets using mammogram scans. Sensitivity of landmark based PH obtained is over 90% in both datasets for the detection of abnormal breast scans. Finally, experimental results give new insights on using different types of PD vectorizations which help in utilising PH in conjunction with machine learning classifiers.



【1】 Coarse Geometry of Pure Mapping Class Groups of Infinite Graphs

作者:George Domat,Hannah Hoganson,Sanghoon Kwak
备注:41 pages, 10 figures
摘要:We discuss the large-scale geometry of pure mapping class groups of locally finite, infinite graphs, motivated from recent work by Algom-Kfir--Bestvina and the work of Mann--Rafi on the large-scale geometry of mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces. Using the framework of Rosendal for coarse geometry of non-locally compact groups, we classify when the pure mapping class group of a locally finite, infinite graph is globally coarsely bounded (an analog of compact) and when it is locally coarsely bounded (an analog of locally compact). Our techniques also give lower bounds on the first integral cohomology of the pure mapping class group for some graphs and show that some of these groups have continuous actions on simplicial trees.



