

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05







【1】 Fano manifolds with Lefschetz defect 3

作者:C. Casagrande,E. A. Romano,S. A. Secci
备注:30 pages, 2 figures
摘要:Let X be a smooth, complex Fano variety, and delta(X) its Lefschetz defect. It is known that if delta(X) is at least 4, then X is isomorphic to a product SxT, where dim T=dim X-2. In this paper we prove a structure theorem for the case where delta(X)=3. We show that there exists a smooth Fano variety T with dim T=dim X-2 such that X is obtained from T with two possible explicit constructions; in both cases there is a P^2-bundle Z over T such that X is the blow-up of Z along three pairwise disjoint smooth, irreducible, codimension 2 subvarieties. Then we apply the structure theorem to Fano 4-folds, to the case where X has Picard number 5, and to Fano varieties having an elementary divisorial contraction sending a divisor to a curve. In particular we complete the classification of Fano 4-folds with delta(X)=3.

【2】 Deligne-Beilinson cohomology of the universal K3 surface

作者:Zhiyuan Li,Xun Zhang
备注:26 pages, any comments are welcome!
摘要:O'Grady's generalized Franchetta conjecture (GFC) is concerned with codimension 2 algebraic cycles on universal polarized K3 surfaces. In \cite{BL17}, this conjecture has been studied in the Betti cohomology groups. Following a suggestion of Voisin, we investigate this problem in the Deligne-Beilinson (DB) cohomology groups. In this paper, we develop the theory of Deligne-Beilinson cohomology groups on separated (smooth) Deligne-Mumford stacks. Using the automorphic cohomology group and Noether-Lefschetz theory, we compute the 4-th DB-cohomology group of universal oriented polarized K3 surfaces with at worst an $A_1$-singularity and show that GFC for such family holds in DB-cohomology. In particular, this confirms O'Grady's original conjecture in DB cohomology.

【3】 On M-O.Ore determinants

作者:Jean Fresnel,Michel Matignon
摘要:The existence of certain Fq-spaces of differential forms of the projective line over a field K containing Fq leads us to prove an identity linking the determinant of the Moore matrix of n indeterminates with the determinant of the Moore matrix of the cofactors of its first row. These same spaces give an interpretation of Elkies pairing in terms of residues of differential forms. This pairing puts in duality the Fq-vector space of the roots of a Fq-linear polynomial and that of the roots of its reversed polynomial.

【4】 Asymptotic slopes and strong semistability on surfaces

作者:Mitra Koley,A. J. Parameswaran
备注:Comments welcome
摘要:In this article we study asymptotic slopes of strongly semistable vector bundles on a smooth projective surface. A connection between asymptotic slopes and strong restriction theorem of a strongly semistable vector bundle is shown. We also give an equivalent criterion of strong semistability of a vector bundle in terms of its asymptotic slopes under some assumptions on the surface and on the bundle.

【5】 Polynomial Dynamical Systems and Differentiation of Genus 4 Hyperelliptic Functions

作者:E. Yu. Bunkova
摘要:We give an explicit solution to the problem of differentiation of hyperelliptic functions in genus 4 case. We describe explicitly the polynomial Lie algebras and polynomial dynamical systems connected to this problem.


【1】 Semilinear Li & Yau inequalities

作者:Daniele Castorina,Giovanni Catino,Carlo Mantegazza
摘要:We derive an adaptation of Li & Yau estimates for positive solutions of semilinear heat equations on Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci tensor. We then apply these estimates to obtain a Harnack inequality and to discuss monotonicity, convexity, decay estimates and triviality of ancient and eternal solutions.

【2】 Singularity models in the three-dimensional Ricci flow

作者:S. Brendle
备注:This is survey paper which will appear in the KIAS Expositions
摘要:The Ricci flow is a natural evolution equation for Riemannian metrics on a given manifold. The main goal is to understand singularity formation. In his spectacular 2002 breakthrough, Perelman achieved a qualitative understanding of singularity formation in dimension $3$. More precisely, Perelman showed that every finite-time singularity to the Ricci flow in dimension $3$ is modeled on an ancient $\kappa$-solution. Moreover, Perelman proved a structure theorem for ancient $\kappa$-solutions in dimension $3$. In this survey, we will discuss recent developments which have led to a complete classification of all the singularity models in dimension $3$. Moreover, we give an alternative proof of the classification of noncollapsed steady gradient Ricci solitons in dimension $3$ (originally proved by the author in 2012).

【3】 The Stability of Generalized Ricci Solitons

作者:Kuan-Hui Lee
摘要:In this paper, I compute the second variation formula of the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional and prove that a Bismut-flat, Einstein manifold is linearly stable under some curvature assumption. In the last part of the paper, I prove that dynamical stability and the linear stability are equivalent on a steady gradient generalized Ricci soliton $(g,H,f)$ which generalizes the result done by Kr\"oncke, Haslhofer, Sesum, Raffero and Vezzoni.

【4】 Magnetic trajectories on 2-step nilmanifolds

作者:Gabriela P. Ovando,Mauro Subils
摘要:The aim of this work is the study of magnetic trajectories on nilmanifolds but also of the associated magnetic fields. The magnetic equation is written and the corresponding solutions are found for a family of Lorentz forces. The existence question of magnetic fields is analyzed, obtaining non-existence results. This is extended to prove the non-existence of uniform magnetic fields under certain hypotheses. Finally some examples are computed in the Heisenberg Lie groups $H_n$ for $n=3,5$, showing differences with the case of exact forms. Interesting magnetic trajectories related to elliptic integrals appear in $H_3$. The question of existence of closed or periodic magnetic trajectories for every energy level on Lie groups or on compact quotients is treated.


【1】 Completeness of derived interleaving distances and sheaf quantization of non-smooth objects

作者:Tomohiro Asano,Yuichi Ike
备注:33 pages, 1 figure, comments are welcome
摘要:We investigate sheaf-theoretic methods to deal with non-smooth objects in symplectic geometry. We show the completeness of a derived category of sheaves with respect to the interleaving-like distance and construct a sheaf quantization of a hameomorphism. We also develop Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory in the microlocal theory of sheaves. With these new tools, we prove an Arnold-type theorem for the image of the zero-section under a hameomorphism by a purely sheaf-theoretic method.


【1】 Exploring the Steiner-Soddy Porism

作者:Ronaldo Garcia,Liliana Gheorghe,Dan Reznik
备注:12 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
摘要:We explore properties and loci of a Poncelet family of polygons -- called here Steiner-Soddy -- whose vertices are centers of circles in the Steiner porism, including conserved quantities, loci, and its relationship to other Poncelet families.

【2】 Isoperimetric 3- and 4-bubble results on $\mathbb{R}$ with density $|x|$

作者:Evan Alexander,Emily Burns,John Ross,Jesse Stovall,Zariah Whyte
备注:1 figure. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2201.01808
摘要:We study the isoperimetric problem on $\mathbb{R}^1$ with a prescribed density function $f(x) = |x|$. Under these conditions, we find that isoperimetric $3$-bubble and $4$-bubble results satisfy a regular structure. As our regions increase in size, the intervals that form them alternate back-and-forth across the origin, with the smaller regions closer to the origin. This expands on previously known observations about the single- and double-bubble results on $\mathbb{R}$ with density $|x|^p$.



