

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05





【1】 Power and Sample Size Calculations for Rerandomized Experiments

作者:Zach Branson,Xinran Li,Peng Ding
备注:20 pages, 4 figures
摘要:Power is an important aspect of experimental design, because it allows researchers to understand the chance of detecting causal effects if they exist. It is common to specify a desired level of power, and then compute the sample size necessary to obtain that level of power; thus, power calculations help determine how experiments are conducted in practice. Power and sample size calculations are readily available for completely randomized experiments; however, there can be many benefits to using other experimental designs. For example, in recent years it has been established that rerandomized designs, where subjects are randomized until a prespecified level of covariate balance is obtained, increase the precision of causal effect estimators. This work establishes the statistical power of rerandomized treatment-control experiments, thereby allowing for sample size calculators. Our theoretical results also clarify how power and sample size are affected by treatment effect heterogeneity, a quantity that is often ignored in power analyses. Via simulation, we confirm our theoretical results and find that rerandomization can lead to substantial sample size reductions; e.g., in many realistic scenarios, rerandomization can lead to a 25% or even 50% reduction in sample size for a fixed level of power, compared to complete randomization. Power and sample size calculators based on our results are in the R package rerandPower on CRAN.


【1】 Cauchy, normal and correlations versus heavy tails

作者:Hui Xu,Joel Cohen,Richard Davis,Gennady Samorodnitsky
摘要:A surprising result of Pillai and Meng (2016) showed that a transformation $\sum_{j=1}^n w_j X_j/Y_j$ of two iid centered normal random vectors, $(X_1,\ldots, X_n)$ and $(Y_1,\ldots, Y_n)$, $n>1$, for any weights $0\leq w_j\leq 1$, $ j=1,\ldots, n$, $\sum_{j=1}^n w_j=1$, has a Cauchy distribution regardless of any correlations within the normal vectors. The correlations appear to lose out in the competition with the heavy tails. To clarify how extensive this phenomenon is, we analyze two other transformations of two iid centered normal random vectors. These transformations are similar in spirit to the transformation considered by Pillai and Meng (2016). One transformation involves absolute values: $\sum_{j=1}^n w_j X_j/|Y_j|$. The second involves randomly stopped Brownian motions: $\sum_{j=1}^n w_j X_j\bigl(Y_j^{-2}\bigr)$, where $\bigl\{\bigl( X_1(t),\ldots, X_n(t)\bigr), \, t\geq 0\bigr\},\ n>1,$ is a Brownian motion with positive variances; $(Y_1,\ldots, Y_n)$ is a centered normal random vector with the same law as $( X_1(1),\ldots, X_n(1))$ and independent of it; and $X(Y^{-2})$ is the value of the Brownian motion $X(t)$ evaluated at the random time $t=Y^{-2}$. All three transformations result in a Cauchy distribution if the covariance matrix of the normal components is diagonal, or if all the correlations implied by the covariance matrix equal 1. However, while the transformation Pillai and Meng (2016) considered produces a Cauchy distribution regardless of the normal covariance matrix. the transformations we consider here do not always produce a Cauchy distribution. The correlations between jointly normal random variables are not always overwhelmed by the heaviness of the marginal tails. The mysteries of the connections between normal and Cauchy laws remain to be understood.

【2】 de Finetti-type theorems on quasi-local algebras and infinite Fermi tensor products
标题:关于拟局部代数和无限费米张量积的de Finetti型定理

作者:Vitonofrio Crismale,Stefano Rossi,Paola Zurlo
备注:31 pages
摘要:Local actions of $\mathbb{P}_\mathbb{N}$, the group of finite permutations on $\mathbb{N}$, on quasi-local algebras are defined and proved to be $\mathbb{P}_\mathbb{N}$-abelian. It turns out that invariant states under local actions are automatically even, and extreme invariant states are strongly clustering. Tail algebras of invariant states are shown to obey a form of the Hewitt and Savage theorem, in that they coincide with the fixed-point von Neumann algebra. Infinite graded tensor products of $C^*$-algebras, which include the CAR algebra, are then addressed as particular examples of quasi-local algebras acted upon $\mathbb{P}_\mathbb{N}$ in a natural way. Extreme invariant states are characterized as infinite products of a single even state, and a de Finetti theorem is established. Finally, infinite products of factorial even states are shown to be factorial by applying a twisted version of the tensor product commutation theorem, which is also derived here.

【3】 Spatial integral of the solution to hyperbolic Anderson model with time-independent noise

作者:Raluca M. Balan,Wangjun Yuan
备注:43 pages
摘要:In this article, we study the asymptotic behavior of the spatial integral of the solution to the hyperbolic Anderson model in dimension $d\leq 2$, as the domain of the integral gets large (for fixed time $t$). This equation is driven by a spatially homogeneous Gaussian noise, whose covariance function is either integrable, or is given by the Riesz kernel. The novelty is that the noise does not depend on time, which means that It\^o's martingale theory for stochastic integration cannot be used. Using a combination of Malliavin calculus with Stein's method, we show that with proper normalization and centering, the spatial integral of the solution converges to a standard normal distribution, by estimating the speed of this convergence in the total variation distance. We also prove the corresponding functional limit theorem for the spatial integral process.

【4】 Pricing Bermudan options using regression trees/random forests

作者:Zineb El Filali Ech-Chafiq,Pierre Henry-Labordere,Jérôme Lelong
摘要:The value of an American option is the maximized value of the discounted cash flows from the option. At each time step, one needs to compare the immediate exercise value with the continuation value and decide to exercise as soon as the exercise value is strictly greater than the continuation value. We can formulate this problem as a dynamic programming equation, where the main difficulty comes from the computation of the conditional expectations representing the continuation values at each time step. In (Longstaff and Schwartz, 2001), these conditional expectations were estimated using regressions on a finite-dimensional vector space (typically a polynomial basis). In this paper, we follow the same algorithm; only the conditional expectations are estimated using Regression trees or Random forests. We discuss the convergence of the LS algorithm when the standard least squares regression is replaced with regression trees. Finally, we expose some numerical results with regression trees and random forests. The random forest algorithm gives excellent results in high dimensions.

【5】 Invasion of cooperative parasites in moderately structured host populations

作者:Vianney Brouard,Cornelia Pokalyuk
摘要:Certain defense mechanisms of phages against the immune system of their bacterial host rely on cooperation of phages. Motivated by this example we analyse invasion probabilities of cooperative parasites in host populations that are moderately structured. More precisely we assume that hosts are arranged on the vertices of a configuration model and that offspring of parasites move to nearest neighbours sites to infect new hosts. We consider parasites that generate many offspring at reproduction, but do this (usually) only when infecting a host simultaneously. In this regime we identify and analyse the spatial scale of the population structure at which invasion of parasites turns from being an unlikely to an highly probable event.



