

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 Predicting Patient Readmission Risk from Medical Text via Knowledge Graph Enhanced Multiview Graph Convolution

作者:Qiuhao Lu,Thien Huu Nguyen,Dejing Dou
机构:University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA, Baidu Research
备注:SIGIR 2021
摘要:Unplanned intensive care unit (ICU) readmission rate is an important metric for evaluating the quality of hospital care. Efficient and accurate prediction of ICU readmission risk can not only help prevent patients from inappropriate discharge and potential dangers, but also reduce associated costs of healthcare. In this paper, we propose a new method that uses medical text of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for prediction, which provides an alternative perspective to previous studies that heavily depend on numerical and time-series features of patients. More specifically, we extract discharge summaries of patients from their EHRs, and represent them with multiview graphs enhanced by an external knowledge graph. Graph convolutional networks are then used for representation learning. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of our method, yielding state-of-the-art performance for this task.

【2】 Repairing Adversarial Texts through Perturbation

作者:Guoliang Dong,Jingyi Wang,Jun Sun,Sudipta Chattopadhyay,Xinyu Wang,Ting Dai,Jie Shi,Jin Song Dong
机构:sg•Sudipta Chattopadhyay is with Singapore University of Technology andDesign
摘要:It is known that neural networks are subject to attacks through adversarial perturbations, i.e., inputs which are maliciously crafted through perturbations to induce wrong predictions. Furthermore, such attacks are impossible to eliminate, i.e., the adversarial perturbation is still possible after applying mitigation methods such as adversarial training. Multiple approaches have been developed to detect and reject such adversarial inputs, mostly in the image domain. Rejecting suspicious inputs however may not be always feasible or ideal. First, normal inputs may be rejected due to false alarms generated by the detection algorithm. Second, denial-of-service attacks may be conducted by feeding such systems with adversarial inputs. To address the gap, in this work, we propose an approach to automatically repair adversarial texts at runtime. Given a text which is suspected to be adversarial, we novelly apply multiple adversarial perturbation methods in a positive way to identify a repair, i.e., a slightly mutated but semantically equivalent text that the neural network correctly classifies. Our approach has been experimented with multiple models trained for natural language processing tasks and the results show that our approach is effective, i.e., it successfully repairs about 80\% of the adversarial texts. Furthermore, depending on the applied perturbation method, an adversarial text could be repaired in as short as one second on average.

【3】 Sign Language Video Retrieval with Free-Form Textual Queries

作者:Amanda Duarte,Samuel Albanie,Xavier Giró-i-Nieto,Gül Varol
机构:Xavier Gir´o-i-Nieto, G¨ul Varol, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain, Machine Intelligence Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, CSIC-UPC, Spain
摘要:Systems that can efficiently search collections of sign language videos have been highlighted as a useful application of sign language technology. However, the problem of searching videos beyond individual keywords has received limited attention in the literature. To address this gap, in this work we introduce the task of sign language retrieval with free-form textual queries: given a written query (e.g., a sentence) and a large collection of sign language videos, the objective is to find the signing video in the collection that best matches the written query. We propose to tackle this task by learning cross-modal embeddings on the recently introduced large-scale How2Sign dataset of American Sign Language (ASL). We identify that a key bottleneck in the performance of the system is the quality of the sign video embedding which suffers from a scarcity of labeled training data. We, therefore, propose SPOT-ALIGN, a framework for interleaving iterative rounds of sign spotting and feature alignment to expand the scope and scale of available training data. We validate the effectiveness of SPOT-ALIGN for learning a robust sign video embedding through improvements in both sign recognition and the proposed video retrieval task.

【4】 Automated Dissipation Control for Turbulence Simulation with Shell Models

作者:Ann-Kathrin Dombrowski,Klaus-Robert Müller,Wolf Christian Müller
机构:M¨ullere,∗, Machine Learning Group, TU-Berlin, Germany, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbr¨ucken, Germany
摘要:The application of machine learning (ML) techniques, especially neural networks, has seen tremendous success at processing images and language. This is because we often lack formal models to understand visual and audio input, so here neural networks can unfold their abilities as they can model solely from data. In the field of physics we typically have models that describe natural processes reasonably well on a formal level. Nonetheless, in recent years, ML has also proven useful in these realms, be it by speeding up numerical simulations or by improving accuracy. One important and so far unsolved problem in classical physics is understanding turbulent fluid motion. In this work we construct a strongly simplified representation of turbulence by using the Gledzer-Ohkitani-Yamada (GOY) shell model. With this system we intend to investigate the potential of ML-supported and physics-constrained small-scale turbulence modelling. Instead of standard supervised learning we propose an approach that aims to reconstruct statistical properties of turbulence such as the self-similar inertial-range scaling, where we could achieve encouraging experimental results. Furthermore we discuss pitfalls when combining machine learning with differential equations.

【5】 Spatial-Temporal Sequential Hypergraph Network for Crime Prediction

作者:Lianghao Xia,Chao Huang,Yong Xu,Peng Dai,Liefeng Bo,Xiyue Zhang,Tianyi Chen
机构:South China University of Technology, China, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Communication and Computer Network Laboratory of Guangdong, China, Peng Cheng Laboratory, China, JD Finance America Corporation, USA
备注:IJCAI 2021 Research Paper
摘要:Crime prediction is crucial for public safety and resource optimization, yet is very challenging due to two aspects: i) the dynamics of criminal patterns across time and space, crime events are distributed unevenly on both spatial and temporal domains; ii) time-evolving dependencies between different types of crimes (e.g., Theft, Robbery, Assault, Damage) which reveal fine-grained semantics of crimes. To tackle these challenges, we propose Spatial-Temporal Sequential Hypergraph Network (ST-SHN) to collectively encode complex crime spatial-temporal patterns as well as the underlying category-wise crime semantic relationships. In specific, to handle spatial-temporal dynamics under the long-range and global context, we design a graph-structured message passing architecture with the integration of the hypergraph learning paradigm. To capture category-wise crime heterogeneous relations in a dynamic environment, we introduce a multi-channel routing mechanism to learn the time-evolving structural dependency across crime types. We conduct extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, showing that our proposed ST-SHN framework can significantly improve the prediction performance as compared to various state-of-the-art baselines. The source code is available at: https://github.com/akaxlh/ST-SHN.

【6】 Auction-Based Ex-Post-Payment Incentive Mechanism Design for Horizontal Federated Learning with Reputation and Contribution Measurement

作者:Jingwen Zhang,Yuezhou Wu,Rong Pan
摘要:Federated learning trains models across devices with distributed data, while protecting the privacy and obtaining a model similar to that of centralized ML. A large number of workers with data and computing power are the foundation of federal learning. However, the inevitable costs prevent self-interested workers from serving for free. Moreover, due to data isolation, task publishers lack effective methods to select, evaluate and pay reliable workers with high-quality data. Therefore, we design an auction-based incentive mechanism for horizontal federated learning with reputation and contribution measurement. By designing a reasonable method of measuring contribution, we establish the reputation of workers, which is easy to decline and difficult to improve. Through reverse auctions, workers bid for tasks, and the task publisher selects workers combining reputation and bid price. With the budget constraint, winning workers are paid based on performance. We proved that our mechanism satisfies the individual rationality of the honest worker, budget feasibility, truthfulness, and computational efficiency.

【7】 Offline Reinforcement Learning for Road Traffic Control

作者:Mayuresh Kunjir,Sanjay Chawla
机构:Qatar Computing Research Institute, Doha, Qatar
备注:8 pages
摘要:Traffic signal control is an important problem in urban mobility with a significant potential of economic and environmental impact. While there is a growing interest in Reinforcement Learning (RL) for traffic control, the work so far has focussed on learning through interactions which, in practice, is costly. Instead, real experience data on traffic is available and could be exploited at minimal costs. Recent progress in offline or batch RL has enabled just that. Model-based offline RL methods, in particular, have been shown to generalize to the experience data much better than others. We build a model-based learning framework, A-DAC, which infers a Markov Decision Process (MDP) from dataset with pessimistic costs built in to deal with data uncertainties. The costs are modeled through an adaptive shaping of rewards in the MDP which provides better regularization of data compared to the prior related work. A-DAC is evaluated on a complex signalized roundabout using multiple datasets varying in size and in batch collection policy. The evaluation results show that it is possible to build high performance control policies in a data efficient manner using simplistic batch collection policies.

【8】 Mirror Learning: A Unifying Framework of Policy Optimisation

作者:Jakub Grudzien Kuba,Christian Schroeder de Witt,Jakob Foerster
机构: Thegeneralisation capabilities of neural networks (Goodfellow 1Department of Statistics, University of Oxford 2Departmentof Engineering Science
摘要:一般策略改进(GPI)和信赖域学习(TRL)是当代强化学习(RL)的主要框架,是解决马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)的核心模型。不幸的是,在数学形式上,它们对修改很敏感,因此,实现它们的实际实例化不会自动继承它们的改进保证。因此,可用的严格MDP解算器的范围很窄。事实上,许多最先进的(SOTA)算法,如TRPO和PPO,都没有被证明是收敛的。在本文中,我们提出了\textsl{mirror learning}——RL问题的一般解决方案。我们揭示了GPI和TRL在这个更大的算法空间中只是一个小点,它具有单调改进特性并收敛到最优策略。我们表明,几乎所有用于RL的SOTA算法都是镜像学习的实例,因此表明它们的经验性能是其理论特性的结果,而不是近似类比的结果。令人兴奋的是,我们证明了镜像学习为具有收敛保证的策略学习方法开辟了一个全新的空间。
摘要:General policy improvement (GPI) and trust-region learning (TRL) are the predominant frameworks within contemporary reinforcement learning (RL), which serve as the core models for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs). Unfortunately, in their mathematical form, they are sensitive to modifications, and thus, the practical instantiations that implement them do not automatically inherit their improvement guarantees. As a result, the spectrum of available rigorous MDP-solvers is narrow. Indeed, many state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms, such as TRPO and PPO, are not proven to converge. In this paper, we propose \textsl{mirror learning} -- a general solution to the RL problem. We reveal GPI and TRL to be but small points within this far greater space of algorithms which boasts the monotonic improvement property and converges to the optimal policy. We show that virtually all SOTA algorithms for RL are instances of mirror learning, and thus suggest that their empirical performance is a consequence of their theoretical properties, rather than of approximate analogies. Excitingly, we show that mirror learning opens up a whole new space of policy learning methods with convergence guarantees.

【9】 A Transfer Learning Pipeline for Educational Resource Discovery with Application in Leading Paragraph Generation

作者:Irene Li,Thomas George,Alexander Fabbri,Tammy Liao,Benjamin Chen,Rina Kawamura,Richard Zhou,Vanessa Yan,Swapnil Hingmire,Dragomir Radev
机构:Yale University, USA,University of Waterloo, Canada,Tata Consultancy Services Limited, India
摘要:Effective human learning depends on a wide selection of educational materials that align with the learner's current understanding of the topic. While the Internet has revolutionized human learning or education, a substantial resource accessibility barrier still exists. Namely, the excess of online information can make it challenging to navigate and discover high-quality learning materials. In this paper, we propose the educational resource discovery (ERD) pipeline that automates web resource discovery for novel domains. The pipeline consists of three main steps: data collection, feature extraction, and resource classification. We start with a known source domain and conduct resource discovery on two unseen target domains via transfer learning. We first collect frequent queries from a set of seed documents and search on the web to obtain candidate resources, such as lecture slides and introductory blog posts. Then we introduce a novel pretrained information retrieval deep neural network model, query-document masked language modeling (QD-MLM), to extract deep features of these candidate resources. We apply a tree-based classifier to decide whether the candidate is a positive learning resource. The pipeline achieves F1 scores of 0.94 and 0.82 when evaluated on two similar but novel target domains. Finally, we demonstrate how this pipeline can benefit an application: leading paragraph generation for surveys. This is the first study that considers various web resources for survey generation, to the best of our knowledge. We also release a corpus of 39,728 manually labeled web resources and 659 queries from NLP, Computer Vision (CV), and Statistics (STATS).

【10】 Multi-Behavior Enhanced Recommendation with Cross-Interaction Collaborative Relation Modeling

作者:Lianghao Xia,Chao Huang,Yong Xu,Peng Dai,Mengyin Lu,Liefeng Bo
机构:South China University of Technology, JD Finance America Corporation
备注:Published on ICDE 2021
摘要:Many previous studies aim to augment collaborative filtering with deep neural network techniques, so as to achieve better recommendation performance. However, most existing deep learning-based recommender systems are designed for modeling singular type of user-item interaction behavior, which can hardly distill the heterogeneous relations between user and item. In practical recommendation scenarios, there exist multityped user behaviors, such as browse and purchase. Due to the overlook of user's multi-behavioral patterns over different items, existing recommendation methods are insufficient to capture heterogeneous collaborative signals from user multi-behavior data. Inspired by the strength of graph neural networks for structured data modeling, this work proposes a Graph Neural Multi-Behavior Enhanced Recommendation (GNMR) framework which explicitly models the dependencies between different types of user-item interactions under a graph-based message passing architecture. GNMR devises a relation aggregation network to model interaction heterogeneity, and recursively performs embedding propagation between neighboring nodes over the user-item interaction graph. Experiments on real-world recommendation datasets show that our GNMR consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at https://github.com/akaxlh/GNMR.

【11】 Learning Multi-Tasks with Inconsistent Labels by using Auxiliary Big Task

作者:Quan Feng,Songcan Chen
机构:College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and, MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Nanjing University of, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
摘要:Multi-task learning is to improve the performance of the model by transferring and exploiting common knowledge among tasks. Existing MTL works mainly focus on the scenario where label sets among multiple tasks (MTs) are usually the same, thus they can be utilized for learning across the tasks. While almost rare works explore the scenario where each task only has a small amount of training samples, and their label sets are just partially overlapped or even not. Learning such MTs is more challenging because of less correlation information available among these tasks. For this, we propose a framework to learn these tasks by jointly leveraging both abundant information from a learnt auxiliary big task with sufficiently many classes to cover those of all these tasks and the information shared among those partially-overlapped tasks. In our implementation of using the same neural network architecture of the learnt auxiliary task to learn individual tasks, the key idea is to utilize available label information to adaptively prune the hidden layer neurons of the auxiliary network to construct corresponding network for each task, while accompanying a joint learning across individual tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in comparison with the state-of-the-art approaches.

【12】 Time Series Forecasting Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A Survey

作者:Omid Orang,Petrônio Cândido de Lima e Silva,Frederico Guimarães Gadelha
机构:Machine Intelligence and Data Science (MINDS) Laboratory, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Northern Minas Gerais, Janu´aria Campus, Brazil
摘要:Among various soft computing approaches for time series forecasting, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) have shown remarkable results as a tool to model and analyze the dynamics of complex systems. FCM have similarities to recurrent neural networks and can be classified as a neuro-fuzzy method. In other words, FCMs are a mixture of fuzzy logic, neural network, and expert system aspects, which act as a powerful tool for simulating and studying the dynamic behavior of complex systems. The most interesting features are knowledge interpretability, dynamic characteristics and learning capability. The goal of this survey paper is mainly to present an overview on the most relevant and recent FCM-based time series forecasting models proposed in the literature. In addition, this article considers an introduction on the fundamentals of FCM model and learning methodologies. Also, this survey provides some ideas for future research to enhance the capabilities of FCM in order to cover some challenges in the real-world experiments such as handling non-stationary data and scalability issues. Moreover, equipping FCMs with fast learning algorithms is one of the major concerns in this area.

【13】 Applying Word Embeddings to Measure Valence in Information Operations Targeting Journalists in Brazil

作者:David A. Broniatowski
机构:Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
摘要:Among the goals of information operations are to change the overall information environment vis-\'a-vis specific actors. For example, "trolling campaigns" seek to undermine the credibility of specific public figures, leading others to distrust them and intimidating these figures into silence. To accomplish these aims, information operations frequently make use of "trolls" -- malicious online actors who target verbal abuse at these figures. In Brazil, in particular, allies of Brazil's current president have been accused of operating a "hate cabinet" -- a trolling operation that targets journalists who have alleged corruption by this politician and other members of his regime. Leading approaches to detecting harmful speech, such as Google's Perspective API, seek to identify specific messages with harmful content. While this approach is helpful in identifying content to downrank, flag, or remove, it is known to be brittle, and may miss attempts to introduce more subtle biases into the discourse. Here, we aim to develop a measure that might be used to assess how targeted information operations seek to change the overall valence, or appraisal, of specific actors. Preliminary results suggest known campaigns target female journalists more so than male journalists, and that these campaigns may leave detectable traces in overall Twitter discourse.

【14】 The E-Intelligence System

作者:Vibhor Gautam,Vikalp Shishodia
摘要:Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), often known as E-Intelligence, is intelligence obtained through electronic sensors. Other than personal communications, ELINT intelligence is usually obtained. The goal is usually to determine a target's capabilities, such as radar placement. Active or passive sensors can be employed to collect data. A provided signal is analyzed and contrasted to collected data for recognized signal types. The information may be stored if the signal type is detected; it can be classed as new if no match is found. ELINT collects and categorizes data. In a military setting (and others that have adopted the usage, such as a business), intelligence helps an organization make decisions that can provide them a strategic advantage over the competition. The term "intel" is frequently shortened. The two main subfields of signals intelligence (SIGINT) are ELINT and Communications Intelligence (COMINT). The US Department of Defense specifies the terminologies, and intelligence communities use the categories of data reviewed worldwide.

【15】 Effect of Prior-based Losses on Segmentation Performance: A Benchmark

作者:Rosana {EL JURDI},Caroline Petitjean,Veronika Cheplygina,Paul Honeine,Fahed Abdallah
机构:Abdallahd, e, Normandie Univ, INSA Rouen, UNIROUEN, UNIHAVRE, LITIS, Rouen, France, Computer Science Department, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Medical Image Analysis group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
备注:To be submitted to SPIE: Journal of Medical Imaging
摘要:Today, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance for medical image segmentation, on various imaging modalities and tasks. Despite early success, segmentation networks may still generate anatomically aberrant segmentations, with holes or inaccuracies near the object boundaries. To enforce anatomical plausibility, recent research studies have focused on incorporating prior knowledge such as object shape or boundary, as constraints in the loss function. Prior integrated could be low-level referring to reformulated representations extracted from the ground-truth segmentations, or high-level representing external medical information such as the organ's shape or size. Over the past few years, prior-based losses exhibited a rising interest in the research field since they allow integration of expert knowledge while still being architecture-agnostic. However, given the diversity of prior-based losses on different medical imaging challenges and tasks, it has become hard to identify what loss works best for which dataset. In this paper, we establish a benchmark of recent prior-based losses for medical image segmentation. The main objective is to provide intuition onto which losses to choose given a particular task or dataset. To this end, four low-level and high-level prior-based losses are selected. The considered losses are validated on 8 different datasets from a variety of medical image segmentation challenges including the Decathlon, the ISLES and the WMH challenge. Results show that whereas low-level prior-based losses can guarantee an increase in performance over the Dice loss baseline regardless of the dataset characteristics, high-level prior-based losses can increase anatomical plausibility as per data characteristics.



