

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 AugmentedPCA: A Python Package of Supervised and Adversarial Linear Factor Models

作者:William E. Carson IV,Austin Talbot,David Carlson
机构:Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC , Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA , Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
备注:NeurIPS 2021 (Learning Meaningful Representations of Life Workshop)
摘要:Deep autoencoders are often extended with a supervised or adversarial loss to learn latent representations with desirable properties, such as greater predictivity of labels and outcomes or fairness with respects to a sensitive variable. Despite the ubiquity of supervised and adversarial deep latent factor models, these methods should demonstrate improvement over simpler linear approaches to be preferred in practice. This necessitates a reproducible linear analog that still adheres to an augmenting supervised or adversarial objective. We address this methodological gap by presenting methods that augment the principal component analysis (PCA) objective with either a supervised or an adversarial objective and provide analytic and reproducible solutions. We implement these methods in an open-source Python package, AugmentedPCA, that can produce excellent real-world baselines. We demonstrate the utility of these factor models on an open-source, RNA-seq cancer gene expression dataset, showing that augmenting with a supervised objective results in improved downstream classification performance, produces principal components with greater class fidelity, and facilitates identification of genes aligned with the principal axes of data variance with implications to development of specific types of cancer.

【2】 A Unified Statistical Learning Model for Rankings and Scores with Application to Grant Panel Review

作者:Michael Pearce,Elena A. Erosheva
机构:University of Washington, Seattle, WA ,-, USA, Department of Statistics, School of Social Work, and the Center for Statistics and the Social Sci-, ences
摘要:排名和分数是两种常见的数据类型,法官使用这两种数据类型来表达偏好和/或对物品集合质量的感知。存在许多模型分别研究每种类型的数据,但没有统一的统计模型在不首先执行数据转换的情况下同时捕获这两种数据类型。我们提出了Mallows二项模型来弥补这一差距,该模型通过量化对象质量、共识排名和法官之间共识水平的共享参数,将Mallows的$\phi$排名模型与二项评分模型相结合。我们提出了一种高效的树搜索算法来计算模型参数的精确MLE,通过分析和模拟研究模型的统计特性,并将我们的模型应用于grant panel review实例中收集分数和部分排名的真实数据。此外,我们还演示了如何使用模型输出对对象进行置信度排序。所提出的模型被证明能够合理地结合来自分数和排名的信息,以量化对象质量,并在适当的统计不确定性水平下衡量共识。
摘要:Rankings and scores are two common data types used by judges to express preferences and/or perceptions of quality in a collection of objects. Numerous models exist to study data of each type separately, but no unified statistical model captures both data types simultaneously without first performing data conversion. We propose the Mallows-Binomial model to close this gap, which combines a Mallows' $\phi$ ranking model with Binomial score models through shared parameters that quantify object quality, a consensus ranking, and the level of consensus between judges. We propose an efficient tree-search algorithm to calculate the exact MLE of model parameters, study statistical properties of the model both analytically and through simulation, and apply our model to real data from an instance of grant panel review that collected both scores and partial rankings. Furthermore, we demonstrate how model outputs can be used to rank objects with confidence. The proposed model is shown to sensibly combine information from both scores and rankings to quantify object quality and measure consensus with appropriate levels of statistical uncertainty.

【3】 Spatial data modeling by means of Gibbs Markov random fields based on a generalized planar rotator model

作者:Milan Žukovič,Dionissios T. Hristopulos
机构:School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania , Greece, )
备注:29 pages, 9 figures
摘要:We introduce a Gibbs Markov random field for spatial data on Cartesian grids which is based on the generalized planar rotator (GPR) model. The GPR model generalizes the recently proposed modified planar rotator (MPR) model by including in the Hamiltonian additional terms that better capture realistic features of spatial data, such as smoothness, non-Gaussianity, and geometric anisotropy. In particular, the GPR model includes up to infinite number of higher-order harmonics with exponentially vanishing interaction strength, directional dependence of the bilinear interaction term between nearest grid neighbors, longer-distance neighbor interactions, and two types of an external bias field. Hence, in contrast with the single-parameter MPR model, the GPR model features five additional parameters: the number $n$ of higher-order terms and the parameter $\alpha$ controlling their decay rate, the exchange anisotropy parameter $J^{nn}$, the further-neighbor interaction coupling $J^{fn}$, and the external field (bias) parameters $K$ (or $K'$). We present numerical tests on various synthetic data which demonstrate the effects of the respective terms on the model's prediction performance and we discuss these results in connection with the data properties.

【4】 Power and Sample Size Calculations for Rerandomized Experiments

作者:Zach Branson,Xinran Li,Peng Ding
机构:Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Department of Statistics, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL , Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
备注:20 pages, 4 figures
摘要:权力是实验设计的一个重要方面,因为它使研究人员能够了解发现因果效应(如果存在)的机会。通常指定所需的功率级别,然后计算获得该功率级别所需的样本量;因此,功率计算有助于确定在实践中如何进行实验。功率和样本量计算可用于完全随机实验;然而,使用其他实验设计会有很多好处。例如,近年来已经证实,重新随机设计(受试者随机化,直到获得预先指定的协变量平衡水平)提高了因果效应估计器的精度。这项工作建立了再随机处理控制实验的统计能力,从而允许使用样本量计算器。我们的理论结果还阐明了处理效应异质性对功率和样本量的影响,在功率分析中,这一数量常常被忽略。通过模拟,我们证实了我们的理论结果,并发现重新随机化可以导致样本量的大幅减少;e、 例如,在许多现实场景中,与完全随机化相比,在固定的功率水平下,重新随机可导致样本量减少25%甚至50%。基于我们结果的功率和样本量计算器在R软件包rerandPower on CRAN中。
摘要:Power is an important aspect of experimental design, because it allows researchers to understand the chance of detecting causal effects if they exist. It is common to specify a desired level of power, and then compute the sample size necessary to obtain that level of power; thus, power calculations help determine how experiments are conducted in practice. Power and sample size calculations are readily available for completely randomized experiments; however, there can be many benefits to using other experimental designs. For example, in recent years it has been established that rerandomized designs, where subjects are randomized until a prespecified level of covariate balance is obtained, increase the precision of causal effect estimators. This work establishes the statistical power of rerandomized treatment-control experiments, thereby allowing for sample size calculators. Our theoretical results also clarify how power and sample size are affected by treatment effect heterogeneity, a quantity that is often ignored in power analyses. Via simulation, we confirm our theoretical results and find that rerandomization can lead to substantial sample size reductions; e.g., in many realistic scenarios, rerandomization can lead to a 25% or even 50% reduction in sample size for a fixed level of power, compared to complete randomization. Power and sample size calculators based on our results are in the R package rerandPower on CRAN.

【5】 Optimality in Noisy Importance Sampling

作者:Fernando Llorente,Luca Martino,Jesse Read,David Delgado-Gómez
机构:∗ Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain., ⋆ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada, Spain., † École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
摘要:In this work, we analyze the noisy importance sampling (IS), i.e., IS working with noisy evaluations of the target density. We present the general framework and derive optimal proposal densities for noisy IS estimators. The optimal proposals incorporate the information of the variance of the noisy realizations, proposing points in regions where the noise power is higher. We also compare the use of the optimal proposals with previous optimality approaches considered in a noisy IS framework.

【6】 Measurement Error Models for Spatial Network Lattice Data: Analysis of Car Crashes in Leeds

作者:Andrea Gilardi,Riccardo Borgoni,Luca Presicce,Jorge Mateu
摘要:Road casualties represent an alarming concern for modern societies, especially in poor and developing countries. In the last years, several authors developed sophisticated statistical approaches to help local authorities implement new policies and mitigate the problem. These models are typically developed taking into account a set of socio-economic or demographic variables, such as population density and traffic volumes. However, they usually ignore that the external factors may be suffering from measurement errors, which can severely bias the statistical inference. This paper presents a Bayesian hierarchical model to analyse car crashes occurrences at the network lattice level taking into account measurement error in the spatial covariates. The suggested methodology is exemplified considering all road collisions in the road network of Leeds (UK) from 2011 to 2019. Traffic volumes are approximated at the street segment level using an extensive set of road counts obtained from mobile devices, and the estimates are corrected using a measurement error model. Our results show that omitting measurement error considerably worsens the model's fit and attenuates the effects of imprecise covariates.

【7】 Bayesian Online Change Point Detection for Baseline Shifts

作者:Ginga Yoshizawa
机构:Intel K.K., Tokyo,-, Japan
摘要:In time series data analysis, detecting change points on a real-time basis (online) is of great interest in many areas, such as finance, environmental monitoring, and medicine. One promising means to achieve this is the Bayesian online change point detection (BOCPD) algorithm, which has been successfully adopted in particular cases in which the time series of interest has a fixed baseline. However, we have found that the algorithm struggles when the baseline irreversibly shifts from its initial state. This is because with the original BOCPD algorithm, the sensitivity with which a change point can be detected is degraded if the data points are fluctuating at locations relatively far from the original baseline. In this paper, we not only extend the original BOCPD algorithm to be applicable to a time series whose baseline is constantly shifting toward unknown values but also visualize why the proposed extension works. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm compared to the original one, we examine these algorithms on two real-world data sets and six synthetic data sets.

【8】 New designs for Bayesian adaptive cluster-randomized trials

作者:Junwei Shen,Shirin Golchi,Erica E. M. Moodie,David Benrimoh
机构:Benrimoh, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational, Health, McGill University., Aifred Health, Montreal, Canada., Department of Psychiatry, McGill University.
摘要:Adaptive approaches, allowing for more flexible trial design, have been proposed for individually randomized trials to save time or reduce sample size. However, adaptive designs for cluster-randomized trials in which groups of participants rather than individuals are randomized to treatment arms are less common. Motivated by a cluster-randomized trial designed to assess the effectiveness of a machine-learning based clinical decision support system for physicians treating patients with depression, two Bayesian adaptive designs for cluster-randomized trials are proposed to allow for early stopping for efficacy at pre-planned interim analyses. The difference between the two designs lies in the way that participants are sequentially recruited. Given a maximum number of clusters as well as maximum cluster size allowed in the trial, one design sequentially recruits clusters with the given maximum cluster size, while the other recruits all clusters at the beginning of the trial but sequentially enrolls individual participants until the trial is stopped early for efficacy or the final analysis has been reached. The design operating characteristics are explored via simulations for a variety of scenarios and two outcome types for the two designs. The simulation results show that for different outcomes the design choice may be different. We make recommendations for designs of Bayesian adaptive cluster-randomized trial based on the simulation results.

【9】 A Theoretical Framework of Almost Hyperparameter-free Hyperparameter Selection Methods for Offline Policy Evaluation

作者:Kohei Miyaguchi
机构:IBM Research - Tokyo
备注:AAAI22-AI4DO (workshop)
摘要:We are concerned with the problem of hyperparameter selection of offline policy evaluation (OPE). OPE is a key component of offline reinforcement learning, which is a core technology for data-driven decision optimization without environment simulators. However, the current state-of-the-art OPE methods are not hyperparameter-free, which undermines their utility in real-life applications. We address this issue by introducing a new approximate hyperparameter selection (AHS) framework for OPE, which defines a notion of optimality (called selection criteria) in a quantitative and interpretable manner without hyperparameters. We then derive four AHS methods each of which has different characteristics such as convergence rate and time complexity. Finally, we verify effectiveness and limitation of these methods with a preliminary experiment.

【10】 GCWSNet: Generalized Consistent Weighted Sampling for Scalable and Accurate Training of Neural Networks

作者:Ping Li,Weijie Zhao
机构:Cognitive Computing Lab, Baidu Research, NE ,th St. Bellevue, WA , USA
摘要:我们开发了“广义一致加权采样”(GCWS),用于对“powered GMM”(pGMM)内核(带有一个调优参数$p$)进行散列。事实证明,GCWS提供了一个数值稳定的方案,用于对原始数据应用功率变换,而不管$p$的大小和数据。功率变换通常能有效地提高性能,在许多情况下效果显著。我们将散列数据提供给各种公共分类数据集上的神经网络,并将我们的方法命名为“GCWSNet”。我们的大量实验表明,GCWSNet通常可以提高分类精度。此外,从实验中可以明显看出,GCWSNet的收敛速度大大加快。事实上,GCWS通常只需(少于)训练过程的一个历元即可达到合理的精度。这种特性是非常理想的,因为许多应用程序,如广告点击率(CTR)预测模型或数据流(即只看到一次的数据),通常只训练一个历元。另一个有益的副作用是,神经网络第一层的计算变成了加法而不是乘法,因为输入数据变成了二进制(并且非常稀疏)。提供了与(归一化)随机傅里叶特征(NRFF)的经验比较。我们还建议通过计数草图来减小GCWSNet的模型尺寸,并发展了分析使用计数草图对GCWS精度影响的理论。我们的分析表明,“8位”策略应该可以很好地工作,因为我们总是可以在GCWS哈希的输出上应用8位计数草图哈希,而不会对精度造成太大的影响。在训练深度神经网络时,还有许多其他方法可以利用GCWS。例如,可以对最后一层的输出应用GCW,以提高经过训练的深层神经网络的准确性。
摘要:We develop the "generalized consistent weighted sampling" (GCWS) for hashing the "powered-GMM" (pGMM) kernel (with a tuning parameter $p$). It turns out that GCWS provides a numerically stable scheme for applying power transformation on the original data, regardless of the magnitude of $p$ and the data. The power transformation is often effective for boosting the performance, in many cases considerably so. We feed the hashed data to neural networks on a variety of public classification datasets and name our method ``GCWSNet''. Our extensive experiments show that GCWSNet often improves the classification accuracy. Furthermore, it is evident from the experiments that GCWSNet converges substantially faster. In fact, GCWS often reaches a reasonable accuracy with merely (less than) one epoch of the training process. This property is much desired because many applications, such as advertisement click-through rate (CTR) prediction models, or data streams (i.e., data seen only once), often train just one epoch. Another beneficial side effect is that the computations of the first layer of the neural networks become additions instead of multiplications because the input data become binary (and highly sparse). Empirical comparisons with (normalized) random Fourier features (NRFF) are provided. We also propose to reduce the model size of GCWSNet by count-sketch and develop the theory for analyzing the impact of using count-sketch on the accuracy of GCWS. Our analysis shows that an ``8-bit'' strategy should work well in that we can always apply an 8-bit count-sketch hashing on the output of GCWS hashing without hurting the accuracy much. There are many other ways to take advantage of GCWS when training deep neural networks. For example, one can apply GCWS on the outputs of the last layer to boost the accuracy of trained deep neural networks.

【11】 Predictive Criteria for Prior Selection Using Shrinkage in Linear Models

作者:Dean Dustin,Bertrand Clarke,Jennifer Clarke
机构:Department of Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Hardin Hall North, PO Box , Lincoln, NE
摘要:Choosing a shrinkage method can be done by selecting a penalty from a list of pre-specified penalties or by constructing a penalty based on the data. If a list of penalties for a class of linear models is given, we provide comparisons based on sample size and number of non-zero parameters under a predictive stability criterion based on data perturbation. These comparisons provide recommendations for penalty selection in a variety of settings. If the preference is to construct a penalty customized for a given problem, then we propose a technique based on genetic algorithms, again using a predictive criterion. We find that, in general, a custom penalty never performs worse than any commonly used penalties but that there are cases the custom penalty reduces to a recognizable penalty. Since penalty selection is mathematically equivalent to prior selection, our method also constructs priors. The techniques and recommendations we offer are intended for finite sample cases. In this context, we argue that predictive stability under perturbation is one of the few relevant properties that can be invoked when the true model is not known. Nevertheless, we study variable inclusion in simulations and, as part of our shrinkage selection strategy, we include oracle property considerations. In particular, we see that the oracle property typically holds for penalties that satisfy basic regularity conditions and therefore is not restrictive enough to play a direct role in penalty selection. In addition, our real data example also includes considerations merging from model mis-specification.

【12】 Stationary GE-Process and its Application in Analyzing Gold Price Data

作者:Debasis Kundu
机构:Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
备注:26 pages
摘要:In this paper we introduce a new discrete time and continuous state space stationary process $\{X_n; n = 1, 2, \ldots \}$, such that $X_n$ follows a two-parameter generalized exponential (GE) distribution. Joint distribution functions, characterization and some dependency properties of this new process have been investigated. The GE-process has three unknown parameters, two shape parameters and one scale parameter, and due to this reason it is more flexible than the existing exponential process. In presence of the scale parameter, if the two shape parameters are equal, then the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters can be obtained by solving one non-linear equation and if the two shape parameters are arbitrary, then the maximum likelihood estimators can be obtained by solving a two dimensional optimization problem. Two {\color{black} synthetic} data sets, and one real gold-price data set have been analyzed to see the performance of the proposed model in practice. Finally some generalizations have been indicated.

【13】 On robust risk-based active-learning algorithms for enhanced decision support

作者:Aidan J. Hughes,Lawrence A. Bull,Paul Gardner,Nikolaos Dervilis,Keith Worden
机构: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, UKbThe Alan Turing Institute
备注:48 pages, 39 figures, submitted to Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
摘要:Classification models are a fundamental component of physical-asset management technologies such as structural health monitoring (SHM) systems and digital twins. Previous work introduced \textit{risk-based active learning}, an online approach for the development of statistical classifiers that takes into account the decision-support context in which they are applied. Decision-making is considered by preferentially querying data labels according to \textit{expected value of perfect information} (EVPI). Although several benefits are gained by adopting a risk-based active learning approach, including improved decision-making performance, the algorithms suffer from issues relating to sampling bias as a result of the guided querying process. This sampling bias ultimately manifests as a decline in decision-making performance during the later stages of active learning, which in turn corresponds to lost resource/utility. The current paper proposes two novel approaches to counteract the effects of sampling bias: \textit{semi-supervised learning}, and \textit{discriminative classification models}. These approaches are first visualised using a synthetic dataset, then subsequently applied to an experimental case study, specifically, the Z24 Bridge dataset. The semi-supervised learning approach is shown to have variable performance; with robustness to sampling bias dependent on the suitability of the generative distributions selected for the model with respect to each dataset. In contrast, the discriminative classifiers are shown to have excellent robustness to the effects of sampling bias. Moreover, it was found that the number of inspections made during a monitoring campaign, and therefore resource expenditure, could be reduced with the careful selection of the statistical classifiers used within a decision-supporting monitoring system.

【14】 Dynamic Factor Model for Functional Time Series: Identification, Estimation, and Prediction

作者:Sven Otto,Nazarii Salish
机构:Institute of Finance and Statistics, University of Bonn, Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
摘要:A functional dynamic factor model for time-dependent functional data is proposed. We decompose a functional time series into a predictive low-dimensional common component consisting of a finite number of factors and an infinite-dimensional idiosyncratic component that has no predictive power. The conditions under which all model parameters, including the number of factors, become identifiable are discussed. Our identification results lead to a simple-to-use two-stage estimation procedure based on functional principal components. As part of our estimation procedure, we solve the separation problem between the common and idiosyncratic functional components. In particular, we obtain a consistent information criterion that provides joint estimates of the number of factors and dynamic lags of the common component. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of our method in a simulation study and to the problem of modeling and predicting yield curves. In an out-of-sample experiment, we demonstrate that our model performs well compared to the widely used term structure Nelson-Siegel model for yield curves.

【15】 Similarities and Differences between Machine Learning and Traditional Advanced Statistical Modeling in Healthcare Analytics

作者:Michele Bennett,Karin Hayes,Ewa J. Kleczyk,Rajesh Mehta
机构: Kleczyk is also an Affiliated Graduate Faculty in the School of Economics atThe University of Maine, and Business Analytics at Grand Canyon University • Competing Interest
备注:16 pages, 2 figures
摘要:Data scientists and statisticians are often at odds when determining the best approach, machine learning or statistical modeling, to solve an analytics challenge. However, machine learning and statistical modeling are more cousins than adversaries on different sides of an analysis battleground. Choosing between the two approaches or in some cases using both is based on the problem to be solved and outcomes required as well as the data available for use and circumstances of the analysis. Machine learning and statistical modeling are complementary, based on similar mathematical principles, but simply using different tools in an overall analytics knowledge base. Determining the predominant approach should be based on the problem to be solved as well as empirical evidence, such as size and completeness of the data, number of variables, assumptions or lack thereof, and expected outcomes such as predictions or causality. Good analysts and data scientists should be well versed in both techniques and their proper application, thereby using the right tool for the right project to achieve the desired results.

【16】 Applications of Signature Methods to Market Anomaly Detection

作者:Erdinc Akyildirim,Matteo Gambara,Josef Teichmann,Syang Zhou
机构:Department of Mathematics, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, Department of Banking and Finance, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
摘要:Anomaly detection is the process of identifying abnormal instances or events in data sets which deviate from the norm significantly. In this study, we propose a signatures based machine learning algorithm to detect rare or unexpected items in a given data set of time series type. We present applications of signature or randomized signature as feature extractors for anomaly detection algorithms; additionally we provide an easy, representation theoretic justification for the construction of randomized signatures. Our first application is based on synthetic data and aims at distinguishing between real and fake trajectories of stock prices, which are indistinguishable by visual inspection. We also show a real life application by using transaction data from the cryptocurrency market. In this case, we are able to identify pump and dump attempts organized on social networks with F1 scores up to 88% by means of our unsupervised learning algorithm, thus achieving results that are close to the state-of-the-art in the field based on supervised learning.

【17】 Generalized quantum similarity learning

作者:Santosh Kumar Radha,Casey Jao
机构:Agnostiq Inc., Front St W, Toronto, ON M,V ,Y
摘要:The similarity between objects is significant in a broad range of areas. While similarity can be measured using off-the-shelf distance functions, they may fail to capture the inherent meaning of similarity, which tends to depend on the underlying data and task. Moreover, conventional distance functions limit the space of similarity measures to be symmetric and do not directly allow comparing objects from different spaces. We propose using quantum networks (GQSim) for learning task-dependent (a)symmetric similarity between data that need not have the same dimensionality. We analyze the properties of such similarity function analytically (for a simple case) and numerically (for a complex case) and showthat these similarity measures can extract salient features of the data. We also demonstrate that the similarity measure derived using this technique is $(\epsilon,\gamma,\tau)$-good, resulting in theoretically guaranteed performance. Finally, we conclude by applying this technique for three relevant applications - Classification, Graph Completion, Generative modeling.

【18】 Well-Conditioned Linear Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation

作者:Edwin K. P. Chong
摘要:Computing linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) filters is often ill conditioned, suggesting that unconstrained minimization of the mean square error is an inadequate principle for filter design. To address this, we first develop a unifying framework for studying constrained LMMSE estimation problems. Using this framework, we expose an important structural property of all constrained LMMSE filters and show that they all involve an inherent preconditioning step. This parameterizes all such filters only by their preconditioners. Moreover, each filters is invariant to invertible linear transformations of its preconditioner. We then clarify that merely constraining the rank of the filters, leading to the well-known low-rank Wiener filter, does not suitably address the problem of ill conditioning. Instead, we use a constraint that explicitly requires solutions to be well conditioned in a certain specific sense. We introduce two well-conditioned estimators and evaluate their mean-squared-error performance. We show these two estimators converge to the standard LMMSE filter as their truncated-power ratio converges to zero, but more slowly than the low-rank Wiener filter in terms of scaling law. This exposes the price for being well conditioned. We also show quantitative results with historical VIX data to illustrate the performance of our two well-conditioned estimators.

【19】 The effect of co-location of human communication networks

作者:Daniel Carmody,Martina Mazzarello,Paolo Santi,Trevor Harris,Sune Lehmann,Timur Abbiasov,Robin Dunbar,Carlo Ratti
机构: 3–6 Here we show that lack of researcherco-location during the COVID- 19 lockdown caused the loss of more than 4800weak ties over 18 months in the email network of a large North Americanuniversity – the MIT campus, Texas A&M University
备注:19 pages, 2500 words, 5 figures. Supplementary information included as appendix
摘要:The ability to rewire ties in communication networks is vital for large-scale human cooperation and the spread of new ideas. Especially important for knowledge dissemination is the ability to form new weak ties -- ties which act as bridges between distant parts of the social system and enable the flow of novel information. Here we show that lack of researcher co-location during the COVID-19 lockdown caused the loss of more than 4800 weak ties over 18 months in the email network of a large North American university -- the MIT campus. Furthermore, we find that the re-introduction of partial co-location through a hybrid work mode starting in September 2021 led to a partial regeneration of weak ties, especially between researchers who work in close proximity. We quantify the effect of co-location in renewing ties -- a process that we have termed nexogenesis -- through a novel model based on physical proximity, which is able to reproduce all empirical observations. Results highlight that employees who are not co-located are less likely to form ties, weakening the spread of information in the workplace. Such findings could contribute to a better understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of human communication networks -- and help organizations that are moving towards the implementation of hybrid work policies to evaluate the minimum amount of in-person interaction necessary for a healthy work life.

【20】 Nonlocal Kernel Network (NKN): a Stable and Resolution-Independent Deep Neural Network

作者:Huaiqian You,Yue Yu,Marta D'Elia,Tian Gao,Stewart Silling
机构:Department of Mathematics, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, Computational Science and Analysis, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, Center for Computing Research, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
摘要:Neural operators have recently become popular tools for designing solution maps between function spaces in the form of neural networks. Differently from classical scientific machine learning approaches that learn parameters of a known partial differential equation (PDE) for a single instance of the input parameters at a fixed resolution, neural operators approximate the solution map of a family of PDEs. Despite their success, the uses of neural operators are so far restricted to relatively shallow neural networks and confined to learning hidden governing laws. In this work, we propose a novel nonlocal neural operator, which we refer to as nonlocal kernel network (NKN), that is resolution independent, characterized by deep neural networks, and capable of handling a variety of tasks such as learning governing equations and classifying images. Our NKN stems from the interpretation of the neural network as a discrete nonlocal diffusion reaction equation that, in the limit of infinite layers, is equivalent to a parabolic nonlocal equation, whose stability is analyzed via nonlocal vector calculus. The resemblance with integral forms of neural operators allows NKNs to capture long-range dependencies in the feature space, while the continuous treatment of node-to-node interactions makes NKNs resolution independent. The resemblance with neural ODEs, reinterpreted in a nonlocal sense, and the stable network dynamics between layers allow for generalization of NKN's optimal parameters from shallow to deep networks. This fact enables the use of shallow-to-deep initialization techniques. Our tests show that NKNs outperform baseline methods in both learning governing equations and image classification tasks and generalize well to different resolutions and depths.



