

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 The Efficiency of the ANS Entropy Encoding

作者:Dmitry Kosolobov
备注:15 pages, 5 figures, 2 algorithms
摘要:The Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS) is a class of entropy encoders by Duda that had an immense impact on the data compression, substituting arithmetic and Huffman coding. The optimality of ANS was studied by Duda et al. but the precise asymptotic behaviour of its redundancy (in comparison to the entropy) was not completely understood. In this paper we establish an optimal bound on the redundancy for the tabled ANS (tANS), the most popular ANS variant. Given a sequence $a_1,\ldots,a_n$ of letters from an alphabet $\{0,\ldots,\sigma-1\}$ such that each letter $a$ occurs in it $f_a$ times and $n=2^r$, the tANS encoder using Duda's ``precise initialization'' to fill tANS tables transforms this sequence into a bit string of length (frequencies are not included in the encoding size): $$ \sum\limits_{a\in [0..\sigma)}f_a\cdot\log\frac{n}{f_a}+O(\sigma+r), $$ where $O(\sigma + r)$ can be bounded by $\sigma\log e+r$. The $r$-bit term is an encoder artifact indispensable to ANS; the rest incurs a redundancy of $O(\frac{\sigma}{n})$ bits per letter. We complement this bound by a series of examples showing that an $\Omega(\sigma+r)$ redundancy is necessary when $\sigma > n/3$, where $\Omega(\sigma + r)$ is at least $\frac{\sigma-1}{4}+r-2$. We argue that similar examples exist for any methods that distribute letters in tANS tables using only the knowledge about frequencies. Thus, we refute Duda's conjecture that the redundancy is $O(\frac{\sigma}{n^2})$ bits per letter. We also propose a new variant of range ANS (rANS), called rANS with fixed accuracy, that is parameterized by $k \ge 1$. In this variant the integer division, which is unavoidable in rANS, is performed only in cases when its result belongs to $[2^k..2^{k+1})$. Hence, the division can be computed by faster methods provided $k$ is small. We bound the redundancy for the rANS with fixed accuracy $k$ by $\frac{n}{2^k-1}\log e+r$.

【2】 k-Center Clustering with Outliers in Sliding Windows

作者:Paolo Pellizzoni,Andrea Pietracaprina,Geppino Pucci
摘要:Metric $k$-center clustering is a fundamental unsupervised learning primitive. Although widely used, this primitive is heavily affected by noise in the data, so that a more sensible variant seeks for the best solution that disregards a given number $z$ of points of the dataset, called outliers. We provide efficient algorithms for this important variant in the streaming model under the sliding window setting, where, at each time step, the dataset to be clustered is the window $W$ of the most recent data items. Our algorithms achieve $O(1)$ approximation and, remarkably, require a working memory linear in $k+z$ and only logarithmic in $|W|$. As a by-product, we show how to estimate the effective diameter of the window $W$, which is a measure of the spread of the window points, disregarding a given fraction of noisy distances. We also provide experimental evidence of the practical viability of our theoretical results.

【3】 Fixation Maximization in the Positional Moran Process

作者:Joachim Brendborg,Panagiotis Karras,Andreas Pavlogiannis,Asger Ullersted Rasmussen,Josef Tkadlec
备注:11 pages, 6 figures, to appear at AAAI 2022
摘要:The Moran process is a classic stochastic process that models invasion dynamics on graphs. A single "mutant" (e.g., a new opinion, strain, social trait etc.) invades a population of residents spread over the nodes of a graph. The mutant fitness advantage $\delta\geq 0$ determines how aggressively mutants propagate to their neighbors. The quantity of interest is the fixation probability, i.e., the probability that the initial mutant eventually takes over the whole population. However, in realistic settings, the invading mutant has an advantage only in certain locations. E.g., a bacterial mutation allowing for lactose metabolism only confers an advantage on places where dairy products are present. In this paper we introduce the positional Moran process, a natural generalization in which the mutant fitness advantage is only realized on specific nodes called active nodes. The associated optimization problem is fixation maximization: given a budget $k$, choose a set of $k$ active nodes that maximize the fixation probability of the invading mutant. We show that the problem is NP-hard, while the optimization function is not submodular, thus indicating strong computational hardness. Then we focus on two natural limits. In the limit of $\delta\to\infty$ (strong selection), although the problem remains NP-hard, the optimization function becomes submodular and thus admits a constant-factor approximation using a simple greedy algorithm. In the limit of $\delta\to 0$ (weak selection), we show that in $O(m^\omega)$ time we can obtain a tight approximation, where $m$ is the number of edges and $\omega$ is the matrix-multiplication exponent. Finally, we present an experimental evaluation of the new algorithms together with some proposed heuristics.



