

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 MGAE: Masked Autoencoders for Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs

作者:Qiaoyu Tan,Ninghao Liu,Xiao Huang,Rui Chen,Soo-Hyun Choi,Xia Hu
摘要:We introduce a novel masked graph autoencoder (MGAE) framework to perform effective learning on graph structure data. Taking insights from self-supervised learning, we randomly mask a large proportion of edges and try to reconstruct these missing edges during training. MGAE has two core designs. First, we find that masking a high ratio of the input graph structure, e.g., $70\%$, yields a nontrivial and meaningful self-supervisory task that benefits downstream applications. Second, we employ a graph neural network (GNN) as an encoder to perform message propagation on the partially-masked graph. To reconstruct the large number of masked edges, a tailored cross-correlation decoder is proposed. It could capture the cross-correlation between the head and tail nodes of anchor edge in multi-granularity. Coupling these two designs enables MGAE to be trained efficiently and effectively. Extensive experiments on multiple open datasets (Planetoid and OGB benchmarks) demonstrate that MGAE generally performs better than state-of-the-art unsupervised learning competitors on link prediction and node classification.

【2】 SaL-Lightning Dataset: Search and Eye Gaze Behavior, Resource Interactions and Knowledge Gain during Web Search

作者:Christian Otto,Markus Rokicki,Georg Pardi,Wolfgang Gritz,Daniel Hienert,Ran Yu,Johannes von Hoyer,Anett Hoppe,Stefan Dietze,Peter Holtz,Yvonne Kammerer,Ralph Ewerth
备注:To be published at the 2022 ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR '22)
摘要:The emerging research field Search as Learning investigates how the Web facilitates learning through modern information retrieval systems. SAL research requires significant amounts of data that capture both search behavior of users and their acquired knowledge in order to obtain conclusive insights or train supervised machine learning models. However, the creation of such datasets is costly and requires interdisciplinary efforts in order to design studies and capture a wide range of features. In this paper, we address this issue and introduce an extensive dataset based on a user study, in which $114$ participants were asked to learn about the formation of lightning and thunder. Participants' knowledge states were measured before and after Web search through multiple-choice questionnaires and essay-based free recall tasks. To enable future research in SAL-related tasks we recorded a plethora of features and person-related attributes. Besides the screen recordings, visited Web pages, and detailed browsing histories, a large number of behavioral features and resource features were monitored. We underline the usefulness of the dataset by describing three, already published, use cases.

【3】 On the Effectiveness of Sampled Softmax Loss for Item Recommendation

作者:Jiancan Wu,Xiang Wang,Xingyu Gao,Jiawei Chen,Hongcheng Fu,Tianyu Qiu,Xiangnan He
备注:10 Pages, 1 figure, 5 tables
摘要:Learning objectives of recommender models remain largely unexplored. Most methods routinely adopt either pointwise or pairwise loss to train the model parameters, while rarely pay attention to softmax loss due to the high computational cost. Sampled softmax loss emerges as an efficient substitute for softmax loss. Its special case, InfoNCE loss, has been widely used in self-supervised learning and exhibited remarkable performance for contrastive learning. Nonetheless, limited studies use sampled softmax loss as the learning objective to train the recommender. Worse still, none of them explore its properties and answer "Does sampled softmax loss suit for item recommendation?" and "What are the conceptual advantages of sampled softmax loss, as compared with the prevalent losses?", to the best of our knowledge. In this work, we aim to better understand sampled softmax loss for item recommendation. Specifically, we first theoretically reveal three model-agnostic advantages: (1) mitigating popularity bias, which is beneficial to long-tail recommendation; (2) mining hard negative samples, which offers informative gradients to optimize model parameters; and (3) maximizing the ranking metric, which facilitates top-K performance. Moreover, we probe the model-specific characteristics on the top of various recommenders. Experimental results suggest that sampled softmax loss is more friendly to history and graph-based recommenders (e.g., SVD++ and LightGCN), but performs poorly for ID-based models (e.g., MF). We ascribe this to its shortcoming in learning representation magnitude, making the combination with the models that are also incapable of adjusting representation magnitude learn poor representations. In contrast, the history- and graph-based models, which naturally adjust representation magnitude according to node degree, are able to compensate for the shortcoming of sampled softmax loss.

【4】 Multi-Behavior Enhanced Recommendation with Cross-Interaction Collaborative Relation Modeling

作者:Lianghao Xia,Chao Huang,Yong Xu,Peng Dai,Mengyin Lu,Liefeng Bo
备注:Published on ICDE 2021
摘要:Many previous studies aim to augment collaborative filtering with deep neural network techniques, so as to achieve better recommendation performance. However, most existing deep learning-based recommender systems are designed for modeling singular type of user-item interaction behavior, which can hardly distill the heterogeneous relations between user and item. In practical recommendation scenarios, there exist multityped user behaviors, such as browse and purchase. Due to the overlook of user's multi-behavioral patterns over different items, existing recommendation methods are insufficient to capture heterogeneous collaborative signals from user multi-behavior data. Inspired by the strength of graph neural networks for structured data modeling, this work proposes a Graph Neural Multi-Behavior Enhanced Recommendation (GNMR) framework which explicitly models the dependencies between different types of user-item interactions under a graph-based message passing architecture. GNMR devises a relation aggregation network to model interaction heterogeneity, and recursively performs embedding propagation between neighboring nodes over the user-item interaction graph. Experiments on real-world recommendation datasets show that our GNMR consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at https://github.com/akaxlh/GNMR.



