

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 Project IRL: Playful Co-Located Interactions with Mobile Augmented Reality

作者:Ella Dagan,Ana Cárdenas Gasca,Ava Robinson,Anwar Noriega,Yu Jiang Tham,Rajan Vaish,Andrés Monroy-Hernández
摘要:We present Project IRL (In Real Life), a suite of five mobile apps we created to explore novel ways of supporting in-person social interactions with augmented reality. In recent years, the tone of public discourse surrounding digital technology has become increasingly critical, and technology's influence on the way people relate to each other has been blamed for making people feel "alone together," diverting their attention from truly engaging with one another when they interact in person. Motivated by this challenge, we focus on an under-explored design space: playful co-located interactions. We evaluated the apps through a deployment study that involved interviews and participant observations with 101 people. We synthesized the results into a series of design guidelines that focus on four themes: (1) device arrangement (e.g., are people sharing one phone, or does each person have their own?), (2) enablers (e.g., should the activity focus on an object, body part, or pet?), (3) affordances of modifying reality (i.e., features of the technology that enhance its potential to encourage various aspects of social interaction), and (4) co-located play (i.e., using technology to make in-person play engaging and inviting). We conclude by presenting our design guidelines for future work on embodied social AR.

【2】 MGAE: Masked Autoencoders for Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs

作者:Qiaoyu Tan,Ninghao Liu,Xiao Huang,Rui Chen,Soo-Hyun Choi,Xia Hu
摘要:We introduce a novel masked graph autoencoder (MGAE) framework to perform effective learning on graph structure data. Taking insights from self-supervised learning, we randomly mask a large proportion of edges and try to reconstruct these missing edges during training. MGAE has two core designs. First, we find that masking a high ratio of the input graph structure, e.g., $70\%$, yields a nontrivial and meaningful self-supervisory task that benefits downstream applications. Second, we employ a graph neural network (GNN) as an encoder to perform message propagation on the partially-masked graph. To reconstruct the large number of masked edges, a tailored cross-correlation decoder is proposed. It could capture the cross-correlation between the head and tail nodes of anchor edge in multi-granularity. Coupling these two designs enables MGAE to be trained efficiently and effectively. Extensive experiments on multiple open datasets (Planetoid and OGB benchmarks) demonstrate that MGAE generally performs better than state-of-the-art unsupervised learning competitors on link prediction and node classification.

【3】 Modeling International Mobility using Roaming Cell Phone Traces during COVID-19 Pandemic

作者:Massimiliano Luca,Bruno Lepri,Enrique Frias-Martinez,Andra Lutu
摘要:Most of the studies related to human mobility are focused on intra-country mobility. However, there are many scenarios (e.g., spreading diseases, migration) in which timely data on international commuters are vital. Mobile phones represent a unique opportunity to monitor international mobility flows in a timely manner and with proper spatial aggregation. This work proposes using roaming data generated by mobile phones to model incoming and outgoing international mobility. We use the gravity and radiation models to capture mobility flows before and during the introduction of non-pharmaceutical interventions. However, traditional models have some limitations: for instance, mobility restrictions are not explicitly captured and may play a crucial role. To overtake such limitations, we propose the COVID Gravity Model (CGM), namely an extension of the traditional gravity model that is tailored for the pandemic scenario. This proposed approach overtakes, in terms of accuracy, the traditional models by 126.9% for incoming mobility and by 63.9% when modeling outgoing mobility flows.



