

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 Merger rate of charged black holes from the dynamical capture

作者:Lang Liu,Sang Pyo Kim
备注:19 pages, 1 figures, Comments are welcome
摘要:We consider the dynamical capture of black holes carrying U(1) charge which can not only correspond to electric or magnetic charge but also have other physical interpretations such as dark or hidden charge. In the low-velocity and weak-field regime, we study gravitational and electromagnetic radiations from point masses with U(1) charges in a hyperbolic orbit, and we develop a formalism to derive the merger rate of charged black holes from the dynamical capture. We apply the formalism to find the effects of the charge-to-mass ratio on the merger rate for possible different cases and discover that the effects depend on the models.

【2】 Constraints on Einstein-dilation-Gauss-Bonnet gravity from Black Hole-Neutron Star Gravitational Wave Events

作者:Zhenwei Lyu,Nan Jiang,Kent Yagi
备注:11 pages, 5 figures
摘要:Recent gravitational wave observations allow us to probe gravity in the strong and dynamical field regime. In this paper, we focus on testing Einstein-dilation Gauss-Bonnet gravity which is motivated by string theory. In particular, we use two new neutron star black hole binaries (GW200105 and GW200115). We also consider GW190814 which is consistent with both a binary black hole and a neutron star black hole binary. Adopting the leading post-Newtonian correction and carrying out a Bayesian Markov-chain Monte Carlo analyses, we derive the 90\% credible upper bound on the coupling constant of the theory as $\sqrt{\alpha_{GB}} \lesssim 1.33\,\rm km$, whose consistency is checked with an independent Fisher analysis. This bound is stronger than the bound obtained in previous literature by combining selected binary black hole events in GWTC-1 and GWTC-2 catalogs. We also derive a combined bound of $\sqrt{\alpha_{GB}} \lesssim 1.18\,\rm km$ by stacking GW200105, GW200115, GW190814, and selected binary black hole events. In order to check the validity of the effect of higher post-Newtonian terms, we derive corrections to the waveform phase up to second post Newtonian order by mapping results in scalar-tensor theories to Einstein-dilation Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We find that such higher-order terms improve the bounds by $14.5\%$ for GW200105 and $6.9\%$ for GW200115 respectively.

【3】 Are Parametrized Tests of General Relativity with Gravitational Waves Robust to Unknown Higher Post-Newtonian Order Effects?

作者:Scott Perkins,Nicolas Yunes
备注:18 pages, 11 plots, and 7 figures
摘要:Gravitational wave observations have great potential to reveal new information about the fundamental nature of gravity, but extracting that information can be difficult. One popular technique is the parametrized inspiral test of general relativity (a realization of the parametrized post-Einsteinian framework), where the gravitational waveform, as calculated in Einstein's theory as a series expansion in the orbital velocity, is parametrically deformed at a given set of orders in velocity. However, most current approaches usually only analyze the data while considering a single, specific modification at a time. Are then constraints placed with a single modification robust to our ignorance of higher post-Newtonian order corrections? We show here that for a wide class of theories, specifically those that admit a post-Newtonian expansion, single-parameter tests are indeed robust. In particular, through a series of full Bayesian parameter estimation studies on several different sets of synthetic data, we show that single-parameter constraints are not degraded but rather are improved by the inclusion of multiple parameters, provided one includes information about the mathematical structure of the series. We then exemplify this with a specific theory of gravity, shift-symmetric scalar Gauss-Bonnet theory, where the waveform has been calculated to higher post-Newtonian orders than leading. We show that the inclusion of these higher order terms strengthens single-parameter constraints, instead of weakening them, and that the strengthening is very mild. This analysis therefore provides strong evidence that single-parameter post-Einsteinian tests of general relativity are robust to ignorance of high post-Newtonian order terms in the general relativistic deformations.

【4】 Inflation -- a Comparative Study Amongst Different Modified Gravity Theories

作者:Dalia Saha,Abhik Kumar Sanyal
摘要:In the recent years, a host of modified gravity models have been proposed as alternatives to the dark energy. A quantum theory of gravity also requires to modify `General Theory of Relativity'. In the present article, we consider five different modified theories of gravity, and compare inflationary parameters with recent data sets released by two Planck collaboration teams. Our analysis reveals that the scalar-tensor theory of gravity is the best alternative.

【5】 How fundamental is entropy? From non-extensive statistics and black hole physics to the holographic dark universe

作者:Shin'ichi Nojiri,Sergei D. Odintsov,Valerio Faraoni
备注:13 pages, no figures
摘要:We propose a new entropy construct that generalizes the Tsallis, R\'enyi, Sharma-Mittal, Barrow, Kaniadakis, and Loop Quantum Gravity entropies and reduces to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in a certain limit. This proposal is applied to the Schwarzschild black hole and to spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmology, where it is shown that it can potentially describe inflation and/or holographic dark energy.

【6】 Ghost instability in the teleparallel gravity model with parity violations

作者:Mingzhe Li,Zhihao Li,Haomin Rao
备注:9 pages, 0 figure, teleparallel gravity, parity violation
摘要:In this paper we consider the parity violating gravity model within the framework of teleparallel gravity. The parity violations are caused by the couplings of a scalar field to the scalar invariants which are parity-odd and quadratic in the torsion tensor. Totally there are two such type independent invariants, and one of them is the Nieh-Yan density. Through investigations on the cosmological perturbations of this model, we find that in general it suffers from the difficulties of ghost instability in the scalar and vector perturbations. But in the special case only the coupling to the Nieh-Yan density exists, this model is ghost free and reduces to the Nieh-Yan modified Teleparallel Gravity model.

【7】 On the role of magnetic fields into the dynamics and gravitational wave emission of binary neutron stars

作者:Mariana Lira,Juan Carlos Degollado,Claudia Moreno,Darío Núñez
备注:19 pages, 10 figures
摘要:Modelling as a dipole the magnetic interaction of a binary system of neutron stars, we are able to include the magnetic effects in the Newtonian and in the inspiral dynamics of the system using an equivalent one-body description. Furthermore, in the inspiral stage we determine the role of the magnetic interaction in the waveforms generated by the system and obtain explicit formulas for the decrease in the separation of the stars, the time to reach a minimal radius, the gravitational luminosity and the change of gravitational wave frequency, all this within the quadrupole approximation. For the magnitude of the magnetic field that is consider to exist in these binaries $\sim 10^{16} {\rm G}$ we are able to show that its effect on the observable quantities is of the order of the 2PN correction, already close to the detection range of the gravitational waves observatories. %} We also discuss cases in which the magnetic field could have a more significant influence.

【8】 Dynamical evolution of dark matter admixed neutron stars

作者:Troy Gleason,Ben Brown,Ben Kain
摘要:We dynamically evolve for the first time dark matter admixed neutron stars with fermionic dark matter. These systems are mixtures of the ordinary nuclear matter of a neutron star and dark matter. To perform our dynamical evolutions, we derive the equations of motion, in conservation form, for spherically symmetric systems with an arbitrary number of perfect fluids. Using finite volume and high-resolution shock-capturing methods, we dynamically evolve the two-fluid case, with the first fluid modeling ordinary matter and the second fluid modeling dark matter. We use our dynamical solutions to study nonlinear stability, radial oscillation frequencies, and a dynamical formation process.

【9】 Perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole in torsion bigravity

作者:Vasilisa Nikiforova
摘要:In this paper we pursue the study of linear perturbations around a Schwarzschild black hole in a generalized Einstein-Cartan theory of gravity, called torsion bigravity. This theory contains both massless and massive spin-2 excitations. Here we consider non spherically-symmetric perturbations with generic multipolarity $L \geq 1$. We extend the conclusion of linear stability, previously obtained for $L=0$ [Phys. Rev. D 104, 024032], to the generic $L \geq 1$ case. We prove that the mass $\kappa$ of the massive spin-2 excitation must be large enough, namely $\kappa r_h > \sqrt{1+\eta}$, to avoid the presence of singularities in the perturbation equations. The perturbation equations are shown to have a triangular structure, where massive spin-2 excitations satisfy decoupled equations, while the Einstein-like massless spin-2 ones satisfy inhomogeneous equations sourced by the massive spin-2 sector. We study quasi-bound states, and exhibit some explicit complex quasi-bound frequencies. We briefly discuss the issue of superradiance instabilities.

【10】 Swiss-cheese cosmologies with variable $G$ and $Λ$ from the renormalization group

作者:Fotios K. Anagnostopoulos,Alfio Bonanno,Ayan Mitra,Vasilios Zarikas
备注:15 pages, 3 figures
摘要:A convincing explanation for the nature of the dark energy and dark matter is still missing. In recent works a RG-improved swiss-cheese cosmology with an evolving cosmological constant dependent on the \sch radius has been proven to be a promising model to explain the observed cosmic acceleration. In this work we extend this model to consider the combined scaling of the Newton constant $G$ and the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ according to the IR-fixed point hypothesis. We shall show that our model easily generates the observed recent passage from deceleration to acceleration without need of extra energy scales, exotic fields or fine tuning. In order to check the generality of the concept, two different scaling relations have been analysed and we proved that both are in very good agreement with $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We also show that our model satisfies the observational local constraints on $\dot{G}/G$.

【11】 Black Hole Superradiance in Dynamical Chern-Simons Gravity

作者:Stephon Alexander,Gregory Gabadadze,Leah Jenks,Nicolás Yunes
备注:19 pages, 4 figures
摘要:Black hole superradiance provides a window into the dynamics of light scalar fields and their interactions close to a rotating black hole. Due to the rotation of the black hole, the amplitude of the scalar field becomes magnified, leading to a "black hole bomb" effect. Recent work has demonstrated that rotating black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity possess unique structures, the "Chern-Simons caps," which may influence the behavior of matter near the black hole. Motivated by the presence of these caps, we study superradiance in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity in the context of a slowly rotating black hole. We find that additional modes are excited and contribute to the superradiance beyond what is expected for a Kerr black hole. Studying the superradiant spectrum of perturbations, we find that the Chern-Simons contributions give rise to small corrections to the angular dependence of the resulting scalar cloud. Finally, we comment on potential observable consequences and future avenues for investigation.

【12】 Well Tempered Cosmology: Scales

作者:Eric V. Linder
备注:6 pages
摘要:Well tempered cosmology provides a well defined path for obtaining cosmology with a low energy cosmic acceleration despite a high (Planck) energy cosmological constant $\Lambda$, through a scalar field dynamically canceling $\Lambda$. We explore relations between the mass scales entering the various Horndeski gravity terms, and focus on the cases of only one or only two mass scales, obtaining general solutions for the form of the action. The resulting cosmology can be natural and viable, and as one of the only paths to dealing with the cosmological constant problem it has a rationale to be a benchmark cosmology.

【13】 Bubble universes and traversable wormholes

作者:José P. S. Lemos,Paulo Luz
备注:24 pages, 8 figures
摘要:Bubble universes and traversable wormholes in general relativity can be realized as two sides of the same concept. To exemplify, we find, display, and study in a unified manner a Minkowski-Minkowski closed universe and a Minkowski-Minkowski traversable wormhole. By joining two 3-dimensional flat balls along a thin shell two-sphere of matter, i.e., a spherical domain wall, into a single spacetime one gets a Minkowski-Minkowski static closed universe, i.e., a bubble universe. By joining two 3-dimensional complements of flat balls along a thin shell two-sphere of matter, i.e., a spherical throat, into a single spacetime one gets a Minkowski-Minkowski static open universe which is a traversable wormhole. Thus, Minkowski-Minkowski bubble universes and wormholes can be seen as complementary. It is also striking that these two spacetimes have resemblances with two well-known static universes. The Minkowski-Minkowski static closed universe resembles the Einstein universe, a static closed spherical universe homogeneously filled with dust matter and with a cosmological constant. The Minkowski-Minkowski static open universe resembles the Friedmann static universe, a static open hyperbolic universe homogeneously filled with negative energy density dust and with a negative cosmological, a universe with two disjoint branes that can be considered a failed wormhole. In this light, the Einstein and Friedmann universes are also two sides of the same concept. A linear stability analysis for all these spacetimes is performed. The complementarity between bubble universes and traversable wormholes, that exists for these static spacetimes, can be can carried out for dynamical spacetimes, indicating that such a complementarity is general. The study suggests that bubble universes and traversable wormholes can be seen as coming out of the same concept, and thus, if ones exist the others should also exist.

【14】 The spatial Functional Renormalization Group and Hadamard states on cosmological spacetimes

作者:Rudrajit Banerjee,Max Niedermaier
备注:59 pages, 1 figure
摘要:A spatial variant of the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG) is introduced on (Lorentzian signature) globally hyperbolic spacetimes. Through its perturbative expansion it is argued that such a FRG must inevitably be state dependent and that it should be based on a Hadamard state. A concrete implementation is presented for scalar quantum fields on flat Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre spacetimes. The universal ultraviolet behavior of Hadamard states allows the flow to be matched to the one-loop renormalized flow (where strict removal of the ultraviolet cutoff requires a tower of potentials, one for each power of the Ricci scalar). The state-dependent infrared behavior of the flow is investigated for States of Low Energy, which are Hadamard states deemed to be viable vacua for a pre-inflationary period. A simple time-dependent infrared fixed point equation (resembling that in Minkowski space) arises for any scale factor, with analytically computable corrections coding the non-perturbative ramifications of the Hadamard property in the infrared.

【15】 Microlensing constraints on clustered primordial black holes

作者:Mihael Petač,Julien Lavalle,Karsten Jedamzik
备注:9 pages, 1 figure. Comments are welcome!
摘要:The discovery of black-hole-binary mergers through their gravitational wave (GW) emission has reopened the exciting possibility that dark matter is made, at least partly, of primordial black holes (PBHs). However, this scenario is challenged by many observational probes that set bounds on the relative PBH abundance across a broad range of viable PBH masses. Among these bounds, the ones coming from microlensing surveys are particularly severe in the mass range from $\sim 10^{-10}$ to a few M$_{\odot}$. The upper part of this range precisely corresponds to the mass window inside which the formation of PBHs should be boosted due to the QCD phase transition in the early Universe, which makes the microlensing probes particularly important. However, it has been argued that taking into account the inevitable clustering of PBH on small scales can significantly relax or entirely remove these bounds. While the impact of PBH clustering on the GW event rate has been studied in detail, its impact on the microlensing event rate has not yet been fully assessed. In this Letter, we address this issue, and show that clusters arising from PBH formed from Gaussian initial curvature perturbations do not alter the current microlensing constraints, as they are not sufficiently dense nor massive.

【16】 Gravitational Reheating

作者:Md Riajul Haque,Debaprasad Maity
备注:5 pages, 4 figures
摘要:In this letter, we show for the first time that the perfect state of our present universe can be obtained through gravitational interaction between inflaton and all fundamental fields during reheating without invoking new physics. Our analysis revealed that gravitational reheating is consistent for a very restricted class of inflation models and narrow ranges of reheating temperature and dark matter mass.

【17】 Genuine tripartite nonlocality and entanglement in curved spacetime

作者:Shu-Min Wu,Hao-Sheng Zeng
摘要:We study the genuine tripartite nonlocality (GTN) and the genuine tripartite entanglement (GTE) of Dirac fields in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole. We find that the Hawking radiation degrades both the physically accessible GTN and the physically accessible GTE. The former suffers from "sudden death" at some critical Hawking temperature, and the latter approaches to the nonzero asymptotic value in the limit of infinite Hawking temperature. We also find that the Hawking effect cannot generate the physically inaccessible GTN, but can generate the physically inaccessible GTE for fermion fields in curved spacetime. These results show that on the one hand the GTN cannot pass through the event horizon of black hole, but the GTE do can, and on the other hand the surviving physically accessible GTE and the generated physically inaccessible GTE for fermions in curved spacetime are all not nonlocal. Some monogamy relations between the physically accessible GTE and the physically inaccessible GTE are found.

【18】 New binary black hole mergers in the LIGO--Virgo O3a data

作者:Seth Olsen,Tejaswi Venumadhav,Jonathan Mushkin,Javier Roulet,Barak Zackay,Matias Zaldarriaga
备注:13 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, 4 appendices (15 pages, 15 figures)
摘要:We report the detection of ten new binary black hole (BBH) merger signals in the publicly released data from the the first half of the third observing run (O3a) of advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo. Candidates are identified using an updated version of the IAS pipeline (Venumadhav et al.), and events are declared according to criteria similar to those in the GWTC-2.1 catalog (Abbott et al.). The updated search is sensitive to a larger region of parameter space, applies a template prior that accounts for different search volume as a function of intrinsic parameters, and uses an improved coherent detection statistic that optimally combines data from the Hanford and Livingston detectors. Among the ten new events, we find interesting astrophysical scenarios including sources with confidently large effective spin in both the positive and negative directions, high-mass black holes that are difficult to form in stellar collapse models due to (pulsational) pair instability, and low-mass mergers bridging the gap between neutron stars and the lightest observed black holes. We detect events populating the upper and lower black hole mass gaps with both extreme and near-unity mass ratios, and one of the possible neutron star--black hole mergers is well localized for electromagnetic counterpart searches. We see a substantial increase in significance for many of the events previously reported by other pipelines, and we detect all of the GWTC-2.1 BBH mergers with coincident data in Hanford and Livingston except for three loud events that get vetoed (compatible with the false-positive rate of our veto procedure) and three that fall below the detection threshold. We also return to significance the event GW190909_114149, which was reduced to a sub-threshold trigger in GWTC-2.1. This makes a total of 42 BBH mergers detected by our pipeline's Hanford--Livingston coincident search of the O3a data.

【19】 A $p$-Adic Matter in a Closed Universe

作者:Branko Dragovich
摘要:In this paper, we introduce a new type of matter that has origin in $p$-adic strings, i.e., strings with a $p$-adic worldsheet. We investigate some properties of this $p$-adic matter, in particular its cosmological aspects. We start with crossing symmetric scattering amplitudes for $p$-adic open strings and related effective nonlocal and nonlinear Lagrangian which describes tachyon dynamics at the tree level. Then, we make a slight modification of this Lagrangian and obtain a new Lagrangian for non-tachyonic scalar field. {Using this new Lagrangian in the weak field approximation as a matter in Einstein gravity with the cosmological constant, one obtains an exponentially expanding FLRW closed universe.} At the end, we discuss the obtained results, i.e., computed mass of the scalar $p$-adic particle, estimated radius of related closed universe and noted $p$-adic matter as a possible candidate for dark matter.



