

格林先生MrGreen arXiv每日学术速递 2022-05-05



【1】 Voltage-Based State of Charge Correction at Charge-End

作者:Ali Abdollahi,Jianwei Li,Xiaojun Li,Trevor Jones,Asif Habeebullah
摘要:A voltage-based method is proposed to correct battery pack state of charge (SOC) estimation at the charge-end. Two main characteristics make the charge-end time span a good opportunity to correct SOC estimation: first, it is easy to detect when the battery is at the last stage of charging because the charging profile is known to the BMS designer and also during the charge-end time span the amount of current is low, and the terminal voltage of the battery cells are high; second, as the battery reaches the charge-end stage, we know that the true SOC is approaching to 100%. This paper presents a method to utilize these important features to correct the SOC estimation error. Using a voltage threshold method, the algorithm detects when the battery is close to the charge-end to activate the charge-end SOC correction strategy. Once activated, the strategy corrects the SOC using the maximum cell voltage to guarantee that SOC is 100% when charging is complete. The amount of correction is a function of maximum cell voltage and the charge current C-rate.

【2】 Well-Conditioned Linear Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation

作者:Edwin K. P. Chong
摘要:Computing linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) filters is often ill conditioned, suggesting that unconstrained minimization of the mean square error is an inadequate principle for filter design. To address this, we first develop a unifying framework for studying constrained LMMSE estimation problems. Using this framework, we expose an important structural property of all constrained LMMSE filters and show that they all involve an inherent preconditioning step. This parameterizes all such filters only by their preconditioners. Moreover, each filters is invariant to invertible linear transformations of its preconditioner. We then clarify that merely constraining the rank of the filters, leading to the well-known low-rank Wiener filter, does not suitably address the problem of ill conditioning. Instead, we use a constraint that explicitly requires solutions to be well conditioned in a certain specific sense. We introduce two well-conditioned estimators and evaluate their mean-squared-error performance. We show these two estimators converge to the standard LMMSE filter as their truncated-power ratio converges to zero, but more slowly than the low-rank Wiener filter in terms of scaling law. This exposes the price for being well conditioned. We also show quantitative results with historical VIX data to illustrate the performance of our two well-conditioned estimators.

【3】 An Input-to-State Safety Approach to Anomaly-Resilient Parabolic PDEs: Application to Cyber-Physical Battery Modules

作者:Tanushree Roy,Ashley Knichel,Satadru Dey
摘要:Distributed Parameter Cyber-Physical Systems (DPCPSs), modelled by Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), are increasingly vulnerable to anomalies such as physical faults as well as cyber-attacks. This motivates the need for strategies towards anomaly-resilient control of these systems. Although anomaly detection and diagnostics in PDE systems have received considerable attention in existing literature, fault-tolerant or anomaly-resilient control for PDEs remains relatively under-explored. However, given the vulnerabilities of these systems against anomalies, it is essential that the control systems possess resilience against these disruptions. In this context, we explore a Practical Input-to-Safety (pISSf) based control design approach for a class of DPCPSs modelled by linear Parabolic PDEs. Specifically, we develop a design framework for anomaly-resilient control for this class of system with both safety and stability guarantees based on control Lyapunov functional and control barrier functional. To illustrate our methodology, we apply our strategy to design a thermal-anomaly resilient boundary coolant control system for a cyber-physical battery module. Several simulation studies are done to show the efficacy of our method under anomalies such as mechanical battery degradation and cyber-attack mediated overdischarge.

【4】 Online 3-Axis Magnetometer Hard-Iron and Soft-Iron Bias and Angular Velocity Sensor Bias Estimation Using Angular Velocity Sensors for Improved Dynamic Heading Accuracy

作者:Andrew R. Spielvogel,Abhimanyu S. Shah,Louis L. Whitcomb
备注:Preprint of an article accepted for publication in Field Robotics, this https URL, Special Issue in Unmanned Marine Systems. Submitted January 16, 2021; Revised May 28, 2021; Accepted August 2, 2021
摘要:This article addresses the problem of dynamic on-line estimation and compensation of hard-iron and soft-iron biases of 3-axis magnetometers under dynamic motion in field robotics, utilizing only biased measurements from a 3-axis magnetometer and a 3-axis angular rate sensor. The proposed magnetometer and angular velocity bias estimator (MAVBE) utilizes a 15-state process model encoding the nonlinear process dynamics for the magnetometer signal subject to angular velocity excursions, while simultaneously estimating 9 magnetometer bias parameters and 3 angular rate sensor bias parameters, within an extended Kalman filter framework. Bias parameter local observability is numerically evaluated. The bias-compensated signals, together with 3-axis accelerometer signals, are utilized to estimate bias compensated magnetic geodetic heading. Performance of the proposed MAVBE method is evaluated in comparison to the widely cited magnetometer-only TWOSTEP method in numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and full-scale field trials of an instrumented autonomous underwater vehicle in the Chesapeake Bay, MD, USA. For the proposed MAVBE, (i) instrument attitude is not required to estimate biases, and the results show that (ii) the biases are locally observable, (iii) the bias estimates converge rapidly to true bias parameters, (iv) only modest instrument excitation is required for bias estimate convergence, and (v) compensation for magnetometer hard-iron and soft-iron biases dramatically improves dynamic heading estimation accuracy.

【5】 Model-Free Nonlinear Feedback Optimization

作者:Zhiyu He,Saverio Bolognani,Jianping He,Florian Dörfler,Xinping Guan
摘要:Feedback optimization is a control paradigm that enables physical systems to autonomously reach efficient operating points. Its central idea is to interconnect optimization iterations in closed-loop with the physical plant. Since iterative gradient-based methods are extensively used to achieve optimality, feedback optimization controllers typically require the knowledge of the steady-state sensitivity of the plant, which may not be easily accessible in some applications. In contrast, in this paper we develop a model-free feedback controller for efficient steady-state operation of general dynamical systems. The proposed design consists in updating control inputs via gradient estimates constructed from evaluations of the nonconvex objective at the current input and at the measured output. We study the dynamic interconnection of the proposed iterative controller with a stable nonlinear discrete-time plant. For this setup, we characterize the optimality and the stability of the closed-loop behavior as functions of the problem dimension, the number of iterations, and the rate of convergence of the physical plant. To handle general constraints that affect multiple inputs, we enhance the controller with Frank-Wolfe type updates.

【6】 Asymptotic Security using Bayesian Defense Mechanisms with Application to Cyber Deception

作者:Hampei Sasahara,Henrik Sandberg
备注:16 pages
摘要:This study addresses the question whether model knowledge can prevent a defender from being deceived or not in cyber security. As a specific model-based defense scheme, this study treats Bayesian defense mechanism, which monitors the system's behavior, forms a belief on existence of the attacker, and chooses appropriate reactions. Sophisticated attackers aim at achieving her objective while avoiding being detected by deceiving the defender. In this paper, their dynamic decision making is formulated as a stochastic signaling game. It is revealed that the belief on the true scenario has a limit in a stochastic sense at an equilibrium based on martingale analysis. This fact implies that there are only two possible cases: the defender asymptotically detects the attack with a firm belief or the attacker takes actions such that the system's behavior becomes nominal after a certain finite time step. Consequently, if the dynamics admits no stealthy attacks, the system is guaranteed to be secure in an asymptotic manner provided that effective countermeasures are implemented. The result concludes that model knowledge can prevent deception in an asymptotic sense. As an application of the finding, a defensive deception utilizing asymmetric recognition on vulnerabilities exploited by the attacker is analyzed. It is shown that, the attacker possibly stops the attack even if the defender is unaware of the vulnerabilities as long as the defender's unawareness is concealed by the defensive deception. Those results indicate the powerful defense capability achieved by model knowledge.

【7】 Stochastic Saddle Point Problems with Decision-Dependent Distributions

作者:Killian Wood,Emiliano Dall'Anese
摘要:This paper focuses on stochastic saddle point problems with decision-dependent distributions in both the static and time-varying settings. These are problems whose objective is the expected value of a stochastic payoff function, where random variables are drawn from a distribution induced by a distributional map. For general distributional maps, the problem of finding saddle points is in general computationally burdensome, even if the distribution is known. To enable a tractable solution approach, we introduce the notion of equilibrium points -- which are saddle points for the stationary stochastic minimax problem that they induce -- and provide conditions for their existence and uniqueness. We demonstrate that the distance between the two classes of solutions is bounded provided that the objective has a strongly-convex-strongly-concave payoff and Lipschitz continuous distributional map. We develop deterministic and stochastic primal-dual algorithms and demonstrate their convergence to the equilibrium point. In particular, by modeling errors emerging from a stochastic gradient estimator as sub-Weibull random variables, we provide error bounds in expectation and in high probability that hold for each iteration; moreover, we show convergence to a neighborhood in expectation and almost surely. Finally, we investigate a condition on the distributional map -- which we call opposing mixture dominance -- that ensures the objective is strongly-convex-strongly-concave. Under this assumption, we show that primal-dual algorithms converge to the saddle points in a similar fashion.

【8】 Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Spatio-temporal Varying Electricity Price and Incentive-aware Customers

作者:Canqi Yao,Shibo Chen,Mauro Salazar,Zaiyue Yang
备注:Submitted to IEEE TSG. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2110.06441
摘要:This paper investigates the optimization problem of a fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) serving a set of time-specified customers, where the operator needs to optimize routing and charging problem jointly for each EV. In particular, regarding to the spatio-temporal varying electricity price, we consider incentive-aware customers and propose that the operator offers monetary incentives to exchange time flexibility of customers. In this manner, a win-win situation is achievable since time flexibility enables the fleet operator to obtain a routing and charging schedule with lower cost, whilst the customers receives monetary compensation. Specifically, we first devise a bi-level model whereby the fleet operator optimizes the routing and charging schedule jointly with a monetary incentive to reimburse the delivery time flexibility experienced by the customers. At the same time, the customers choose the optimal time flexibility by minimizing its own cost. Second, we tackle the complexity resulting from the bi-level and nonlinear problem with an equivalent transformation method. Eventually, we reformulate the problem as a single-level optimization problem, which later is solved by proposed Benders dual decomposition method holding a faster convergence rate than the generalized Benders decomposition method. To evaluate the effectiveness of our framework and proposed Benders dual decomposition algorithm, we carry out extensive numerical experiments using VRP-REP data from Belgium.

【9】 Strategic Storage Investment in Electricity Markets

作者:Dongwei Zhao,Mehdi Jafari,Audun Botterud,Apurba Sakti
摘要:Arbitrage is one important revenue source for energy storage in electricity markets. However, a large amount of storage in the market will impact the energy price and reduce potential revenues. This can lead to strategic behaviors of profit-seeking storage investors. To study the investors' strategic storage investments, we formulate a non-cooperative game between competing investors. Each investor decides the storage investment over a long investment horizon, and operates the storage for arbitrage revenues in the daily electricity market. Different investors can deploy storage with different characteristics. Their decisions are coupled due to the market price that is determined by all the investors' decisions. We use market data from California ISO to characterize the storage impact on the market price, based on which we establish a centralized optimization problem to compute the market equilibrium. We show that an increasing number of investors will increase the market competition, which reduces investors' profits but increases the total invested storage capacity. Furthermore, we find that a slight increase in the storage efficiency (e.g., increased charge and discharge efficiency) can significantly improve an investor's profit share in the market.



