
新书推介 | Ten Lectures on Field Semantics and Semantic Typology

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-06-09

· 推荐书目 ·

Bohnemeyer, Jürgen. (2021). Ten Lectures on Field Semantics and Semantic Typology. The Netherlands: Brill.

· 01 内容简介 ·


Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics

Language: English


Psycholinguistics & Language and Cognition, Languages and Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, History of Linguistics & Philosophy of Language, Pragmatics & Discourse Analysis, Historical and Comparative Linguistics & Linguistic Typology

Lecturer: Jürgen Bohnemeyer

Overview: The first four lectures revolve around field semantics – research methods for studying linguistic meaning under fieldwork conditions. The remaining six lectures deal with semantic typology, the crosslinguistic study of how humans communicate about the world in terms of the meaning categories of the languages they speak. Together, the lectures present one of the first comprehensive introductions to either topic. A thread pervading the lectures involves the following questions: how much do languages vary in how they represent reality? To what extent does this variation reflect cultural differences? To what extent does it influence the nonverbal thinking of the speakers?

· 02 本书目录 ·

· 03 本书主讲人简介 ·

Prof. Jürgen Bohnemeyer (University at Buffalo) specializes in semantic typology, the crosslinguistic study of universals and variation in semantic categorization. Semantic typologists investigate how languages vary and resemble one another in how they represent reality. Prof. Bohnemeyer has conducted extensive research on the semantic typology of representations of space, time, events, and causality and on the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis, according to which language-specificity in semantics may be a shaping factor in culture-specificity in nonverbal cognition.

· 04 本书编者 ·

· 05 DLCL系列图书简介 ·

The China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics (http://cifcl.buaa.edu.cn/Speakers.htm) provides a forum for eminent international scholars to give lectures on their original contributions to the field of cognitive linguistics. It is a continuing program organized by several prestigious universities in Beijing.


Li Fuyin (Thomas): PhD/Professor, Beihang University


Liu Shisheng: PhD/Professor, Tsinghua University

Gao Yihong: PhD/Professor, Peking University

Shi Baohui: PhD/Professor, Beijing Forestry University

Lan Chun: PhD/Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Wang Lifei: PhD/Professor, University of International Business and Economics

The text is published, accompanied by its audio disc counterpart, as one of the Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics (DLCL).

· 06 本书音频信息(本书音频可以免费收听) ·

点击 https://brill.com/view/title/36311 (或点击底端“阅读原文”,直接跳转~)

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· 07 DLCL系列图书(纸质书)订购信息 ·

官网定价:每一本 €99.00 / $119.00






Cognitive Semantics



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