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李莉 郑慧敏 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17


李莉 郑慧敏












BOOK3 Unit3   重点词汇
李莉 郑会敏









8. series 

9. financial     

10. settle  


/daɪ'vɜːs/ adj.


adj.very different from each other

 adj. 不同的,多种多样的


名词复数: diversities

同根词diversity n. [C&U] 差异(性);不同(点);多样性  diversely adv.不同地;各色各样地                                              


例1: The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.

--- 教材原句B3 P25  

例2: The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)have taken it a step further changing the actual composition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,even unusual functions.  

--- 2020年全国卷I 阅读理解D篇

例3:Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse “night people” who are hiding secrets.


例4:Time-Turner taught you anything, Harry? The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.  

---Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 3《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》

例5:“I’ve had a very diverse experience, which I think helps in many ways to prepare yourself for the challenges of starting a business,” she said.

--- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. B12 | Saturday/Sunday, June 19 - 20, 2021

例6:Local people make them into diverse dishes.

---A Bite of China《舌尖上的中国》第一季   


1.diverse culture ___________

2.a diverse range of ___________

3.社会多样性 __________

4.多元化发展经营 ____________










1.diverse culture 多元文化

2.a diverse range of 花样繁多的

3.social diversity 社会多样性

4.develope/operate diversely 多元化发展经营



My interests are very diverse.


Living in the city will put you in touch with people from diverse cultures.


This is an open era/time, and diverse culture give young people more choices .

2. admit

/əd'mɪt/ vi.&vt.


v. to agree that sth unpleasant is true or that you have done sth wrong;vt.to allow sb/sth to enter

vi.&vt.承认; 准许进入(或加入);招收,接纳


三单: admits    过去式: admitted          过去分词:admitted      现在分词: admitting

同根词: admittance n.[U](准许进入;进入权) / admittedly adv.(不可否认;诚然)


例1: I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again.

---教材原句B3 P28

例2: The youngsters admitted planning trips around potential photo-opportunities and then messaging friends — and friends of friends — to demand “likes” for their online posts.

--- 2018年江苏 阅读D           

例3: Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable

 --- 2020年全国卷II 阅读C

例4:Therefore, first I asked him, if his Circumstances admitted him to spare so much Money at    

that time, and if it would not straiten him?

--- Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》

例5:I’m healthy enough to admit that.

--- Rick and Morty Season《瑞克与莫蒂》第三季

例6:Julian admitted to feeling intimi-dated by red wine, which seemed to him more complex.

--- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. D6 | Saturday/Sunday, June 19 - 20, 2021


1. admit sth ___________

2. admit to sth/doing sth ____________

3. admit doing/having done/that ____________

4. admit sb/sth (into/to sth)____________

5. 被录取到;被接纳进入 __________

6. 人们承认 ___________












1.admit sth 承认

2.admit to sth/doing sth 勉强承认

3.admit doing/having done/that 承认

4.admit sb/sth (into/to sth)允许……进入

5.be admitted to 被录取到;被接纳进入

6.It is admitted that ...人们承认



After trying four times to pass the exams, I finally admitted defeat.


I have to admit (that) I was wrong.


The table-tennis team of our school is admitting new players.


Only ticket-holders will be admitted to/into the stadium.

3. occur

/ə'kɜː(r)/ vi.


v. (formal) to happen, especially in a way that has not been planned; to exist or be found sp发生;出现  


三单: occurs  过去式: occurred   过去分词: occurred   现在分词: occurring

同根词: occurrence n.[C] 发生的事情;存在的事情       名词复数: occurrences


例1: And what a city ---a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.

--- 教材原句B3 P28

例2: We are the products of evolution, and not just evolution that occurred billions of years ago. 

--- 2020年全国II 阅读D   

例3:But some types of situations can help us to get rid of the occurrence of anger.

--- 2018年北京卷七选五

例4:There was a large mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself; and when she had looked under it, and on both sides of it, and behind it, it occurred to her that she might as well look and see what was on the top of it.

--- Alice in the wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

例5: Droughts are occurring all over the planet.

--- Hedocumentary home BBC纪录片《家园》

例6: “Don’t Panic!”I was stationed at LETTERS Notes on the May issue Elmendorf Air Base in Anchorage when the Alaska earthquake occurred.

--- Reader’s Dig est july/august 2021


1.occur to sb ___________

2. It occurs to sb that ____________

3. It occurs to sb to do sth ____________










1.occur to sb (主意或想法)出现在脑海中,想起,想到

2.It occurs to sb that 某人突然想起

3. It occurs to sb to do sth某人突然想起做某事



The idea occurred to him in a dream.


It did not occurr to him to ask for help.


Sugar occurs naturally in fruit.

4. seek

/si:k]/ vt.&vi.


v. to try to find or get sth; to ask sb for sth ;



三单: seeks      过去式: sought     过去分词: sought    现在分词: seeking

同根词: seeker n.[C] (寻求者,追求者)


例1:Over 300,000 people came from all over the world to seek their fortune,and San Francisco quickly became a big city.

--- 教材原句B3 P28

例2:  Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories:the likable and the status seekers. 

--- 2019年全国Ⅰ阅读D篇

例3:One group was asked to seek out an interaction (互动) with its waiter; the other, to speak only when necessary.

---2018年全国II 阅读D

例4:It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.

--- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例5:Women who seek my services rarely take that attitude.       

--- Desperate Housewives Season 5《绝望主妇》第五季

例6:The companies also pinned their futures to the concept of a health hub, in which drug-stores would become places where patients go to seek medicine, consultations and lab tests to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes(糖尿病)and hypertension(高血压).

THE WALL  STREET        JOURNA Saturday/Sunday, June 19 - 20, 2021 | B3


1. 向某人寻求某物 ___________

2.试图做某事;设法做某事 ____________

3.追寻/寻找某物 ____________

4.搜寻出;挑选出 ____________

5.找出路;碰运气 __________

6.找工作,求职 ___________

7.征求建议 ___________

8.请求帮助 ___________


1.To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honor and reputation.










1.seek sth (from sb) 向某人寻求某物

2.seek to do sth 试图做某事;设法做某事

3.seek after/for sth 追寻/寻找某物

4. seek out 搜寻出;挑选出

5. seek one’s fortune  找出路;碰运气

6. seek jobs/work 找工作,求职

7. seek advice 征求建议

8. seek help 请求帮助



To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honor and reputation.


We must seek out a solution to the problem.


We are seeking to improve the air quality.


You should seek advice from a teacher about what to do next.

5. definitely

/'defɪnətli/ adv.


adv.certainly; without doubt



复数: definitions    三单: defines    现在分词: defining   过去分词: defined

同根词: definite adj.明确的,清楚的;肯定的;一定的 / definition n.[C&U] 释义,定义 / define vt.解释; 规定;确定……的界限         


例1:I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again.

---教材原句B3 P28

例2: For people, who are interested in sound, the field of sound technology is definitely making noise.  

--- 2020年天津 阅读C篇                   

例3:You are definitely welcome to show up on stage, which will add color and fun to our festival.

--- 2019年全国卷III写作范文

例4:As Scrimgeour pulled out the tiny, walnut-sized golden ball, its silver wings fluttered rather feebly, and Harry could not help feeling definite sense of anti- climax.

--- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 7《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》

例5:she had nothing definite, only suspicions.

---Gone with the wind 《飘》

例6:One day, feeling blue, I ate a few borage flowers from my garden to test the theory. It didn’t work, sad to say. But it’s definitely true that life is sweeter with herbs.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.Saturday/Sunday, June 19 - 20, 2021 | C5


1. a definite answer ____________

2. the definition of a word ______________

3. define the boundary between the two countries _____________










1.a definite answer 明确的答复

2.the definition of a word 单词释义

3.define the boundary between the two countries 确定两国边界



The museum is definitely worth visiting.


My definition of happiness is the capacity for enjoyment.


It’s definite that he will come


[ɜːn]  vt./vi.    


acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions

vt. 赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得


  三单 earns   现在分词 earning   过去式 earned   过去分词 earned/earnt 



例1:To earn a living, some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown.   --- 教材原句B3 P28  

例2:  He was eager to earn money.                                    --- 2021天津 阅读A                    

例3:to earn respect from others                                      --- 2020全国I 阅读A

例4:Jennifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree.  

-- 2020山东 阅读B

例5:He wants very much to earn some money, but I don't see what he can do.

-- 2020山东 读后续写原文

例6:These people earn a living wage for their professional knowledge and skills.  

--2018年江苏卷  任务型阅读


1. earn good money______________________  

2.  earn interest________________________

3. earn a scholarship______________________

4. 赚钱________________________

5.  谋生;活命________________________


1. If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts. 


2. Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much. 


3. It's about time you got a job to earn your keep. 


4. 你挣多少?


5. 我在英国自谋生计。


6. 我这个月需要挣点外快。


key :


1. earn money 赚钱

2. earn interest 赚取利息

3. earn a scholarship 获得奖学金

4. 赚钱earn money 

5. 谋生;活命earn a living


1.If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts. 


2.Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much. 


3.It's about time you got a job to earn your keep. 



How much do you earn? 


I earn my own living in England.


I need to earn a bit extra this month.


vt.  [sɪˈlekt]  


 v. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives

adj.selected or chosen for special qualifications

v. 选择;选定;选取   adj. 精选的;有辨别能力的    n. 被挑选者


  三单: selects          现在分词: selecting     过去分词: selected 

比较级: more select   最高级: most select 


例1:I selected a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates.

--- 教材原句 B3 P29  

例2:  A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization of the event, and, obviously, how much fun is had.  

-- 2021全国乙卷  七选五                  

例3:It is selected by the technologist.  

-- 2021天津 阅读C

例4:The third book is Julio Cortazar’s Save Twilight: Selected Poems, because poetry. And because Cortazar.

 -- 2020全国I 阅读B

例5:“it seemed like the perfect chance for natural selection to act on a population," said Dr. Ilardo.

-- 2020全国III 阅读D

例6:Who is eligible: Youth 15—18 years old in select communities(社区).

-- 2019全国I 阅读A


1. select committee ______________________  

2.  proceed to select signal ________________________

3.  select error ______________________

4.  快速选择 ________________________

5.   全部选择________________________

6.   方式选择;模态选择________________________


1. All you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select New Folder. 


2. At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books. 


3. For this purpose, we select ripe bananas 

for freezing as they are much sweeter.


4. 请您选择喜欢的支付方式。


5. 我们得选择我们的车费。


6. 我们有30多种美丽的图案可供选择。




1.  select committee 特别委员会(为某一特案组成的)

2.  proceed to select signal   进行选择信号 

3.  select error  选择错误;选择误差

4.  快速选择  fast select   

5.  全部选择 select all

6.  方式选择;模态选择  mode select


1. All you have to do is right-click on the desktop and select New Folder. 


2. At the end of this chapter there is a select bibliography of useful books. 


3. For this purpose, we select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter. 


4. 请您选择喜欢的支付方式。

Please select your choice of payment.

5. 我们得选择我们的车费。

We had to select our fare. 

6. 我们有30多种美丽的图案可供选择。

We have over 30 beautiful designs to select from. 


n.   [ˈsɪəriːz]   6次


a serialized set of programs

n. 系列,连续;[电] 串联;级数;丛书


复数:series   同根词 :serially


例1:Over 3,000 lives were claimed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that ______ after it.      

--- 教材原句B3 P29  

例2:  After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary (纪录片) series The Last Dance.  

--- 2021 天津 阅读B                    

例3:What comes next is the endless series of steps. You can’t help wondering how hard it _____61_____(be) for the people then to put all those rocks into place.  

 --2021 全国新高考 I 语法填空

例4:Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列) of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.                

  -- 2019全国II 阅读A

例5:  Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Terminator film series, for example. -- 2020北京 阅读D

例6:In the 1760s, Mathurin Roze opened a series of shops that boasted (享有) a special meat soup called consommé.  

 --2018江苏 阅读B


1.a series of math books ______________________  

2. time series analysis________________________

3. in series with ______________________

4. series circuit ________________________

5. 一连串的;一系列的 ________________________

6. 可爱系列

7. 编号;序列号;系列序号 

8. 电视连续剧


1. The aim of the series is both to entertain and inform. 


2. “Is it a new series?” “No, a repeat”. 


3.  Her new series is a smash hit. 


4. 它建立在一系列谎言之上。


5. 我们不久前开始在周五晚上举办每周讲座系列。






1. a series of math books


2. time series analysis


3. in series with 


4. series circuit 


5. 一连串的;一系列的

a series of

6. 可爱系列

cute series

7. 编号;序列号;系列序号

series number 

8. 电视连续剧

TV play series


1. The aim of the series is both to entertain and inform. 


2. “Is it a new series?” “No, a repeat”. 


3. Her new series is a smash hit. 


4. 它建立在一系列谎言之上。

It was built on a series of lies.

5. 我们不久前开始在周五晚上举办每周讲座系列。

We've just started our weekly lecture series.


This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the series. 

9. financial

adj.   [faɪˈnænʃl    14次


 involving financial matters

adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的


 近义词adj. finance     反义词n. nonfinancial    同根词 financially adv.


例1:He tried to solve his financial problems, but he couldn’t solve the problems.

 --- 教材原句B3 P30  

例2: That movie led him into the second half of his career where his comedic presence alone could make a movie a financial success even when movie reviewers would not rate it highly.

 -- 2021浙江 阅读A                    

例3:Certain forms of AI are indeed becoming ubiquitous. For example, algorithms(算法)carry out huge volumes of trading on our financial markets, self-driving cars are appearing on city streets, and our smartphones are translating from one language into another.      

--2020北京 阅读D 

例4:Professors are not trained nurses, financial aid experts or your best friends.   

-- 2019全国III 七选五

例5:Ensure that each child gets financial support. -- 2019江苏 阅读C

例6:However, these plans were abandoned because of financial problems.   

--2017全国III 阅读 B


1. financial aid ______________________  

2. financial management________________________

3.financial system ______________________


5. 金融时报 ________________________

6.金融中心 ______________________




1.Financial experts say the US-China trade truce should boost financial markets.


2.The financial hit to the government from bailouts during the financial crisis is shrinking.


3.Financial problems are plaguing the company. 










1. financial aid 经济援助;财政补助

2. financial management 财务管理;金融管理

3. financial system 金融体系;财务系统

4. 金融危机;财政危机 financial crisis

5. 金融时报  financial times

6. 金融中心  financial center

7.  [经]财务控制  financial control

8. 财务报告,会计报告  financial report


1. Financial experts say the US-China trade truce should boost financial markets.


2. The financial hit to the government from bailouts during the financial crisis is shrinking.


3. Financial problems are plaguing the company. 


4. 这不只是个财务问题。

It's not just a financial matter. 

5. 她陷入了财务困境。

She had got into financial difficulties. 

6. 公司正面临财政危机。

The company is facing a financial crisis. 

10. settle

[ˈsetl]  vt.& vi.


 settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground

vi. 解决;定居;沉淀;下陷  vt. 解决;安排;使…定居  n. 有背长椅


复数: settles   三单: settles   现在分词: settling   过去分词: settled  


例1:Historically, Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period.                                                 

 ---教材原句 B3 P32 

例2: Unfortunately, it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources.                   

-- 2021 全国新高考 I  阅读C                    

例3:Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me.      ---2021全国甲卷 阅读C

例4:  I’m unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would settle the matter, but it seemed to make perfect sense at the time.   

 -- 2021年天津 读后续写

例5:Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number.          

 -- 2018年全国I 阅读C

例6:People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade.                                  

--2018全国III   阅读B


1. Never Settle_____________________  

2. settle accounts ________________________

3. settle down to ______________________

4.定居 ; 安下心来 ; 安家 ; 成家________________________

5. 付清 ; 清偿 ; 付帐 ________________________  

6. 定居 ; 决定 ; 选定________________________


1. She had decided to settle permanently in France


2. The management have made no move to settle the strike.


3. I'll pay now—we can settle up later. 


4. 他觉得定不下心来工作。


5. 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?


6. 婴儿安静不下来。




1. Never Settle   不将就 ; 不妥协 ; 超越无限

2. settle accounts 结算 ; 结账 ; 结帐 ; 结算账目

3. settle down to 逐渐习惯于 ; 专心致力于 ; 专心致志于

4. 定居 ; 安下心来 ; 安家 ; 成家  settle down 

5.  付清 ; 清偿 ; 付帐   settle up

6. 定居 ; 决定 ; 选定  settle on 


1. She had decided to settle permanently in France. 


2. The management have made no move to settle the strike. 


3. I'll pay now—we can settle up later. 


4. 他觉得定不下心来工作。

He found it hard to settle to his work. 

5. 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?

When are you going to get married and settle down? 

6. 婴儿安静不下来。

The baby wouldn't settle. 




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