
原创 新人教版核心词汇全方位拓展 X2U4

胡书沛 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17














X2U4 Journey Across a Vast Land













['pleznt]  adj.


enjoyable or attractive and making you feel happy 


friendly, polite, and easy to talk to

  adj. 可爱的,友善的,晴朗的


同根词:adv. pleasantly   比较级 pleasanter   最高级pleasantest

 n. pleasantness


例1:Later, they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.                

--新教材选必2 P43 

例2: Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing.  

-- 2015北京七选五

例3:We spent many hours in a pleasant conversation.        -- 2015四川卷阅读B篇

例4:Alice was very glad to find her in such a pleasant temper.

-- Alice in the wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

例5:The concert was just one of the many ways the authorities have attempted to make the vaccination process as pleasant as possible for Shanghai citizens. 


例6:In the meantime, smart technology and groundbreaking retail models are driving innovative development in the retail market in China, making the customer consumption experience much more pleasant. 



1.be pleasant to ________________________

2.pleasant to live in ________________________


4.令人愉快的假日  ________________________


1. 我们畅谈了好几个小时。


2. 遇见你我们感到很高兴。


3. 我希望你过一个愉快的假日。




1.be pleasant to 对…友好

2.pleasant to live in  住在…很愉快

3.笑容可掬 pleasant smile

4.令人愉快的假日 pleasant holiday


1. 我们畅谈了好几个小时。

We spent many hours in a pleasant conversation.

2. 遇见你我们感到很高兴。

It is pleasant for us to meet you.

3. 我希望你过一个愉快的假日。

I hope you will have a pleasant holiday.


[ə'raɪz] vi.


 become evident; appear; originate,get up or stand up  



三单 arises     现在分词:arising    过去式arose     过去分词:arisen


例1:  The next morning, the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise, passing through the Canadian Rockies. 

---  新教材选必2 P38

例2:  While scientists are finding ways to make batteries smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves.                      

--- 2010山东卷阅读

例3:While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can arise. 

 ---- 2019全国卷3七选五

例4:And will you consent to dispense with a great many conventional forms and phrases, without thinking that the omission arises from insolence?'                   

--Jane Eyre《简·爱》  

例5:If the fear of not having enough money arises, instead of immediately running out to get a job so they can earn a few bucks to kill the fear, they instead might ask themselves this question.                

-- Poor Dad. Rich Dad《穷爸爸富爸爸》   

例6:Motivated by its revolutionary past, the CPC has fashioned a participatory form   

of governance in which people-centered policies arise from carefully designed and piloted development concepts. 



1.arise out of carelessness________________________

2.arise from ________________________  


4.从座位上站起来  ________________________


1. 告诉同志们遇事要沉着








1.arise out of carelessness 起因于疏忽

2.arise from  产生于 ,起因于

3.产生于,起因于  result from

4.从座位上站起来 arise from one's seat


1. 告诉同志们遇事要沉着。

Tell our comrades to keep calm when problems arise.

2. 这场争吵是怎样产生的?

How did this quarrel arise?

3. 他站起来迎接她。

He arose to greet her.


[breθ]  n.


air taken into and breathed out of the lungs,a single act of breathing air in and out once; light wind   n. 呼吸;气息


同根词:  breathe  v.     breathless  adj.


例1:  When the train arrived at the station, they took a taxi to Lake Louise, where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.               

---新教材选必2 P38

例2:  After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone.                     

--- 2010江西卷阅读

例3:Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, sank into a chair.                           

---- 2008安徽卷

例4:I set perfectly still then, listening to my heart thump, and I reckon I didn't draw a breath while it thumped a hundred.

--- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》

例5:Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the Maze, and jogged slowly into  the unknown. 

-- Who moved my cheeze?《谁动了我的奶酪》     

例6:To complete the movements smoothly and coherently, the dancers need to hold their breath for two to three minutes while overcoming the great buoyancy of the water at a depth of six meters.                                  --



1.waste one's breath ________________________

2.take sb's breath away ________________________

3.in the same breath _______________________


5.喘不过气  ________________________


1. 我们到达了山顶,累得喘不过气来。


2. 如果你跑得非常快,你会气喘吁吁的。


3. 令人吃惊的是,他能在水下屏住呼吸5分钟。




1.waste one's breath徒费唇舌

2.take sb's breath away 使(某人)目瞪口呆; 使大吃一惊

3.in the same breath 同时

4.屏住气 hold one's breath

5.喘不过气  lose one's breath


1. 我们到达了山顶,累得喘不过气来。

Tired and out of breath,we reached the top of the mountain.

2. 如果你跑得非常快,你会气喘吁吁的。

If you run very fast,you will lose your breath.

3. 令人吃惊的是,他能在水下屏住呼吸5分钟。

It's amazing that he can hold his breath under the water for five minutes.


[baʊnd]  adj./n./v.


adj. certain to do sth,going or ready to go in the direction of

准备前往(某地)‘’ 必定的;有义务的;受约束的;装订的

n. a jump or leap跳跃;范围;界限

v. jump or bounce跳;跳跃前进;猛涨


三单bounds   现在分词 bounding     过去式 bounded    过去分词 bounded  


例1:  They spent the night,and then took a coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.         

--- 新教材选必2 P38  

例2:  Demand for the coin is bound to break records. 

--- 2013福建卷阅读

例3:Fairfax may not turn out a second Mrs. Reed; but if she does, I am not bound to stay with her!                         

----Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例4:God knows, on the 1st of September 1651, I went on board a ship bound for London.

---Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》 

例5:Where are you bound for, young man? 

--- Tess of the D‘Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》      

例6:Li Na, a professor at China University of Labor Relations, said the negative impact of fertility on female workforce participation is a global phenomenon and rearing children is bound to chip away at time devoted to work. 



1.be bound for ________________________

2.be bound up with sth. ________________________   

3.be bound up in sth. ________________________


5.一定会做某事  ________________________


1. 她听到那消息时,心跳了起来。








1.be bound for开往;飞往;驶往

2.be bound up with sth. 与某事有密切关系  

3.be bound up in sth. 忙于(专心于;热衷于)某事

4.(心)因高兴怦怦直跳  bound with joy

5.一定会做某事 be bound to do sth.


1. 她听到那消息时,心跳了起来。

Her heart bounded when she heard the news.


So long as we hold fast to our ideals and never give up,we are bound to achieve success.


He is bound up in his work which is bound up with the welfare of the community.


['siːnəri] n.


natural surroundings, especially in beautiful and open country,the set of painted backgrounds and other articles used on a theater stage    n.风景;景色


同根词scene  n. 情景;场;景


例1: Looking at the beautiful scenery, they both agreed that it was the most awesome

journey they had ever taken.       

--- 新教材选必2 P38  

例2:  This river scenery is very different. 

--- 2009全国1卷阅读

例3:And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautiful! 

---- Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》

例4:The scenery and people on this side were very different from those in her village.

--- --- Tess of the D‘Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》           

例5:During the ride, passengers also get to view road conditions and scenery along the road in real time through two screens installed in the front and side of the vehicle cabin.


例6:The beautiful scenery attracts numerous visitors who want to experience traditional Hani culture, and photographers who are keen to capture shots of the terraced rice fields as they shimmer at sunrise and sunset. 



1.natural scenery ________________________


3.美丽的风景  ________________________


1. 那里的风光美得难以描述。








1.natural scenery 自然风景

2.动人的风景 attractive scenery

3.美丽的风景  beautiful〔charming, fine〕 scenery


1. 那里的风光美得难以描述。

The scenery is beautiful beyond description.

2. 我们赞赏着壮丽的山景。

We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery. 

3. 那出戏的舞台布景很漂亮。

The scenery for the play is rather beautiful.


['haɪlaɪt] vt./n.


vt  pick out sth as an important part; throw attention onto 

强调;照亮;加亮;使 ... 显得重要;使突出

n. an important detail which stands out from the rest



三单 highlights       现在分词highlighting     过去式  highlighted 



例1:  In addition to seeing spectacular mountain peaks and forests, one highlight of their trip was being able to see many different creatures, including deer, mountain goats, and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.          

-- 新教材选必2 P38  

例2:  Your résumé should highlight your skills and achievements.                                         


例3:That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.                          


例4:Last week's lone-wolf terrorist attack, as well as the discovery of explosive materials and the police's recent busting of bomb-attack plots, highlight the looming threat of homegrown terrorism to the Hong Kong community as well as national security.


例5:The coffee shops, bookstores and courtyard restaurants, the remodeled Wukang Market, along with furniture shops and art galleries, highlight the city's traditional hardworking characteristics, blending Oriental and Western culture, and creating a unique atmosphere.


例6:Accordingly, the supportive policies for Japan’s fintech give a highlight to the supply side, and efforts are focused on refining the infrastructure and development environment for fintech innovations as well as on warding off risks.                             



1.the highlight of the show ________________________


3.反映问题  ________________________


1. 这是比赛中最精彩的项目之一。








1.the highlight of the show演出中最精彩的部分

2.显得很突出  highlight the importance

3.反映问题   highlight the problem



It is one of the highlights of the match.


We will show you the highlights of the event .


The President highlights the importance of his visit to China.


[friːz] vi.&vt.


 (of water) (cause to) become ice   vt. 结冰

 a period of extremely cold icy weather  n.


三单 freezes       现在分词 freezing        过去式  froze  

过去分词frozen    同根词 freezable  adj.


例1: Edmonton is freezing cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging -10 ℃.         

--新教材选必2 P38  

例2: The blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to -2.05 degrees.

--- 2008辽宁卷阅读

例3:But I had brain freeze and couldn’t function. 


例4:Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze.     


例5:I only saw him for a moment,but my blood seemed to freeze.

-- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde《化身博士》

例6:They wrote their statement in such a way that it looked as if the Security Bureau's move to freeze their funds led to their situation.                            



1.freeze with fright ________________________


3.冻死  ________________________      




2. 我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。


3. 严寒的天气使得湖面结了冰。




1.freeze with fright 吓呆

2.因……而呆住  freeze with

3.冻死 freeze to death


1. 水在摄氏零度结冰。

Water freezes at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.

2. 我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。

We ate some of the fruits and froze the rest.

3. 严寒的天气使得湖面结了冰。

The cold weather froze the lake.


['kɒntrəri]  adj. /n.


opposite in nature, tendency or direction  adj. 相反的

the opposite  n.  相反的事实


复数contraries         同根词   contrariness  n.    contrarily  adv.


例1: Well, contrary to what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.        

-- 新教材选必2 P43  

例2: Your current requirement is contrary to basic principles.

--- 2011上海卷阅读

例3:And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions (份), it's the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.                        


例4:On the contrary, US government data show that GM crops in the US have produced an overall increase in pesticide use compared to traditional crops.    


例5:Impossible to reply to this in the affirmative: my little world held a contrary opinion: I was silent.

---Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:Contrary to the false narrative of "forced labor," the industry has realized large-scale automated plucking. 



1.contrary to ________________________


3.有相反情况,相反的  ________________________




2. 在服装方面,我妹妹的爱好和我完全不同。


3. 他不高也不矮。




1.contrary to 违背…的

2.(与此)相反,正相反 on the contrary

3.有相反情况,相反的  to the contrary


1. 正相反,我有一大堆事要做。

On the contrary, I have tons of things to do.


My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own.


He is neither tall nor the contrary.


[ə'stɒnɪʃ ]  vt.


(cause to) produce great surprise or wonder in sb , be surprised at     vt.使十分惊讶


三单 astonishes        现在分词 astonishing     过去式 astonished  

过去分词  astonished    同根词  astonishingly  adv.


例1: Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.

-- 新教材选必2 P44  

例2: His mother felt astonished at the donation.


例3:During the spring she really astonished me.            


例4:Elsewhere in Asia even more astonishing actions are being taken.    


例5:The heart was thrilled, the mind astonished, by the power of the preacher: neither were softened.

 ----Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:It is rather astonishing to see some Western media outlets covering the issue with the distorted claim that "freedom parties" lost opportunity in Macao..                          



1.to one’s astonishment ________________________


3.对……感到吃惊  ________________________


1. 这难道不是一件惊人的事件吗?


2. 发生车祸的消息使大家非常震惊。


3. 他进步之快使我吃惊。






1.to one’s astonishment 令人惊讶的是

2.因做某事而感到惊讶  be astonished to do sth

3.对……感到吃惊   be astonished at


1. 这难道不是一件惊人的事件吗?

Isn't this an astonishing event?


The news of the car accident astonished everybody.


I'm astonished at his rapid progress.


It is astonishing to me that he should be absent.


[əd'vɜːtɪsmənt]  n.


action of advertising,public notice offering or asking for services, goods, etc. n.广告


三单  advertises       现在分词  advertising   过去式advertised    

过去分词 advertised    同根词 advertise  v.


例1: They were surprised to see that all the signs and advertisements were in French and many people spoke English with an accent.

--新教材选必2 P44  

例2: I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.  


例3:I’m calling about the apartment you advertised the other day.        


例4:I noticed a job advertisement hiring park hosts.    


例5:You must enclose the advertisement and the money to pay for it under a cover directed to the editor of the Herald

-- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:An advertisement of door-to-door cleaning service is displayed on a phone.                        



1. 在杂志上登广告__________________________

2.书写广告 __________________________

3.撤回广告 __________________________


1. 如果你想卖掉你的房产,何不在报纸上登个广告呢?








1.在杂志上登广告 put an advertisement in a magazine

2.书写广告  write an advertisement

3.撤回广告 withdraw one's advertisement


1. 如果你想卖掉你的房产,何不在报纸上登个广告呢?

If you want to sell your house property, why not put an advertisement in the newspaper?

2. 她从报纸上将广告剪下。

She cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.

3. 墙上贴满了广告。

The wall was covered with advertisements.


[əʊ] vt.


 have to pay; be in debt for; have to give, be under an obligation to, be indebted to as the source of   v. 欠


三单owes     现在分词owing  过去式owed  过去分词owed 


例1: That's too bad. You owe it to yourselves to stay longer.

-- 新教材选必2 P44  

例2: How much do I owe you for lunch?


例3:Looking back, Diana owed her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and above all, the efforts she made.    


例4:He asked for help from a colleague who owed him a favour.  


例5:Their success owes more to good luck than to careful management.


例6:I will say this -- and I honestly mean this: I think we owe a great debt of gratitude to science                        



1. 应该向…道歉________________________  

2.应该感谢; 把…归功于  ________________________

3.把成功归于辛勤工作 ________________________


1. 顺便说一句, 我想你还欠我一些钱。


2. 谢谢您给我买来这本杂志,我该付您多少钱?


3. 他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因为自己有能力。




1.应该向…道歉 owe an apology to

2.应该感谢; 把…归功于   owe to

3.把成功归于辛勤工作 owe one's success to hard work


1. 顺便说一句, 我想你还欠我一些钱。

By the way, I think you still owe me some money.

2. 谢谢您给我买来这本杂志,我该付您多少钱?

Thank you for the magazine you bought for me. How much do I owe you?

3. 他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因为自己有能力。

He owes his success more to luck than to ability.




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