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胡书沛 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17














X2 U5 First Aid












[tek'niːk]  n.


method of doing or performing sth, method of doing sth that needs skill, especially in art, music, etc.  



复数techniques     同根词 technical  adj.


例1: What first-aid techniques do you know of?

--新教材选必2 P50  

例2: Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.


例3:Stevenson gives an account of the advanced techniques.   


例4:There are some technical challenges to overcome.  


例5:In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique, she says.  


例6:We did not want the performance to focus on technique but rather, to be a genuine expression of deep affection for the Party                       



1.advanced technique ________________________


3.掌握技术  ________________________


1. 我们要学习他们的先进技术。


2. 这位钢琴家的演技精湛。


3. 这个演员具有能抓住观众的技巧。




1.advanced technique  先进技术

2.采用技术  adopt a technique

3.掌握技术  master a technique


1. 我们要学习他们的先进技术。

We must learn their advanced techniques. 


The pianist's technique was excellent.


The actor has the technique of grabbing an audience.


['ɜːdʒənt] adj.


needing immediate attention, showing that sth is urgent  adj.紧急的,急迫的,急切的    


同根词:urge  v. 催促,力劝     urgency  n.       urgently  adj.


例1: If the victim is suffering from second or third­degree burns,there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once. 

-- 新教材选必2 P51  

例2: She had got to head home to deal with some urgent situations.


例3:An early-warning system helps us maintain the ecological balance by signaling the urgent need for taking preventive action.  


例4:Yet it became urgent that I should have a vocation of some kind.  -

--- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例5:After this decision Tess wrote an urgent letter to her mother.  

-- Tess of the D‘Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》  

例6:The current urgent work is to rescue injured people to decrease casualties and remedial work.                     



1. be urgent for sb. to do sth. ________________________


3.紧急电报  ________________________










1.be urgent for sb. to do sth. 急切地催促某人做某事

2.紧急通知 urgent message

3.紧急电报   urgent telegram


1. 我们有一件紧要的事情。

We have an urgent thing.

2. 她催促医生快点来。

She was urgent for the doctor to come.

3. 那病人应该马上送医院。

It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital.


[iːz]  n/.v.


the ability to do sth without difficulty, the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems   n.容易,舒适,自在

take away pain or worry; make more comfortable, make looser; be less tight



三单 eases        现在分词easing     过去式 eased     过去分词 eased

同根词easy  adj.  easily adv.


例1: Putting butter or oil on burns helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort.

--新教材选必2 P51

例2: Here are three steps to ease the current food crisis.


例3:We live in an age when more information is available with great ease than ever before.


例4:We feel at ease in our school uniforms every day.  

--- 2019江苏卷书面表达范文

例5: The stone was just broad enough to accommodate, comfortably, another girl and me, at that time my chosen comrade- one Mary Ann Wilson; a shrewd, observant personage, whose society I took pleasure in, partly because she was witty and original, and partly because she had a manner which set me at my ease.

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:In a city where citizens travel with ease, shops operate and students go to school without worries, who else would not be happy to see human rights, freedom and people's livelihood and welfare thrive in such a way?                 --新闻原句


1.put sb. at ease ________________________


3..使某人放松一下  ________________________



1. 他轻而易举地考及格了。








1.put sb. at ease  使某人感到轻松自在; 使某人安心

2.轻易,毫不费劲with ease

3..使某人放松一下  take one's ease

4.舒适;快活;自由自在 take one's ease


1. 他轻而易举地考及格了。

He passed the test with ease

2. 要知道他在哪儿我就放心了。

It would ease my mind to know where he was.

3. 这种药会缓解你的痛苦。

This medicine will ease you of your pain.


[dɪ'leɪ]  n./v.


delaying or being delayed, an example of being delayed; amount of time for which sb/sth is delayed      n.延误,耽搁(的时间),推迟

 (cause to) be late; move or act slowly, especially on purpose, put (sth) off until later; postpone  vi&vt.推迟,延期(做某事) vt.耽误,耽搁


三单delays     现在分词 delaying    过去式 delayed    过去分词 delayed

同根词delayer  n.


例1: After arrival,the ambulance team quickly found Mrs Taylor and without delay gave her oxygen.

 --新教材选必2 P53  

例2: He delayed running the necessary tests.


例3:When the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.


例4:With a serpentine line, a long delay at one register won’t unfairly punish the people who lined up behind it.   


例5: If you have a fancy for anything in that line, away with you, sir, to the bazaars of Stamboul without delay, and lay out in extensive slave-purchases some of that spare cash you seem at a loss to spend satisfactorily here.

---Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:The Western scientist said that this may lead to a significant delay in starting the next stage investigation, which would be a problem because it could reduce the opportunity to find evidence of the origin.                  



1.without the least delay________________________

2.delay the flight ________________________


4.毫不耽搁;立刻  ________________________










1.without the least delay 毫不延迟地

2.delay the flight 延误航班

3.延迟做某事 delay doing sth

4.毫不耽搁;立刻 without delay


1. 我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。

We decided to delay our wedding until next year.

2. 请原谅我耽搁了回答你的问题。

Excuse me for my delay in answering your question.

3. 要求每个人不得延误。

It is required of every man that no delay should be made.


[bliːd]  v.


lose blood,force sb to pay money unjustly  vi.流血,失血


三单bleeds  现在分词bleeding  过去式 bled    过去分词bled

同根词 blood  n.


例1: bleeding

---新教材选必2 P54

例2: To do CPR, you press on the sick person’s chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs.


例3:It turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).  


例4:Just before and an hour after each workout, the scientists took additional samples of the men’s blood and fat tissue.

---- 2020年江苏卷阅读

例5:You will think me superstitious- some superstition I have in my blood, and always had: nevertheless, this is true- true at least it is that I heard what I now relate.'As I exclaimed "Jane! Jane! Jane!"

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:He had undergone an operation for a bleed on the brain on November 3, just five days after his 60th birthday     ---新闻原句


1.bleed from nose and mouth ________________________

2.bleed freely ________________________


4.鼻子流血  ________________________


1. 如果你割破手指,那么它会流血的。




2. 他的头撞到水槽上流血了。




1.bleed from nose and mouth 七窍出血

2.bleed freely 大量出血

3.为国捐躯 bleed for one's country

4.鼻子流血  bleed at the nose


1. 如果你割破手指,那么它会流血的。

If you cut your finger it will bleed.

2. 血浓于水。

Blood is thicker than water.

3. 他的头撞到水槽上流血了。

His head had struck the sink and was bleeding.


['pænɪk] v./n.


 (cause to) feel panic  vi&vt.(使)恐慌n.惊恐,恐慌 ‘


三单panics          现在分词  panicking    过去式panicked      

过去分词 panicked   同根词panicky adj.


例1: When listening to instructions in English,you should listen carefully and don’t panic.

---新教材选必2 P55

例2: When you are in a tight situation, don’t panic. 


例3:The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked.  

---2021新高考 I 卷读后续写

例4:I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use.


例5:I responded with a tinge of panic and motherly concern.  

---- Poor Dad. Rich Dad《穷爸爸富爸爸》

例6:The US stock market has seen a sustained rise, any bad news could stir up panic in the market.                 



1. be in a panic________________________

2. in panic ________________________


4.陷入恐慌(表示动作)  ________________________


1.大楼起火时, 人们一片惊慌。




3. 人们为即将来临的地震而惊慌失措。




1.be in a panic处于恐慌中(表示状态)

2.in panic 惊慌失措地

3.使某人仓促做某事 panic sb into doing sth

4.陷入恐慌(表示动作)  get into a panic


1. 大楼起火时, 人们一片惊慌。

There was a panic when the building caught fire.


The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.


People were panicked by the coming earthquake.


[ˌɪntə'rʌpt] v.


stop by breaking in  vi&vt.打断,打扰vt.使暂停,使中断


三单 interrupts         现在分词 interrupting     过去式 interrupted     

过去分词 interrupted   同根词interruptible  adj.    interruption  n.


例1: Chen Wei,a high school student in Beijing,had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.

--新教材选必2 P55

例2: He is probably interrupted by another task.


例3:It interrupted the business of the hotel.


例4:The right level of background noise may interrupt our normal patterns of thinking just enough to allow our imaginations to wander, without making it impossible to focus.  

----  2021年全国乙卷阅读D篇

例5:'Well, never mind that now,' I interrupted impatiently; 'it is enough that all was right.'

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:Zheng said in order to deal with US attempts to interrupt China's ties with the two Koreas, China will clarify its bottom line with South Korea so that Seoul won't cooperate with the US to contain China.    



1.without interruption ________________________

2.interrupt traffic________________________


4.被……打断  _______________________










1.without interruption  连续地

2.interrupt traffic 中断交通

3.打断某人的讲话 interrupt sb into doing sth

4.被……打断be interrupted by


1. 打断人的谈话是不礼貌的。

It's not polite to interrupt a speaker.

2. 对不起,能不能打扰您一会儿?

Excuse me, I wonder if I could interrupt you for a moment.

3. 他的演讲被掌声打断。

He was interrupted in his speech by applause.


['præktɪkl] adj.


concerned with action, practice, or actual conditions and results, rather than with ideas,effective or convenient in actual use; suited to actual conditions, sensible; clever at doing things and dealing with difficulties   adj.切实可行的,实际的,实践的


  同根词:  practically  adv.    practicality  n.


例1: Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick, practical, and easy.

---新教材选必2 P56

例2: The app makes our practical language lessons available wherever and whenever.  


例3:Data about the moon’s composition, such as how much ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical.


例4:Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact(影响) on college admissions and practical life skills.  

---- 2019年全国II卷阅读D

例5:This scheme I went over twice, thrice; it was then digested in my mind; I had it in a clear practical form: I felt satisfied, and fell asleep.

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:The agreement came days after German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to the White House last week, when President Joe Biden said the two allies are developing practical measures to ensure energy security in Europe.    



1.for all practical purposes ________________________ 实际上,事实上

2.实际困难_______________________ practical difficulty

3.切实可行的建议  ________________________ practical suggestion


1. 你的发明不实用。


2. 这是一个很有意思的想法,然而却存在着许多实际困难。






1.for all practical purposes实际上,事实上

2.实际困难 practical difficulty

3.切实可行的建议  practical suggestion


1. 你的发明不实用。

Your invention is not practical. 


  It's an interesting idea, but there are many practical difficulties.


He lacks practical experience.


[ɡræb]  v. /n.


 take roughly; selfishly or eagerly snatch   vt. 抓住n.抓取


三单grabs          现在分词grabbing     过去式grabbed     

过去分词grabbed     同根词grabber  n.


例1: Grabbing your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion.

---新教材选必2 P56

例2: Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf.  

--2021 年天津卷阅读B篇

例3:An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her food first. In her natural state, the actor weighed 105 pounds.  


例4:Hearing mom say, “I can’t believe what’s printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.

----2019 年天津卷阅读B篇

例5:Once when I turned short and dodged under his arm he made a grab and got me by the jacket between my shoulders, and I thought I was gone. 

---- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》

例6:Residents grab a robe to cross the roads in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan province , on July 20, 2021.  



1.grab away ________________________

2.grab at a straw ________________________


4.试图抓绳子  ________________________










1.grab away 抢走

2.grab at a straw抓住救命稻草

3.抓住 grab at

4.试图抓绳子grab for rope


1. 随便找个地方坐,别客气。

Grab a seat and make yourself at home.


Joe grabbed him by the collar.


After grabbing a bite of food he will have to leave.

X2 U5 First Aid












[tek'niːk]  n.


method of doing or performing sth, method of doing sth that needs skill, especially in art, music, etc.  



复数techniques     同根词 technical  adj.


例1: What first-aid techniques do you know of?

--新教材选必2 P50  

例2: Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.


例3:Stevenson gives an account of the advanced techniques.   


例4:There are some technical challenges to overcome.  


例5:In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique, she says.  


例6:We did not want the performance to focus on technique but rather, to be a genuine expression of deep affection for the Party                       



1.advanced technique ________________________


3.掌握技术  ________________________


1. 我们要学习他们的先进技术。


2. 这位钢琴家的演技精湛。


3. 这个演员具有能抓住观众的技巧。




1.advanced technique  先进技术

2.采用技术  adopt a technique

3.掌握技术  master a technique


1. 我们要学习他们的先进技术。

We must learn their advanced techniques. 


The pianist's technique was excellent.


The actor has the technique of grabbing an audience.


['ɜːdʒənt] adj.


needing immediate attention, showing that sth is urgent  adj.紧急的,急迫的,急切的    


同根词:urge  v. 催促,力劝     urgency  n.       urgently  adj.


例1: If the victim is suffering from second or third­degree burns,there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once. 

-- 新教材选必2 P51  

例2: She had got to head home to deal with some urgent situations.


例3:An early-warning system helps us maintain the ecological balance by signaling the urgent need for taking preventive action.  


例4:Yet it became urgent that I should have a vocation of some kind.  -

--- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例5:After this decision Tess wrote an urgent letter to her mother.  

-- Tess of the D‘Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》  

例6:The current urgent work is to rescue injured people to decrease casualties and remedial work.                     



1. be urgent for sb. to do sth. ________________________


3.紧急电报  ________________________










1.be urgent for sb. to do sth. 急切地催促某人做某事

2.紧急通知 urgent message

3.紧急电报   urgent telegram


1. 我们有一件紧要的事情。

We have an urgent thing.

2. 她催促医生快点来。

She was urgent for the doctor to come.

3. 那病人应该马上送医院。

It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital.


[iːz]  n/.v.


the ability to do sth without difficulty, the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems   n.容易,舒适,自在

take away pain or worry; make more comfortable, make looser; be less tight



三单 eases        现在分词easing     过去式 eased     过去分词 eased

同根词easy  adj.  easily adv.


例1: Putting butter or oil on burns helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort.

--新教材选必2 P51

例2: Here are three steps to ease the current food crisis.


例3:We live in an age when more information is available with great ease than ever before.


例4:We feel at ease in our school uniforms every day.  

--- 2019江苏卷书面表达范文

例5: The stone was just broad enough to accommodate, comfortably, another girl and me, at that time my chosen comrade- one Mary Ann Wilson; a shrewd, observant personage, whose society I took pleasure in, partly because she was witty and original, and partly because she had a manner which set me at my ease.

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:In a city where citizens travel with ease, shops operate and students go to school without worries, who else would not be happy to see human rights, freedom and people's livelihood and welfare thrive in such a way?                 --新闻原句


1.put sb. at ease ________________________


3..使某人放松一下  ________________________



1. 他轻而易举地考及格了。








1.put sb. at ease  使某人感到轻松自在; 使某人安心

2.轻易,毫不费劲with ease

3..使某人放松一下  take one's ease

4.舒适;快活;自由自在 take one's ease


1. 他轻而易举地考及格了。

He passed the test with ease

2. 要知道他在哪儿我就放心了。

It would ease my mind to know where he was.

3. 这种药会缓解你的痛苦。

This medicine will ease you of your pain.


[dɪ'leɪ]  n./v.


delaying or being delayed, an example of being delayed; amount of time for which sb/sth is delayed      n.延误,耽搁(的时间),推迟

 (cause to) be late; move or act slowly, especially on purpose, put (sth) off until later; postpone  vi&vt.推迟,延期(做某事) vt.耽误,耽搁


三单delays     现在分词 delaying    过去式 delayed    过去分词 delayed

同根词delayer  n.


例1: After arrival,the ambulance team quickly found Mrs Taylor and without delay gave her oxygen.

 --新教材选必2 P53  

例2: He delayed running the necessary tests.


例3:When the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.


例4:With a serpentine line, a long delay at one register won’t unfairly punish the people who lined up behind it.   


例5: If you have a fancy for anything in that line, away with you, sir, to the bazaars of Stamboul without delay, and lay out in extensive slave-purchases some of that spare cash you seem at a loss to spend satisfactorily here.

---Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:The Western scientist said that this may lead to a significant delay in starting the next stage investigation, which would be a problem because it could reduce the opportunity to find evidence of the origin.                  



1.without the least delay________________________

2.delay the flight ________________________


4.毫不耽搁;立刻  ________________________










1.without the least delay 毫不延迟地

2.delay the flight 延误航班

3.延迟做某事 delay doing sth

4.毫不耽搁;立刻 without delay


1. 我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。

We decided to delay our wedding until next year.

2. 请原谅我耽搁了回答你的问题。

Excuse me for my delay in answering your question.

3. 要求每个人不得延误。

It is required of every man that no delay should be made.


[bliːd]  v.


lose blood,force sb to pay money unjustly  vi.流血,失血


三单bleeds  现在分词bleeding  过去式 bled    过去分词bled

同根词 blood  n.


例1: bleeding

---新教材选必2 P54

例2: To do CPR, you press on the sick person’s chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs.


例3:It turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).  


例4:Just before and an hour after each workout, the scientists took additional samples of the men’s blood and fat tissue.

---- 2020年江苏卷阅读

例5:You will think me superstitious- some superstition I have in my blood, and always had: nevertheless, this is true- true at least it is that I heard what I now relate.'As I exclaimed "Jane! Jane! Jane!"

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:He had undergone an operation for a bleed on the brain on November 3, just five days after his 60th birthday     ---新闻原句


1.bleed from nose and mouth ________________________

2.bleed freely ________________________


4.鼻子流血  ________________________


1. 如果你割破手指,那么它会流血的。




2. 他的头撞到水槽上流血了。




1.bleed from nose and mouth 七窍出血

2.bleed freely 大量出血

3.为国捐躯 bleed for one's country

4.鼻子流血  bleed at the nose


1. 如果你割破手指,那么它会流血的。

If you cut your finger it will bleed.

2. 血浓于水。

Blood is thicker than water.

3. 他的头撞到水槽上流血了。

His head had struck the sink and was bleeding.


['pænɪk] v./n.


 (cause to) feel panic  vi&vt.(使)恐慌n.惊恐,恐慌 ‘


三单panics          现在分词  panicking    过去式panicked      

过去分词 panicked   同根词panicky adj.


例1: When listening to instructions in English,you should listen carefully and don’t panic.

---新教材选必2 P55

例2: When you are in a tight situation, don’t panic. 


例3:The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked.  

---2021新高考 I 卷读后续写

例4:I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use.


例5:I responded with a tinge of panic and motherly concern.  

---- Poor Dad. Rich Dad《穷爸爸富爸爸》

例6:The US stock market has seen a sustained rise, any bad news could stir up panic in the market.                 



1. be in a panic________________________

2. in panic ________________________


4.陷入恐慌(表示动作)  ________________________


1.大楼起火时, 人们一片惊慌。




3. 人们为即将来临的地震而惊慌失措。




1.be in a panic处于恐慌中(表示状态)

2.in panic 惊慌失措地

3.使某人仓促做某事 panic sb into doing sth

4.陷入恐慌(表示动作)  get into a panic


1. 大楼起火时, 人们一片惊慌。

There was a panic when the building caught fire.


The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.


People were panicked by the coming earthquake.


[ˌɪntə'rʌpt] v.


stop by breaking in  vi&vt.打断,打扰vt.使暂停,使中断


三单 interrupts         现在分词 interrupting     过去式 interrupted     

过去分词 interrupted   同根词interruptible  adj.    interruption  n.


例1: Chen Wei,a high school student in Beijing,had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.

--新教材选必2 P55

例2: He is probably interrupted by another task.


例3:It interrupted the business of the hotel.


例4:The right level of background noise may interrupt our normal patterns of thinking just enough to allow our imaginations to wander, without making it impossible to focus.  

----  2021年全国乙卷阅读D篇

例5:'Well, never mind that now,' I interrupted impatiently; 'it is enough that all was right.'

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:Zheng said in order to deal with US attempts to interrupt China's ties with the two Koreas, China will clarify its bottom line with South Korea so that Seoul won't cooperate with the US to contain China.    



1.without interruption ________________________

2.interrupt traffic________________________


4.被……打断  _______________________










1.without interruption  连续地

2.interrupt traffic 中断交通

3.打断某人的讲话 interrupt sb into doing sth

4.被……打断be interrupted by


1. 打断人的谈话是不礼貌的。

It's not polite to interrupt a speaker.

2. 对不起,能不能打扰您一会儿?

Excuse me, I wonder if I could interrupt you for a moment.

3. 他的演讲被掌声打断。

He was interrupted in his speech by applause.


['præktɪkl] adj.


concerned with action, practice, or actual conditions and results, rather than with ideas,effective or convenient in actual use; suited to actual conditions, sensible; clever at doing things and dealing with difficulties   adj.切实可行的,实际的,实践的


  同根词:  practically  adv.    practicality  n.


例1: Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick, practical, and easy.

---新教材选必2 P56

例2: The app makes our practical language lessons available wherever and whenever.  


例3:Data about the moon’s composition, such as how much ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical.


例4:Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact(影响) on college admissions and practical life skills.  

---- 2019年全国II卷阅读D

例5:This scheme I went over twice, thrice; it was then digested in my mind; I had it in a clear practical form: I felt satisfied, and fell asleep.

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例6:The agreement came days after German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to the White House last week, when President Joe Biden said the two allies are developing practical measures to ensure energy security in Europe.    



1.for all practical purposes ________________________ 实际上,事实上

2.实际困难_______________________ practical difficulty

3.切实可行的建议  ________________________ practical suggestion


1. 你的发明不实用。


2. 这是一个很有意思的想法,然而却存在着许多实际困难。






1.for all practical purposes实际上,事实上

2.实际困难 practical difficulty

3.切实可行的建议  practical suggestion


1. 你的发明不实用。

Your invention is not practical. 


  It's an interesting idea, but there are many practical difficulties.


He lacks practical experience.


[ɡræb]  v. /n.


 take roughly; selfishly or eagerly snatch   vt. 抓住n.抓取


三单grabs          现在分词grabbing     过去式grabbed     

过去分词grabbed     同根词grabber  n.


例1: Grabbing your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion.

---新教材选必2 P56

例2: Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf.  

--2021 年天津卷阅读B篇

例3:An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her food first. In her natural state, the actor weighed 105 pounds.  


例4:Hearing mom say, “I can’t believe what’s printed in the newspaper this morning,” made me want to grab it out of her hands and read it myself.

----2019 年天津卷阅读B篇

例5:Once when I turned short and dodged under his arm he made a grab and got me by the jacket between my shoulders, and I thought I was gone. 

---- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》

例6:Residents grab a robe to cross the roads in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan province , on July 20, 2021.  



1.grab away ________________________

2.grab at a straw ________________________


4.试图抓绳子  ________________________










1.grab away 抢走

2.grab at a straw抓住救命稻草

3.抓住 grab at

4.试图抓绳子grab for rope


1. 随便找个地方坐,别客气。

Grab a seat and make yourself at home.


Joe grabbed him by the collar.


After grabbing a bite of food he will have to leave.




 be or give a good reason for   vt.证明......的道理  


三单justifies        现在分词justifying     过去式justified      



例1: How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing?

---新教材选必2 P56

例2: Buxton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and you' ll find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery.


例3:He wrote plays on themes of race, equality and social justice.


例4:No, sir; I am not on such terms with my relatives as would justify me in asking favours of them- but I shall advertise.'   

---- Jane Eyre《简·爱》

例5:That this would justify the Conduct the Spaniards in all their Barbarities practised in America, and where they destroyed Millions of these People.

 ---- Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》

例6:To justify their groundless accusations against China, some even suggested that since there is no substantial evidence supporting the nature origin of COVID-19, the so-called lab leak theory deserves consideration.    



1.justify doing sth ________________________

2.justify one's behaviour ________________________


4.为自己辩护  ________________________




2. 任何事情都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。、


3. 你不能因为下大雨就可以上学迟到。




1.justify doing sth  证明做……有道理

2.justify one's behaviour 为某人的行为辩解

3.为自己的行为辩护 justify oneself for one's conduct

4.为自己辩护  justify oneself


1. 不要为自己的缺点辩护。

Don't try to justify your mistakes.

2. 任何事情都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。

Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.

3. 你不能因为下大雨就可以上学迟到。

The heavy rain does not justify your being late for school.




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