
原创 新人教版核心词汇全方位拓展 X3U3

庞俏玲 周金莲 爱V高中英语 2023-09-17


庞俏玲 周金莲












X3U3 Healthy lifestyle
作者:庞俏玲 周金莲













/rɪ'liːs/ vt.n.


to let sb/sth come out of a place where they have been kept or trapped;the act of letting a gas, chemical, etc. come out of the container where it has been safely held 

vt. 排放;释放;发布 n. 排放;释放


三单: releases    现在分词: releasing   过去分词: released

同根词: releasing n.


例1: Then heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths.

 --- 新教材 P27

例2: Moments later, my head was finally released from this horrible pumpkin cage.      

---  2021 浙江卷 读后续写答案

例3:The State Council released Guidelines on Conducting Covid-19 Prevention and Control on an Ongoing Basis. 

--- 2020 江苏卷 阅读A

例4:As he said this, he released me from his clutch, and only looked at me.       

 ---Jane Eyre《简爱》 

例5: His hands released her as he uttered this cry, and went up to his white hair, which they tore in a frenzy. 

---A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》 

例6:But the US has continued to refuse to release critical information regarding its closure under the pretext of national security.                   

  ---China Daily

例7:But Nanjing should conduct and release more detailed epidemiological surveys on the existing cases, especially early cases detected at the airport, to find out how the first people got infected and how they transmitted the virus to others, such as by eating together or touching the same items, Jin suggested.         

 ---Global Times


1. release a prisoner/hostage_______________________

2.release sb./sth. from sth.________________________

3. release one’s emotion________________________  

4.release the clutch/handbrake/switch________________________

5.release the tension in shoulder muscles________________________








1.消防员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。(release sb./sth. from sth)










1. release a prisoner/hostage释放囚犯/人质

2. release sb./sth. from sth.从······解救出······

3. release one’s emotion发泄情感

4. release the clutch/handbrake/switch 松开离合器、手闸、开关

5. release the tension in shoulder muscles放松肩部肌肉

6. release further details透漏更多的细节

7. release a movie/book/CD发行电影/书/CD

8. release the funds拨付资金

9. the latest new releases最新发行的产品

10. the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere二氧化碳向大气层的排放

11. a sense of release after the exam考试后的解脱感


1. 消防员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。(release sb./sth. from sth)

Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.

2. 典礼上放飞了一万个气球。

10000 balloons were released at the ceremony.

3. 她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。

She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.

4. 这部电影将于下周公开上映。

  The movie goes on general release next week.(=will be widely shown in cinemas/movie theaters next week.)


  I think her death was a merciful release.


/səˈsteɪn/ vt.


to control or have a lot of influence over sb./sth. vt.;to be the largest ,highest, most obvious thing in a place vi

  vt. 控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位vi. 占优势;处于支配地位


三单: sustains    现在分词: sustaining   过去分词: sustained

同根词: sustainable adj.


例1:Without this process, Earth could not sustain life.  

--- 新教材 P27                                          

例2: There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy, but farmers can’t clumsily put them together before us. 

--- 2018 江苏卷 阅读C                   

例3:What should farmers do for a more sustainable and fair farm economy?

--- 2018 江苏卷 阅读C 

例4:I was so fully aware that only serious moods and occupations were acceptable, that in his presence every effort to sustain or follow any other became vain: I fell under a freezing spell.                                

 ---Jane Eyre《简爱》              

例5:He studied much, slept little, sustained a great deal of fatigue with ease, and was equably cheerful. 

 ---A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》

例6:It also hopes its absolute advantage would help sustain the US strategic offensive and coercive capabilities against China and bolster US confidence and its sense of superiority.    

 ---Global Times 

例7:"I appeal once again to all donors, including those from the Arab region, to sustain the funding levels of past years and advance disbursements of funds as much as possible to avoid a disruption of essential services and humanitarian aid," she said.

 ---China Daily


1.sustain life________________________

2.a period of sustained economic growth_______________________

3.a sustained attack________________________

4.to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat________________________







1.家人的关爱和支持帮助他度过了狱中的岁月。(sustain sb.)




3.公司遭受了数百万美元的巨大损失。(sustain losses)






1. sustain life维持生命

2. a period of sustained economic growth经济持续增长的时期

3. a sustained attack持续的攻击

4. to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat 遭受损失;受伤;遭到失败

5. sustain everyone’s interest使每个人兴趣盎然

6. sustain losses遭受损失

7. sustain one’s argument证明某人的论点

8. sustain one’s weight承受体重

9. sustainable development可持续发展



 The love and support of his family sustained him during his time in prison.


  She managed to sustain everyone’s interest until the end of her speech.


  The company sustained losses of millions of dollars.


  The ice will not sustain your weight.


/trend/ n.


a general tendency to change

  n. 趋势;趋向;动向




例1:This warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay. 

---新教材  P27

例2:The numbers might sound small, but they are the leading edge of a dangerous trend. 

 --- 2017 北京卷 阅读C                 

例3:There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. 

-- 2017 全国I卷 短文填空

例4:It is that same fear, the fear of ostracism that causes people to conform and not question commonly accepted opinions or popular trends.

---Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》             

例5:One more way to analyze a problem or trend, and that is priceless.

---Poor Dad. Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》 

例6:The trend is clear that Washington is imposing all-around strategic pressure against Beijing.         

---Global Times 

例7:This is the trend of the world, the call of the times, and the will of the people.

 ---China Daily


1.economic/social/political trends_______________________

2.a trend towards sth_______________________

3.a downward/an upward trend in sales________________________  





1.提早退休者有增加的趋势。(a trend towards sth)


2.看来你们是开了一个新风气。(set a new trend)


3.有一个地区试图在经济衰退的趋势中逆流而上。(buck the trend)




1. economic/social/political trends经济/社会/政治趋势

2. a trend towards sth ······的趋势

3. a downward/an upward trend in sales销售额下滑/上升的趋势

4. follow the trend/buck the trend跟随时尚/反潮流

5. market trend/ economic trend/general trend市场趋势/经济趋势/一般趋势

6. set a new trend开了一个新的风气



There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement.


You seem to have set (=started) a new trend.


One region is attempting to buck the trend of economic decline.


/ˈfriːkwəntli/  adv.


many times at short intervals



同根词: frequent adj.


例1:In fact, news reports are frequently broadcast about extreme rainstorms and heatwaves causing deaths and economic losses.                

  --- 新教材  P27

例2:Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more frequently, and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills                                 ---  2020 全国卷II 阅读B

例3:However, since Baggy stands at about the same height as a child in a pushchair(婴儿车), she frequently records pollution levels which are much higher than the data gathered by the Environment Agency.       

 --- 2020北京卷  阅读B

例4:Frequently, my broker will call me and recommend I move a sizable amount of money into the stock of a company that he feels is just about to make a move that will add value to the stock, like announcing a new product.           ---Poor Dad, Rich Dad《富爸爸穷爸爸》

例5:The horsemen abreast of that cart, frequently point out one man in it with their swords.                                       

---A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》  

例6:Abuses of facial recognition technology take place frequently, officials from the SPC told a press.     

--Global Times 

例7:People need to strictly follow the prevention and control measures, including wearing masks, washing hands frequently and having more ventilation.

 ---China Daily


1.a frequent visitor________________________

2.frequently asked questions________________________




1.他经常访问这个国家。(a frequent visitor)










1. a frequent visitor常客

2. frequently asked questions常见问题

3. a frequent bus service很多公交车班次

4. frequent flyer飞行常客


1. 他经常访问这个国家。

He is a frequent visitor to this country.

2. 公共汽车有很多班次开往市中心。

There is a frequent bus service into the centre of town.

3. 这儿在初夏季节常下雨。

Rains are frequent here in early summer.

4. 我们不得不经常停下来喘口气。

We had to pause frequently for breath.


/ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ vt. vi. n.


broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television;cause to become widely known;message that is transmitted by radio or television

 vt.&vi.播送;广播;传播  n. 广播节目;电视节目


三单: broadcasts    现在分词:broadcast   过去分词: broadcast


例1:In fact, news reports are frequently broadcast about extreme rainstorms and heatwaves causing deaths and economic losses.                

  --- 新教材  P27

例2: The concert was broadcast live and attracted the largest one night audience in the history of television up to that time.                   

---  2019 浙江卷 七选五                

例3:CCTV 9 broadcast Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet, a documentary produced by BBC.                       

--- 2020 江苏卷 作文范文 中国题材纪录片受外国人欢迎

例4:Three hundred thousand men, summoned to rise against the tyrants of the earth, rose from all the varying soils of France, as if the dragon's teeth had been sown broadcast...                                       

---A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》     

例5:The second episode of Youth Power is to be broadcast online at 8:00 pm on July 30.                                                     

 ---China Daily

例6:Earlier, Chinese netizens and embassies criticized NBC for using an incomplete map of China during its broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.                      

---Global Times 


1.broadcast the fact________________________

2.a live broadcast_______________________






2.我们观看了那场演说的现场直播。(a live broadcast)


3.我不想宣扬这家公司为我父亲所有。(broadcast the fact)




1. broadcast the fact宣布事实

2. a live broadcast现场直播

3. news/television/radio broadcast新闻/电视/无线电/广播

4. broadcast station广播电台



The concert will be broadcast live (=at the same time as it takes place) tomorrow evening.


We watched a live broadcast of the speech.


I don’t like to broadcast the fact that my father owns the company.


/rɪˈstrɪkt/ vt.


 to limit the size, amount or range of sth;to stop sb/sth from moving or acting freely

vt. 限制;限定;束缚


三单: restricts    现在分词: restricting   过去分词: restricted

同根词: restricted adj. 受限制的;保密的restrictive adj.限制的;限制性的;约束的; restrictively adv. 限制性地; restriction n.限制规定;限制法规;约束


例1:We as individuals can also reduce our “carbon footprint”by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce.              

---新教材 P27

例2: Wuhan declared temporary outbound (向外的) traffic restrictions.                                                   

--- 2020 江苏卷 阅读A                 

例3:A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. But restrictions apply.                       --- 2017 全国III卷 完型填空

例4:For nearly three months, I had never been called to Mrs. Reed's presence; restricted so long to the nursery, the breakfast, dining, and drawing-rooms were become for me awful regions, on which it dismayed me to intrude.

---  Jane Eyre《简爱》              

例5:In another push to restrict carbon dioxide emissions, China launched a landmark emissions trading market in July, which will prove to be a powerful tool in its efforts to drive down climate change-causing greenhouse gases and be carbon neutral by 2060.                                                   

---Global Times 

例6:Zhongshan, in South China's Guangdong Province, announced that it would launch mass nucleic acid testing for COVID-19 and restrict transportation on Thursday after one positive case was found to be related to the recent small-scale outbreak at an international airport in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province.                                                 

---Global Times 


1.restrict sth. to sth.________________________

2.restrict yourself/sb.(to sth./to doing sth.)_______________________





1.在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。(restrict sth. to sth.)


2.我们将每个班的学生人数限定为10人。(restrict sth. to sth.)




4.我控制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。(restrict oneself to sth.)




1. restrict sth. to sth. 限定在······数量/范围等

2. restrict yourself/sb.(to sth./to doing sth.)约束、管束

3. restrict visibility影响能见度

4. restrict one’s freedom限制自由

5. be restricted to sb.仅对会员开发


1. 在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。

Speed is restricted to 30mph in towns.

2. 我们将每个班的学生人数限定为10人。

We restrict the number of students per class to 10.

3. 有了小孩往往会限制你的自由。

Having small children tends to restrict your freedom.

4. 我控制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。

  I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day.

7. submit

/səbˈmɪt/ vt. vi.


hand over formally;yield to other people’s wish or opinion

 vt.提交;呈递  vi.屈服;认输


三单: submits    现在分词: submitting   过去分词:submitted


例1:According to the report submitted by researchers, between 20 and 25 percent of all annual carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the destruction of tropical forests. 

--- 新教材P32 

例2:  Submit your application towww.lancasterdesign.org or call 740-6119735.

--2021 天津卷 七选五

例3:Submit a topic proposal to your history teacher. The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear.              

---2019天津卷 阅读A

例4:You can not stop this. You can only submit.      


例5: I had reason to congratulate myself on the course of wholesome discipline to which I had thus forced my feelings to submit.              

 ---  Jane Eyre《简爱》         

例6:In particular, the Council called on the two leaders to urgently provide political support - and overall guidance - to free the Technical Committees from obstructions in their work, empowering them to submit proposals to enhance intercommunal contacts.

 ---China Daily


1.to submit an application/a claim/a complaint________________________

2.submit sth.(to sb./sth.)_______________________

3.submit oneself (to sb./sth.)________________________






2.面对威胁,她拒不低头。(submit to sth.)


3.少数应服从多数。(submit to sth.)


4.学生在学校必须遵守纪律。(submit oneself to sth.)




1. to submit an application/a claim/a complaint 呈递申请书/书面要求/控诉书

2. submit sth.(to sb./sth.)提交、呈递(文件、建议)等

3. submit oneself (to sb./sth.)接受/顺从······

4. submit registration提交登记表

5. submit to sb./sth. 顺从、屈服



Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March.

2.面对威胁,她拒不低头。(submit to sth.)

She refused to submit to threats.

3.少数应服从多数。(submit to sth.)

The minority should submit to the majority.

4.学生在学校必须遵守纪律。(submit oneself to sth.)

The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.


/rɪˈstɔː(r)/ vt.


return to its original or usable and functioning condition



三单: restores    现在分词: restoring   过去分词: restored

同根词: adj.restorative 滋补的,有助于复元的;恢复健康的  n.restoration 恢复;复位;归还


例1:Local officials were concerned that the pollution was damaging the natural environment and felt that urgent steps should be taken to restore the river’s original beauty.  

 --- 新教材P32                     

例2: In Peru, local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the life-giving ice.

      ---  2017 江苏卷 阅读D                   

例3:Beautifully restored(修复)to its 1860 appearance, the house was Abraham and Mary. 

---2021 浙江卷 短文填空                     

例4:`Do so, implicitly. Your suspense is nearly ended, my darling; he shall be restored to you within a few hours; I have encompassed him with every protection. I must see Lorry.'

 ---A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》          

例5:It became all green, all flowery; its great elm, ash, and oak skeletons were restored to majestic life; woodland plants sprang up profusely in its recesses.

 ---  Jane Eyre《简爱》  

例6:Chinese regulator has ordered Tencent Music Entertainment Group to give up its exclusive rights to music labels in 30 days, marking the first case since the implementation of China's Anti-Monopoly law that demands rectification from illegal concentrations of undertakings to restore market competition.                        

  ---Global Times 

例7:"We had already purchased public security and property insurance for all of the residents, and have launched a compensation mechanism to help industrial and commercial enterprises resume work and production and restore normal conditions as soon as possible," Li said.                                    

---China Daily


1.restore public confidence in sth.___________________

2.restore order_______________________

3.restore sth. to its former glory________________________

4.restore sth. to sb.________________________




1.这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。(restore public confidence in sth.)


2.这样的善心使人又一次感动人性善良。(restore one’s faith in sth.)


3.我们想把这花园变得和过去一样美丽。(restore sth. to its former glory)


4.警察已经把这幅画归还给了它的合法主人。(restrict sth. to sb.)




1. restore public confidence in sth.恢复公众对······的信心

2. restore order恢复秩序

3. restore sth. to its former glory恢复和过去一样的美丽

4. restore sth. to sb.把某物归还给某人

5. restore one’s faith in…恢复信任······

6. to restore ancient traditions恢复古老的传统


1. 这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。

The measures are intended to restore public confidence in economy.

2. 这样的善心使人又一次感动人性善良。

Such kindness restores your faith in human nature(=makes you believe most people are kind).

3. 我们想把这花园变得和过去一样美丽。

We hope to restore the garden to its former glory(=make it as beautiful as it used to be)

4. 警察已经把这幅画归还给了它的合法主人。

  The police have now restored the painting to its rightful owner.


/ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ n.


the preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources   n. 保存,保持;保护


同根词: conservative adj.


例1:The construction of waste water treatment facilities improved the water quality and water conservation.             

--- 新教材 P32

例2: We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase farmland conservation, as we push for immigration reform, and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farmers from all backgrounds. 

--- 2018 江苏卷 阅读C

例3:Little wonder the Federal Duck Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated.   

---  2021 年全国新高考 I 卷 阅读C            

例4:He ordered courts across the country to provide stronger legal protection on rural environmental and ecological conservation, focusing more on resolving fishing ban cases related to major watercourses, including the Yangtze and Yellow rivers.

---China Daily 

例5:A Chinese expert said UNESCO’s praise to the continued efforts in the conservation of the Great Wall is an acknowledgement to China’s increasingly important role in international heritage affairs.                 

---Global Times                                                      


1.wildlife conservation________________________

2.energy conservation_______________________

3.to encourage the conservation of water/fuel________________________













1. wildlife conservation野生动物保护

2. energy conservation能源的节约

3. to encourage the conservation of water/fuel鼓励节约用水/燃料

4. water and soil conservation水土保持

5. resource conservation资源保护

6. conservation area保护区


1. 沙漠地区实行控制用水非常重要。

Conservation of water is of great importance in desert areas.

2. 保护自然环境在经济上和美化环境上都有好处。

  The benefits of conservation are both financial and aesthetic.

3. 科学研究与环境保护联系密切。

Scientific research and conservation are intimately connected.           



/ˈtɒləreɪt/ vt.


put up with something or somebody unpleasant

   vt. 忍受;包容;容许


三单: tolerates    现在分词:tolerating   过去分词:tolerated

同根词: tolerant adj.


例1:The villagers could no longer tolerate the situation.

--- 新教材 P34

例2: A tough man can tolerate suffering.                  

--- 2019 天津卷 阅读D                

例3:They tolerate long, slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work, entertain themselves or sleep on the ride, which encourages urban spread.                             

 ----2018 北京卷 阅读D

例4: The house had always tolerated some person in that capacity, and time and tide had drifted this person to the post.                 

---A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》  

例5:Rochester's face was to feel that not a second of delay would be tolerated for any purpose.     

 ---Jane Eyre《简·爱》 

例6:It added that the government would not tolerate acts that harm the rule of law by threatening judges. 

 ---Global Times 


1.tolerate (sb./sth.) doing sth.________________________

2.tolerate bad manners_______________________

3.tolerate the chemotherapy________________________






2.她拒不接受被称为撒谎者。(tolerate doing sth.)






1. tolerate (sb./sth.) doing sth.容许、接受做某事

2. tolerate bad manners容忍无礼的行为

3. tolerate the chemotherapy对化疗有耐受力

4. tolerated error容许误差

5. toleration experiment耐受性试验



This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated.

2.她拒不接受被称为撒谎者。(tolerate doing sth.)

She refused to tolerate being called a liar.


Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.





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