
Why Do Chinese People Love Money So Much?

GICexpat team GICexpat 2023-06-12



Money plays a significant role in Chinese culture, and it has been that way for centuries. Historically, wealth was seen as a symbol of power and status, and the accumulation of money was considered a virtue. This mindset is still prevalent today, and many Chinese people are obsessed with making money.

In China, there is even a God of Wealth, known as Caishen, who is worshipped during the Lunar New Year. People pray to him for good fortune and prosperity in the coming year.

This hand gesture is used when wishing someone “Gung Hei Fat Choy”.

The obsession with money in China has had a significant impact on society. It has led to a highly competitive environment, where people are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. This can include working long hours, sacrificing personal relationships.

The pressure to succeed financially is particularly high for young people, who face intense competition in the job market. Many Chinese parents push their children to excel academically and pursue careers in lucrative fields such as finance or technology.

One manifestation of China's love of money is the culture of asking about salary. In many Western countries, it is considered impolite to ask someone how much money they make. However, in China, it is not uncommon for strangers to ask this question outright.

This can be uncomfortable for foreigners working in China, who may feel that their privacy is being invaded. However, it is important to understand that this is simply part of the culture. Chinese people are often very open about their finances and see no harm in discussing them openly.


It is important to understand the cultural context and not take offense when people ask about your salary. Instead, try to see it as an opportunity to build relationships and learn more about Chinese culture.

China's obsession with money is deeply ingrained in its culture and has had a significant impact on society. While it can be challenging for foreigners working in China to navigate this culture, understanding the context and maintaining one's own values is key. 

As Ronny Chieng said, "Chinese people love money so much, we have a God of money!" But it's important to remember that money is just one aspect of life, and there are many other things that matter just as much, if not more.



Editor: CH


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