
Crowds flock to see 'fake' bear in zoo? Visitors desperate to...

GICexpat team GICexpat 2023-08-29


Visitors are flocking to a zoo in eastern China to see a strange-looking bear that has gone viral online over speculation it is, in fact, a person in a costume.

Around 20,000 people a day are now going to Hanzhou Zoo, a 30 per cent rise since the video was first shared  to judge for themselves.

Speculation broke online after Angela the sun bear was seen standing with the camera angle offering an unflattering view of its loose bottom fur.

Now, tens of millions have seen clips of the bear clumsily trying to catch food thrown into the enclosure by visitors and appearing to resign itself to sitting on a rock.


The zoo was quick to dismiss claims the animal playing dress-up, stressing that such deception would not happen at a state-run zoo.

New photos from the zoo show visitors gathering to see the bear as it walks around its enclosure and snacks on a mix of fruit and vegetables.

The Hangzhou Zoo has been clear that Angela is a real bear, explaining that sun bears can look a little different to what we might expect.


Editor: CH


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