

中国物理学会 中国物理学会 2022-10-21

第二届亚太物理学会凝聚态物理分会学术研讨会(AC2MP-Asia Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2022)将于2022年11月21-23日在日本仙台举行。会议将会是线上线下结合的方式。请大家踊跃注册。会议鼓励到现场参会。DCMP会员将全部免注册费。

Welcome Message

Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2022

November 21-23, 2022

It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend Asia-Pacific Condensed Matter Physics Conference 2022(AC2MP2022) which will be conroganized by by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics(DCMP) and Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University. The DCMP is aiming at systematic and continuous exchanges to further develop condensed matter physics in the Asia-Pacific region. Condensed matter physics is one of the major parts of physics that covers a wide range of disciplines. It is constantly developing with strong interactions with various scientific areas and contributes to the expansion of human knowledge and the developments of society. The Institute for Materials Research is one of the international centers of materials science and condensed matter physics and is operating the international collaboration program called GIMRT:Global Institute for Materials Research Tohoku. AC2MP2022 is the international conference to summarize the current status and future prospects in condensed matter physics and in related communities. It also includes the second annual meeting of the DCMP where the summary of the activities will be reported for the expansion of the international collaborations. The format of the conference will be hybrid and in-person attendance to the venue at Senai, Japan is strongly encouraged. Online participation is also possible by considering the difficulties for oversea travels. 

The Chairperson
Prof. Hiroyuki Nojiri
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University

The Co-chairperson
Prof. Je-Geun Park
Seoul National University 

Scientific Program

Invited Speakers

Conference Website




1. 第十三届亚太物理中心多铁性材料会议(APCTP)

2. 电磁超材料:水波极化子 | 前沿快讯No.23

3. 科学也偶像,有你更精彩

4. 锡烯:拓扑与超导电性共存 | 前沿快讯No.22

5. 张杰院士: 健雄人杰 吾辈楷模

6. 陈数可调的量子反常霍尔效应  | 前沿快讯No.27

7. “五音六律”背后的数学物理

8. 我在抖音学物理

9. 室温下光控飞秒极化子开关 | 前沿快讯No.28

10. 大家说物理 | 我们凭什么相信量子力学?






