

The Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton is aninterdisciplinary research center that brings together faculty, staff,students, and community partners working at the intersection of the humanitiesand technology. We create and apply digital tools to humanistic questions andcritically engage with the promises and risks that technology poses to society.



Art Hx: Visual and Medical Legacies of BritishColonialism

Led by Anna Aranbindan-Kesson, this project is an onlinedatabase that includes images and objects relating to the issues of colonialmedicine, artistic representation and race, as well as data visualization toolsand other materials to assist users in engaging with these items. 



Dallas: Wealth and Inheritance in a Population ofElites, 1890-1950

As a Data Fellow, ShayOBrien (Ph.D. candidate, Sociology) will examine theinteraction between eliteseconomic behavior and their social world by developing a dataset ofprominent Dallas residents from 18901950. Because OBrien has already assembled much of the quantitativedata, including information from Census materials, she plans to use her timewith the Center for Digital Humanities to systematically organize qualitativeevidence, such as articles from The Dallas Morning News and archival material found in Texas libraries.



Finding the Fifth Century in Britain

As a Data Fellow, Janet Kay plans to complete herdatabase of graves and cemeteries in use between 350550 CE in Britain—a period and region for which there are nocontemporary written sources. The database is the core of Kays book-in-progress, which studies how burial practicesin Britain in the long fifth century reflected peoples relationships to their own history. She will usethis database in later iterations of her course ART361 The Art and Archaeology of Plague.



Chinese Archival Handbooks

This project has two aims: Firstly, it wants toinvestigate the structure of state archives in China. The concept of archive inChina differs in many respects from the concept of archive in the west. Thisraises the question what material is actually held at Chinese state archivesvis-à-vis other cultural heritage institutions. The datasetto be build would allow to investigate these issues with a focus on subsidiarityin the archival collection building, including the question of representationof Chinese National Minorities within those collections. Secondly the projectsaddress the general needs of researchers of Modern and Contemporary China toknow about the contents of Chinese archives by creating a searchable index tothe finding aids of Chinese archival collections. 



Pages of Early Soviet Performance

The Pages of Early Soviet Performance (PESP) uses machine learning to generate multiple datasets ofearly-Soviet illustrated periodicals related to the performing arts. By usingcomputer vision techniques and training a YOLO (You Only Look Once) real-timeobject detection model, we are producing textual and image data that willfacilitate new avenues of research about Soviet culture during the firstdecades after the October Revolution (1917-1932).



Pope Manuscripts Online

In the pilot stage of PMO, scholars will be able to view three sets ofmanuscripts (from 1717, 1725, and 1730) and browse them by selected metadatacategories. This will be a first step towards a holistic view of the compositional practice of one ofthe most important and original poets ever to have written in English.



Digital Intertextual Resonances in Early Chinese Texts(DIRECT)

DIRECT aims to offer scholars working with ancientChinese a tool for exposing the resonances between transmitted texts. It willprovide both a command-line and graphical interface and is built on the mostadvanced phonological reconstructions of Old Chinese currently available. Theproject is fully open source and written in Python.



Explore more DH projects at https://cdh.princeton.edu/projects/




East Asian DH Working Group|东亚数字人文工作组

The East Asian DH Working Group at Princeton waslaunched in 2020. It emerged out of fruitful conversations, collaborations andfriendships between Princeton faculty, graduate students, librarians and DH scholars.Its main aim is to promote the knowledge about and application of DH methods byPrinceton students. 





Building a Comparative Database for the Study of theOld and New Tang Histories

In their modern print editions, the Old Tang History (945 CE) and New Tang History (1060 CE) comprise over 6,000 pages chronicling thepolitics, art, science, economics, and natural history of the Tang Dynasty(618-907). In the Spring 2018 semester, Professors Anna M. Shields and Wen Xinbegan designing the Tang History Database, an online, open-access edition of these monumentaldocuments, and received their first CDH Dataset Curation Grant for 2018-2019.This year, with the help of a second CDH Dataset Curation Grant, a team ofstudents will finish verifying digital transcriptions of the text. The teamwill then begin name-tagging people listed in the Histories using the Chinese Biographical Database (CBDB) andgeotagging locations with data from the Chinese Historical GeographicInformation System (CHGIS) database. This work will create a richly interlinkedtext that will allow scholars to attend on the macro level to the patterns ofdifference between the two texts, and to traverse on the semantic level thelinks between people and places in Tang China.



TLS - Thesaurus Linguae Sericae漢學文典

An Historical and Comparative Encyclopaedia of ChineseConceptual Schemes. Founding Editor: Christoph Harbsmeier 何莫邪;Associate Editor: Jiang Shaoyu 蔣紹愚. General Editor:Christian Schwermann 史克禮; Technical Editor: Christian Wittern 維習安.



Chinese Exchange Poems

Chinese Exchange Poems culls metadata from over 10,000exchange poems from ninth- and tenth-century China to create an online datasetand interactive network map of literary relations which can then be analyzed asa social network. By analyzing late medieval Chinese exchange poetry in thisway, this project proposes a new model for understanting the literary historyof the Tang dynasty (618907), considered by many the golden age of Chinesepoetry. It shows that the schools and divisions proposed by current scholarsbear little relation to the actual practice of poetry-writing, that Buddhistmonks were hubs of literary connection, and that boundary-crossing was crucialto a central position in the network.






Indigenous Studies DH Working Group|原住民研究数字人文工作组

The Indigenous Studies DH Working Group fostersdiscussions, training, and innovative research at the intersections ofIndigenous Studies, advocacy, and the digital humanities.Launching inspring 2021, the group will organize a series of events including guestlectures and hands-on tool training. The goal of the Spring 2021 series is forstudent researchers working on the Nuclear Princeton Project and other group members to 1) familiarize themselveswith the state-of-art use cases in DH + Indigenous Studies; 2) produce originaldigital research by using the data from the Nuclear Princeton website, and 3)showcase their research to the Princeton and wider communities.




Nuclear Princeton

Thisproject is an undergraduate-directed project that highlights theunder-acknowledged impacts of nuclear science, technology, and engineering onNative lands, communities, and beyond. It locates the history of settlercolonialism, environmental racism, and racial injustice in the past andcontemporary technoscientific development and management of U.S. national securityfrom the Manhattan Project onward. Princeton undergraduates interested inNative issues and culture play a key role in the project, exploring howPrinceton scholars and the University—located on theunceded traditional territory of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation—havemade the world irreversibly nuclear.



Slavic DH at Princeton|斯拉夫数字人文工作组

ThePrinceton Slavic DH Working Group promotes the exploration of digitalhumanities methods in the Slavic, East European and Eurasian fields. The groupis comprised of Princeton scholars at all levels, from various disciplines, andengaged in a variety of professional fields. We welcome Princetonundergraduates, graduate students, faculty, postdocs, librarians, archivists,technologists and teachers. We meet regularly during the academic year formeetings, workshops and special events.



Playing Soviet: The Visual Language of Early SovietChildrens Books project

This interactive database of childrens book illustrations draws the little-known andrarely-seen Soviet childrens books from the Cotsen Collection at Princetons Firestone Library. The featured illustrations havebeen selected and annotated by a diverse group of scholars and students ofRussian and Soviet culture. The sites customizable data visualizations, still underconstruction, will map relationships among artists, image types, color, style,and publication information.



The Serge Prokofiev Archive as Data

This project explores ways that DH methods and toolscan transform our engagement with archival collections. Based on the robustmaterial of the SergeProkofiev Archive at Columbia University, this project is part data curation, part datatransformation, part data analysis and part data storytelling.



Soviet Journals Reconnected: Periodical Networks underLate Socialism

Soviet Journals Reconnected is a database ofbibliographical metadata related to the thick journals,or monthlies dedicated to literature, art, society,and politics, that were a cornerstone of Soviet culture. In the 1960s and1970s, their readership was in the millions; thousands of authors werepublished on their pages. Soviet Journals Reconnected explores the rich life ofthese periodicals through their bibliographical data. It traces the work ofeditorial offices, development of themes and genres in the journals, and theemergence of segmented communities of authors around them.



The South Asia DH Working Group|南亚数字人文工作组

The South Asia DH Working Group brings togetherscholars and practitioners interested in exploring digital humanities tools andmethods for South Asian Studies. We promote conversation between the South Asiacommunity at Princeton and a wider network of South Asia-focused DH scholars.We also encourage individual and collaborative DH projects by students, facultyand staff at Princeton in collaboration with CDH. We welcome all members of thePrinceton community to attend our workshops and special events throughout theyear.





Data Curation|数据存储









Softwaredeveloped by CDH|数字人文中心研发的软件








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供稿 | 张邵璠

出品 | “人文学术社”公众号






