
特辑 | 英语世界的数字人文学术著作(2017-2021年)




1. Digital Methods inthe Humanities : Challenges, Ideas, Perspectives



编者:Silke Schwandt

出版社:Bielefeld University Press



内容简介:DigitalHumanities is a transformational endeavor that not only changes the perception,storage, and interpretation of information but also of research processes andquestions. It also prompts new ways of interdisciplinary communication betweenhumanities scholars and computer scientists. This volume offers a uniqueperspective on digital methods for and in the humanities. It comprises casestudies from various fields to illustrate the challenge of matching existingtextual research practices and digital tools. Problems and solutions with andfor training tools as well as the adjustment of research practices arepresented and discussed with an interdisciplinary focus.

2. Introduction to DigitalHumanities : EnhancingScholarship with the use of Technology


作者:Wymer,Kathryn C

出版社:New York,NY : Routledge



内容简介:Introductionto Digital Humanities is designed for researchers, teachers,and learners in humanities subject areas who wish to align their work with thefield of digital humanities. Many institutions are encouraging digitalapproaches to the humanities, and this book offers guidance for students andscholars wishing to make that move by reflecting on why and when digitalhumanities tools might usefully be applied to engage in the kind of inquirythat is the basis for study in humanities disciplines. In other words, thisbook puts the "humanities" before the "digital" and offersthe reader a conceptual framework for how digital projects can advance researchand study in the humanities. Both established and early career humanitiesscholars who wish to embrace digital possibilities in their research andteaching will find insights on current approaches to the digital humanities, aswell as helpful studies of successful projects.


3. Debates in the Digital Humanities



作者:Roopika Risam and Kelly Baker Josephs

出版社:University of Minnesota Press



内容简介:Exploring the intersections of digital humanities andAfrican diaspora studies How can scholars use digital tools to betterunderstand the African diaspora across time, space, and disciplines? And howcan African diaspora studies inform the practices of digital humanities? These questions are at the heart of this timely collectionof essays about the relationship between digital humanities and Black Atlanticstudies, offering critical insights into race, migration, media, and scholarlyknowledge production.



4. Digital Technology and the Practices of Humanities Research



作者:Edmond, Jennifer

出版社:Cambridge,United Kingdom : Open Book Publishers



内容简介:How doestechnology impact research practices in the humanities? How does digitisationshape scholarly identity? How do we negotiate trust in the digital realm? Whatis scholarship, what forms can it take, and how does it acquire authority? Thisdiverse set of essays demonstrate the importance of asking such questions,bringing together established and emerging scholars from a variety ofdisciplines, at a time when data is increasingly being incorporated as an inputand output in humanities sources and publications. 

5. Guerrilla Theory : Political Concepts, Critical DigitalHumanities




出版社:Northwestern University Press



内容简介:GuerrillaTheory examines the political, ontological, andtechnological underpinnings of the guerrilla in the digital humanities (DH).The figure of networks, our use of culturehas been changing dramatically. The digital humanities give us powerfultheories, methods and tools for exploring new ways of being in a digital age.Berry and Fagerjord provide a compelling guide, exploring the history,intellectual work, key arguments and ideas of this emerging discipline. Theyalso offer an important critique, suggesting ways in which the humanities canbe enriched through computing, but also how cultural critique can transform thedigital humanities. Digital Humanities will be an essential book forstudents and researchers in this new field but also related areas, such asmedia and communications, digital media, sociology, informatics, and thehumanities more broadly.

二、  数字人文学术著作(2017–2019)

1. Digital Humanities : Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age



作者:David M.Berry and Anders Fagerjord

出版社:MA : PolityPress



内容简介:As the twenty-first century unfolds, computerschallenge the way in which we think about culture, society and what it is to behuman: areas traditionally explored by the humanities.In a world of automation, Big Data, algorithms, Googlesearches, digital archives, real-time streams and social networks, our use of culturehas been changing dramatically. The digital humanities give us powerfultheories, methods and tools for exploring new ways of being in a digital age.Berry and Fagerjord provide a compelling guide, exploring the history,intellectual work, key arguments and ideas of this emerging discipline. Theyalso offer an important critique, suggesting ways in which the humanities canbe enriched through computing, but also how cultural critique can transform thedigital humanities. Digital Humanities will be an essential book forstudents and researchers in this new field but also related areas, such asmedia and communications, digital media, sociology, informatics, and thehumanities more broadly.

2. Critical DigitalHumanities : The Search for a Methodology



作者:James EDobson

出版社:Universityof Illinois Press


内容简介:Canestablished humanities methodscoexist with computational thinking? It is one of the major questions inhumanities research today, as scholars increasingly adopt sophisticated datascience for their work. James E. Dobson explores the opportunities andcomplications faced by humanists in this new era. Though the study andinterpretation of texts alongside sophisticated computational tools can servescholarship, these methods cannot replace existing frameworks. As Dobson shows,ideas of scientific validity cannot easily nor should be adapted for humanitiesresearch because digital humanities, unlike science, lack a leading-edgehorizon charting the frontiers of inquiry. Instead, the methods of digitalhumanities require a constant rereading. At the same time, suspicious andcritical readings of digital methodologies make it unwise for scholars to deferto computational methods.

3. Teaching with DigitalHumanities : Tools and Methods for Nineteenth-Century American Literature

《数字人文教学 : 十九世纪美国文学的教学工具与方法》


作者:Jennifer Travis and Jessica DeSpain

出版社:Universityof Illinois Press



内容简介:JenniferTravis and Jessica DeSpain present a long-overdue collection of theoreticalperspectives and case studies aimed at teaching nineteenth-century Americanliterature using digital humanities tools and methods. Scholars foundational tothe development of digital humanities join educators who have made digitalmethods central to their practices. Together they discuss and illustrate howdigital pedagogies deepen student learning. The collection's innovative approachallows the works to be read in any order. Travis and DeSpain curateconversations on the value of project-based, collaborative learning; examplesof real-world assignments where students combine close, collaborative, andcomputational reading; how digital humanities aids in the consideration ofmarginal texts; the ways in which an ethics of care can help students organizeartifacts; and how an activist approach affects debates central to the study ofdifference in the nineteenth century.


4. Intersectionality in Digital Humanities



作者:BarbaraBordalejo and Roopika Risam

出版社:Arc Humanities Press



内容简介:As digitalhumanities has expanded in scope and content, questions of how to negotiate theoverlapping influences of race, class, gender, sexuality, nation, and other dimensionsthat shape data, archives, and methodologies have come to the fore. Taking upthese concerns, the authors in this volume explore their effects on themethodological, political, and ethical practices of digital humanities.


5. Digital Humanitiesand Buddhism An Introduction







内容简介:Thisvolume explores DH and Buddhism in four sections: Theory and Method; DigitalConservation, Preservation and Archiving; Digital Analysis; Digital Resources.


6. Disrupting the Digital Humanities



编者:DorothyKim and Jesse Stommel

出版社:Milky Way: punctum books



内容简介:Disruptingthe DigitalHumanities seeks to rethink how we map disciplinary terrain by directlyconfronting the gatekeeping impulse of many other so-called field-definingcollections. 

7. Using DigitalHumanities in the Classroom : A Practical Introduction for Teachers, Lecturers,and Students



作者:Claire Battershill and Shawna Ross




内容简介:UsingDigital Humanities in the Classroom covers such topics as: Overcomingresistance to technology – your own, your colleagues and your students. Finding,evaluating and using digital resources. Designing syllabi and planningclassroom activities and assignments. Solving problems when technology goeswrong. Using digital tools for collaborative projects, course work and theses. Enhancingyour teaching by finding support communities and connecting to your researchTaking a step-by-step approach to incorporating digital humanities tools intoyour teaching, the book is also supported by a companion website, includingtutorials, sample classroom activity prompts and assignments, and abibliographic essay for each book chapter.

供稿 | 张邵璠

出品 | “人文学术社”公众号






