

研究院团队整理 长三角ESG与零碳研究院 2023-08-23


This WeChat tweet is a summary and review of the content of the second lecture in the Sustainable Business Series, "Sustainable Revitalization of Rural Coffee Farming Communities".


We often hear about sustainability mostly in the context of conservation of the environment and of course climate change in perticular is currently something at the forefront of this topic. However, sustainability is a coin with two sides like any other coin: one side of that coin is obviously the environment is our planet, and the other side is the livelihood of people. When it comes to doing something sustainable particularly in rural areas that tend to be less wealthy than urban areas, then paying as much attention to the people as we pay to the planet is important mandatory, it is also not only rewarding,but also mutually supportive if we do well for the prople.You also have a very good chance to do well for the planet in a sustainable fashion.



Rural Farming Communities in need of revitalization


Rural farming communities are often characterized by home-based systems, small scale, high production costs, and poor quality production varieties. In the cases shared in this lecture, the Yunnan coffee growing communities in need of revitalization often have the following characteristics:

典型的三代咖啡种植家庭年收入在一万元至两万元之间 • 缺乏储蓄使咖啡农很容易受到市场波动欠收的影响 规模的缺乏使咖啡农依赖中介机构出售极易腐烂的咖啡果实

• 缺乏教育、基础设施和资金导致产品质量低劣,价格低廉

• A typical 3-generation coffee farming annual household income is between ¥ 10,000 and 20,000 • Lack of savings leaves coffee farmers vulnerable to market fluctuations and poor harvests Lack of scale leaves coffee farmers dependent on intermediaries to sell their perishable coffee fruit • Lack of education, infrastructure, and funds results in inferior quality product that fetches low prices



Sustainability of coffee community revitalization.


There are two sides to everything: the environmental perspective of sustainability and the socio-economic perspective of sustainability, which are interdependent. A good environmental perspective for sustainable development leads to good solutions from a socio-economic perspective. The following are the methods used by the Yunnan coffee farming community:

1、节约用水 Water conservation


One solution to this that we've been teaching farmers over the last six years is to not produce commercial grade washed coffees but to strive to produce specialty grade. What that means is that the coffee fruit is not broken down through a very high water consuming fermentation process. But it is dried as a whole coffee cherry under the sun, potentially after some fermentation but not for the breakdown of the new search but for the creation of flavors anaerobic fermentations with no addition of water and with no need to flush the cherries later.


       Organic farming & Waste management


The dried fruit shells and skins, which are waste from coffee production, are processed into natural organic fertilizer for raising animals.This could become a second line of income for the farming community. So looking into not bringing out chemical based fertilizers not bringing out chemical products against weeds and insects and using techniques that have been developed in other farming and coffee farming communities in Central America and Latin America to control the pest situation effectively

3、重新造林 Re-forestation


Coffee is a cash crop and unfortunately like many cash crops the you often practice method is to cut down the forests and replace them with the cash flow.Now with coffee in this particular situation coffee is a plant that cannot really endure the stress of having direct sunlight with low supply of water it is not good for the quality of the coffee.And so it's actually helpful to have a mixed plantation of coffee shrubs under natural forests as a shade grown coffee that reduce number of coffee increases.The yield of those trees and it increases the quality of the fruit of those trees,hence again increasing the value of the crop that is being produced. 



How to achieve sustainable revitalization


Sustainable revitalization requires the tripartite cooperation of private enterprises, government and academia. So what we have here is DS3 very different key stakeholders that all have something very important to bring to the table that if it's put together well will make these rural communities thrive while the environment is being preserved while the entire process of creating these products is sustainable.

1、政府 Government

• 可靠的监管框架 

    Dependable regulatory framework

• 土地分配和公共基础设施 

    Land allocation and public infrastructure 

• 快速的投资审查和批准流程 

    Speedy investment review and approval process

• 补贴 


2、学术界 Academia

• 借鉴现有研究 

    Access to existing research

• 对可行品种的长期研究 

    Long-term research into viable varietals

• 种子的法律规定 

    Legal provision of seeds

• 田间试验的方法学支持 

    Methodological support of field trials

3、私营企业 Private Enterprise

• 以市场为导向的商业模式 

    Market oriented business model

• 筹款和投资 

    Fundraising and investment

• 运营领导力 

    Operational leadership

• 市场准入

    Market access


Link to buy coffee from Coffee Commune


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