
Lab D+H SH实践|麓湖穿水公园:唤醒城市空间下的滨水记忆

Lab D+H SH LabDH SH 2023-09-06




Living Water Garden in Chengdu, China is a landscape design project that explores the relationship between residential space and water. Through the design techniques of ecological simulation and scenery reproduction, the ties between the surrounding communities and waterfront green space are strengthened, and the distance between man and nature is narrowed. The unique water culture of Chengdu, known primarily as a mountain city, was taken into account to create a community park with all the vital characteristics of the local environment. This park, which also takes inspiration from aspects of Dujiangyan, the Minjiang River Valley, and Wucaichi, is known as the Living Water Garden. 


Utilizing the narrow “surplus” space in the area, the design team planted greenery to skillfully and organically integrate the water into the landscape. Traces of man-made interference are minimized, while the natural beauty of the space is emphasized. The space’s shape and resemblance to natural waterways awaken the waterfront memories of the Chengdu people, who have long been nourished by the mighty Minjiang River.




Living Water Garden is a core area of Luhu Eco-City, an international new town integrating high-end residential and leisure industries. It touches two large lakes and more than a dozen residential communities. The site is about 1.5 kilometers long and only 40 meters wide at its narrowest point, which are relatively typical dimensions for “surplus” empty spaces in the inner-city areas of Chengdu. Due to the undulating earth, the site has the form of a linear trench. The largest height difference is nearly 5 meters, which brought considerable difficulties for transforming it into a public space. Before construction, the scattered and divided community structure left residents rather confined in their own spaces. There was a noticeable lack of interaction between people of different neighborhoods. Through the Living Water Garden project, the design team hoped to draw in residents from a wide variety of communities, and reconnect their daily lives through the theme of water. 

△ 场地现状航拍

△ 场地现状分析




To reinvigorate the energy of this small canyon-like space, the design team conducted a comprehensive study of its urban geography and cultural identity. Guided by the hydrological characteristics of Sichuan Province, they envisioned the original weirs, lowlands, overlapping ponds, and islands of the region into four interactive hydroparks. The sections are named Chuanshui Park, Fenshui Park, Dieshui Park, and Huanshui Park. 


△ “水入成都传说”的概念

△ 平面图

△ 水系分析

穿水公园作为“活水公园”中的第一个落地段,设计团队通过利用场地内的高差,结合高低起伏的地形,打造了一条掩映在绿荫之下趣味盎然的“自然隧道”,以起伏的地形、茂密的草本植物围合出幽深的峡谷水溪。 根据自然规律,穿水公园可以自主调节季节水量大小;丰水期,枯水期两种不同的景观,打造一个跟随季节变化的吐纳公园。流淌穿行于社区之中,在山苗和高草的交辉掩映之间。置身于水雾中,沿着溪涧前行,在曲折迂回之间打造一个融入社区的线性公园。为了摸拟自然山川形态和流水冲刷的空间和肌理效果,保证峡谷造型可塑性、可行性、隐蔽性和便利性,材料采用建筑立面级别的GRC。打造一个极具挑战的石头峡谷。

Chuanshui Park, as the first completed section of Living Water Garden, is designed as a novel “natural tunnel”, taking advantage of the height differences across the site’s undulating terrain. The park is enclosed by dense herbaceous plants and surrounded by deep canyon streams. Depending on the time of year, the amount of water used in Chuanshui Park can be adjusted; two different landscapes, one for the wet season and one for the dry season, help create a public space that changes with the seasons. The lake flows naturally through the community, between the hills and tall grasses. Visitors immerse themselves in the water’s mist while walking below the stream, forming a linear park that twists and turns. To simulate the space and texture of a natural mountain and river formation, and ensure adaptability, sustainability, and convenience, low cost reinforced concrete was used as the building material at the facade level. The challenging project is now an inseparable and beloved part of the local community.

△ 穿水公园场地剖面图

△ 掩映在绿荫之下幽深的峡谷水溪



· 形态模拟


· Form Imitation

Chuanshui Park recreates the natural cliffs, waterflow, and water plants of the Minjiang River Valley. The park is approximately 5.5 meters lower than the surrounding neighborhood. Out of view of the shaded visitors is a deep, interactive water stream. At different points, the valley varies in height, width, and shape, reproducing the winding beauty of the Minjiang River Valley.


△ 模拟岷江河谷的形态,打造水草丰茂的线性公园


Gently crashing waterfalls, lively fountains, and randomly triggered spraying installations bring diversified, interactive experiences to different parts of the water environment. Using the natural differences in height, the water flows from the upper pedestrian bridge down to the pond at the bottom of the site. The pond’s diverse forms create an often-changing waterflow, beckoning visitors to serenely follow its rhythm.


△ 倾泻的水瀑

△ 灵动的跳泉

△ 活泼的涌泉


Natural ecology is simulated by adjusting the size of the stream’s flow depending on the natural circumstances. Water levels change based on the season, as do the site’s functions. During the wet season, activities are rich and lively; after the water level drops in October, the zigzagging walkway reveals the ground surface, and focus is drawn back to the space itself.

△ 模拟自然生态,自主调节溪流流量大小

· 社区可达性


· Community Accessibility

From the nearby community, one’s view passes through the mountain seedlings and wild grass. The canyon walls and stone-ground washed by water are faintly visible. The falling water flows along the canyon, connecting the landscape nodes and recreation spaces.




The exposed waterway facilitates intimacy with the water. Visitors can stand on the walking bridge and watch the flowing changes of the stream as it crosses the canyon. Children running along the wild ravine can chase the water flowing from the ground and walls and play in the fountains. The mist springs on both sides of the gorge go off at random; mist fills the air, moves down the park, and, after some twists and turns, returns to its starting point.


△ 露出水面的汀步

△ 孩子们在汀步边戏水  ©芸台漫汀

△ 孩子们在峡谷水溪间追逐嬉戏  ©芸台漫汀

△ 水景装置

· 细节设计


· Detailed Design

To simulate the natural form and effect of mountain and river space, the walls and floors of the valley are mostly hyperboloid and poly-curved. Considering the adaptability of the natural waterflow line of the canyon, the feasibility of planting greenery on the cliff walls, the concealment of the waterscape fountains, and future maintenance and inspection needs, low cost reinforced concrete was determined to be the optimal material. Concrete’s unique characteristics allow for dry hanging modules, a faux washed stone veneer, and shaping of the cliff. In addition, its high degree of malleability makes it convenient for fine moulding. Using GRC also allowed for flexibly concealing the water equipment in the canyon. The wise placement of greenery helped hide the equipment, as well, while also integrating the plants into the waterscape and landscape design of the site.

△ 利用GRC材料特性模拟自然山川形态






Water is the soul of the Chengdu community. Here, human activity is inseparable from the water. The Living Water Garden organically combines the artificial and natural contexts to create a public water park unique to Sichuan Province. The immersive experience of Living Water Garden reproduces memories of the waterfront, and its adaptive, linear form calls to mind the process of “how water flows to Chengdu” from the Minjiang River. Communities can gain a closer relationship with the water space. Physical and spiritual distance between people and water is shortened. And, perhaps most importantly, a once-dormant community space is revitalized with energy and vigor. 


△ 在这里,人的活动与水的活动息息相关


设计方:Lab D+H上海







· THE END · 

