
学术工坊|The Fourth “Language and Future” Summer Workshop

语言与未来小编 语言与未来 2022-05-19






主题:Europe From Below (2019)





  面临变动不居的社会政治环境,消费主义的盛行、自然环境的破坏,欧洲,还是我们以前想象中的样子吗?如何从欧洲人民的日常生活叙述来看欧洲社会正在发生的变化?人类学研究对制定新政策来舒缓欧洲大陆正在经历的社会与文化压力将起什么作用?在上海外国语大学“语言与未来”暑期工作坊(2019)中,哈佛大学人类学系Michael Herzfeld教授将与我们一起探讨欧洲正在经历的变化。我们将从普通社会行动者的角度来研究社会文化过程,如一系列丰富的民族志研究所揭示的那样,将“自上而下”的政策如何影响民众日常生活转换为普通民众的日常生活及理解如何揭示新的文化结构和社会价值观。我们还将探讨“欧洲研究”、“巴尔干地区”和“地中海文化”等区域类别的地位和意义,并将讨论它们的效用及其存在的问题。要研究的关键概念包括:热情好客、团结、抵抗、地方主义、种族主义和性别等。欢迎对欧洲研究有兴趣的学者、硕博士研究生报名参加。


Prof. Michael Herzfeld  

The neoliberal economic order drives many of the changes now taking place in Europe, a continent of enormous cultural, linguistic, and social variety. The increasingly porous national boundaries within the EU are confronting various forms of populism and nationalism, with the emergence of new and sometimes violent configurations of regional and national identity. Under new pressures created by the increasing influx of migrants and the insecurity (“precarity”) created by rapid demographic and economic change, old assumptions are giving way to new uncertainties and an increasingly volatile socio-political environment, while consumerism and industrial exploitation threaten the physical environment. In this workshop, we will examine these processes from the perspective of ordinary social actors as revealed in a rich array of ethnographic studies, replacing “top-down” perspectives with an understanding of how these processes affect everyday life and how, reciprocally, such an understanding can also shed light on new cultural configurations and values. We will also explore the status and significance of such regional categories as “European Studies,” “the Balkans,” and “Mediterranean culture,” and will discuss both their utility and the problems they present. Key concepts to be examined will include:  hospitality, solidarity, resistance, localism, racism, and gender.  What details of everyday life are relevant, and how do we explain or demonstrate this in the way we write? How do the narratives of ordinary people’s life experiences illuminate social change in Europe? Can anthropology have a role in formulating new policies designed to ease social and cultural tensions?

Participants will be asked to read and discuss a set of texts by anthropologists, including the conveners. On this basis, they will examine news items from Europe (via internet, television, and other news media), travel accounts, and policy documents. It is very rare for these larger questions to be examined anthropologically. Our goal, however, is to do just that – and, in the process, both illuminate the current crises afflicting Europe and suggest a new and important role for anthropology in world affairs.

The workshop will run from 23 through 26 August inclusive. Young scholars and Ph.D and M.A. students who are interested in doing fieldwork in Europe, or who wish to expand their theoretical horizons in the spirit of this venture are warmly welcome to apply to join us in this Summer Workshop. Those who have already done fieldwork in European societies are especially welcome to share their experiences with us, but that is not a requirement.

Applicants must have mastered English before application, since English will be the language of instruction and discussion. There will be some intensive reading, and each applicant will be asked to select either three articles or one ethnography, from a list to be supplied in advance, as the basis for their presentations; the articles and books will be available on arrival, so we recommend arriving a day or two early for those who do not have access to these writings at their home institutions. Such advance preparation greatly improves the quality of academic discussion.

For application, please submit a research or study proposal of around 1,000 words to Dr. Yu Hua at yuhuafish@126.com by 30 June, 2019. The proposal should specify (a) the nature of your interest in European Studies; (b) any prior experience, including language training, that you may have; (c) any research you have done on European themes; and (d) your strongest reason(s) for wanting to take part in this Summer Workshop. If you intend to do field research in a European country in the future, please also mention that. One session will be devoted to practical aspects of applying European ethical and legal guidelines regarding the use of human subjects and the safeguarding of confidentiality.

Please list your name, date of birth, degrees already attained, and current academic status and home institution at the end of the proposal. We will select 20-25 applicants to join this workshop.

The workshop is free of charge for all participants. Applicants accepted to participate will receive the Letter of Acceptance on 10 July, 2019. They must arrange and pay for their own accommodation and travel to and from Shanghai. The workshop will provide refreshment during breaks and enough space and time for academic discussion. A Certificate of Participation will be issued to all who attend the full set of sessions and do the required reading and presentations.

We look forward to welcoming an exciting and diverse group of young scholars to our Summer Workshop.

Institute of Linguistics, SISU

Research Center for Language Planning and Policy, State Language Commission

Shanghai Academy of Global Governance and Area Studies


学者观点 | 赵蓉晖,阿衣西仁•居马巴依:语言与现代国际政治述论

学者观点 | 林皓:副语言的手势层面分析——以摊手为例




金立鑫 | 广义语法形态理论的解释力(一)

马嫣 赵蓉晖 | 英国基础外语教育改革的启示











