
园冶杯参赛作品 | LATZ+PARTNER:法国里昂塔塞丝织厂公共空间改造

公共空间改造鸟瞰 Aerial view of public space ©Lylo Perreau



Creation of a public space on the new housing and office site in the former textile factory 

总平 Master plan ©LATZ+PARTNER


In the town of Vaulx-en-Velin, Lyon, the demolition of a part of the TASE silk production plant has given way to a potential public space between the former workers’ housing estates and the multimodal hub. The water tower, the facades of the factory and part of the sheds are the emblematic elements of the site, which have been preserved and enhanced in the development project.

水塔是丝织厂的标志物之一 Water tower is one of the the emblematic elements of the site © Métropole de Lyon-Laurence Danière

曾经的车间 The shed ©LATZ+PARTNER

Impelled by a citizen’s initiative, the design process was carried out in consultation process with the residents. The requests and objectives were to create a generously planted promenade, to enhance the industrial past and to create a public space for relaxation and play. The aim was to convey the industrial heritage of the city and to create a green oasis in the middle of new, densely populated development areas.

工业遗址上新的休闲和游乐的公共空间 A public space for relaxation and play © Métropole de Lyon-Laurence Danière

The central space gives way to a canopy of fine foliage, which replaces the roof of the old sheds. The ground space is left clear and invites free movement between sculptural, but mobile, furnitures that can be repositioned according to the use of space. The public park is defined by a concrete wall near the water tower, inviting people to rest in golden niches. 

旧水塔和新的混凝土墙 The old water tower and the new concrete wall ©LATZ+PARTNER

混凝土墙界定了公园的边界 The public park is defined by a concrete wall ©LATZ+PARTNER

可供休息的金色凹洞 Golden niches for rest ©LATZ+PARTNER

The plant pattern defined by shrubs, perennials and hydroseeding creates a protective border along residential buildings. Their matrix is inspired by the ancient fabrics used in the manufacture of silk fabrics.

沿着住宅楼形成的保护性的植物边界,特别设计的长桌和座凳组合为人们提供了室外聚会点 Protective green border along residential buildings and group seating provides the opportunity to meet each other © Métropole de Lyon-Laurence Danière

The restrictive access through a porch, is transformed into a luminous golden passage, which invites visitors to enter. The modular petroleum blue furniture can be moved and used in a variety of ways, offering several composition and types of playful seating.

明亮的金色通道 Luminous golden passage ©LATZ+PARTNER

金色通道吸引游客进入公园 The passage invites visitors to enter ©LATZ+PARTNER

模块化定制的蓝色城市家具 The modular petroleum blue furniture © LATZ+PARTNER

多种好玩座椅组合和类型 Several composition and types of playful seating ©Métropole de Lyon-Laurence Danière

On the site of the demolished machine halls, a parking lot is created with up-cycling and green islands for the new users of the historic sheds.

厂房旧址上,利用回收材料建造的新停车场 The new parking lot with with up-cycling and green islands on the site of the demolished machine halls ©LATZ+PARTNER

As with the neighboring Esplanade, the aim is to combine a contemporary innovative character with highlighting the industrial heritage of the silk factory founded in 1925. In order to minimize resource consumption, existing parts of the buildings and surfaces are largely reused: The concrete floor plate of the former halls is used as the base of the parking lot, and the planting areas are cut out of the concrete. The concrete rubble was transformed by grain size and brought in as crushed stone, earth and stone mixture or mulch. Vegetation is gradually developing into shady green islands in this barren landscape.

切割混凝土板形成的停车场中的种植区 The planting areas are cut out of the concrete ©MRP

种植意向 Planting Diagram ©MRP

混凝土碎石 Concrete rubble ©LATZ+PARTNER

A parking lot in relation to commercial spaces within the old industrial sheds provide services for new companies and workshops. These measures are part of the Lyon Metropole program. 

The orange color of the shed walls and concrete surfaces, the inscriptions and traces of the industrial past, are powerful elements of the project. They are duplicated and developed further for the parking lot design: An orange corridor marks the pedestrian connection between the vertical wall and the parking lot surface, and the interplay of lettering and graphics serves as signaling. Colors and signs lend identity and legibility to the space, whose industrial character is further strengthened by the striking aesthetics of upcycling.

车间的橙色墙面和混凝土地面 Orange color of the shed walls and concrete surfaces ©LATZ+PARTNER

橙色的走廊将竖向的墙面和水平的停车场地面连接在了一起 The orange corridor marks the pedestrian connection between the wall and parking lot ©LATZ+PARTNER

车间和新的停车场 Existing sheds and the new parking lot ©LATZ+PARTNER

色彩和标志赋予空间身份和易读性 Colors and signs lend identity and legibility to the space ©LATZ+PARTNER

设计团队:Tilman Latz(主创),Laura Ruccolo, Sophie Holzer(景观设计师)
委托方:Métropole de Lyon / City of Vauxl-en-Velin
TASE Park:MRP Paysage、EGIS (工程师)、Marc Aurel(照明设计)、Milieu Studio(环境工程师) Arènes(共同概念) 
SHED Parking lot:MRP Paysage、TECTA Ingenieure



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