
125周年校庆季|上海 · 伦敦双城论坛2021

RIBA 交大设计

上海 · 伦敦双城论坛 2021 


 Shanghai - London Dialogue 2021:

 Climate Change and 

 the Responsibility of the Architect 


Climate change, such as global warming, rising sea levels, flooding, frequent droughts and extreme weather conditions, is becoming more and more serious, and buzzwords such as "sustainable development" and "carbon neutral" are frequently used. Addressing climate change is one of the most prominent global issues in the world and a common challenge facing mankind. All sectors of life around the world should perform their duties and do their best to deal with it together. The responsibility of the Architects is to conceive, create and maintain the built environment. UN Secretary-General Guterres emphasized in the video briefing on the preparations for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference that 2021 is a "critical year" for the international community to respond to climate change. Under this special background, architects should carry more missions.

2021年4月16日,上海交通大学、英国皇家建筑师学会、上海市建筑学会将在上海交通大学闵行校区共同举办“上海 · 伦敦双城论坛”,活动由上海交通大学设计学院、RIBA锐建协商务信息咨询(上海)有限公司、上海国际建筑与设计文化交流中心承办。本论坛将邀请英国皇家建筑师学会、上海市建筑学会、清华大学、同济大学、上海交通大学等国内外著名专家及行业领军人物齐聚一堂,以全球气候变化与设计师的责任”为主题,立足全球视野,以上海及伦敦为背景,结合行业发展、设计教育、实践案例等,共同探索设计师在全球气候变化这一特殊背景下的责任与价值。

On April 16, 2021, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Royal Institute of British Architects and The Architectural Society Of Shanghai China will jointly hold the " Shanghai-London Dialogue " on the Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The event was organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design, RIBA Business Information Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and ASSC International Centre for Architecture and Design Exchange. This forum will invite the RIBA, the Architectual Society of Shanghai China, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and other well-known experts and industry leaders to gather together. With the theme of "Climate Change and the Responsibility of the Architect", this forum is based on a global perspective, taking Shanghai and London as the background, combining with industry development, design education, practice cases, etc., to jointly explore the responsibilities and values of architects under the special background.




为促进中-英在城乡人居环境领域的合作,共同面对人类未来发展的挑战,立足上海交通大学建校125周年的历史新起点上,上海交大设计学院和英国皇家建筑师学会(Royal Institute of British Architects,简称RIBA)共同成立上海交大RIBA城市研究室。该中心将依托交大设计类学科群优势和国际化学术平台,围绕全球气候变化、超大高密度城市的有机更新、存量更新、超大城市群生态系统服务及修复、城市风貌保护与打造、可持续低碳发展、设计赋能与创新产业等议题,通过创新设计和生态规划、绿色低碳技术、智能设计与智能建造、遗产保护和文化振兴等理论创新和技术创新,打造中-英人居环境研究与应用合作交流平台,汇集中英双边“政-产-学-研”人才与资源,带动双方深度学术交流、产业合作、及人才培训等。

In order to promote Sino-British cooperation in the field of urban and rural architecture and the built environment, and jointly face the challenges of future development, the two parties will focus on topics including global climate change, incremental urban renewal in high-density mega-city adaptive reuse, serving and restoration of the ecosystem in large urban clusters, urban landscape conservation and construction, sustainable development, value-adding design and innovative industries. Through innovative design, ecological planning, green and low-carbon technology, smart design and smart construction, heritage restoration, cultural revitalization, and other theoretical and technological innovations, these will bring together talents and resources, drive academic exchange, reinforce industrial cooperation, and personnel training, etc. in both countries.


 简 要 日 程 

 General Schedule 





2021年4月16日 18:00-20:45(北京时间) 11:00-13:45(英国时间)

April 16, 2021  18:00-20:45(GMT+8)  11:00-13:45(BST)



Lecture Hall, 8th Floor, Network & Information Center, Minhang Campus, SJTU (NO.800, Dongchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai)




主办单位 Sponsor

  • 上海交通大学

         Shanghai Jiao Tong University, SJTU

  • 英国皇家建筑师学会

         Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA

  • 上海市建筑学会

         The Architectural Society Of Shanghai China, ASSC

承办单位 Organizer

  • 上海交通大学设计学院

         Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design

  • RIBA锐建协商务信息咨询(上海)有限公司

         RIBA Business Information Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

  • 上海国际建筑与设计文化交流中心

         ASSC International Centre for Architecture and Design Exchange





开幕与揭牌仪式 Welcome & Inauguration Ceremony

时间 Times


主持人 Host

车生泉 上海交大设计学院副院长

CHE Shengquan, Associate Dean, Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design


Speech by Representative from RIBA & Shanghai Jiao Tong University

英国皇家建筑师协会主席Alan Jones致辞

Speech by Alan Jones, RIBA President


Speech by XU Xuemin,Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

英国皇家建筑师学会国际总监Azlina Bulmer致辞

Speech by Azlina Bulmer,RIBA Director of International



Inauguration Ceremony of RIBA CITY ROOM @ SJTURIBA代表 Representative from RIBA:RIBA中国区发展首席吕慢

Umi Lyu, RIBA Head of Development, China

上海交通大学代表 Representative from Shanghai Jiao Tong University:上海交通大学设计学院院长阮昕RUAN Xing, Dean, Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design


Introduction to the Development Planning for RIBA CITY ROOM @ SJTU

演讲嘉宾:上海交通大学设计学院院长阮昕Speech by RUAN Xing, Dean, Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design

休息 & 冷餐会Break & Cold Buffet

时间Times 18:40-19:00 (BST) 11:40-12:00 (BST)

上海·伦敦双城论坛 Shanghai - London Dialogue

时间Times 19:00-20:40 (GMT+8) 12:00-13:40 (BST)



Academic Report - Climate Change and the Responsibility of the Architect

主持人:吕慢  RIBA中国区发展首席

Host: Umi Lyu, RIBA Head of Development, China

演讲嘉宾:Alan Jones 英国皇家建筑师学会全球主席

Speech by Alan Jones, RIBA President


圆桌论坛 Roundtable Discussion

主持人:阮昕 上海交大设计学院院长

Host:RUAN Xing, Dean, Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design


论坛嘉宾 Speakers

Alan Jones 英国皇家建筑师学会全球主席

Alan Jones, RIBA President

伍江 同济大学前任常务副校长、法国建筑科学院院士

WU Jiang, Former Executive Vice President of Tongji University, Academician of the French Academy of Architecture

张利 清华大学建筑学院院长

ZHANG Li, Dean, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

张俊杰 上海市建筑学会副理事长,华建集团华东建筑设计研究总院院长、总建筑师

ZHANG Junjie, Vice Chairman of ASSC, Chief Architect of ECADI

吴晨 北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司总建筑师,中国内地首位获得RIBA Chartered Architect 资格的建筑师

WU Chen, Chief Architect of BIAD, RIBA ARB MRTPI


现场互动 Interactive 

闭幕及嘉宾合影留念Closing & Group Photo

时间Times 20:40-20:45 (BST) 13:40-13:45 (BST)


This event will be held in the form of live speech and online broadcast


This Forum will open to the public. Welcome to join us!

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 密码:  463261 

 Zoom ID:   61468831358    

 Password:  463261 



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About RIBA:

Founded in 1834, RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) has a history of 187 years. In 1837, RIBA was awarded the Royal gold medal. In 1848, RIBA was given the royal title by Queen Victoria. Currently, RIBA has 50,000 members and architectural communities in 150 countries around the world. RIBA has always adhered to the mission of promoting the development of the world construction industry.  In January 2020, RIBA established the WFOE in China and started its work in an all-round way to promote the internationalization and high-level development of the Chinese construction industry and practitioners, and praise Chinese architects and outstanding architectures on the world stage.



