
2023专题征稿 | 城市更新与后工业景观

《风景园林》 风景园林杂志 2022-12-07



Landscape Architecture Journal is soliciting contributions for a Special Issue to be published in 2023 on “Urban Regeneration and Post-industrial Landscape”. The acquiring editors are associate professor LI Mengyixin who is teaching in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and associate professor WEI Fang, who is teaching at the School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University.
















Call For Papers

Special Issue on “Urban Regeneration and Post-industrial Landscape”

Urban regeneration is a crucial action to practice the ideas of green development and ecological civilization, and to promote the harmonious coexistence of cities, people and the ecosystem of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes and grasses. The outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan in China states that it is imperative to further accelerate the transformation of urban development mode, coordinate urban planning and implementation management, carry out urban regeneration actions, and ultimately propel the optimization of urban spatial structures together with the improvement of spatial quality. In the context of urban stock regeneration, post-industrial landscapes haveformed a variety of project types in practice, such as creative industrial parks, public green spaces and industrial heritage landscape parks. The in-depth exploitation of values in terms of the times and the history and culture of industrial remains is conducted for functional reorganization and structural improvement in a constant way, creating new urban vitality spaces and high-quality green open spaces for citizens. More importantly, facing the opportunities and challenges brought by climate change, the urban regeneration with the goal of green, low-carbon and livability may become a new direction for the protection and reuse of industrial heritage, which urgently requires investigations conducted by domestic and foreign scholars from the multidisciplinary perspectives of landscape architecture, urban planning and architectural heritage conservation. In view of this policy situation and research background, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to systematically elaborate the theme of Urban Regeneration and Post-industrial Landscapes. Relevant research can be carried out from various aspects, such as policies and regulations, planning concepts and engineering technologies, so as to find reasonable paths and methods for the development of post-industrial landscapes. 

If you are interested in this issue of “Urban Regeneration and Post-industrial Landscape”, please feel free to contribute papers. We welcome literature reviews, theoretical analyses, and case studies related to any of the following topics:

1) Research and review of the cutting-edge post-industrial landscape development under the concept of urban regeneration;

2) Post-industrial landscape planning and design, and typical case studies at multi-scale under the concept of urban regeneration;

3) Urban regeneration, and industrial heritage protection and utilization in terms of polices and regulations, as well as the system of implementation and evaluation;

4) Urban regeneration and post-industrial landscapes from the perspective of digital technology, whole life cycle, green infrastructure, landscape perception, etc.


11/30/2022: Full text submission. The authors to submit the full manuscript through online submission system of Landscape Architecture Journal.

03/30/2023: All articles expected to complete review process, special issue recommended to the Editors-in-Chef. 


About Acquiring Editors

LI Mengyixin, an associate professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA), the young scholar of Beijing Overseas Talents Program, received her Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture, Technical University of Munich (TUM). She is the committee member of Beijing Overseas Talents Association, the member of History and Theory Committee and Territorial Landscape Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, the member and secretary of Cultural Landscape Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, the leading member of ‘China Urban Landscape Lab’, TUM and the leading member of the EU Collaborative Classes teaching team of Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI). She is mainly engaged in the research and teaching of green open space, cultural landscape, and post-industrial landscape.

WEI Fang, an associate professor and master supervisor in the School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University (BFU), received her Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture in the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. She was a visiting scholar at The Pennsylvania State University, USA, and the Chinese leader of the Sino-German Cooperation and Exchange Project “Comparative Study on Post-industrial Landscape Regeneration Approaches in China and German based on Public Perception and Behavior”. She presided over a number of projects at both provincial and ministerial levels, including the youth projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Beijing Social Science Foundation. She is mainly engaged in the research of contemporary landscape design theory, sustainable renewal, and landscape perception.






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