
有关英文思维和如何说"走光" "撕13"

2015-06-26 Eric Z 英语学习笔记


Words Recently Added to Oxford Dictionaries


air punch: 哦耶!

thrusting one’s clenched fist up into the air, typicallyas a gesture of triumph.

Bank of Mum and Dad: 啃老!

a person’s parents regarded as source of financialassistance

点击阅读: 如何说“啃老族”?

bro hug: 抱抱!

(US informal) friendly embrace between two men

humblebrag: 技术型装13

(informal) (make) an ostensibly modest orself-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud

side boob: 半裸不算裸!

(informal) theside part of a woman’s breast, as exposed by a revealing item of clothing.

A view of the female breast seen from a side; generally under loosely-fitting clothes. Very titillating (pun intended) and sexual without showing any overt nudity.


Binge-watch: 熬夜追美剧

Marathon viewing of a TV show from its dvd box set.

tech-savvy: 熊🐻孩子!

(informal) well informed about or proficient in the use of modern technology

throw shade: 撕13

撕13直译就是"to tear cunt" -应该是说不通的。英文中有一些类似的表达:

throw shade: (US informal) publicly criticize or express contempt for someone

同样差不多的一个词: catfight

今天的GlobalTimes的新闻, 方舟子诉崔永元名誉案宣判

slang match也就是撕13了。

vape: @#$%

inhale and exhale the vapour produced by anelectronic cigarette or similar device



学这几个词不重要 -- 很有可能你和我很快就会忘记了。重要的是多想一想“这个词在中文中有没有对应的说法” “这个词英文怎么表达更符合习惯” -与其说是“英文思维”的培养,不如说是“多想想怎么换个更习惯说法”,“地道”来源于日积月累,而不是摸不见看不着的所谓的“英文思维”.

如果有英文思维的话,那么什么是“普通话思维”, “方言思维”? 如果说有“拿英文来思考”,那么什么是“拿中文来思考”? 只不过是风俗文化和语言习惯而已, 别被这些大假空的, 像是灵丹妙药般的“英文思维”唬住。

(注: 语言和思维本身就是学术上很有争议的话题, 本文旨在说明"踏踏实实的学习和积累比空谈“英文思维”靠谱的多. 有关“英文思维”的讨论,我支持李笑来老师的看法,详情请阅读原文 -你一定会收获很多。)

