
中国城镇化下半场的探索与实践① | UC海外观察沙龙9

UCRC 城市中国杂志 2022-05-13





Opening Remarks

Richard J Weller


Richard J Weller is the Meyerson Chair of Urbanism, professor and chair of landscape architecture, and co-executive director of The Ian L. McHarg Center for Urbanism and Ecology at the University of Pennsylvania. In over 30 years of practice he has worked as an academic and a consultant specializing in the formative stages of projects and scenario planning for cities, megaregions, and nations. His most recent research concerns global flashpoints between biodiversity and urban growth and is documented in his latest publication, ‘Atlas for the End of the World – Atlas for the Beginning of the Anthropocene’.

作为宾大城市中国第二次年度会议的开幕嘉宾,Richard J Weller教授欢迎学生和访客,并就“美丽中国 ”的含义展开了对话和讨论。Weller首先介绍了他的新书《美丽中国》。这本书集结了Weller在中央美术学院举办的“美丽中国”设计交流活动中的一系列讨论,汇集了中国资深和青年景观设计师对“美丽中国”的解读。但是,他指出,在交流会之后,由于多种不同的解读,他对美丽的中国的定义更加困惑。

As the opening guest of Urban China Collective’s Second Annual Conference, Richard Weller welcomed students and visitors, and initiated the conversation and discussion about the meaning of ‘Beautiful China’. Weller started by introducing his new book Beautiful China based on a symposium held by the Central Academy of Fine Art, which brought together Chinese Senior landscape architects and emerging landscape architects to discuss the meaning of Beautiful China. However, he pointed out, after the symposium he became even more confused about the definition of “Beautiful China” because of various forms of interpretations.  









Weller then introduced several studio projects at Stuart Weitzman School of Design. Firstly, he elaborated on a mega-city design project in the Jing-Jin-Ji Metropolitan Region. The goal is to establish an ecological resurrection approach, using 7 steps to achieve an iterative and site-specific design rather than an immediate top-down master plan. Specifically,

1) Seed. Seeds are small sites where people can conduct environmental and social research and develop site-specific designs for ecological restoration;

2) Construct nurseries around seeds to provide soil and vegetation;

3) Develop migrant worker villages;

4) Create restoration projects;

5) Create a larger landscape system by joining the dispersed ecological projects;

6) Connect landscape projects to urban development, making improving ecology the incentive to urbanization;

7) Monitor seed projects.

He emphasized that such ecological restoration coupled with urban development in their respective site is an iterative and bottom-up process.   

京津冀地区生态修复的七个步骤。(图片来源/ Constructing an Ecological Civilization)

A site-specific seven-step method. (Source/ Constructing an Ecological Civilization)


The second project is a micro-scale redesign scheme for MOMA’s Sculpture Garden built in 1954. To turn it into a contemporary Chinese garden, a student took inspiration from broken porcelain that he developed into an architectural language. In another studio, the Tiananmen Square was reimagined as People’s Park. Some students redesigned it into a pop-up art park. Another student proposed an underground museum that tells the Chinese political history while connecting the historical buildings above ground. Other projects Weller introduced concerned post-industrial land restoration and urban village regeneration, each illustrating an understanding of ‘Beautiful China’ from a different perspective.

中国风格花园by Douglas Breuer_指导by Richard Weller + Valerio Morabito

Chinese style garden designed by Douglas Breuer, directed by Richard Weller + Valerio Morabito.


Throughout his remarks, Weller kept throwing out the question: What does “Beautiful China” mean? In the authority’s notion, its key words include environmental protection, low carbon development, man-earth harmony, and ecological restoration. Weller argues, horrendous as it may sound, China’s central government’s attempt to create an aesthetic for the entire nation through the Beautiful China Initiative could potentially be compelling when it is interpreted as an environmental policy that brings together beauty and ecology. And perhaps, we need such a heavy hand from the government to enact changes.


To conclude, Weller asked, as a political slogan, could “Beautiful China” be an agenda brought to the landscape architecture discipline by the government to create sustainable designs? The answer will leave to students and practitioners in the future.


Future Beautiful China


James Corner Field Operations(JCFO)事务所的注册景观设计师和城市设计师,拥有超过15年的经验,并且在JCFO美国区和中国区的大型城市项目中发挥了领导作用。周虹目前是JCFO不少中国项目的负责人,包括深圳前海桂湾公园和上海桃浦中央绿地。她曾以首席设计师和项目经理身份参与曼哈顿中城多功能开发项目,并多次领导团队在中国的大型设计竞赛中获奖,包括雄安新区靴区城市设计国际咨询。

ZHOU Hong is a registered landscape architect and urban designer at James Corner Field Operations (JCFO) with over 15 years of experience and has played a leading role in JCFO’s large-scale urban projects in the U.S. and China. She is currently the Principal-in-Charge for many China projects, including Qianhai Guiwan Water Finger Park in Shenzhen and Taopu Central Park in Shanghai. Hong was previously the lead designer and project manager for the Manhattan West development, a mixed-use development in Midtown. She has led several winning entries for major design competitions in China, including Xiong’an Boot Area Urban Design International Consultancy.

周虹作为多个中国项目的负责人,首先谈到了James Corner Field Operations(JCFO)事务所2010年至2019年在中国的业务。在这10年中,JCFO在6个城市参与了22个项目,其中9个是公园。在这次宾大城市中国第二次年度学会中,她分享了其中的3个项目。

As the Principal-in-Charge for multiple China projects, Zhou Hong first introduced the practice of James Corner Field Operations (JCFO) in China from 2010 to 2019, during which the office has participated in 22 projects across 6 cities. Among them, 9 projects are parks, and she shared three of them during the UCC panel.


The first project is Guiwan Finger Park, a 128-acre park located in Qianhai Water City, Shenzhen. The keyword Zhou gave this project is “marathon”, for its decade-long design process. In 2010, JCFO won the International Urban Design Competition for Qianhai area, Shenzhen, among 11 competitors, including OMA, BIG, and SWA. The construction was finally launched in 2019.

桂湾手指公园 Guiwan Finger Park


The project’s site is dense, compact, mixed-use and laid out around water. Since the beginning of the design, as Zhou mentioned, there has been many environmental issues involved, such as the tidal flood and water pollution. After several proposals for the flood issue, the team expanded existing rivers and channels and designed them as both innovative hydrological infrastructures and public parks. Many vertical designs were involved in this process. The development processed and remediated storm water while expanding the amount of development frontage onto public open spaces that structure and organize the larger urban context. Within each of the sub-districts, the fabric is designed in the common scale of a typical Shenzhen blocks and inter-connected with urban neighborhoods. In this hyper-dense design, the area will retain its ecological sensitivity while also becoming an iconic waterfront.

桂湾手指公园Guiwan Finger Park


The project also concerns different aspects, including the design of vegetation, sewage, telecom network and so forth. As Zhou mentioned, “The project is a machine”. She also talked about the integrated underground pipeline system, as well as the intelligent park management system, and how they function in multiple programs in the operation of the park.


The second project is Taopu Central Park, a 232-acre park in Shanghai. Zhou used “short and sweet” to describe it because it took less time – from 2014 till now. Unlike Guiwan Water Finger Park that developed from an ecological concept, Taopu Central Park draws its inspiration from traditional Chinese calligraphy and dance.


The site was a post-industrial area with contaminated soil. Through topographical survey, the design adjusted the topography by balancing cut and fill volumes. The inspiration for the pavement design comes from calligraphy strokes. The pavement combines various tones of gray to capture the momentum of the strokes and create a sense of flow.

桃浦中央绿地 Taopu Central Park


As for social activities, the design uses natural materials to create interactive areas so as to increase participation. For example, for children, there are bamboo huts to play hide and seek, a caterpillar tunnel where they can chase each other, a metal slide at the end of the tunnel that serves as a passage to the hill, leading children to explore. In the future, the southern area will be more engaged into urban life and introduce more public space.

滑动查看  桃浦中央绿地Taopu Central Park


The third project is International Friendship Park, a 665-acre park in Shenzhen. The team won the competition last year. This park is located at the cross point of Shennan Avenue and Shenzhen’s green corridor and is of similar size to New York’s Central Park. Based on the site condition, the design team summarized existing issues into four challenges: poor water management, fragmented nodes, incoherence and poor management of bio habitat.


Shenzhen International Friendship Park


As for the water management system, the existing channels are too narrow to develop wetland and hydrological infrastructures. Hence, the design starts with expanding the channels and introducing water facilities, to gradually develop green space and vegetation to transform the green corridor. The hierarchy of circulation is redesigned based on connectivity. Additionally, as for the bio habitat, the design divides the site into natural zones with limited circulation and civic zones with more programs.


Shenzhen International Friendship Park



Summary概括:ZHANG Wanlin 张万霖 + SUN Can 孙灿Translation翻译:ZHANG Yijing 张祎婧Proofread校对:SONG Yating 宋雅婷Edit编辑:PAN Ye 潘晔
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