
New Policy For Job-seeking Foreign Graduates In China!

2017-03-29 Cecilia HACOS瀚客

It had been almost impossible for foreign students to be employed right after graduation in China. Two years of work experience were mandatory in most cases. 

But China only recently dropped the work experience requirement for foreign postgraduates, opening a floodgate of opportunities, especially to foreign students pursuing higher education degrees in China. 

This new policy seems a “welcome change” for those foreign graduates who want to work in China.

According to a January circular issued by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Education, foreign students with a postgraduate degree or higher from Chinese or "well-known" foreign universities can be offered employment within a year after graduation

👇Application requirements as follow:

  • Healthy 

  • Have no criminal record

  • Obtain a B grade average (or 80 out of a 100-point scale)

  • Have a job offer related to the major of study

  • With an income no lower than the local average.

Successful applicants will be given a one-year work permit, which can be extended to no more than five at renewal.

Lowering the employment threshold for foreign students serves the strategy to reinvigorate China through human resources development. Foreign employees will help Chinese enterprises gain an advantage as they expand overseas, and it is logical for foreign graduates of Chinese universities to put to use what they learn in school. 

With its rapid development, China's market has more to offer foreign job-seekers. 

It was estimated that in the first decade of this century, the number of foreigners working in China grew three times to 220,000, according to the Ministry of Public Security, which oversees immigration affairs. 

Chinese job market is a big draw for foreign job-seekers due to competitive salaries and relatively low living costs. With the new policy, there will be a large increase in recent graduates seeking work in China. 


# If you want to gets some tips on getting a job or calculate your points in new points system to get work visa in China,

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HACOS,Business Services Solutions Master

